
Good morning, D read Luke 22 this morning.

It's supposed to be 41 at 5:00 raining, 6:00 29 snowing, then -1 at 1am.

SC, gave another TBL to another officer at the police department yesterday, he wanted to know if I had pictures of what I make, while I was showing him, he said wait, I want one of those! USAF emblem!!!! Don't care how much, my father-in-law is a retired USAF, told him $10,000, but I'll settle for a lot less!!! I knew I should have made two when I made yours, this time I am going to make three!!!!

I have never approached anyone about selling my stained-glass in any store until yesterday, I talked to a good friend who owns a small shop here in Central City, she asks me what I make, I told her stained-glass, that's all it took, she told me I wish you had talked to me earlier in the month, I would have sold everything you have. She now already has plans for me for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and next Christmas, said she's going to buy a small white Christmas tree and hang it full of my ornaments, no Uncle Ken!!!! She said you are about to go big time; I just told her I'm retired, don't want to go big time, she said wait till I talk to Mrs. M, she'll change your mind about that!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!! 55 don't overdo it!!! Buildup gradually!!

It's sad, I knew UK was playing last night, but never listened to any of it, don't like Cal and his ego!!!!
Very exciting Cord. You have a talent and it would be a service if you went commercial and the market is there. I was amazed at how well the USAF emblem turned out. My granddaughter was elated and surprised. I kept it from her that you were making it.

So please consider marketing them. I know it is time consuming but the product is first class quality and unique. Who else in the world has made a stained glass piece like I have in my avatar. I ain't seen it. Thanks again my friend, you touched a lot of people.
Very exciting Cord. You have a talent and it would be a service if you went commercial and the market is there. I was amazed at how well the USAF emblem turned out. My granddaughter was elated and surprised. I kept it from her that you were making it.

So please consider marketing them. I know it is time consuming but the product is first class quality and unique. Who else in the world has made a stained glass piece like I have in my avatar. I ain't seen it. Thanks again my friend, you touched a lot of people.
Thanks SC, I love working with my hands, I am also a certified carpenter, just never put it to good use. I have made a few lamps and just a couple windows, that's just not what I wanted to do, but the small stuff I really enjoy doing, like Uncle ken, Christmas ornaments, but my passion in this is MILITARY and First responders, especially TBL and TRL!!!! I have probably made over 40 of the TBL and a few TRL, I have given away way more than I have sold! Right now, my goal is to make one for each one of our officers in the Central City PD!!! By the way, love your new avatar!!!!!
Didn't know there was such a thing as a bomb cyclone:

There isn't, it is like everything else it seems. Entities make up new words to entice people to pay attention as if something happening is new. Ought to work in technology and see this happening and watch people flutter around in what seems to be an emergency mode.
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There isn't, it is like everything else it seems. Entities make up new words to entice people to pay attention as if something happening is new. Ought to work in technology and see this happening and watch people flutter around.
Actually it's a real weather event with a new name. Of course it's been dressed up for dramatic effect.

"The term "bomb cyclone" came from the meteorological term "bombogenesis," which refers to the central pressure of a low-pressure system dropping at least 24 millibars within 24 hours. You can even find it defined as this in the American Meteorological Society glossary."
Good morning D-League. Hope all is well.

Rather ordinary -- or less -- effort by the Cats last night. Hey, sports is not harshing my mood this time of the year. Just one quick observation -- Kentucky decides to roll out new Black uniforms for the first time. I hated them, but whatever. But nobody bothers to tell FAMU to wear their home whites for contrast. So it just looked like a giant bruise out on the court when the teams were mixed together.

Maybe Kentucky asked FAMU to wear white and some student trainer forgot to pack those uniforms. Who knows? But that's the kind of detail that it would seem a prestige program would get right.

Otherwise, dreary and rainy here, ahead of the Big Chill coming tomorrow. I see thousands of flights are already cancelled through Christmas. What a drag if you've planned some big homecoming.

My daughter has a flight to the Caribbean on the day after Christmas - her boyfriend is a producer with CBS and is going down to cover Dementia Joe's vacation on St. Croix. Hope she gets out of DC.

Physical therapist will be here in a few minutes, so I'll check in later.
Actually it's a real weather event with a new name. Of course it's been dressed up for dramatic effect.

"The term "bomb cyclone" came from the meteorological term "bombogenesis," which refers to the central pressure of a low-pressure system dropping at least 24 millibars within 24 hours. You can even find it defined as this in the American Meteorological Society glossary."

That was the point...It is a new name of some previously named event or item to drum up excitement or attention.
Didn't know there was such a thing as a bomb cyclone:

Winter Storm Elliott? I had no idea they were naming winter storms now. And we are already up to the letter E. The bomb cyclone term is a new one for me too.

Each day I realize the world has passed me by. The dictionary is changing words and the meaning of words and I am stuck in the dark ages.
Calipari has never been known as a "coach". X and O's. I understand he doesn't even scout an opponent. Or go over a detailed scouting report of his opponent with the team. That is foreign to me. I remember a man named Baldy Gilb who was the #1 scout for UK basketball. He would present a comprehensive scouting report on each opponent and the team would be ready when the game started. Our players knew everything about the opponent.

Calipari is a salesman and can slick talk a recruit into coming but very few actually improve once they arrive on campus. The very talented ones are gone ASAP and once they hit the NBA they show their basketball skills. But at UK they just tread water. Some regress.

I am not a lover of "grinder basketball". I hated it when Babe McCarthy ran it and Dean Smith. I never dreamed UK would have a coach who kept the UK score in the 50's and 60's against quality competition.

Kentucky was an innovator in the development of basketball. One of our early coaches put a strong emphasis on scoring. Isn't that why they have scoreboards? To put up points? So he taught rebounding and a fast break. Get the ball off of the glass, pass it, run down the court and burn your opponent. Or set up a set play, run it and score with it. Simple. You don't run time off of the clock because you have a 5 point lead with 10 minutes left. No you continue to run your offense and play tough defense. Simple. Kentucky basketball is not grinding the ball and dribbling down the clock every possession.

So it is easy to tune out basketball with Calipari coaching. It just isn't fun to watch and you never see a UK player get any better. I miss that most of all. A famous Hall of Fame basketball coach, Red Auerbach, of Boston Celtics fame, once said he would rather watch an Adolph Rupp, UK practice than watch a game. I understand what he meant.
Rupp was indeed an innovator. He was good friends with Auerbach, the NY coach (Holzman I think it was). They regularly exchanged ideas.
Winter Storm Elliott? I had no idea they were naming winter storms now. And we are already up to the letter E. The bomb cyclone term is a new one for me too.

Each day I realize the world has passed me by. The dictionary is changing words and the meaning of words and I am stuck in the dark ages.
Yeah I had to look this up. Evidently winter storm naming has been used sporadically since the mid 1700s. In the 2010s The Weather Channel started naming them like hurricanes which was controversial at first. No doubt a way to boost ratings.
Good morning D-League. Hope all is well.

Rather ordinary -- or less -- effort by the Cats last night. Hey, sports is not harshing my mood this time of the year. Just one quick observation -- Kentucky decides to roll out new Black uniforms for the first time. I hated them, but whatever. But nobody bothers to tell FAMU to wear their home whites for contrast. So it just looked like a giant bruise out on the court when the teams were mixed together.

Maybe Kentucky asked FAMU to wear white and some student trainer forgot to pack those uniforms. Who knows? But that's the kind of detail that it would seem a prestige program would get right.

Otherwise, dreary and rainy here, ahead of the Big Chill coming tomorrow. I see thousands of flights are already cancelled through Christmas. What a drag if you've planned some big homecoming.

My daughter has a flight to the Caribbean on the day after Christmas - her boyfriend is a producer with CBS and is going down to cover Dementia Joe's vacation on St. Croix. Hope she gets out of DC.

Physical therapist will be here in a few minutes, so I'll check in later.
I spent almost 6 months on St Croix in 1989 following Hurricane Hugo. We stayed at the Buccaneer, a first class resort on the water. When we got there it had no electricity or water. We had to fly supplies in from Puerto Rico.

My company racked up a hotel bill of $975,000.00. I was asked to sign off on it but refused. I knew what was going on and kept my name out of it. Several people went to jail. They were signing for things like golf fees, food, all the booze one could drink and certain "favors". Just sign your name and charge it to the company.

I kept my nose clean and did my job. 5 years in a Virgin Island jail was not something I wanted to experience.

Rupp was indeed an innovator. He was good friends with Auerbach, the NY coach (Holzman I think it was). They regularly exchanged ideas.
Red Auerback liked UK players. He knew they would know how to play the game of basketball the first day of practice. He knew they were well coached in college. He said that often. Yes they were good friends with mutual respect.
I spent almost 6 months on St Croix in 1989 following Hurricane Hugo. We stayed at the Buccaneer, a first class resort on the water. When we got there it had no electricity or water. We had to fly supplies in from Puerto Rico.

My company racked up a hotel bill of $975,000.00. I was asked to sign off on it but refused. I knew what was going on and kept my name out of it. Several people went to jail. They were signing for things like golf fees, food, all the booze one could drink and certain "favors". Just sign your name and charge it to the company.

I kept my nose clean and did my job. 5 years in a Virgin Island jail was not something I wanted to experience.

Wow. Interesting. Im not sure what your company was doing, but I certainly saw my share of contractor and FEMA abuses in places like New Orleans after Katrina -- and the granddaddy of them all, Baghdad, 2003 when the idea was still that a bunch of American companies were going to come in and turn the palce into a functioning capital city in a few months. The taxpayers of this country would weep to know a fraction of what goes on. I did some reporting on it, but news accounts never have the impact you hope.
Winter Storm Elliott? I had no idea they were naming winter storms now. And we are already up to the letter E. The bomb cyclone term is a new one for me too.

Each day I realize the world has passed me by. The dictionary is changing words and the meaning of words and I am stuck in the dark ages.


My I guess son-to-be daughter-in-law told my son I sound like Sam Elliot... I guess that was a compliment, the jury's still out on it. ;)

Sir, just laugh at them. Those types have nothing better to do than invent ways to remain "experts". All they really ever needed to do was just work and set themselves apart from others with good "Ole" honest work...

Speaking of which, I just had a contract lead kick me out of a meeting. It was a good thing to observe as he is going to ream into a couple and thought that part was beneath me to observe. (Makes me think better of him as I am new and still learning people that work for me and their capabilities.)
Oh Good Morning to ALL of you, (My manners are lacking at times.)

Been hard at it since just before 0600. (My work does not go away if I take off.) (Well, as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair!)

Nasty weather here to state the least BUT My Darling does have a doctor appointment this afternoon...

Have a great day. I look forward to being able to keep up a little better now that I am working from home today and tomorrow. Take care...
Wow. Interesting. Im not sure what your company was doing, but I certainly saw my share of contractor and FEMA abuses in places like New Orleans after Katrina -- and the granddaddy of them all, Baghdad, 2003 when the idea was still that a bunch of American companies were going to come in and turn the palce into a functioning capital city in a few months. The taxpayers of this country would weep to know a fraction of what goes on. I did some reporting on it, but news accounts never have the impact you hope.

The blatant thievery is what is most disturbing. I have a few stories to tell as well but will not in this environment. If ONLY the tax payer knew what they WOULDN'T have to pay.....
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Winter Storm Elliott? I had no idea they were naming winter storms now. And we are already up to the letter E. The bomb cyclone term is a new one for me too.

Each day I realize the world has passed me by. The dictionary is changing words and the meaning of words and I am stuck in the dark ages.
I don't think the world has passed us by, I just think it's us not willing to accept the stupidity being offered nowadays. Like Webster's Dictionary changing the definition of a woman to appease a few people.
I don't think the world has passed us by, I just think it's us not willing to accept the stupidity being offered nowadays. Like Webster's Dictionary changing the definition of a woman to appease a few people.

That kind of thinking I HOPE passes us by.... Just STUPID what is happening......

Someone PLEASE, PLEASE tell whatever this "Leadership" thinks they are, and what they are passing off as "LEADERSHIP" ...... that they ARE **********NAKED**********

"Out of the mouths of babes..."
Wow. Interesting. Im not sure what your company was doing, but I certainly saw my share of contractor and FEMA abuses in places like New Orleans after Katrina -- and the granddaddy of them all, Baghdad, 2003 when the idea was still that a bunch of American companies were going to come in and turn the palce into a functioning capital city in a few months. The taxpayers of this country would weep to know a fraction of what goes on. I did some reporting on it, but news accounts never have the impact you hope.
September 1989 Hugo hit and I was working for a very large commercial insurance company, CIGNA P&C with HO in Philadelphia. They insured almost every commercial and residential insurance policy on St Croix. Including a huge refinery HESS Oil. The amount of damage was catastrophic to put it mildly. 100% of every structure on the island had some damage. 75% had their roof damaged and 50% were total losses.

The only thing that kept the Company from going bankrupt was the Re-Insurance policies, mostly Swiss banks and some Lloyds of London.

To handle such an incident the company had to bring in International Claims Adjusters from all over the world. I was on the International and Domestic Catastrophe team so I got the call. Men and women came from Europe, South America, South Korea, Australia, the South Pacific. You name it. They all had a different work ethic and culture.

When I arrived a small spot had been cleared at the St Croix airport to land planes. As we landed you could see small planes in trees, on the beaches, in the water and debris everywhere. Not a single leaf remained on any tree and not a single bird was on the island. Food was flown in for us to eat, it reminded me of war time rations you would get during WWII. We had daily flights to San Juan to pick up supplies.

But what happened after all of this was eye opening to me. The agent who wrote the business had an office in San Juan, PR and St Thomas, VI. He had cut deals with contractors and was getting a "Biden Kickback" on all estimates and repair costs. It totaled in the millions and was hidden away in secret accounts. Everything under the table and hidden in the repair estimates prepared by his contractors.

The rooms at the Buccaneer were billed to CIGNA but the most outlandish was the "open bar". Alcohol, all you could drink was available for the asking. It was party time from early evening to early in the AM, every night. And these international guys could drink and they did. Especially the Europeans . One German and another man from Ireland must have set records.

I was the ranking employee on the Cat Team from the States and knew all of the Big Brass at HO. I got a call one day from the Director asking me about a $900,000 bill he had received. it later grew to $975,000 I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me to meet with the management of the hotel and find out what was going on. When I sat down the hotel manager wanted me to sign for it and I refused. There was no way I was putting my signature on anything with the Buccaneer.

After things settled down, an investigation started, criminal charges were made and several people went to prison. This was a private company and government employee protection did not apply. They went to jail.
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September 1989 Hugo hit and I was working for a very large commercial insurance company, CIGNA P&C with HO in Philadelphia. They insured almost every commercial and residential insurance policy on St Croix. Including a huge refinery HESS Oil. The amount of damage was catastrophic to put it mildly. 100% of every structure on the island had some damage. 75% had their roof damaged and 50% were total losses.

The only thing that kept the Company from going bankrupt was the Re-Insurance policies, mostly Swiss banks and some Lloyds of London.

To handle such an incident the company had to bring in International Claims Adjusters from all over the world. I was on the International and Domestic Catastrophe team so I got the call. Men and women came from Europe, South America, South Korea, Australia, the South Pacific. You name it. They all had a different work ethic and culture.

When I arrived a small spot had been cleared at the St Croix airport to land planes. As we landed you could see small planes in trees, on the beaches, in the water and debris everywhere. Not a single leaf remained on any tree and not a single bird was on the island. Food was flown in for us to eat, it reminded me of war time rations you would get during WWII. We had daily flights to San Juan to pick up supplies.

But what happened after all of this was eye opening to me. The agent who wrote the business had an office in San Juan, PR and St Thomas, VI. He had cut deals with contractors and was getting a "Biden Kickback" on all estimates and repair costs. It totaled in the millions and was hidden away in secret accounts. Everything under the table and hidden in the repair estimates prepared by his contractors.

The rooms at the Buccaneer were billed to CIGNA but the most outlandish was the "open bar". Alcohol, all you could drink was available for the asking. It was party time from early evening to early in the AM, every night. And these international guys could drink and they did. Especially the Europeans . One German and another man from Ireland must have set records.

I was the ranking employee on the Cat Team from the States and knew all of the Big Brass at HO. I got a call one day from the Director asking me about a $900,000 bill he had received. it later grew to $975,000 I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me to meet with the management of the hotel and find out what was going on. When I sat down the hotel manager wanted me to sign for it and I refused. There was no way I was putting my signature on anything with the Buccaneer.

After things settled down, an investigation started, criminal charges were made and several people went to prison. This was a private company and government employee protection did not apply. They went to jail.

Sir, how horrible... I go back to the simplicity I try to live. All a man has is his word. I'd hate to be an embarrassment to my family. What could easily kill me would be someone to come up to me while my family was their and either cuss me for something I had done wrong or in some way cheated them. (Lies wouldn't hurt me.) Not touting at all but that is what drives how I live. My trust is in the Lord. I live simply by just doing what I say I will do. Nothing less...

I sure wish this country could get back to the basics. That is the only way this country will survive.... I knew many with the same philosophy. Now, not so much.... too much is made complicated on purpose...

I stepped down off it... Hopefully I will be able to type later.. Leaving for My Darlings doctor appointment...
Didn't know there was such a thing as a bomb cyclone:

That low that formed the over gulf of Alaska came ashore through Californy causing the thunder snow sucked in some heavy cold stuff from canada . . . extend this to the Gulf of Mexico and it will . . . a continental scale storm event. Boom!

Happy Solstice

Could this explain raindeer on the roof or gifts (food) down the chimney during severe solstice winter weather?
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We are at 9 degrees and snowing heavily!!! Went from 45 at 5 to now!!!!
I am watching the Armed Forces Bowl being played in Ft Worth, TX and it may be the coldest bowl game on record. It is about 10° and the wind is brisk. It has made kicking difficult especially in that cold. There is no snow.

Our weather here is 65° and it will be in the 60's all night. It feels cold to me.