
If I ever make it to Philadelphia, I plan on having an authentic Philly cheese steak. I know most people usually pick between Geno's and Pat's, but who would you recommend?
Haha. That's a good question 41102. Geno's and Pat's are literally directly across from each other, and I've gone both places - often just depending on the lines. And whichever one I go to I think, "Yeah, this one was the best." Actually, there was a place along the beach in Dewey, Delaware that my wife and I agreed was better than both, but that's another story.

Bottom line, if you are in Philly, and want the experience, Id just go down to where both places are rocking on the weekend and trust your luck.
It also makes for very boring basketball. I fail to understand why he favors passing the ball around the perimeter and dribbling down the clock to set up shots with 10 or less seconds left on the shot clock. He is very poor in X's and O's and if you want to be a champion playing grinder basketball you better know how to call plays in the closing minutes of a tight game. It takes more than dominating talent.

Talking UK basketball with friends and relatives was once one of my favorite past times. I guess modern basketball has killed that for me and family. The game is less exciting now with free agency and one and done you really never can have the feeling of "family" we once enjoyed. Oscar is a welcomed exception. He feels like family.

There are no Bobby Knights or Adolph Rupps who could not only coach at the highest level but were innovators. They changed the game for the better. Love them or hate them they were brilliant coaches on the floor. Now I am talking for me and the people I talk to. I realize I am in the minority but this is a forum we can be honest so there is that.

"I'm wit ya" Sir...
Haha. That's a good question 41102. Geno's and Pat's are literally directly across from each other, and I've gone both places - often just depending on the lines. And whichever one I go to I think, "Yeah, this one was the best." Actually, there was a place along the beach in Dewey, Delaware that my wife and I agreed was better than both, but that's another story.

Bottom line, if you are in Philly, and want the experience, Id just go down to where both places are rocking on the weekend and trust your luck.

We made a trip there a couple years ago and I do remember the places were right across or very near each other. We ate at both on successive days. Years ago I could eat grease and more grease. I came away realizing I would not eat there much if I lived in that area. (Tasted great, don't get me wrong.)
I took My Darling to lunch after we took the BB to school, went to the commissary, I met with a couple co-workers at a bank in Alexandria as they needed me as an extra signature guy. My Darling and I ate at the 24 hour Korean restaurant in Annandale, VA. They make good food. Now back home with a cup of coffee and me sitting at my computer. I have to join a meeting now but I am just an observer. Work, work, work...
General this and General that...the place all cluttered up with Generals...

(Ha, I never made that statement in front of Generals and would not even though I am muted.) (I did however several years ago had about ten Lieutenant Colonels in a room and I stated not overly loudly but to a couple LTC's I knew personally. (In my best country voice) "Dang the place all cluttered up with Light Chickens." I got some chuckles.)
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Attention Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris fans (I'm looking at you, Sawnee.)

I came across this story about a new "find" -- a pristine recording of GP-EH and his last band in 1973, not long before his death.

Apparently, a group that includes his daughter is trying to raise enough money to produce this and put it out next year. I hope they succeed. I'd pay a few bucks to give this a listen.

Attention Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris fans (I'm looking at you, Sawnee.)

I came across this story about a new "find" -- a pristine recording of GP-EH and his last band in 1973, not long before his death.

Apparently, a group that includes his daughter is trying to raise enough money to produce this and put it out next year. I hope they succeed. I'd pay a few bucks to give this a listen.

Dang, I'd have never thought it would take that kind of dough in this digital world at this time. That sounds like something other than production costs... (To me...)

I am working on publishing something in the next couple years but that amount of dough made me think but, I am sure I am correct.
Attention Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris fans (I'm looking at you, Sawnee.)

I came across this story about a new "find" -- a pristine recording of GP-EH and his last band in 1973, not long before his death.

Apparently, a group that includes his daughter is trying to raise enough money to produce this and put it out next year. I hope they succeed. I'd pay a few bucks to give this a listen.

This is exciting. Tremendous news and thank you for your for sharing. She should not have a problem getting someone to help finance this endeavor. One would think some of the super stars in country music would help and maybe even Southern Rock (country)

I sure will buy up everythiing I can find of Gram Parsons and Emmylou. I bet Emmylou will get behind this 100%. Do it.

Over the years there have been so many early deaths and tragic ends to gifted entertiners and Gram Parsons was one. Just too many to count. Thanks for posting MdWildcat65
Good afternoon everyone.

It was a very uneventful day in the tree stands for my wife and I today. Saw a few deer and 1 small buck each. We won't be able to hunt as much the rest of the season so we'll switch gears a bit. We always want to 1. Enjoy just being out there 2. Get some meat in the freezer. 3. Maybe get a good one. It's time to switch from 1 and 3 and concentrate on #2.

Game Day!!
Well I am fnished with my 15 minute break and headed back out to plant a few more poinsettias. The are looking good.

My wife has a pot of collards on seasoned with some ham hocks. Gonna eat good tonight.


We just had a fine dinner, not nearly what you are looking at for supper but my supper will consist of some mixed nuts and selected crackers with water or possibly a Yuengling or two. Just listening and doing personal items the rest of the day. Enjoy that tremendous supper as I know you will!!! 😍
I had this for supper yesterday.


Looks like some eggs with green onions and yellow onions but there are what I call baby shrimp (Several tablespoons full) that sat this meal off with a little rice on the side...(Kind of like the below but not that brand, they were fresh (as fresh as you can get around here.))


We just had a fine dinner, not nearly what you are looking at for supper but my supper will consist of some mixed nuts and selected crackers with water or possibly a Yuengling or two. Just listening and doing personal items the rest of the day. Enjoy that tremendous supper as I know you will!!! 😍
Thank you, and you can not eat collards without cornbread. So a big pan of piping hot cornbread will be served. I make sure there is a lot of pot likker to sop up that cornbread. Of course, that is what we do.

And as a bonus black eyes with snaps. Good eating

Bought a turkey today at the commissary. (A little over 8 pounds. Saw plenty over 25 pounds.) a small ham as well. (We are having our Thanksgiving family supper Saturday due to our daughters work schedules.

I am getting fat from this new job as I am not going up and down stairs all day at home for my exercise. I am changing that in certain ways.........I hope.
I so badly want to see the Cats step on and break necks when they play. No mercy for the loser. PERIOD... The mindset is disheartening.

They stomped a mudhole in the team today and that was good. They could have done that to MSU.... Need to let this teams claws out. I think a few of these players have fangs....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 50°F. Today's low coming in around 42°F while high may reach 55°F. Cold front moving in. Rain chances increasing tomorrow through Tuesday.

Loved that good old-fashioned beat-down last night. I feel Cats got a good shot against the Zags.

Fed our pup. Can't forget her fresh water.

Rental car, a Nissan Ultima, displays 58,697 miles on odometer. Plan on leaving by 2 am. Stopping in Temple for gas and then again Royse City before the long crossing through Arkansas. I'll post updates throughout the day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I took My Darling to lunch after we took the BB to school, went to the commissary, I met with a couple co-workers at a bank in Alexandria as they needed me as an extra signature guy. My Darling and I ate at the 24 hour Korean restaurant in Annandale, VA. They make good food. Now back home with a cup of coffee and me sitting at my computer. I have to join a meeting now but I am just an observer. Work, work, work...
Good afternoon everyone.

It was a very uneventful day in the tree stands for my wife and I today. Saw a few deer and 1 small buck each. We won't be able to hunt as much the rest of the season so we'll switch gears a bit. We always want to 1. Enjoy just being out there 2. Get some meat in the freezer. 3. Maybe get a good one. It's time to switch from 1 and 3 and concentrate on #2.

Game Day!!
Feel the same about fishing. Disappointing if I don't get a bite, but always love being out there. Anticipation, Anticipaaaation is making me wait.
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Good morning D-League! Praying for safe travels again this morning! Cold here. Have some landscaping to do since I couldn't find any contractors to show up for that service all summer. At least it's cold!

Cats won big and all is well in the message board world for a couple days. Disappointed I missed the meteor shower, because it was a clear bright night last night. Thank you for the message about it!

It's cold here. "Like really... so cold" for those younger folks

Have a great day and week coming up, everyone! May God continue to bless the D-League!

Morning Legionnaires!

34° this morning with winds steady 20-25mph. Today's high to be 35°. Big jump. Colder but only for one day. Next few days back up into the 50's and 60's.

While walking the monster yesterday I ran into a man decorating his house and front yard for Christmas. Found out he was another retired Army and Civil Service. He said he bought a food truck (Philippino cuisine) after retiring from the CS early (wanted to be self-employed) and now makes more with the truck than he did with CS. $7-10 thousand a month depending on time of year. Yep, that would definitely be more.

We talked sports a bit and he is from Wisconsison (Green Bay and Badgers fan). Disenchanted with Aaron Rodgers now as the Super Bowl win of years ago have given way to all of the disappointments since. I told him to imagine how I feel being a Bengals fan. He laughed and said: "Yeah, that would be worse.

Well, enough of that, it's Friday and it is garbage collection day so before my workout I need to gather all that is to go out while my wife prepares for work.

You guy's be careful out there today (that means you Austin) and God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

Babysitting our great, great niece today so no hunting. It was a good game last night. It would be hard to find something negative to say, but I bet I don't have to look long to find just that on RR.

Be careful @AustinTXCat .

@warrior-cat I can enjoy hunting out in the woods and not doing any good more than on the water and not catching anything. I have been putting too much pressure on myself the last several years trying to make sure Dad enjoys his time on the water.
Good morning everyone.

Babysitting our great, great niece today so no hunting. It was a good game last night. It would be hard to find something negative to say, but I bet I don't have to look long to find just that on RR.

Be careful @AustinTXCat .

@warrior-cat I can enjoy hunting out in the woods and not doing any good more than on the water and not catching anything. I have been putting too much pressure on myself the last several years trying to make sure Dad enjoys his time on the water.
Colder days really cut fishing down to a slow crawl for me. However. hunting would still be open if I did it anymore. Too much of a hassle around here for me. Don't know enough people who own wooded land to go there, and Ft. Sill has too many restrictions so... I usually try to catch a day or so of fishing if we get unusual days of warming during the winter. If not, I bide my time watching fishing videos on You Tube (a lot) getting pointers and just feeding the addiction.
Good morning all,

Up earlier than I wanted to be but that's okay and normal lately....

Bought some bacon, have some biscuits, going to make somes bacon, eggs, biscuits, and coffee.

My Darling is about ready to leave for a day with her friends. I am thankful, she has a good time.

Me, I plan on de-cluttering..... Oh am I going to de-clutter.

Be safe and enjoy Austin, I like a good road trip as well but dang you take a long one.... ;)

Give Mr. Bert a serious hug as I sure would like to, heck, I'd hug you all.
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Good Friday Morning D

Woke up to chilly weather 43° and it was 45° in town. We have that Gulf breeze that cuts through you when the temperature gets below 50°. We will see 64° as the high with a stiff 7mph wind off of the Gulf.

I am headed out to work out this morning. About 2 hours of cardiac only. I leave the weights alone because of my left shoulder rotor cuff injury. Then back home and a little more yard work.

I put on a very nice, very thick, butcher cut beef short ribs and we will have these with some imported Italian noodles this evening. That is a good meal when the chill is in the air. Eating fancy in Dixieland.

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Good morning D, read 8 this morning. Cold here in the Berg, spitting snow!!

Well another celestial bust! Got up at 4 looked out the window to see if it was clear outside so I could watch the meteor shower, nope cloudy, it was cloudy for the eclipse too, well I will just wait till next month to catch the next meteor shower!

Fried up some bacon for Mrs. M this morning, fixing biscuits, may have to get into the sorghum this morning, put some butter down, then mix it up really good, smear it on the biscuit, really good!!!

Hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!

I haven't seen some of the regulars posting on here, hope they are ok!!!
Good morning D, read 8 this morning. Cold here in the Berg, spitting snow!!

Well another celestial bust! Got up at 4 looked out the window to see if it was clear outside so I could watch the meteor shower, nope cloudy, it was cloudy for the eclipse too, well I will just wait till next month to catch the next meteor shower!

Fried up some bacon for Mrs. M this morning, fixing biscuits, may have to get into the sorghum this morning, put some butter down, then mix it up really good, smear it on the biscuit, really good!!!

Hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!

I haven't seen some of the regulars posting on here, hope they are ok!!!

No meteor shower but I took a shower last night. Eggs, bacon, biscuits, and coffee as I type. I am thankful Sir.