
We do not get grocery bags at Costco or Sam's Club but I always thought that was because we were saving money. But I do not know of any grocery store where you get charged or taxed for bagging groceries.

We get a choice of paper or plastic. Free of charge and someone will offer to take the groceries to your car. If it is raining they will offer you an umbrella.

Below is an actual photo taken at Santa Maria Island. Beautiful colors.

They started charging for plastic grocery bags -paper not an option - in my Maryland county years ago to “offset global warming.” I bought 3-4 cheap bags of my own and force them to use mine —in a number of years I’ve never paid the bag tax. On the few occasions I’ve forgotten my bags I just make them load the stuff into carts, I load it in my car and carry it in the house un-bagged. A small price to pay to give the far-left county council the middle finger.
I would leave the damned county. The tree huggers and climate change guys want to depopulate the globe. Screw them and the jack ass they rode in on.

When we have a chance, as soon as we have a chance, we will. (Looking for a ranch home in a retirement community in Prince William county.) A lot of amenities where we live but the living arrangements are not good as far as housing. I'd hate to tell what we paid for our current house that we never liked before we bought it. I have 20 years in 1-3-2023, then all bets are off.... I am still thankful as I have half my family around us. (My two daughters and two of my now/ soon to be six grand children...)... I complain but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand. (I say that not guardedly as I have example after example of where and when God has intervened on my behalf. Too many to discount it to "luck".)

I just hope things really change here in about two weeks...... Then I will better know what we have to do...
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Charging a nickel per plastic bag is nothing more than a money grab by some greedy politicians.

Exactly! Some real gutter trash. My only hope is this time in about two weeks some real commitments for change are implemented. If not we're toast...

Edit: there was once a contract with America, this better happen again for real.
Watching the Bengals play, and they started out like gangbusters early only to cool off slightly and are holding on to an 18-point lead early in the 4th quarter.

Weather in the 80's today with a 20-degree shift coming tomorrow. Easy to see why with the wind whipping around 30mph constant. Rain in the forecast for tomorrow as a burn ban is in effect here for the wind is so high and the ground so dry.
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They started charging for plastic grocery bags -paper not an option - in my Maryland county years ago to “offset global warming.” I bought 3-4 cheap bags of my own and force them to use mine —in a number of years I’ve never paid the bag tax. On the few occasions I’ve forgotten my bags I just make them load the stuff into carts, I load it in my car and carry it in the house un-bagged. A small price to pay to give the far-left county council the middle finger.
When this covid bs started, I needed to go in Rulers grocery for two items. You had to wait in line so many feet apart and an employee gave you permission to enter. I grudgingly went a!ong with it. When it was my turn to enter, the lady said you have to take a cart. I told her I only wanted two items and didn't need a cart. I guess they figured if you had a cart, it would keep people further apart. That was my limit. I said I guess I didn't need to shop there after all. As I walked away, she offered me a quarter to pay for the cart. I smiled and said 25 cents is not the point as I walked away. We have a very lefty governor who did a lot of damage with his bs covid rules.
They started charging for plastic grocery bags -paper not an option - in my Maryland county years ago to “offset global warming.” I bought 3-4 cheap bags of my own and force them to use mine —in a number of years I’ve never paid the bag tax. On the few occasions I’ve forgotten my bags I just make them load the stuff into carts, I load it in my car and carry it in the house un-bagged. A small price to pay to give the far-left county council the middle finger.

Yep, I reuse Walmart bags from Prince William county. If I need them I have them. Yeah, it is getting ridiculous. I won't get political but it is too much paying for all lunacy left ideas through ALL tax payers. It MUST stop soon. (Taking a break.)
It has been a rewarding Sunday and I am winding down to start a new week.

I received a nice text from one of my granddaughters, the one who is a Cadet at the USAF Academy and she had what she called an "epic" weekend. I guess that means good in young people speak.

She did the German Proficency Challenge and was one of only three women at the Academy who tried it. She came through with flying colors and got the Gold. If you pass there are three levels of awards: bronze, silver and gold.

The test is off the charts. You have a fitness test, a markmanship test, medical and mopp gear test, 100 mm swim in OCP's, and a 12km ruck with 35 pounds.

Being one of only 3 girls in the Academy to even compete and winning a gold is quite an accomplishment for an 18 year old. You have to hit every target in marksmanship to get a gold . 5 of 5. (edit: 17 of 17) She said she was tired but it felt amazing to do it. The girl has always had guts.

To be honest I had never heard of the German Proficiency Badge. The test was administered by German military. Here is a picture of the badge you are authorized to wear. It is worn on the left breast pocket. Perhaps some of you ex-military guys who are younger than me have heard of it. It was all German to me. :)

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Wow is all I will say. I am a Windows man and have been translating my expertise to a macbookpro. (Actually my expertise in windows is long antiquated as I work in a much different environment now..) I backed up my daughters data using apple products and then verified it actually worked. (I had to clear an external hard drive I had then format it to be compatible with apple.) I did that and then erased the macbook, formatted it and am now waiting for the image to finish. Once it does I will throw Office for MAC on it and install McAfee. THEN it will be all hers again. (I have a copy of her data but I am not reinstalling it unless asked and then only what she asks for as she had some old data on it. If all works I may upgrade her memory.... We shall see but it took a while....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Light wind. Rain chances increasing around noon, Today's high expected at around 86°F.

Early voting kicks off today for Travis County, TX. I plan walking over to our local polling place, Chinatown, on Wednesday.

Diwalli celebrated today by colleagues, but my workplace having a get-together tomorrow. Plenty food.

Another weekend in the books. Monday, Monday...

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

It has been a rewarding Sunday and I am winding down to start a new week.

I received a nice text from one of my granddaughters, the one who is a Cadet at the USAF Academy and she had what she called an "epic" weekend. I guess that means good in young people speak.

She did the German Proficency Challenge and was one of only three women at the Academy who tried it. She came through with flying colors and got the Gold. If you pass there are three levels of awards: bronze, silver and gold.

The test is off the charts. You have a fitness test, a markmanship test, medical and mopp gear test, 100 mm swim in OCP's, and a 12km ruck with 35 pounds.

Being one of only 3 girls in the Academy to even compete and winning a gold is quite an accomplishment for an 18 year old. You have to hit every target in marksmanship to get a gold . 5 of 5. She said she was tired but it felt amazing to do it. The girl has always had guts.

To be honest I had never heard of the German Proficiency Badge. The test was administered by German military. Here is a picture of the badge you are authorized to wear. It is worn on the left breast pocket. Perhaps some of you ex-military guys who are younger than me have heard of it. It was all German to me. :)

I did something similar with no swimming. It included several types of weapons firing. I only came out with the bronze. Had the award permanently added to my records so I could continue to wear it after I left the unit I earned it in.

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I did something similar with no swimming. It included several types of weapons firing. I only came out with the bronze. Had the award permanently add to my records so I could continue to wear it after I left the unit I earned it in.

Nice, very nice WC. She said swimming was the most difficult. One has to swim 100 meters in uniform and then undress in the pool without touching the sides of the pool, basically treading water. I was incorrect about the markmanship. She actually hit 17 of 17 targets which is the gold level. I had no idea she could shoot like that. The standards for women competing were the same as the men. 40 cadets competed but only 3 women and she was the only woman in the 2026 class to compete.
Good morning folks.

Monday is here, ready or not. So are my wife's house guests, but soon to depart. I didn't sleep for two nights after my friend's passing, and trying to be a host with more or less strangers was exhausting. But it turned out fine. They are good people.

Feeling a bit better emotionally today. And i have to meet the challenges of work, so no time to wallow.

I hope it is a good day for all of you.
Nice, very nice WC. She said swimming was the most difficult. One has to swim 100 meters in uniform and then undress in the pool without touching the sides of the pool, basically treading water. I was incorrect about the markmanship. She actually hit 17 of 17 targets which is the gold level. I had no idea she could shoot like that. The standards for women competing were the same as the men. 40 cadets competed but only 3 women and she was the only woman in the 2026 class to compete.
Did a swim across the Chagres River in full gear with weapons and rucks during jungle training in Panama in the early 80's. Had 3 rucks inside of a poncho raft with a rope harness around my shoulders in full uniform with weapons and two soldiers hanging on to the back of the raft. Neither could swim but we all had life vest on which were useless if you raised your hands and arms above your head with all of the gear on. You would just start sinking. Had to keep your hands down and paddling. The two solders on my team who could not swim just held on while I breast stroked across the river. However, I only got so far out before I realized I was not making progress to go further (too much drag with so much stuff) so, I turned around left them on the bank then, took the rest of the equipment (poncho raft with gear) to the other side and went back, got them and pulled them to the other side. Needless to say, I was exhausted when I hit the bank on the other side after getting them. We were doing a timed movement through obstacles in the jungle as a team and had to make the time limit to pass. We made the time limit but not by much. I was dead at the end of that day.
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Listening to this classic album taped in Toronto's Church of the Holy Trinity in 1987. Unusual because all band members were crowded around a single microphone during recording. Turned out just fine.

Thanks for the Cowboy Junkies reference UK82. Brings back pleasant memories of the early days of my relationship with my now-wife back in the late 1980s. This was her favorite song, and we still listen to it on certain, mellow occasions to recapture those days.
Just checking in. Got my bi-weekly pot of soup beans going (seasoned with salt pork). Since I'm the only one here who will eat them I'll be eating them for three days. It is my favorite meal.


No need for seconds if I was around. I'd sure cut into the days where leftovers are concerned. Dang, I have a craving now....

As Jerry Clower once stated about Azlee Delaughter, she flung a craven on Clovis.

The soup beans did it for me.

Jerry stated Azlee is so ugly that there ought to be another commandment. Thou Shalt NOT Be So Ugly.... 😅
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Hello all,

Been at it today but that's normal lately. Have to visit the Ole ticker doctor tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully no issues and just my annual visit. I don't feel bad though I have gained about ten pounds since I started this new job... it is angering as I have kept my weight consistently under 220 and usually under 215 for a half dozen years at least...pushing ten years, (Can't blame anyone but myself. I know what caused it. (Going back for seconds is the only fault and I DO have that fault for a couple months now, have to kick it back out of my eating routine.) (As My Darling is downstairs working on a ribeye steak as I am typing this...)....

I guess it is better than a poke in the eye...

I did something similar with no swimming. It included several types of weapons firing. I only came out with the bronze. Had the award permanently added to my records so I could continue to wear it after I left the unit I earned it in.

You're talking about Schützenschnur Abzeichen (Weapons Proficiency Badge). Below is a rare photo of me actually qualifying for the award, assisted by Deutsches Luftwaffe airmen. Note the Walther P-38. I qualified silver, barely.


Never wore it because I qualified for another higher award. According to AR 670-1, we're only allowed one foreign award on dress blues/greens back then. Earned Luftwaffe ABC/Se-Personal Bronze // Air Force NBC Protection Badge in Bronze. According to DA back in 1986, only 7 of us had earned such a badge since 1955.


Thanks for the Cowboy Junkies reference UK82. Brings back pleasant memories of the early days of my relationship with my now-wife back in the late 1980s. This was her favorite song, and we still listen to it on certain, mellow occasions to recapture those days.
That's a good one but they're all good. Sweet James is my favorite.

Since you're from the area and I seem to recall that you've visited the Exorcist house, does anyone actually live there? Watched it the other night. Annual Halloween habit. Haven't been to Georgetown in many years but would love to take my wife for a quick weekend (or long). She's never been but I have no doubt that she'd love it.
Anybody had kidney stone problems? I passed one from my kidney into my bladder today and still have another one in my kidney. Feel a lot better than I did this morning. The doc said they both should finish passing now.
I have Mr. Carbo, have had several. The best devise I can give you is when it moves, just get in the floor, have your wife put a pair of high heels on and walk on your back, just kidding!!! Best thing is to start drinking as much water as you can, also start drinking 100% cranberry juice, water with lemon or lemonade and lots of it, not cocktail mixes straight cranberry. I have heard that drinking a beer will help, I haven't tried a beer. Last one I had was 3 years ago, spent three days in the hospital, they had me walking as much as I could, they said walking helps make it move. It finally moved away from my kidney enough that they took me down a busted it up. I had to lay on a table, brought some type of machine that was over my stomach and underneath the metal table, then they put me to sleep, when I woke up everything was ok. Pissed a bunch of little stones and a lot of blood which was scary, went home the next day. Wasn't the best place to spend our anniversary but what could I do? Like I said drink, drink and drink!!!!!!
That's a good one but they're all good. Sweet James is my favorite.

Since you're from the area and I seem to recall that you've visited the Exorcist house, does anyone actually live there? Watched it the other night. Annual Halloween habit. Haven't been to Georgetown in many years but would love to take my wife for a quick weekend (or long). She's never been but I have no doubt that she'd love it.
UK82 —The house is still there at Prospect and 36th NW in Georgetown. Not sure if anyone lives there.

Where lots of people go to get the Exorcist scary vibe is “the steps” where Father Damien meets his demise. That’s nearby where the house is, though not as close as the movie suggests —and I always get a creepy feeling there. I bet your wife would get a chill out of that spot.

I love the movie. As it happens, I also had the chance to pass through Hatra - the town in Northern Iraq where the opening scenes were filmed. A task force I was embedded with in April, 2003 traveled up from Tikrit to Mosul and it’s about 30 miles or so south of Mosul as I recall.
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I have Mr. Carbo, have had several. The best devise I can give you is when it moves, just get in the floor, have your wife put a pair of high heels on and walk on your back, just kidding!!! Best thing is to start drinking as much water as you can, also start drinking 100% cranberry juice, water with lemon or lemonade and lots of it, not cocktail mixes straight cranberry. I have heard that drinking a beer will help, I haven't tried a beer. Last one I had was 3 years ago, spent three days in the hospital, they had me walking as much as I could, they said walking helps make it move. It finally moved away from my kidney enough that they took me down a busted it up. I had to lay on a table, brought some type of machine that was over my stomach and underneath the metal table, then they put me to sleep, when I woke up everything was ok. Pissed a bunch of little stones and a lot of blood which was scary, went home the next day. Wasn't the best place to spend our anniversary but what could I do? Like I said drink, drink and drink!!!!!!
Thanks, I have had several. Once I was almost totally blocked. The surgeon couldn't get them all out and some got lodged inside the kidney wall. I had a fall the other day and landed on my lower back. I think the fall loosened them and they started moving. I was definitely walking, couldn't sit, lay down or be still.
Thanks, I have had several. Once I was almost totally blocked. The surgeon couldn't get them all out and some got lodged inside the kidney wall. I had a fall the other day and landed on my lower back. I think the fall loosened them and they started moving. I was definitely walking, couldn't sit, lay down or be still.
Will be praying for you!!!! I got something you won't believe, a friend of mine passed 23 at one time!!!!! He showed me a picture of them laying on a towel!!!!!