
Good Friday Morning D

Woke up to chilly weather 43° and it was 45° in town. We have that Gulf breeze that cuts through you when the temperature gets below 50°. We will see 64° as the high with a stiff 7mph wind off of the Gulf.

I am headed out to work out this morning. About 2 hours of cardiac only. I leave the weights alone because of my left shoulder rotor cuff injury. Then back home and a little more yard work.

I put on a very nice, very thick, butcher cut beef short ribs and we will have these with some imported Italian noodles this evening. That is a good meal when the chill is in the air. Eating fancy in Dixieland.



That's a LOT of cardiac. I hope you don't get arrested....😁

(Word play Sir, word play...) ;)
Good Morning. It was 27°F when I went to bed last night. Got up at 5:30am and it was 30°F, which was good. It is cloudy and no sky watching last night and now it is 32.9°F on our way to a cold 38° for a high. We are supposed to get down to 20° tonight. Burr.

I enjoyed the game last night. I was shocked that Texas beat the crap out of Gonzoga. That really puts pressure on Kentucky Sunday.

You all have a good day and watch out for Austin flying through your part of the world!
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Howdy folks. Rolling through the mountains of WVA in a fairly serious snowstorm. Outside temps: 26 degrees.

With luck I’ll be in Campbell County around 3pm. My sons driving up from Lexington so it’ll be a nice, if brief, homecoming.

Road is slick as hell and I’m on some serious grades so I guess I’ll start paying attention. I’ll check in later.

My Buddy just posted this.. If you have time, take a few minutes to watch this and as I just did, shed a tear...

Howdy folks. Rolling through the mountains of WVA in a fairly serious snowstorm. Outside temps: 26 degrees.

With luck I’ll be in Campbell County around 3pm. My sons driving up from Lexington so it’ll be a nice, if brief, homecoming.

Road is slick as hell and I’m on some serious grades so I guess I’ll start paying attention. I’ll check in later.
I-64 through West Virginia apparently was not built to the specs that it was in Kentucky and Maryland.

Made that trip often and my daughter married a Maryland guy so they still make it often. They only fly when it is a must.
Howdy folks. Rolling through the mountains of WVA in a fairly serious snowstorm. Outside temps: 26 degrees.

With luck I’ll be in Campbell County around 3pm. My sons driving up from Lexington so it’ll be a nice, if brief, homecoming.

Road is slick as hell and I’m on some serious grades so I guess I’ll start paying attention. I’ll check in later.
Safe journeys and may God put his hands on the wheel.

That's a LOT of cardiac. I hope you don't get arrested....😁

(Word play Sir, word play...) ;)
Well. I have an incident to share that happened this morning as I started to work out. Some of you will shake your head.

So I get there all in a good mood and roaring to go. I check my blood pressure before I left and it was good. Very good. So as I am signing in and getting myself programed for the cardiac workouts a woman hands everything to me and I said, in the way I was taught as a young boy by mama, "thank you mam' " oh boy! Did I mess up.

She blessed me out shouting in a loud voice don't you ever call me mam' again. Never. She was so loud all of the people stopped working out and look my way. So I looked at her and said, don't worry I will ignore you and act as if you do not exist and walked away.

My next stop was the first stop we make when we begin, a blood pressure reading. Well, my blood pressure was 186/82 more than 50 points higher than it ever read. The woman who took it said when is going on? I then told her her co-worker blessed me out for trying to be polite and my blood is boiling over. They took it when I was finished working out and it had dropped by 60 points.

What is wrong with these people. Can't a man treat a woman with respect today.
Well. I have an incident to share that happened this morning as I started to work out. Some of you will shake your head.

So I get there all in a good mood and roaring to go. I check my blood pressure before I left and it was good. Very good. So as I am signing in and getting myself programed for the cardiac workouts a woman hands everything to me and I said, in the way I was taught as a young boy by mama, "thank you mam' " oh boy! Did I mess up.

She blessed me out shouting in a loud voice don't you ever call me mam' again. Never. She was so loud all of the people stopped working out and look my way. So I looked at her and said, don't worry I will ignore you and act as if you do not exist and walked away.

My next stop was the first stop we make when we begin, a blood pressure reading. Well, my blood pressure was 186/82 more than 50 points higher than it ever read. The woman who took it said when is going on? I then told her her co-worker blessed me out for trying to be polite and my blood is boiling over. They took it when I was finished working out and it had dropped by 60 points.

What is wrong with these people. Can't a man treat a woman with respect today.
Its a crazy world these days.
Well. I have an incident to share that happened this morning as I started to work out. Some of you will shake your head.

So I get there all in a good mood and roaring to go. I check my blood pressure before I left and it was good. Very good. So as I am signing in and getting myself programed for the cardiac workouts a woman hands everything to me and I said, in the way I was taught as a young boy by mama, "thank you mam' " oh boy! Did I mess up.

She blessed me out shouting in a loud voice don't you ever call me mam' again. Never. She was so loud all of the people stopped working out and look my way. So I looked at her and said, don't worry I will ignore you and act as if you do not exist and walked away.

My next stop was the first stop we make when we begin, a blood pressure reading. Well, my blood pressure was 186/82 more than 50 points higher than it ever read. The woman who took it said when is going on? I then told her her co-worker blessed me out for trying to be polite and my blood is boiling over. They took it when I was finished working out and it had dropped by 60 points.

What is wrong with these people. Can't a man treat a woman with respect today.

No Sir,

Glad I wasn't there. I am respectful but I'd have enjoyed embarrassing her as loudly as she treated you. My tolerance for nasty is NIL. From the description, that wench is nasty.
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Back in Kentucky after a 525 mile drive —lots of snow over the mountain passes but cold and clear in northeast Kentucky. My parents -91, 87 -seem to be doing well. Waiting for my son to come up from Lex and we’ll all head out to supper directly.

Hope you all have a good evening.
My wife talked to our son this afternoon. He told her to bring a coat. :)

She often complains about the Florida sun and longs for the days back in Estill county and the cool mountain air. I laughed at her when she said it might be too cold for her in Kentucky. LOL It has been 65 degrees today with bright sun. I am in shorts and barefoot like always. And I don't have to chop wood or dig some coal for the Warm Morning stove grandpa had in the front room back on the hill.
My wife talked to our son this afternoon. He told her to bring a coat. :)

She often complains about the Florida sun and longs for the days back in Estill county and the cool mountain air. I laughed at her when she said it might be too cold for her in Kentucky. LOL It has been 65 degrees today with bright sun. I am in shorts and barefoot like always. And I don't have to chop wood or dig some coal for the Warm Morning stove grandpa had in the front room back on the hill.
There's only two of us, so we have a small house which makes it relatively easy to heat. We had a acre or so cleared last year in anticipation of an outbuilding. It left me a lot of good oak firewood. We heat with a wood stove. It is toasty warm right now and cutting the wood gives me good exercise and the heating bill is very cheap.
My wife talked to our son this afternoon. He told her to bring a coat. :)

She often complains about the Florida sun and longs for the days back in Estill county and the cool mountain air. I laughed at her when she said it might be too cold for her in Kentucky. LOL It has been 65 degrees today with bright sun. I am in shorts and barefoot like always. And I don't have to chop wood or dig some coal for the Warm Morning stove grandpa had in the front room back on the hill.
Your son is on the money Sawnee. It hadn’t been cold in Maryland so I just brought a light fleece —and it’s going down to the teens tonight —possibly single digits the smiling weatherman says. My son and I have plans to hike up into some woods in Bracken County in the morning my family used to own and I’ll freeze my ass off.
Howdy folks. Rolling through the mountains of WVA in a fairly serious snowstorm. Outside temps: 26 degrees.

With luck I’ll be in Campbell County around 3pm. My sons driving up from Lexington so it’ll be a nice, if brief, homecoming.

Road is slick as hell and I’m on some serious grades so I guess I’ll start paying attention. I’ll check in later.

You came by Jared Prickett's hometown then. It's some pretty country, but it seems like it takes forever to get through the WVA mountains.
There's only two of us, so we have a small house which makes it relatively easy to heat. We had a acre or so cleared last year in anticipation of an outbuilding. It left me a lot of good oak firewood. We heat with a wood stove. It is toasty warm right now and cutting the wood gives me good exercise and the heating bill is very cheap.
We have 2 fireplaces, a wood burning and a gas. You probably burn much more wood than we do, only 2-3 ricks per year, but there's something about a roaring fire that makes the cold winter months much more tolerable. Cozy. Especially during the holidays.
My wife talked to our son this afternoon. He told her to bring a coat. :)

She often complains about the Florida sun and longs for the days back in Estill county and the cool mountain air. I laughed at her when she said it might be too cold for her in Kentucky. LOL It has been 65 degrees today with bright sun. I am in shorts and barefoot like always. And I don't have to chop wood or dig some coal for the Warm Morning stove grandpa had in the front room back on the hill.
The past few days walking the dog has not been pleasant. Sleet, freezing rain and sub freezing temps. Yeah, Florida sounds really good to me right now.
Back in Kentucky after a 525 mile drive —lots of snow over the mountain passes but cold and clear in northeast Kentucky. My parents -91, 87 -seem to be doing well. Waiting for my son to come up from Lex and we’ll all head out to supper directly.

Hope you all have a good evening.
I remember making the drive across western MD and WV from DC to Lex...I always had to watch out for the snow
Good Saturday Morning

Game Day. The world is not giving the Cats much of a chance. If you are going to the game dress accordingly. We still have a chill in the air down here with 45° and a 7mph breeze off of the Gulf. Expect the high to reach 68° with no rain in the forecast.

Not much going on this morning. I have to take the truck down to the recycle place and unload a bunch of palm fronds I picked up when the storm came through. I had stacked them up out back so this would be a good day to do that.

I better go through my old clothes and try to find something warm to wear in Kentucky. I have a couple of sweaters and a wind breaker so maybe that will suffice. I don't own any coats, gloves or fur hats. Haven't for many yeas. Trust all are well and in good health and spirits.

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Well. I have an incident to share that happened this morning as I started to work out. Some of you will shake your head.

So I get there all in a good mood and roaring to go. I check my blood pressure before I left and it was good. Very good. So as I am signing in and getting myself programed for the cardiac workouts a woman hands everything to me and I said, in the way I was taught as a young boy by mama, "thank you mam' " oh boy! Did I mess up.

She blessed me out shouting in a loud voice don't you ever call me mam' again. Never. She was so loud all of the people stopped working out and look my way. So I looked at her and said, don't worry I will ignore you and act as if you do not exist and walked away.

My next stop was the first stop we make when we begin, a blood pressure reading. Well, my blood pressure was 186/82 more than 50 points higher than it ever read. The woman who took it said when is going on? I then told her her co-worker blessed me out for trying to be polite and my blood is boiling over. They took it when I was finished working out and it had dropped by 60 points.

What is wrong with these people. Can't a man treat a woman with respect today.

Its a crazy world these days.

No Sir,

Glad I wasn't there. I am respectful but I'd have enjoyed embarrassing her as loudly as she treated you. My tolerance for nasty is NIL. From the description, that wench is nasty.
I do the same thing as my parents required me to show respect.

I am like BBUK; I can hand it back in spades.

I guess working in a very competitive environment and then public office for 10 years tends to make you very defensive and firm. I would have given her back every nasty word she gave me. She would have found out if bitch was also not acceptable.
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I do the same thing as my parents required me to show respect.

I am like BBUK; I can hand it back in spades.

I guess working in a very competitive environment and then pubic office for 10 years tends to make you very defensive and firm. I would have given her back every nasty word she gave me. She would have found out if bitch was also not acceptable.
Oh, I certainly did that Bert. There is more to this story.
Good morning from Anneta, KY on Nolin Lake. Currently 19°F and clear. Today's high expected around 41°F.

Great visit with Bert, Sherry, his daughter and son -n-law and Leon yesterday. Awesome food. Fine folks. @Bert Higginbotha : Please let Leon know I stopped at Marathon station in Brownsville and filled up $25 worth in gas for $3.09/gal Very good deal. Thanks!

Plan on drinking some coffee and heading up to Louisville later this morning. Hope to return in time for game today. May miss first half. Perhaps grab some BBQ in Leitchfield.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
