
Good Election Day Morning

It is 67° with a light rain We had a good view of the Blood Moon about 5:45. Folks on th East coast are preparing for the storm it may be a Cat 1 later tody. I doubt it gets too powerful because the water is cooling down. It is more of a nuisance than a danger but you never know Our high will reach 76° with a 15% chance of rain.

I trust all are well and have a blessed day.


Morning Legionnaires!

63° this morning with moderate rainfall. Today's high expected to be in the mid to upper 70's.

Have a little work to do this morning as I bought 3 new bathroom faucets to replace the ones currently in the bathrooms. The old ones have been in there since 2003 when the house was built, and they are the cheapo specials that start leaking about a year or two after I replace the washers. all three are now dripping slowly. Plus, the handles become loose over time and no amount of tightening will help. Spent a couple of hundred dollars on some better ones and will install them this morning.

Well, it's V-DAY and the wife and I will go this afternoon to do our patriotic duty.

Enjoy your day folks and God Bless.
Good morning D-League. In line to vote in Maryland. I’ll go through my every-two-year ritual of trying to show them valid ID while they cover their eyes like a Vampire shown a crucifix. Not confirming ID is a major imperative here. What fun.

Biden, kept away by Democratic handlers from competitive states, was at an all-African American college in Maryland last night where he proceeded to tell the Black kids “you are just as smart as other kids.” A condescending racist at heart. But I’m sure anyone who sees him has no problem believing they are at least as smart as the president.

Getting near the front. I’ll check in with you guys later.
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Morning folks. It is a sunny, some clouds, 59.4°F on our way to 73°F with no chance of rain. This morning it was too cloudy for me to see the eclipse. A guy out in the country got to see it.

I enjoyed the game last night. I may prefer Wallace to Wheeler. Wallace can shoot. I think that I am going to like this team. I just hope that Oscar comes around quickly.

If you haven't yet: Go Vote folks.
Respect yours & everyone's opinion, but I'll vote for both amendments. The abortion one, #2, doesn't ban abortion but says the courts don't have a say in KY law on abortion. Good. Now the law that will go into effect if #2 passes is quite extreme to me, but I'd rather it be changed by the Legislature. I'd hope that in time they'd loosen it a bit.

As for #1, the Legislature is restricted not only in number of days it can meet but also in actual dates it can meet. I believe the 60 day session needs to end by Apr. 15 & the 30 days one earlier. That means the Legislature can't do a dam thing to reverse a Gov's action, like covid shutdowns, till it's time for another session. Net, the Gov is a virtual state dictator for the majority of the year. #1 adds 12 days to each year's session. NBD to me. But, the Legislature can call any of those 12 days at any time of the year such that it can override a Gov's bs. I'm all for cutting down dictators' powers.
Wound up voting against Amendment #2, not because I disagree with it, but because of the "trigger" law it will put into effect. I came around to a law needing to be passed as the Constitution is, not was. So as long as the trigger law is the basis of abortion limitations, I'm against both the Amendment & the law. Pass another law based on a newly instituted amendment, not the other way around. Let it be passed in the light of day so to speak. JMO.
Wound up voting against Amendment #2, not because I disagree with it, but because of the "trigger" law it will put into effect. I came around to a law needing to be passed as the Constitution is, not was. So as long as the trigger law is the basis of abortion limitations, I'm against both the Amendment & the law. Pass another law based on a newly instituted amendment, not the other way around. Let it be passed in the light of day so to speak. JMO.
We came to the same decision via different directions!

I totally agree with your basis.
Good morning folks. I am still on Daylight Savings Time. I wake up the same time that I have for the last 6 months. Maybe next week I will work into standard time.

It is a crisp 49.5°F here but on our way to 78°. Yesterday was just a wonderful weather day. We has some broken early morning clouds, screwed up me seeing the eclipse, but by 9:00 am they were gone and left us big blue skies. The relative humidity yesterday afternoon dropped into the teens. That is rare for here on a warm day. Our burn ban is back on.

I am having to have my deck between the two buildings and the stairways and landings redone. The crew worked Monday and Tuesday. They have to go to another job the rest of the week. So it is not finished but they will work it in when possible. After last Decembers tornado in this area it is hard to come by carpenters. Treated wood is not what it used to be either. The environmentalist need to take a century off.

You all have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

68° this morning with upper 70's expected for the high. Winds 20-30mph.

Nothing but the norm today. Morning workout and then some napping. Did not sleep well last night (normal), awake off and on all night. Naps will serve me well.

Hump day for those working so, get over the hump and be safe out there.

God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

Working the polls yesterday made for a very long day. Everything went rather smoothly for an election day. Good turnout, but the amendments took voters much longer than normal. I'm amazed at the number of uniformed voters showing up.

Now it's time to get back to somewhat normal and prepare for the rifle deer season. It looks like the cooler weather will hit just in time. I like it, wife doesn't. She will be prepared and it's amazing how many layers of clothes she can get on. Plus the battery heated jackets, socks, etc. lol
Was a little surprised to see UK as -17.5 point favorite against Vandy...Vandy is awful, maybe they have some injuries I don't know about, their last two games were a 3 point loss to Missouri and an 11 point loss to South Carolina. The final score against Ole Miss was bad (Kiffin scored a late needless TD to run up the score) but Vandy actually led that game at halftime. I think we will win, but I thought the line would be more like UK as a 10 or 12 point favorite.
Good morning All,

Arrived at my VA appointment a little over an hour early. This is my primary care who I am supposed to see annually. We shall see...

Working from home the rest of the day. I am off until Tuesday. (Burning some leave.)

One of those days I plan to take My Darling to harvest some oysters and clams. I may throw a couple poles in the trunk but that is not the target.

Have a great day...
Good Morning

Skies are cloudy and the temperature is 69°. Chances of rain are 21% and the high will be 72°. There is a little disturbance out in the Atlantic named Miss Nicole. She is 400 miles wide and probably will dump a lot of rain on the state.

Thank you Kentucky for re-electing Rand Paul, probably my favorite senator. Also I had a personal interest in the race of Andy Barr since he recommended my granddaughter for the USAFA. Nice win and a very nice person and excellent congressman.

Florida is officially deep red and very conservative. Not a single Democrat holds statewide office and Florida added 4 GOP to the U.S. Congress. What happened down here is one for the history books. Hispanics carried Palm Beach and Miami-Dade for DeSantis and I think we only had 5 counties in the state go Democrat. First time in history. When I grew up down here every county was Democrat.

I trust all are well and in good spirits and health.

Storms a brewing

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Sawnee... I assumed you lived in KY and retired in Florida.

I'm still working on my first pot. I doubt I'll need another. Forgive me for my warped sense of humor. My wife shakes her head and rolls her eyes at my attempts at humor.
I was born and raised in Florida, 6th generation. Mothers side of the family goes back to the early 1800's in Florida. I attended UK from 1961-65, went into the Army and was stationed at Ft Knox.

My father was from the Pike County coal fields so that is my Kentucky connection. I do have a son and his family living in Lexington. He also graduated UK and married a Lexington girl. So he stayed up there.

Daddy and mother met in college in Tennessee, married and moved to Florida but daddy's heart stayed a Kentuckian until his final breath. He would fight a person over Kentucky.
I was born and raised in Florida, 6th generation. Mothers side of the family goes back to the early 1800's in Florida. I attended UK from 1961-65, went into the Army and was stationed at Ft Knox.

My father was from the Pike County coal fields so that is my Kentucky connection. I do have a son and his family living in Lexington. He also graduated UK and married a Lexington girl. So he stayed up there.

Daddy and mother met in college in Tennessee, married and moved to Florida but daddy's heart stayed a Kentuckian until his final breath. He would fight a person over Kentucky.
We're in Letcher Co. one county south of Pike Co. My wife's family were all coal miners. Our BIL finally retired last year...the last one.
Good morning folks. Hope all is well.

I woke up this morning and there were no storm troopers checking passports at the Metro, no swastikas hanging off government building in downtown DC, so I guess Democracy didn't die overnight, as our enfeebled president had warned us.

A disappointing election but I predict what at least I would see as a Silver Lining: Both parties read the tea leaves and move away from Trump and Biden for 2024, and toward candidates that are less divisive. Or maybe the opposite will happen and the polarizing will continue.

My wife is heading out later today for a volunteer mission with other doctors and nurses from her hospital for South America -- Guyana -- a clinic not far from the notorious Jonestown. She's promised not to drink the Kool Aid. They go down there and teams perform surgeries, etc., on kids with no shot at it otherwise.

Need to get back to work. Have a great day.
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While the good guys did pick up some seats in the house, the whole of the election for me was disappointing. It looks like it will be status quo in the senate. With as bad of a president and vice president we have it should have been a sweep of both which tells me there is either something wrong with the election process or "We the people" as a whole have lost our way.
While the good guys did pick up some seats in the house, the whole of the election for me was disappointing. It looks like it will be status quo in the senate. With as bad of a president and vice president we have it should have been a sweep of both which tells me there is either something wrong with the election process or "We the people" as a whole have lost our way.

Make no mistake about it. There is massive voter fraud going on electronically. I won't comment again in this forum as I value all of you as friends.
This morning one would expect our governor to be resting and celebrating a historic landslide victory. He flipped Palm Beach and Miami red for the first time in my life that I can remember.

But no, instead of resting, he has addressed the people of Florida getting them prepared for Hurricane Nicole. Instead of sitting around waiting for the storm he has the people prepared. He has sent the National Guard to areas in the path of the storm. He has about 20,000 utility workers ready to go to work. He has opened 50 hurricane shelters. He has first reponsders all over the state on standby alert.

When the storm hits he will have us prepared and ready as best as humanly possible. That is why we want our governor and first lady Casey with us four more years. He always seems to be ahead of the curve. Leadership.
This morning one would expect our governor to be resting and celebrating a historic landslide victory. He flipped Palm Beach and Miami red for the first time in my life that I can remember.

But no, instead of resting, he has addressed the people of Florida getting them prepared for Hurricane Nicole. Instead of sitting around waiting for the storm he has the people prepared. He has sent the National Guard to areas in the path of the storm. He has about 20,000 utility workers ready to go to work. He has opened 50 hurricane shelters. He has first reponsders all over the state on standby alert.

When the storm hits he will have us prepared and ready as best as humanly possible. That is why we want our governor and first lady Casey with us four more years. He always seems to be ahead of the curve. Leadership.

Yes Sir,

We were to start our trek to Gainesville today but my Son mentioned what was coming and we and he thought better of it. (We will make the trip later if the Lord doesn't take us home.)
I get it every post. It has caused a double post a few times. I thought it was my computer however, the only time I have that issue is when posting on CI

Yes Sir,

It is a site issue. (Thought I was losing my mind for a bit, (Don't have much left to lose so I'm cautious.) I was on my phone and do not navigate as well as I should on it but when I sat down at my computer... yep.)
Has anyone noticed that when you post you get an error stating you have to wait to post again? Weird.... but all is still working so that's good.

I get it every post. It has caused a double post a few times. I thought it was my computer however, the only time I have that issue is when posting on CI

Yes Sir,

It is a site issue. (Thought I was losing my mind for a bit, (Don't have much left to lose so I'm cautious.) I was on my phone and do not navigate as well as I should on it but when I sat down at my computer... yep.)

Thanks for posting. I'm seeing it too.
No problem on this end.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 80°F. More warm weather expected until another front rolls through Thursday evening.

Cats looked good after a slow start last night. UK has some awesome shooters in Reeves and Frederick. Next up: Duquesne Dukes.

Election Day. Please vote if you have not already.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Voted on election day. Lines were long. (couple hours).

Saint Timony was not on my Ballot in Horseville.

Good Election Day Morning

We had a good view of the Blood Moon about 5:45.
Our Red Moon was most entertaining. Skies were very clear.