
Sanibel Island Lighthouse. Before and after Ian hit.

Sanibel Island Lighthouse. Before and after Ian hit.

Damn. Hate to see the damage at Sanibel. What a lovely place that is.

My failed first marriage began with a Honeymoon to Sanibel after getting hitched in West Palm Beach when I was still in my early 20s. The wreckage left by Ian is a personal metaphor for me.
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I was just listening to a buddy blow off steam about how some injustice was being piled on him here at work, and he muttered, "I don't deserve this."

I caught myself before I responded with one of the truest and most profound sentences ever spoken in an American movie, by Clint Eastwood as Will Munny. Loved this movie, and especially this moment.

Afternoon folks. Fishing while not the best day ever was pretty good. Fish were bumping/hitting the lure often this morning but did not start taking the bait all the way until around 10:30 or so.

Hooked 8 landed 6 with most being between 2 and 3 pounds. Went to a pond I have not been to since I was still in the military. Only time I went the water was down and there were only catfish and carp in it. It later dried up and was that way for a while. I had heard that some years back the Army Corps of Engineers went in and dug it out more making it bigger, built a concrete dam and now it holds water even through the drier times such as this year. Even down now it looks bigger than I remember it being. Below is the fish caught there today.

Afternoon folks. Fishing while not the best day ever was pretty good. Fish were bumping/hitting the lure often this morning but did not start taking the bait all the way until around 10:30 or so.

Hooked 8 landed 6 with most being between 2 and 3 pounds. Went to a pond I have not been to since I was still in the military. Only time I went the water was down and there were only catfish and carp in it. It later dried up and was that way for a while. I had heard that some years back the Army Corps of Engineers went in and dug it out more making it bigger, built a concrete dam and now it holds water even through the drier times such as this year. Even down now it looks bigger than I remember it being. Below is the fish caught there today.

Nice catch WC. We had fried fish tonight for supper. Fresh from the seafood market, not frozen. The wife made some corn bread and had her favorite, pinto beans. That was a meal fit for a King.
My wife doesn't understand my love of Christmas. I don't believe in any of the available gods, but I love me some Christmas. I don't believe each individual story of the bible, but I believe it is a great blueprint for the principles of a society. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, or bang my wife, are pretty good rules for a civilization. I celebrate it each and every year, but only after Thanksgiving. Let's be civilized.
Hey welcome back wild ass!
Amazon is not dependable. Used to be. I'm sealing/staining my deck tomorrow after a power wash. Product was out for delivery but now is delayed. What the hell happened. Out for delivery means "out for delivery". This is happening more and more. Service in this country really sucks these days. Used to be service was what separated the competition. Obviously that's old school.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F, clear and calm. Today's high projected around 92°F.

85 year-old University of Texas Tower, from where Charles Whitman killed 16 and wounded 31 people, is undergoing renovation. Quite a few rusty metal fixtures need cleaning.

Actually working from home again today. No heading into the office. However, I'm going in tomorrow.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Amazon is not dependable. Used to be. I'm sealing/staining my deck tomorrow after a power wash. Product was out for delivery but now is delayed. What the hell happened. Out for delivery means "out for delivery". This is happening more and more. Service in this country really sucks these days. Used to be service was what separated the competition. Obviously that's old school.
I have something originally supposed to be delivered 11 Oct. Now I have an email that says delayed to 13 Oct.
Good morning folks. We are in for a run of absolutely beautiful early fall weather after the last of the rains generated by Ian have passed.

Through mid next week we’re going to have cool, clear nights and sunny days with temps either in the low 70s or high 60s. Looks like we picked a good weekend to walk along empty beaches and stroll through little sea coast towns. I just hope our senile president doesn’t decide to show up at a house he owns just north of where we are staying and fall off his bike again.

Im going to agree with all you fellows who say Thanksgiving is the best holiday. For more than 40 years after I left Kentucky I’d return to my parents house, alone at first, eventually with wife and kids and my three brothers and sister would show up at mom and dads with their kids. At the peak there were 25-26 of us packed around three tables and it was the greatest feeling.

Mom finally got too old to host that rolling carnival three years ago. Now I drive in the week before Thanksgiving and check in with my parents and all my siblings. Then we have a smaller affair in Maryland on the big day. But I still love the day.

Hope it’s a great day for you folks.

Guten Morgan Legionnaires!

Jeztz ist es 18°C mit dem hoch 29°C. Oops! Sorry, AustinTXCat's post got me thinking in German. 65° right now with the high to be 85°. Will have me a German beer or two tonight and yes, they will be Warsteiner's.

Wife has tomorrow off in line for a 4-day weekend. I was told last night that we were going to OKC tomorrow to the big Asian market they have there to replenish all of the spices she loves and uses. Not a bad thing as they always have some fresh foods and snacks cooked up in the front. So, I usually grab a snack or two for the drive home although we will have already eaten lunch at our favorite Korean restaurant in OKC before going to the market.

Really tired with sore legs this morning as yesterday's fishing trip really wore me out. I walked a lot more and covered more area than normal as I fished from 0800-1:40. While the water is down, the dried-up areas are only dry on top. As I stepped around many areas had me sinking down and getting stuck. Had to rock back and forth sometimes to get out of the mud. Good thing today's workout is upper body.

Well, that is all for now, so you guys be careful out there and God bless.
Good morning folks. We are in for a run of absolutely beautiful early fall weather after the last of the rains generated by Ian have passed.

Through mid next week we’re going to have cool, clear nights and sunny days with temps either in the low 70s or high 60s. Looks like we picked a good weekend to walk along empty beaches and stroll through little sea coast towns. I just hope our senile president doesn’t decide to show up at a house he owns just north of where we are staying and fall off his bike again.

Im going to agree with all you fellows who say Thanksgiving is the best holiday. For more than 40 years after I left Kentucky I’d return to my parents house, alone at first, eventually with wife and kids and my three brothers and sister would show up at mom and dads with their kids. At the peak there were 25-26 of us packed around three tables and it was the greatest feeling.

Mom finally got too old to host that rolling carnival three years ago. Now I drive in the week before Thanksgiving and check in with my parents and all my siblings. Then we have a smaller affair in Maryland on the big day. But I still love the day.

Hope it’s a great day for you folks.
Thanksgiving is the favorite of mine as well. During my time in the desert of Saudi waiting for the ground war, the holidays came and went with the mess hall serving turkey and ham but did not have enough. I always waited for my solders to eat first so, there was never any turkey or ham left when I went through the chow line. After the war we got back to Sill on 7 April 91 and were given time for leave so I called my mother and told her I wanted a Thanksgiving style meal when I got home. She went one better and contacted many other family members, and we had a Thanksgiving in April. The only blemish on that one was that she invited my now ex-girlfriend who had just a month or so earlier wrote me a dear john letter before I came home and, she brought her knew beau with her. Life is funny. He cheated on her about 6 months later and she called me to ask if I would consider taking her back. NOPE.

It worked out in the end as I am now much better off with the woman I am married to now.
Thanksgiving is the favorite of mine as well. During my time in the desert of Saudi waiting for the ground war, the holidays came and went with the mess hall serving turkey and ham but did not have enough. I always waited for my solders to eat first so, there was never any turkey or ham left when I went through the chow line. After the war we got back to Sill on 7 April 91 and were given time for leave so I called my mother and told her I wanted a Thanksgiving style meal when I got home. She went one better and contacted many other family members, and we had a Thanksgiving in April. The only blemish on that one was that she invited my now ex-girlfriend who had just a month or so earlier wrote me a dear john letter before I came home and, she brought her knew beau with her. Life is funny. He cheated on her about 6 months later and she called me to ask if I would consider taking her back. NOPE.

It worked out in the end as I am now much better off with the woman I am married to now.
Warrior, you have got me thinking of Thanksgivings far from home —1990, Saudi Arabia, 1992, Mogadishu, 1994 Port Au Prince, 2001, Kabul, 2003, Baghdad. Turkey day in Afghanistan is a pretty good yarn I’ll save for closer to the day.

Thank goodness the rest of my T-Days will be in America.
Good morning all,

Sitting in my car outside the DC VA getting ready to go inside. Regular treatment but a couple others I hope I can get as I feel some back issues I never have. Just a not good feeling I have had for a few months now. We shall see....

Have a great day!
Well to be fair this time it turned out to be a FedEx problem. Within the past several years FedEx has been the most unreliable delivery service to my neck of the woods.
We ship several boxes a week and used to ship several each day. Fed Ex is not so great, but they have been much better than UPS. UPS used to regularly bill us for items we did not ship. Jan was spending so much time on the phone getting it straightened out that we switched to Fed Ex. Though we do not use them at all anymore, UPS still bills us for something every couple of years. If they do to other small businesses what they were doing to us, instead of checking several pages of items, some places probably just pay the bill without checking.
We ship several boxes a week and used to ship several each day. Fed Ex is not so great, but they have been much better than UPS. UPS used to regularly bill us for items we did not ship. Jan was spending so much time on the phone getting it straightened out that we switched to Fed Ex. Though we do not use them at all anymore, UPS still bills us for something every couple of years. If they do to other small businesses what they were doing to us, instead of checking several pages of items, some places probably just pay the bill without checking.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F, clear and calm. Today's high projected around 92°F.

85 year-old University of Texas Tower, from where Charles Whitman killed 16 and wounded 31 people, is undergoing renovation. Quite a few rusty metal fixtures need cleaning.

Actually working from home again today. No heading into the office. However, I'm going in tomorrow.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

As a person with majority German ancestry, I don't see it this way. I'm an American, not German American, and proud of my forefathers from all countries.
On the subway this morning, crammed into a narrow seat with me, a deaf woman calls up her boyfriend on FACE-TIME, holds the phone up with her left hand, then begins this 30-minute "conversation' using highly animated sign language. That means she is jamming her right elbow into my upper arm and ribs the whole way. I try to shift, politely letting her know she is poking me, but I'm ignored.

And the whole time I'm thinking, WHY CAN'T THEY TEXT? This is no singling out of the deaf, by the way. People who can communicate by talking don't loudly shout into the ear of their anonymous seatmate over the noise of the subway. They text.

Ah well. Just part of the daily commute which is a big percentage of why I'll be glad to leave the work life behind.
Takes a little while after a loss, but ready for Saturday now and the next football game. It's a game we should win and really good teams do 2 things...good teams beat clearly lesser opponents (which is what South Carolina is) and good teams don't let a bad loss carry over...they win the next one. Go Cats!

I am about 21 miles from the DC VA. I got into the office for my first appointment early, had my blood drawn, saw the doctor, told her about my back issues, asked if I could have x-rays, she stated x-rays first then an MRI (If needed.), I went to drop off some un-ordered but delivered CPAP supplies to the CPAP office, came back, dropped a pint of blood, went and had my x-rays and hit the door.

I arrived at my appointment office about 7:15 or 7:20, I arrived back at my home at about 10:10, had all of the above completed except the MRI. That is about as efficient as you can get in the medical world. I am in deed thankful....