
I remember a story about Bobby Knight bringing Ralph Beard in to talk with one of his Indiana basketball teams of the 1980s. He introduced Ralph Beard to his team as "The Michael Jordan of his time."

That story is in this appreciation of Beard by SI when he died.
Thanks for linking this great article. Ralph Beard every bit as good as Rupp said he was and how could you be better than to be called "The Greatest Player I Ever Coached" by Adolph Rupp.

I love this quote by Uncle Adolph. Lord knows he was the man and would never sugar coat anything. You want to leave, there is the door.

Initially, he didn't know how to handle Rupp's sarcasm. He became so upset, in fact, that at some point in his freshman year, he went to Rupp and told him he was thinking about transferring to Louisville.

"Well, by Gawd, if you want to play at the Normal school, that's fine with me," Rupp said. "But I can tell you this -- the university will not cancel its basketball schedule because you are gone."

Yes before they were Little Brother they were The Normal School. :)
I just watched a highlight film of the 48 championship game and I think Groza and Beard could easily star today.
I appreciate all the old basketball, war, history posts here. My wife and I are "old souls" and most of our friends have always been a generation older than us. 58, am I the youngest that is in this thread right now?

Keep those stories coming.
You joined the right place when you came to the D League for stories. We are seasoned fans who go back 50 or 60 years. My father and grandfather became UK fans in the early years of UK. Grandpa in the early 1900's and dad in the 1920's. I was born into that heritage.

The players we idolized and rooted for can be found in the record books but most young fans today have no idea who they were or even care. I can understand that as it is a generational thing.

I was listening to Matt Jones one day and he was absolutely clueless of UK basketball before Rick Pitino. When he showed his UK basketball ignorance, I turned him off forever.
Initially, he didn't know how to handle Rupp's sarcasm. He became so upset, in fact, that at some point in his freshman year, he went to Rupp and told him he was thinking about transferring to Louisville.

"Well, by Gawd, if you want to play at the Normal school, that's fine with me," Rupp said. "But I can tell you this -- the university will not cancel its basketball schedule because you are gone."

Yes before they were Little Brother they were The Normal School. :)
Great story Sawnee.

The idea of Beard transferring out of Kentucky caused a dip in my stomach like heading over the big hump of the Roller Coaster: Imagine the history of Kentucky basketball if Ralph Beard hadn't been there to lead the Cats to the first two titles: Does Rupp ever reach the pinnacle of the profession? Does Kentucky become the GOAT among all the Elite Programs in college basketball, or are the Cats scuffling around to this day making a case to be in the conversation of "First Tier Programs" like Indiana or Kansas
Great story Sawnee.

The idea of Beard transferring out of Kentucky caused a dip in my stomach like heading over the big hump of the Roller Coaster: Imagine the history of Kentucky basketball if Ralph Beard hadn't been there to lead the Cats to the first two titles: Does Rupp ever reach the pinnacle of the profession? Does Kentucky become the GOAT among all the Elite Programs in college basketball, or are the Cats scuffling around to this day making a case to be in the conversation of "First Tier Programs" like Indiana or Kansas
He was that good. He should have a statute if we are erecting statutes
Good morning D-League. It's currently 34° and rainy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more rain and a high of 43°.

Have a great day.

Which side is Canada?
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You joined the right place when you came to the D League for stories. We are seasoned fans who go back 50 or 60 years. My father and grandfather became UK fans in the early years of UK. Grandpa in the early 1900's and dad in the 1920's. I was born into that heritage.

The players we idolized and rooted for can be found in the record books but most young fans today have no idea who they were or even care. I can understand that as it is a generational thing.

I was listening to Matt Jones one day and he was absolutely clueless of UK basketball before Rick Pitino. When he showed his UK basketball ignorance, I turned him off forever.
I go back almost 50 years, but at that time I was more about the Reds, Celtics, and Steelers. UK didn't have cards for their players. Dang, I sure wish I kept all of mine. I can remember trading something for someone's old baseball cards and had a ton from the 60's and a few from the 50's.
Edit; Just realized one of my buddies probably got their rear beat for trading off their Dad's cards.
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If you guys already know this, forgive me for posting it. The coach before Rupp was the most successful UK coach to that point. John Mauer coached a methodical slow brand of ball he called submarine ball. When UK refused him a raise, he went to Tenn. Rupp was a high school coach in Illinois. To get the Illinois job he had to also coach wrestling. He had never been involved with wrestling, but he bought a book and won a state championship. He also coached black players there.

He got the UK job by promoting the use of a new-fangled thing called a fast break. He told the hiring committee he was the best dam coach in the country. He had talked with some of the players about the new style and they approved.

Later Rupp became good friends with Red Auerbach and Red Holzman (two of the best early pro coaches) and discussed basketball strategy frequently with both. Getting his players in front of pro eyes is the reason he was one of the first to start playing a national schedule when others were playing regionally.

Most of this from The Rupp Years by Tev Laudeman.
If you guys already know this, forgive me for posting it. The coach before Rupp was the most successful UK coach to that point. John Mauer coached a methodical slow brand of ball he called submarine ball. When UK refused him a raise, he went to Tenn. Rupp was a high school coach in Illinois. To get the Illinois job he had to also coach wrestling. He had never been involved with wrestling, but he bought a book and won a state championship. He also coached black players there.

He got the UK job by promoting the use of a new-fangled thing called a fast break. He told the hiring committee he was the best dam coach in the country. He had talked with some of the players about the new style and they approved.

Later Rupp became good friends with Red Auerbach and Red Holzman (two of the best early pro coaches) and discussed basketball strategy frequently with both. Getting his players in front of pro eyes is the reason he was one of the first to start playing a national schedule when others were playing regionally.

Most of this from The Rupp Years by Tev Laudeman.
I knew the granddaughter of John Mauer. She married one of my best friends and I was at their wedding. She told me many stories of Coach Mauer at Kentucky. Fond memories.

I never told her I thank God UK hired Adolph Rupp when he left for Tennessee. But she knew. :)

She was a wonderful wife and mother and moved from Clearwater to Tallahassee when her husband Tom, took a job up there. She was a saint of a woman and darn good looking. Died of cancer much too young.
Great story Sawnee.

The idea of Beard transferring out of Kentucky caused a dip in my stomach like heading over the big hump of the Roller Coaster: Imagine the history of Kentucky basketball if Ralph Beard hadn't been there to lead the Cats to the first two titles: Does Rupp ever reach the pinnacle of the profession? Does Kentucky become the GOAT among all the Elite Programs in college basketball, or are the Cats scuffling around to this day making a case to be in the conversation of "First Tier Programs" like Indiana or Kansas
Jmo, it may have altered things some, but Rupp had the idea of speeding things to put talented players in spots to use their skills. He was making road trips to areas where pro ball was big, so pro scouts would see his players and this would help with recruiting. One All American whose name I forget, wrote Rupp a letter asking to play after seeing them on a roadtrip. Losing Beard would certainly have hurt, but Rupp had it figured out before anyone else.
Unreal how they can get so many open 3's while we struggle to get good looks from the arc.

The schematic in my literal non-basketball mind. The offensive schematic is wrong. At least it does not look at all fluid.. May need an oil change for lack of a better analogy... (Yeah, and no, I am not drinking..darn.)(Drank my allotment already...)
If you guys already know this, forgive me for posting it. The coach before Rupp was the most successful UK coach to that point. John Mauer coached a methodical slow brand of ball he called submarine ball. When UK refused him a raise, he went to Tenn. Rupp was a high school coach in Illinois. To get the Illinois job he had to also coach wrestling. He had never been involved with wrestling, but he bought a book and won a state championship. He also coached black players there.

He got the UK job by promoting the use of a new-fangled thing called a fast break. He told the hiring committee he was the best dam coach in the country. He had talked with some of the players about the new style and they approved.

Later Rupp became good friends with Red Auerbach and Red Holzman (two of the best early pro coaches) and discussed basketball strategy frequently with both. Getting his players in front of pro eyes is the reason he was one of the first to start playing a national schedule when others were playing regionally.

Most of this from The Rupp Years by Tev Laudeman.

The Freeport Pretzels is who he coached up in Illinois. That's how I knew the name before I moved here. It's also why I didn't understand people calling him racist.

On the HS level (at least in Illinois) if you didn't want a type on a team, they weren't on a team and no one said a thing. Don't like long hair, cut em. Don't like smokers, cut em. Don't like whites/blacks, cut em from your team. Don't like troublemakers or showboats cut em. Tryouts were just that. If a coach didn't like you, you could try, but you were out when it mattered.

I didn't get along with our HS basketball/baseball coach. Last season I played baseball I didn't get put out or struck out through 9 straight games and finished the season somewhere over .900, finished the last 2 seasons at 1st base on the city all-star team, no errors, but he wouldn't let me on the HS team. And that wasn't the 50s

I was the only one who knew he was going to cut me from both teams no matter what. I made him regret it, too. Destroyed his starters in tryouts. Everyone was asking him why he cut me and it pissed him off every time. Never answered anyone.*

So if Rupp didn't want black players on his Freeport team, all he had to do was say they weren't on the team. The fact was they WERE on his team. I still think the "racist" label was given to him by racists who didn't want the SEC integrated and by other schools that didn't want to lose recruits to him. No other reasons.

"Learned to shoot 3s over the summer before my senior yr just so I could rub it at the tryouts. Made 3 3s in a row and 5-6 in one of the games he was running the 2nd day. We crushed most of the first string. Good friend on the team who taught me to catch and shoot coming out of a screen, when the school's best 3pt shooter got hurt, he reminded the coach that I was eligible and could really shoot 3s well. Pointed at me in the stands. It was awesome lol
I turned the game off. Cal couldn't coach a fish how to swim.................. when it counts in crunch time... The guy can recruit the best fish available but nope. When there is pressure.. stick a fork in him and whoever he is coaching.

Truth be told Self did just run out of time...
I'm not a coach but where the hell was Onyenso and Livingston. Cal loses a lot of close games. Just a pissed off fan right now so ignore me. This team will get better and better. Still excited but that was a March resume building game squandered.

Cal has forgotten his bench more than any coach I have ever seen. He's worse than a judge with amnesia
I should not be posting in the frame of mind I am in but I will once. Have a restful evening, what is left of it and someday someone may lead winning UK basketball again.... That game was Kentucky's to take. My feeble basketball knowledge knows that much.... Like or not like has nothing to do with Cal.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and cloudy. Light wind. Today's high expected around 55°F.

Disappointing game last night. Ugh. Spartans exposed our Cats. Yeah, I also wonder about Coach Cal. Cats turn around and play SC State tomorrow night.

Packing later today for journey back east. Plan on leaving here very early Friday morning. Spoke with cuz after game last night. We might make a trip up to Lou early Saturday morning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

A friend pointed out last night that good FT shooting would have won us the game. How many times have we heard, thought, or said that since he's been at UK? Yet he refuses to make them work on it in practice once the players are tired.

There is a reason coaches did that for decades. Good and bad coaches alike would make you do that because everyone is tired at the end of the game. You need to have that ability to make FTs at the END of the game because that's when fouls add up and you get to shoot them.

Even bad coaches got wins from making players do that very thing at the end of practices. State.dependent.learning. If you can make them when you're worn out after a practice, you will know how to make them at the end of a game.

We lost at least one championship because we didn't practice this enough.

End of rant. Going to finish up breakfast before the ladies are at the table.
I read an article several years ago where Cal describes himself as a grinder because of the way he grew up. That philosophy has cost him a number of games late when he's had the most talent.
I probably should refrain from posting about a UK basketball game. It was another example of an over abundance of talent getting beat by superior coaching. At least I think we have an abundance of talent because that is what I read every day.

We learned one thing last night and that is if Oscar goes out of the game we are sunk. We better pray he is not injured this season.

And the grinder description of Calipari is a good one. Most games he coaches turn into rock fights. At time his offense is painful to watch.

Morning Legionnaires!

29° this morning with light and variable winds. High today expected in the low 50's with lots of sunshine.

Razzle Frazzle Muzzle Puzzle Frick and Frack! With last night's posts and this one I am ready to go on to the next game. This one is done.

Ahhhh, good to get that out of my system.

Workout coming in about an hour then out and about to pick up a few needed items. Eye doctor talked me into a pair of $200.00 plus pair of sunglasses (Oakley) last time I was there (with wife's prodding) that are ready for pickup. Probably won't wear them either. They once prescribed me reading glasses that cost us over $100.00 with a nice little case but, I never use them. I had already bought the $5.00 specials from Family Dollar, and they work perfectly. Don't really know where the ($100.00 pair) are.

If you are going out today, stay safe. If you are relaxing stay calm, if you are a believer in God (or not) stay Blessed.
I probably should refrain from posting about a UK basketball game. It was another example of an over abundance of talent getting beat by superior coaching. At least I think we have an abundance of talent because that is what I read every day.

We learned one thing last night and that is if Oscar goes out of the game we are sunk. We better pray he is not injured this season.

And the grinder description of Calipari is a good one. Most games he coaches turn into rock fights. At time his offense is painful to watch.
I think Ugonna be surprised with Ugonna before everything is said and done and hopefully that will be said before we get too far into the season. He has potential. Oscar needs some serious help down low.