
I guess working in a very competitive environment and then pubic office for 10 years tends
There’s still enough 13-year-old boy in me to find that typo funny every time.

Good morning folks. Woke up in my parents’ house for the first time since Covid —we have been staying in hotels during visits before now.

We moved into this house in 1966, and I swear in the basement there are still a couple things left over from the previous owner. Talk about a place that feels like home. Need to join the folks so I’ll keep it brief. Hope you all have a good day.
It is a cold 19.9°F here and sunny. We are supposed to top out at 42°.

Austin got here basically on time. We ate and talked and caught up on each other. My daughter and son in law and my cousin Leon showed up before Austin left. He has met them several time. Just basically had a good time last night.

I dread the game today.
There’s still enough 13-year-old boy in me to find that typo funny every time.

Good morning folks. Woke up in my parents’ house for the first time since Covid —we have been staying in hotels during visits before now.

We moved into this house in 1966, and I swear in the basement there are still a couple things left over from the previous owner. Talk about a place that feels like home. Need to join the folks so I’ll keep it brief. Hope you all have a good day.
There Is No Place Like Home

Here is a Lexington girl singing about her older brother who was killed in a car wreck in Kentucky. No place like home
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There’s still enough 13-year-old boy in me to find that typo funny every time.

Good morning folks. Woke up in my parents’ house for the first time since Covid —we have been staying in hotels during visits before now.

We moved into this house in 1966, and I swear in the basement there are still a couple things left over from the previous owner. Talk about a place that feels like home. Need to join the folks so I’ll keep it brief. Hope you all have a good day.
:) Changed!
Woke up to a balmy 19 degrees (13 with the wind chill). Plenty of frost as well. People in the stands really need to bundle up today even though the temp will top out at 39.

Finally got my water bill and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. $210. That's the highest it's ever been but considering the daily watering of new grass during a drought it could have been worse.

Have a great day and here's hoping the Cats make a game out of it this afternoon.
Hello all,

No fridge today........... as the BB says..........ToMAAAAAAARRRRooooooow.......

Out and about this morning anyway, as we are having our Thanksgiving "gathering" (Meal today due to both my daughters schedules.) (Turkey ham, collards, rolls, smashed potato's (Sweet and russet.), gravy of some sort, mac and cheese, and a couple other items.

My oldest grandson had his tonsils out yesterday, it was a rough day all the way around, won't go into the particulars but my Grandson pulled through fine and was home last night.

Below is me and him when he was a "baby". He is seven now. I video'd with him before and after... Broke my heart I couldn't snuggle him yesterday but his dad was there...


Lucas was awake but I was out, that is why they snapped that picture.. ;)

Go CATS!!!! ALL the way around!
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There Is No Place Like Home

Wow, that brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for posting Sawnee. Beautiful song.
I saw her at the Grand Ole Opry about a year ago and it was her very first appearance. She literally brought down the house and no one wanted her to stop singing.

She came out on stage with no fear and started singing and everyone was mesmerized by what we heard. I had never heard of her before.

As she exited the stage the announcer said he had been around a long time and never saw a debut like that. No fear and she just took over the stage with her presence and voice.

Her family has 700 acres outside of Lexington. Here is a new one just in time for Christmas season. It has it all. Great singing and some very good pickin' if I may say so.

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Woke up to a balmy 19 degrees (13 with the wind chill). Plenty of frost as well. People in the stands really need to bundle up today even though the temp will top out at 39.

Finally got my water bill and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. $210. That's the highest it's ever been but considering the daily watering of new grass during a drought it could have been worse.

Have a great day and here's hoping the Cats make a game out of it this afternoon.
I got a text that my granddaughter is running a 12k in Denver, Co today and it is very cold. She is on the Marathon Team at the USAF Academy and they have a special event in Denver today of some sorts. Why they have it this time of year is a mystery to me.

I know I would be sitting this one out but I am a softie when it comes to frigid weather and running up down the Denver hills. Not this boy. I will turn it over to the youngsters.
I got a text that my granddaughter is running a 12k in Denver, Co today and it is very cold. She is on the Marathon Team at the USAF Academy and they have a special event in Denver today of some sorts. Why they have it this time of year is a mystery to me.

I know I would be sitting this one out but I am a softie when it comes to frigid weather and running up down the Denver hills. Not this boy. I will turn it over to the youngsters.
A long time ago I ran 8 miles (or more) every day for a full year, just to see if I could do it. I was weird like that on physical things. Once you build a little body heat up, the cold doesn't bother you.
I do the same thing as my parents required me to show respect.

I am like BBUK; I can hand it back in spades.

I guess working in a very competitive environment and then public office for 10 years tends to make you very defensive and firm. I would have given her back every nasty word she gave me. She would have found out if bitch was also not acceptable.
In today's world, you have to be able to give it back. People see anything less as a sign of weakness and they're ready to take advantage. I miss the days when most people had manners.
Good afternoon everyone.

Try to type fast so I can watch at least the first 10 minutes of the game before I call it over.

It's awesome to see everyone getting to visit family and friends. I'll go Thanksgiving Day (3.5 hr drive). There will most likely be about 50 there. I'm the oldest of 8 kids.

29 degrees this morning but dropped to 24 by the time I made it to the bottom of the mountain. Many times it's warmer higher up. It probably dropped another degree or two before I made it to my stand. I must be a tough son of a gun...I didn't even get cold. It helped that I got a 10 pointer within 10 minutes after daylight.

Blessed again. I hope everyone here can say the same.
9-0. Offense needs to step it up if that is even possible.
Just need to throw caution to the wind and ditch the conservatism. This team is the number one team in the nation, and we need to change strategy and try to confuse them. Hell, what can we lose other than the game which we figured we were going to anyway.