
Good morning folks.

Not going to dwell on the game —a lot has been said already.

Going forward my concern would be how poorly CJ and Reeves played. Some would say Cal does nothing to get them good shots or favorable matchups. But neither looked like he belonged on this level last night.

Life goes on, in my case a tough work day. Hope all is well with you all.

Morning Legionnaires!

29° this morning with light and variable winds. High today expected in the low 50's with lots of sunshine.

Razzle Frazzle Muzzle Puzzle Frick and Frack! With last night's posts and this one I am ready to go on to the next game. This one is done.

Ahhhh, good to get that out of my system.

Workout coming in about an hour then out and about to pick up a few needed items. Eye doctor talked me into a pair of $200.00 plus pair of sunglasses (Oakley) last time I was there (with wife's prodding) that are ready for pickup. Probably won't wear them either. They once prescribed me reading glasses that cost us over $100.00 with a nice little case but, I never use them. I had already bought the $5.00 specials from Family Dollar, and they work perfectly. Don't really know where the ($100.00 pair) are.

If you are going out today, stay safe. If you are relaxing stay calm, if you are a believer in God (or not) stay Blessed.
I'm not one to go to doctors any more than I have to. Because I ignored a small issue with my right eye, I now have a large blind spot in the eye. The pressure in the eye got to high and killed a bunch of nerves. Had I went early enough, meds would have lowered the pressure and saved some of my sight.
Cal has almost always taken great shooters, gotten in their heads and made them hesitant, and they don't recover until they get to the pros (IF they get to the pros). The few that have resisted were in his first class, the 2012 championship class, and KAT. I can't remember another but maybe you can (Harrisons...).

I'm disappointed that he hasn't changed much or that it's not showing if he has, but I'm not invested in UK basketball like I once was. I don't really even watch the games. Follow along online every once in a while, and listen to the radio call for part of some of them. I don't know if I ever will return to it.

I also can't help but think of what a friend sent me. One of his friends (self-proclaimed big UK fan) posted a nasty comment about the football team and coach Stoops after they lost to Vandy about "karma" because Stoops stood up for the football program. He thought it was hilarious and deserved that the football team has struggled, and he relished it.

Very disappointed with everything to do with our basketball program right now. Wish we had offered and gotten Billy Donovan from UF all those years ago. I think we'd have st least 4 banners instead of one. And I'd still care about basketball in spite of some of the fans.
I think Ugonna be surprised with Ugonna before everything is said and done and hopefully that will be said before we get too far into the season. He has potential. Oscar needs some serious help down low.
He played all of 1-minute last night. Collins on the other hand played 19 with 1 rebound and 2 points (free throws). I can't figure that one out.
Bad game last night. We have been over sold on this team. Cal needs to adjust something. Reeves, CJ and Wallace sure did not preform well. Our offense seems to have no rhyme or reason.

Partly cloudy and 39.6°F on our way to 43° today.

Ritchie leaves today and Friday Austin drops by. Friday night my daughter and son in law show up for the weekend. I see a steak in my future come Saturday afternoon.

You all have a good day.
Good afternoon everyone.

I'm trying very hard not to get aggravated anymore over ball games. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting better.

Deer hunted again this morning. The most exciting thing was seeing a bear and her 2 cubs. I've seen bear out of this stand 3 of the 5 times I've hunted it this fall.
I read a story on Bob Gibson. He was talking about his will to win. He HAD to win. He said he couldn't even let his small children win in child type games. Now I was not the athlete Bob was, but I did/do hate to lose. That's why I almost never post on the basketball board. If I tried to maintain the interest I used to have, I'd be in a "foul" mood all the time.
I read a story on Bob Gibson. He was talking about his will to win. He HAD to win. He said he couldn't even let his small children win in child type games. Now I was not the athlete Bob was, but I did/do hate to lose. That's why I almost never post on the basketball board. If I tried to maintain the interest I used to have, I'd be in a "foul" mood all the time.
Agree with all of this. None of my family will play the board game Clue with me anymore. lol I can't stand someone to be goofing off playing a competitive game like baseball or basketball. If I'm playing I'm serious.
I read a story on Bob Gibson. He was talking about his will to win. He HAD to win. He said he couldn't even let his small children win in child type games. Now I was not the athlete Bob was, but I did/do hate to lose. That's why I almost never post on the basketball board. If I tried to maintain the interest I used to have, I'd be in a "foul" mood all the time.
You are wise to stay away from that place Bernie. Here's just one reason: The Cats have had a decent off-season, keeping Oscar, having a nice run of exhibitions in the Bahamas, attracting terrific recruits and so on.

Then they lose a game they should have won in Double OT. And today there must be 50-60 people over on Rafters I haven't seen post since the days right after the St. Peter's debacle. Hell, you can check their posting histories and they haven't been around since April.

Clearly these aren't Kentucky fans -- you can't ONLY care after something bad happens. They are fake Louisville and North Carolina and Indiana fans.

But not only do the moderators allow it, but there is a fair sized contingent of Kentucky fans who fall for it, getting sucked under by the trolls and their own anger and disappointment.

That's not to say I'm not pissed and disappointed at the loss. But perspective matters and not letting yourself be duped is pretty important for a mature adult.

BTW - I was sort of like Bob. I had a hard time just giving my kids a W. But I think that was good. I remember the first time my older daughter beat me in chess, more or less fair and square (I let myself slack a little) and the first time my son beat me one-on-one in hoops. Both got a hell of a lot more out of it than if I let them win all along.
I read a story on Bob Gibson. He was talking about his will to win. He HAD to win. He said he couldn't even let his small children win in child type games. Now I was not the athlete Bob was, but I did/do hate to lose. That's why I almost never post on the basketball board. If I tried to maintain the interest I used to have, I'd be in a "foul" mood all the time.

I don't have to win Sir but I do have to know I could win if I needed to. The criticality in the situation dictates if I give it my all. (Usually if I attempt something and need to be first, I can be first. I extend myself as well but I don't have to win.)(Now, when I was playing baseball scratch that. I was the dirtiest player in the game to coin a Ric Flair phrase. I knew all the tricks.) ;) That is what irks me to no end when seeing UK play. When I saw that game hit the first OT I KNEW UK was not going to pull out the win. They did not know how. Cal hasn't instilled that into any of his teams. Not one team did he have that had a killer instinct. Even the 2012 team coasted on their collective abilities. No one could out play that team.

A couple guys on this team I have seen so far do have the instincts. Just pitiful that they lost that game. It did not have to be... Many to most of Cal's losses are on him. Stopping now...
I got to thinking about Bob Gibson after my post. Bob used to say as a hitter, you could have one side of the plate, either side you want, but you couldn't have both. One side was his.
If you were out running the bases, sometimes you had to learn the hard way that the pitchers mound also belonged to Bob. You did not come near his pitchers mound on the way back to the dugout.
A Willie Mays-Bob Gibson story. Willie was a talkative friendly guy. Bob was super serious. One day as Bob was taking BP before the game. Willie wanted to talk. Bob said Leave me alone.Willie did not. The first pitch to Willie in the game was a fast ball that broke a rib.
In his last year as his talent was declining, a rinky dink player whose name I forget, hit a home run off him. Bob retired and didn't face him again till several years later in an old timers game. You guessed it. Bob owed him one. He hit him with a fastball.
I read a story on Bob Gibson. He was talking about his will to win. He HAD to win. He said he couldn't even let his small children win in child type games. Now I was not the athlete Bob was, but I did/do hate to lose. That's why I almost never post on the basketball board. If I tried to maintain the interest I used to have, I'd be in a "foul" mood all the time.
I haven't posted on RR in over a year and probably never will again. I've been roasted too many times. It's only 1 game in mid-November and they make it sound like the Cats are finished. Yeah, I still read some of the threads but only to get news.
I haven't posted on RR in over a year and probably never will again. I've been roasted too many times. It's only 1 game in mid-November and they make it sound like the Cats are finished. Yeah, I still read some of the threads but only to get news.

Not that it means anything but if I see it, I got your back. (I post very little myself. More recently but it had been at least a year for me as well.)
HA, I have to tell one on myself. (The memory came back to me.) (The extent I'd go against the competition in baseball.) (Keep in mind where I grew up. It was as cut-throat as heck.)

I was playing high school ball against a rival school. (I had friends I played against to also include just people I knew and not necessarily friends.). Back then vicks was a normal thing to have. It was early in the season and cold but a guy I was playing against was trash talking us and I had some vick's in my pocket (Kept the sinuses open.)

I ran over to him with vicks on my finger as he was on deck or close to being on deck and drug my finger across his cheeks from cheek to check and across his nose.

He never realized what I had done until he got in the batters box and his eyes started watering. 😅 Our pitcher at the time threw in the low 80's so hitting him with watering eyes was nearly impossible. (I know that guy'd cuss me today if he was to see me but he did laugh about it.)(He told me I was stupid enough to do something like that...) 😅

Edit: I know it sounds like BS but it happened. (I tell people I "ain't" got the sense God gave a goose...(again))
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I haven't posted on RR in over a year and probably never will again. I've been roasted too many times. It's only 1 game in mid-November and they make it sound like the Cats are finished. Yeah, I still read some of the threads but only to get news.
The arguing and fighting doesn't really bother me. Its what it would do to me emotionally to go through the losing games we should win. I handle it better by keeping my distance from basketball.
I'm learning to stay in my lane as well. Even though I've read RR for years I still fell for the arguing once or twice right after I started posting. I'm getting better at staying away now.

I had my run-ins when I started posting not even thinking that people were like that strictly because they were behind a computer screen. Never dawned on me about not being who you really are. Once I learned, I learned who to ignore.
What kind of workouts are you doing? I pretty much quit about 8 years ago but need to get back at it. I was lifting heavy (for a lil ol man) and decided at 50 to just stay in shape and lift light. That didn't last long...wasn't motivated.
I use the total gym for strength training because it stretches me out good and I can use various different levels. Also incorporate pushups and dips in with it. I have weights but have not used them for years. I do that 3 days a week for upper body strength, then 3 other days also use the total gym for a couple of leg exercises, but the rest is a martial arts workout that really strengthens my legs and keeps them stretched out. I rest one day a week. Pictured below is my shop with exercise equipment.



I use the total gym for strength training because it stretches me out good and I can use various different levels. Also incorporate pushups and dips in with it. I have weights but have not used them for years. I do that 3 days a week for upper body strength, then 3 other days also use the total gym for a couple of leg exercises, but the rest is a martial arts workout that really strengthens my legs and keeps them stretched out. I rest one day a week. Pictured below is my shop with exercise equipment.




Yeah, and you put a 4 foot tail on yourself and tie a string to your chest and give it a good yank and you could fly like a kite with those lats! @storm1507
Good morning from ATX. Currently 43°F with a light wind and partly cloudy. Today's high expected at around 60°F.

Pick up rental car today at 4 pm. Will try departing NLT 2 am tomorrow morning.

Game tonight, y'all. Oscar Combs says Cats favored by 38.

Working from home today because of early car-rental pick-up.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

28° this morning with light winds. Today's high in the upper 50's and plenty of sunshine.

3 games in the next four days. I like the frequency but not what the outcome might be. Tonight, should be a win. Saturday...ehh. Sunday will be winnable, but the possibility is not in our favor. A tougher short stretch to be sure.

Not much going on today so I will have to come up with something. Maybe a Bond marathon. Been wanting to watch them lately.

For those hurting may God send relief, for those working may God send rest, for those traveling (Austin, Mdwildcat ) be careful and safe travels. In all ways may God Bless.

Oh, and yeah: IT'S GAME DAY!
I'm learning to stay in my lane as well. Even though I've read RR for years I still fell for the arguing once or twice right after I started posting. I'm getting better at staying away now.
I even got a two day ban on House of Blue.

As has been said above I go over there sometimes for information and that is it. Life is too short to stay pissed off all the time.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 43°F with a light wind and partly cloudy. Today's high expected at around 60°F.

Pick up rental car today at 4 pm. Will try departing NLT 2 am tomorrow morning.

Game tonight, y'all. Oscar Combs says Cats favored by 38.

Working from home today because of early car-rental pick-up.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Have a safe trip Austin. See you Friday afternoon.
Good morning D-League!

I hope yall have safe travels this coming week, and pray that all of your family and friends do likewise. May God bless your family gatherings and your interactions with strangers so that all might be more thankful for what HE has provided.

Big game tonight and this weekend! (Because they are all big games) Hope we come out on the winning end in all of our contests. GO CATS!
There are some downright mean people over there.

I have to say, I can be one of the mean people. That's why I've been posting less and less. Didn't bother to go over there after the loss. I've shown my wife the comments by "fans" on both football and basketball here and she was shocked at the extremes.

I do better in my day to day life when I don't bother arguing with people, much less negative people that just want to feel like they are right no matter what garbage comes out of their mouth.

In all the years we've been or were on message boards, not more than one or two people have been reasoned with to the point that they modify their negative thinking because of a post on a message board. Face to face is tough enough to change a heart or mind, but at least it happens in the real world. That's why social media was created, though, so people would feel connected when they aren't, and like they're talking face to face when they are really doing something completely different.
Good morning folks. Day already off to a challenging start -sat in some vile, sticky mystery substance on the subway —which I call the Rolling Homeless Shelter once the temperatures hit the 30s. Bums stagger on with their shopping carts full of worldly possessions and pass out for the day.

Tough day at work ahead which will probably stretch into the evening, then off for Kentucky first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.
Good Morning D

Woke up to 44° which in my world is frigid. I am headed to Lex over Thanksgiving so it should prepare me somewhat for the trip. The sun is up and temps will climb to 63° with 0% chance of rain.

If it warms up I am headed outside to plant 5 poinsettias for the Holidays. It is kind of a tradition around here. They grow very large and make a nice winter flowering plant.

I trust all have a nice day

Good morning D-League. It's currently 31° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will see the skies becoming partly cloudy and a high of 40°.

Have a great day.

Nice shot of Philly, 41102. My wife and I always try to make a weekend there in the fall but one thing and other kept it from happening this year. Maybe late spring. I find it a really underrated city between the history, museums and food.
I read an article several years ago where Cal describes himself as a grinder because of the way he grew up. That philosophy has cost him a number of games late when he's had the most talent.
It also makes for very boring basketball. I fail to understand why he favors passing the ball around the perimeter and dribbling down the clock to set up shots with 10 or less seconds left on the shot clock. He is very poor in X's and O's and if you want to be a champion playing grinder basketball you better know how to call plays in the closing minutes of a tight game. It takes more than dominating talent.

Talking UK basketball with friends and relatives was once one of my favorite past times. I guess modern basketball has killed that for me and family. The game is less exciting now with free agency and one and done you really never can have the feeling of "family" we once enjoyed. Oscar is a welcomed exception. He feels like family.

There are no Bobby Knights or Adolph Rupps who could not only coach at the highest level but were innovators. They changed the game for the better. Love them or hate them they were brilliant coaches on the floor. Now I am talking for me and the people I talk to. I realize I am in the minority but this is a forum we can be honest so there is that.
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Good morning D, read 2Cor. 7 this morning.

All the D, that are getting ready to travel, stay safe my friends!!!

Good luck hunting Storm, what part of the state you in? I'm in Muhlenberg Co., we' ve seen 3-4 bears here in our county, they it's young ones just passing through.

I love reading your military experiences, thanks again for your service!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!
Nice shot of Philly, 41102. My wife and I always try to make a weekend there in the fall but one thing and other kept it from happening this year. Maybe late spring. I find it a really underrated city between the history, museums and food.
If I ever make it to Philadelphia, I plan on having an authentic Philly cheese steak. I know most people usually pick between Geno's and Pat's, but who would you recommend?