Thanksgiving is the favorite of mine as well. During my time in the desert of Saudi waiting for the ground war, the holidays came and went with the mess hall serving turkey and ham but did not have enough. I always waited for my solders to eat first so, there was never any turkey or ham left when I went through the chow line. After the war we got back to Sill on 7 April 91 and were given time for leave so I called my mother and told her I wanted a Thanksgiving style meal when I got home. She went one better and contacted many other family members, and we had a Thanksgiving in April. The only blemish on that one was that she invited my now ex-girlfriend who had just a month or so earlier wrote me a dear john letter before I came home and, she brought her knew beau with her. Life is funny. He cheated on her about 6 months later and she called me to ask if I would consider taking her back. NOPE.Good morning folks. We are in for a run of absolutely beautiful early fall weather after the last of the rains generated by Ian have passed.
Through mid next week we’re going to have cool, clear nights and sunny days with temps either in the low 70s or high 60s. Looks like we picked a good weekend to walk along empty beaches and stroll through little sea coast towns. I just hope our senile president doesn’t decide to show up at a house he owns just north of where we are staying and fall off his bike again.
Im going to agree with all you fellows who say Thanksgiving is the best holiday. For more than 40 years after I left Kentucky I’d return to my parents house, alone at first, eventually with wife and kids and my three brothers and sister would show up at mom and dads with their kids. At the peak there were 25-26 of us packed around three tables and it was the greatest feeling.
Mom finally got too old to host that rolling carnival three years ago. Now I drive in the week before Thanksgiving and check in with my parents and all my siblings. Then we have a smaller affair in Maryland on the big day. But I still love the day.
Hope it’s a great day for you folks.
Well to be fair this time it turned out to be a FedEx problem. Within the past several years FedEx has been the most unreliable delivery service to my neck of the woods.I have something originally supposed to be delivered 11 Oct. Now I have an email that says delayed to 13 Oct.
Warrior, you have got me thinking of Thanksgivings far from home —1990, Saudi Arabia, 1992, Mogadishu, 1994 Port Au Prince, 2001, Kabul, 2003, Baghdad. Turkey day in Afghanistan is a pretty good yarn I’ll save for closer to the day.Thanksgiving is the favorite of mine as well. During my time in the desert of Saudi waiting for the ground war, the holidays came and went with the mess hall serving turkey and ham but did not have enough. I always waited for my solders to eat first so, there was never any turkey or ham left when I went through the chow line. After the war we got back to Sill on 7 April 91 and were given time for leave so I called my mother and told her I wanted a Thanksgiving style meal when I got home. She went one better and contacted many other family members, and we had a Thanksgiving in April. The only blemish on that one was that she invited my now ex-girlfriend who had just a month or so earlier wrote me a dear john letter before I came home and, she brought her knew beau with her. Life is funny. He cheated on her about 6 months later and she called me to ask if I would consider taking her back. NOPE.
It worked out in the end as I am now much better off with the woman I am married to now.
We ship several boxes a week and used to ship several each day. Fed Ex is not so great, but they have been much better than UPS. UPS used to regularly bill us for items we did not ship. Jan was spending so much time on the phone getting it straightened out that we switched to Fed Ex. Though we do not use them at all anymore, UPS still bills us for something every couple of years. If they do to other small businesses what they were doing to us, instead of checking several pages of items, some places probably just pay the bill without checking.Well to be fair this time it turned out to be a FedEx problem. Within the past several years FedEx has been the most unreliable delivery service to my neck of the woods.
We ship several boxes a week and used to ship several each day. Fed Ex is not so great, but they have been much better than UPS. UPS used to regularly bill us for items we did not ship. Jan was spending so much time on the phone getting it straightened out that we switched to Fed Ex. Though we do not use them at all anymore, UPS still bills us for something every couple of years. If they do to other small businesses what they were doing to us, instead of checking several pages of items, some places probably just pay the bill without checking.
As a person with majority German ancestry, I don't see it this way. I'm an American, not German American, and proud of my forefathers from all countries.Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F, clear and calm. Today's high projected around 92°F.
85 year-old University of Texas Tower, from where Charles Whitman killed 16 and wounded 31 people, is undergoing renovation. Quite a few rusty metal fixtures need cleaning.
Actually working from home again today. No heading into the office. However, I'm going in tomorrow.
Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
Na ja. Wenn schon, denn schon.As a person with majority German ancestry, I don't see it this way. I'm an American, not German American, and proud of my forefathers from all countries.
Stream it by going to SEC website.
Thanks fellows. I get SEC Network and I subscribe to ESPN+ also. The SEC+ was throwing me off.SEC+ I'd check and see if you already have access with it being ESPN
@warrior-cat have you saw this story yet?
Lead weights and lie detectors: The scandal that rocked a Cleveland fishing tournament and became worldwide news
A cheating scandal in fishing? Yep, and the story behind it is
Those 2 definitely don't disprove it either.Fisherman never lie!
Yep. They need to pay all of the money back and if not see jail time should at least have to do a lot of community service or something. Above all else not be allowed in any fishing tournaments ever again.@warrior-cat have you saw this story yet?
Lead weights and lie detectors: The scandal that rocked a Cleveland fishing tournament and became worldwide news
A cheating scandal in fishing? Yep, and the story behind it is
That's way too close for anyone's sanity.Hello,
I am about 21 miles from the DC VA.
And Linda's grandfather invented the micro wave oven.A buddy sent me this photo. Being alone with these two about the time this was taken would pretty much cover about every adolescent boy's dream I had in the early 1970s...
I had this poster when I was 15. As far as I was concerned SHE invented the microwave oven...And Linda's grandfather invented the micro wave oven.
And Linda's grandfather invented the micro wave oven.
I've had the exact opposite experience. UPS has been pretty good, not great but good. Much better than FedEx. Even the USPS is better. Of course I can only speak about home deliveries, not business deliveries.We ship several boxes a week and used to ship several each day. Fed Ex is not so great, but they have been much better than UPS. UPS used to regularly bill us for items we did not ship. Jan was spending so much time on the phone getting it straightened out that we switched to Fed Ex. Though we do not use them at all anymore, UPS still bills us for something every couple of years. If they do to other small businesses what they were doing to us, instead of checking several pages of items, some places probably just pay the bill without checking.
I had this poster when I was 15. As far as I was concerned SHE invented the microwave oven...
I had this poster when I was 15. As far as I was concerned SHE invented the microwave oven...
It wasn't the deliveries we were upset about. They were consistently putting several hundred dollars a month on our bill for stuff we did not ship.I've had the exact opposite experience. UPS has been pretty good, not great but good. Much better than FedEx. Even the USPS is better. Of course I can only speak about home deliveries, not business deliveries.