
Good morning everyone. Up at 4AM with this new time and no alarm. Tomorrow morning the same 4AM but with an alarm to go work the polls. Everyone get out and vote if you haven't already.

Basketball season officially starts tonight!!
Thanks for devoting your time and work at the polls. That is a very good civic service. I have voted but my wife has not. She is a traditionalist and wants to cast on election day. She also opposes mail in ballots, not trusting the USPS to deliver the "mail".

Early voting has been very heavy down here especially the Hispanic vote. They have something to prove and are anxious to do it

Morning Legionnaires!

50° now with a high of 60° expected. Light winds and cloudy all day. Going back up into the 70's for the next few days until Friday when the high is supposed to be in the upper 40's. Yesssss!

Normal morning workout for this morning and training my student at 10:00. Rest of the day I will be looking again a at site my wife sent to me in an email about our local and state officials running for office. Some of them are very vague about what it is they stand for. It just gives their name, district, and a "Not enough information" tab below. They won't get my vote tomorrow.

Stay safe today folks and may God Bless.

And oh yeah, IT'S GAME DAY!

Good morning D League

The temperature is 63° with clear skies and morning is breaking. It is going to be a very nice day with bright sunshing day as we climb to 85°. There is a brisk wind blowing off of the Gulf that is swaying palms and giving a nice breeze.

I am headed to the gym this morning to workout a couple of hours. I have been doing it three times a week for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours at a time.

Voting is halted today and tomorrow is the big day. Our issues here are road paving and drainage. We have had a few and very nice tax reductions over the past two years and the budget is balanced so we can concentrate on the rural areas roads repaired. Another big issue is the replacement of the school board. The current board was pushing CRT and grooming and boy did that cause an uproar. The mamas around here put a stop to that in a minute. And now the entire board will be swept out.

You see a lot of these flags around the area.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning folks. Still adjusting to the time change. Woke up too early, then a bit later than I wanted to, but all is well.

We've had some cloudy, muggy days. Too warm for November, but I think things are heading in a cooler direction.

Good weekend of football with the teams I care about winning and those I don't like losing. Hope you are all doing well.
The big day is almost here. The 3 big ballot items, for me at least:

1) Rand Paul- should win easily
2) Amendment 2 (no right to abortion in constitution amendment)- who knows what will happen
3) Louisville mayoral election- not holding my breath since the Democrats have controlled that position since 1969 but from what I'm hearing there may be a chance. People are tired of out of control crime.
Good morning D-League!

Another nice day to get things done that end doin. Truck battery died yesterday. Got a trickle charger on it to see if it's just asleep or really dead. Will know more later today.

Hope your batteries are all charged up and yall have a great day!
The big day is almost here. The 3 big ballot items, for me at least:

1) Rand Paul- should win easily
2) Amendment 2 (no right to abortion in constitution amendment)- who knows what will happen
3) Louisville mayoral election- not holding my breath since the Democrats have controlled that position since 1969 but from what I'm hearing there may be a chance. People are tired of out of control crime.
Sherry and I voted Friday. Rand Paul is my old doctor and I think he wins going away. I gave him $1,000 to help. My Congressman Brett Guthrie should win easily and I gave him a couple hundred.

I voted against both Constitutional Amendments. There are enough restrictions against abortions in Kentucky already. Sometimes they are necessary for the health of the mother. I am anti abortion but I don't want it outlawed in all cases. That amendment was a little too far for Bert.
Sherry and I voted Friday. Rand Paul is my old doctor and I think he wins going away. I gave him $1,000 to help. My Congressman Brett Guthrie should win easily and I gave him a couple hundred.

I voted against both Constitutional Amendments. There are enough restrictions against abortions in Kentucky already. Sometimes they are necessary for the health of the mother. I am anti abortion but I don't want it outlawed in all cases. That amendment was a little too far for Bert.
Respect yours & everyone's opinion, but I'll vote for both amendments. The abortion one, #2, doesn't ban abortion but says the courts don't have a say in KY law on abortion. Good. Now the law that will go into effect if #2 passes is quite extreme to me, but I'd rather it be changed by the Legislature. I'd hope that in time they'd loosen it a bit.

As for #1, the Legislature is restricted not only in number of days it can meet but also in actual dates it can meet. I believe the 60 day session needs to end by Apr. 15 & the 30 days one earlier. That means the Legislature can't do a dam thing to reverse a Gov's action, like covid shutdowns, till it's time for another session. Net, the Gov is a virtual state dictator for the majority of the year. #1 adds 12 days to each year's session. NBD to me. But, the Legislature can call any of those 12 days at any time of the year such that it can override a Gov's bs. I'm all for cutting down dictators' powers.
Sherry and I voted Friday. Rand Paul is my old doctor and I think he wins going away. I gave him $1,000 to help. My Congressman Brett Guthrie should win easily and I gave him a couple hundred.

I voted against both Constitutional Amendments. There are enough restrictions against abortions in Kentucky already. Sometimes they are necessary for the health of the mother. I am anti abortion but I don't want it outlawed in all cases. That amendment was a little too far for Bert.

Shoot Sir, I'd poke you in the eye for $1000.00... Oh he did more than that? 😁
There you have it folks, democracy in action. Don't quote me as I do not know for sure but the political thread seems to have been locked. Was it too much winning lately? I have to state that due to what I've read in my short stint back there the past few days...

I do not doubt the thread was locked for losing... Have a great day and a better one tomorrow...

(Old CB jargon at the end...)
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Shoot Sir, I'd poke you in the eye for $1000.00... Oh he did more than that? 😁

Rand is one of the smartest people that I have ever known. Sherry and I were in all his commercials on his first run for the Senate. We went with him to file for the office and worked our asses off to get him elected. We ended up being too visible.

We were so involved that we got our Income Taxes audited for 10 straight years. We were part of the Cincinnati scandal, remember Lois Learner? I now have to have professionals do my taxes as I am a marked man due to politics. A whole bunch of folks don't believe that but bureaucrats can cause a lot of pain if they so choose. And even when discovered nothing happens to them even though they have cost you thousand of dollars.

Rand is one of the smartest people that I have ever known. Sherry and I were in all his commercials on his first run for the Senate. We went with him to file for the office and worked our asses off to get him elected. We ended up being too visible.

We were so involved that we got our Income Taxes audited for 10 straight years. We were part of the Cincinnati scandal, remember Lois Learner? I now have to have professionals do my taxes as I am a marked man due to politics. A whole bunch of folks don't believe that but bureaucrats can cause a lot of pain if they so choose. And even when discovered nothing happens to them even though they have cost you thousand of dollars.

That is fighting angry Sir.

Rand is one of the smartest people that I have ever known. Sherry and I were in all his commercials on his first run for the Senate. We went with him to file for the office and worked our asses off to get him elected. We ended up being too visible.

We were so involved that we got our Income Taxes audited for 10 straight years. We were part of the Cincinnati scandal, remember Lois Learner? I now have to have professionals do my taxes as I am a marked man due to politics. A whole bunch of folks don't believe that but bureaucrats can cause a lot of pain if they so choose. And even when discovered nothing happens to them even though they have cost you thousand of dollars.
I wish we had 50 Senators like Rand Paul. He is my favorite by far and I would be honored to vote for him. I guess I will not get that opportunity but it would be nice.

Kentucky is very fortunate to be represented in the U.S. Senate by a man of his intelligence and character. I really respect the man
Cats looked good tonight without 2 starters and a key bench player. Cool to see Ving Rhames in the crowd but I can never look at the guy without visioning him getting raped in Pulp Fiction. Kind of like Ned Beatty in Deliverance. Some scenes are just seared in my brain.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 80°F. More warm weather expected until another front rolls through Thursday evening.

Cats looked good after a slow start last night. UK has some awesome shooters in Reeves and Frederick. Next up: Duquesne Dukes.

Election Day. Please vote if you have not already.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
