
Voted on election day. Lines were long. (couple hours).

Saint Timony was not on my Ballot in Horseville.

Our Red Moon was most entertaining. Skies were very clear.
Why the hell does it take so damn long to count votes in AZ?
Why the hell does it take so damn long to count votes in AZ?
Swamp critters have learned how to cheat and are very creative. Kari Lake's team has busted them twice. Right now it appears she has done it again. She has 1/2 million casted ballots they (her opponent Katie Hobbs & current Sec of State) tried not to count. Being a former investigative reporter with ears and eyes everywhere Kari Lake is said to have recieved information of shenanigans within 2 minutes after the polls opened. Republiicans saved the ballots to capture the cheating and has the evidence and ballots to validate her victory(?)​
Swamp critters have learned how to cheat and are very creative. Kari Lake's team has busted them twice. Right now it appears she has done it again. She has 1/2 million casted ballots they (her opponent Katie Hobbs & current Sec of State) tried not to count. Being a former investigative reporter with ears and eyes everywhere Kari Lake is said to have recieved information of shenanigans within 2 minutes after the polls opened. Republiicans saved the ballots to capture the cheating and has the evidence and ballots to validate her victory(?)​
If that's true then she's brilliant. May actually push the Senate race ahead as well. The vote count has been stuck on 66% for hours.
Swamp critters have learned how to cheat and are very creative. Kari Lake's team has busted them twice. Right now it appears she has done it again. She has 1/2 million casted ballots they (her opponent Katie Hobbs & current Sec of State) tried not to count. Being a former investigative reporter with ears and eyes everywhere Kari Lake is said to have recieved information of shenanigans within 2 minutes after the polls opened. Republiicans saved the ballots to capture the cheating and has the evidence and ballots to validate her victory(?)​

Sir you give me hope. Bless you, I have been in a funk KNOWING about the electronic treason.... In a complete funk.
Has anyone noticed that when you post you get an error stating you have to wait to post again? Weird.... but all is still working so that's good.

I get it every post. It has caused a double post a few times. I thought it was my computer however, the only time I have that issue is when posting on CI

Thanks for posting. I'm seeing it too.

Ich Auch (me too).

No problem on this end.
It's now evident who stayed up late last night watching the election returns and drinking and who didn't 😉.
I'm going to have to try a Yuengling sometime. Personally, my favorite drink is a Mike's Hard Black Cherry.

Yuengling is a mellow good tasting beer. Not a high alcohol content. If I'm on a drunk some evenings I will have three bottles. My normal is one. I liked a mixed drink from time to time but I don't have any liquor in the house.... (I'm lying, My Darling has some soju in the house for marinating some dishes she cooks. I drank some of that while in Korea and if you want some serious rock-gut whiskey, that is it. While in Korea about a ten ounce bottle was 70 cents. It has an after taste, makes you stink if you drink enough of it. (In Korea it was a seven day affair watching/ dodging drunks walking the roads.) They drank all the time. Nuff said. ;)
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Good morning everyone.

Awake at 3:30 this morning...dang. We're doing some final preps at the deer lease today but already looking forward to watching the B-ball game tomorrow evening. I'll most likely be in a treestand during the Vandy football game so will miss that one.

Rain is in the forecast beginning tonight. We're needing it. The smell of fall forest fires is in the air here in the mountains.

Morning Legionnaires!

63° this morning with a hint of rain in the air. Today's high to be in the low 70's and a possibility of rain throughout the day and night. Winds 20-25mph with gust over 30mph.

Went to Sam's yesterday and ran into an old woman who had about 10 40lb bags of dog food on one of those big carts. I jokingly ask her if she had a pack of dogs and she said: "Basically, yes". She said she lived on a farm and had several Pyrenees that run around their place protecting their animals. I told her I understand and that I had 3 Pyrenees mixes and know how much food they eat a day as I too was buying more dog food. I have had several breeds/mixed breeds of dogs in my lifetime and have found that the Great Pyrenees (for me) are the best dogs to have as companions and guardians of the house. Affectionate, protective, and very loyal breed.

Well, not much going on today. Workout (shortly) this morning, train my student at 10:00 and then back home for my daily nap.

For those going to work, safe journeys and God Bless.
Good morning D-League.

Been a longish morning already. Saw my wife off on her trip to South America to be part of a mission to provide surgical help for kids in Guyana.

I always enjoy the first 24-48 hours of being alone, but the good vibe fades pretty quick. I’ve been part of a couple for most of the past 45 years and it’s a pretty engrained habit.

I see Louisville lost to Bellarmine last night. They made a late push to keep it close so the celebrating at U6 has probably begun.

Clear, crisp and cool in DC. Feels like hunting weather though it has been years since I did any hunting. My dad loved it and I loved going with him. Quail mostly, though now and then we’d get a few rabbits for his mother’s stew. Good memories.

I hope you all have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

63° this morning with a hint of rain in the air. Today's high to be in the low 70's and a possibility of rain throughout the day and night. Winds 20-25mph with gust over 30mph.

Went to Sam's yesterday and ran into an old woman who had about 10 40lb bags of dog food on one of those big carts. I jokingly ask her if she had a pack of dogs and she said: "Basically, yes". She said she lived on a farm and had several Pyrenees that run around their place protecting their animals. I told her I understand and that I had 3 Pyrenees mixes and know how much food they eat a day as I too was buying more dog food. I have had several breeds/mixed breeds of dogs in my lifetime and have found that the Great Pyrenees (for me) are the best dogs to have as companions and guardians of the house. Affectionate, protective, and very loyal breed.

Well, not much going on today. Workout (shortly) this morning, train my student at 10:00 and then back home for my daily nap.

For those going to work, safe journeys and God Bless.
Ha! My neighbor below me (again, think mountains) has a young Pyrenees. I stepped out on the porch this morning to sit on the porch and watch the bird feeder and drink coffee. I didn't make it one step and the dog was barking at me for the next 20 minutes.
When my folks lived on a farm, they had a Great Pyrnees. He was big and friendly. He used to leave them gifts by the front door sometimes. The biggest was a deer carcass.

I like boxers better. They are a barrel of laughs, known as the clowns of the dog world. They are very athletic. It's said if dogs formed a football team, boxers would be the linebackers.
Good morning D

Been sitting on the lanai enjoying a very pleasant breeze as Miss Nicole passes through the state. We have a little moisture but no damage and no weather issues. Just a stiff and pleasant breeze

It is 68° and the high will be 72° with 100% chance of rain this afternoon. At the present time it is not raining but wet and a stiff breeze.

I guess they are still counting votes in Arizona and Nevada

I trust all have a pleasant day and good tidings of joy to all.

Swamp critters have learned how to cheat and are very creative. Kari Lake's team has busted them twice. Right now it appears she has done it again. She has 1/2 million casted ballots they (her opponent Katie Hobbs & current Sec of State) tried not to count. Being a former investigative reporter with ears and eyes everywhere Kari Lake is said to have recieved information of shenanigans within 2 minutes after the polls opened. Republiicans saved the ballots to capture the cheating and has the evidence and ballots to validate her victory(?)​
I feel good about this. Kari Lake will be a good governor and clean up the voting mess out there.

This is what Ron DeSantis did his first day in office. Florida had the most screwed up election process in America so he fired the Supervisor of Elections in Palm Beach and got rid of the one in Broward County too. The home of hanging chads.

Now it is one of the best and was able to count 7.5 million votes within 5 hours of the polls closing.
Ha! My neighbor below me (again, think mountains) has a young Pyrenees. I stepped out on the porch this morning to sit on the porch and watch the bird feeder and drink coffee. I didn't make it one step and the dog was barking at me for the next 20 minutes.
Yeah, they do let you know when someone/thing is around.
When my folks lived on a farm, they had a Great Pyrnees. He was big and friendly. He used to leave them gifts by the front door sometimes. The biggest was a deer carcass.

I like boxers better. They are a barrel of laughs, known as the clowns of the dog world. They are very athletic. It's said if dogs formed a football team, boxers would be the linebackers.
We have a Pitt mix that I think is half boxer and half Pitt. Her body is boxer like but the head says Pitt. She is a rescue dog and the organization we got her from said she was half Pitt but was unsure of the other breed. Apparently, she had been abused by a former owner and is skittish and somewhat aggressive towards men. She stays away from me for the most part occasionally coming around if wife and daughter are not here. She has bitten me twice while I was messing around with my daughter. She is my daughter's dog and will not let me mess with her. She drew blood once but, it was not bad. I simply chastised her for it and she backed off. That was before the monster (Anatolian Sheppard/Pyrenees mix) got here. Now that she is grown, when the Pitt growls at me the monster gets in between us and puts a stop to it.
We have a Pitt mix that I think is half boxer and half Pitt. Her body is boxer like but the head says Pitt. She is a rescue dog and the organization we got her from said she was half Pitt but was unsure of the other breed. Apparently, she had been abused by a former owner and is skittish and somewhat aggressive towards men. She stays away from me for the most part occasionally coming around if wife and daughter are not here. She has bitten me twice while I was messing around with my daughter. She is my daughter's dog and will not let me mess with her. She drew blood once but, it was not bad. I simply chastised her for it and she backed off. That was before the monster (Anatolian Sheppard/Pyrenees mix) got here. Now that she is grown, when the Pitt growls at me the monster gets in between us and puts a stop to it.
We had 3 boxers at one time. We had Maddie, but a rescue had 2 boxers, a mom and a pup (both white). The mom was full of buckshot and deaf. She was the friendliest dog I ever saw despite her abuse, but the pup was scared of everything, particularly men. After a couple of months he got used to me, but never really adjusted to other men. Maddie had to teach him how to play and they became best friends.
Good morning folks. It is a sunny 59.5°F on our way to 76° with no chance of rain. I am hoping Nicole will bring us some rain before it gets cold Saturday.

Rooster that is good stuff on Kari Lake. She sure is a fine looking lady and smart as can be. She would be a good Gov.

My old friend Ritchie Curtis is going to be here Friday night for a good part of the next week and Ymmot is coming down probably to watch the Vandy game and we are going to cook some baby back ribs Saturday after the game. I will start smoking mine before the game. It is a rib off. Ymmot fixes his and I fix mine. I am going to try to give him the bad rack! :)

@storm1507 good luck on the deer hunting.

I got some work to do so see you good folks later.
Because it is run by a Democrat that is running for Gov. They even ran out of paper ballots! GEEZE, they need to get out of the damned sun.
In Florida they start counting mail in votes when received. They don't wait until polls close on election day. And you can track your vote on line. I did it.

Well the sun did not come out today and years ago if it did not come out we got a free newspaper. But with the demise of newspapers that is just a thing of the past.

Tropical storm remnants are all that is left of the Hurricane that hit the East coast and we did not have damage over here just some palm fronds in my yard and lots of soaking, good ole' rain.
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I have been there often.

Pittsburgh is a nice town until lately. Pittsburg, the town that steel and coal build, and now the dumb asses have elected a Senator that hates both industries. How do they get that damned stupid.
I see susidized behavior. Mtn lions are the same. They'll eat their prefered prey (Big horned sheep) into extinction then drop down the mountain to eat a calf. Do-gooders make sure the cat is not hunted. Not being woke, these Tommies fight for productive territories with food and Mollies. Multiply the old fashion way humping out families. Don't hunt because they don't have to. Learn to live on subsidies until rare prefered prey populations that no longer exist are reintroduced. This behavior is not new. It's wildlife management. Without wolves,to punch them, bison and elk become lazy government cows that destroy ecosystem diversity as well sniffing out prefererred forage to gobble up. Wolves being smart eat the dumb or lazy.​
I see subsidized behavior. Mtn lions are the same. They'll eat their preferred prey (Big horned sheep) into extinction then drop down the mountain to eat a calf. Do-gooders make sure the cat is not hunted. Not being woke, these Tommies fight for productive territories with food and Mollies. Multiply the old fashion way humping out families. Don't hunt because they don't have to. Learn to live on subsidies until rare preferred prey populations that no longer exist are reintroduced. This behavior is not new. It's wildlife management. Without wolves, to punch them, bison and elk become lazy government cows that destroy ecosystem diversity as well sniffing out preferred forage to gobble up. Wolves being smart eat the dumb or lazy.
