
I do not dislike soccer or have any bias against it, I just have never been exposed to it. When I was in high school no one had ever heard of the sport to speak of. It was some foreign game much like cricket, another sport I have no idea how to play.

If you go back to the year I graduated from H.S. 1961, baseball was still King. A battle between Maris and Mantle to break the Babe's home run title was the hot sports talk of the year. The NBA was another sport that was not popular then but NFL football was. It was baseball and football and boxing that got the attention of most people.

My son played football and my daughter got into cheer leading in the 1970's and 80's but a few of their friends played soccer. I am just in a different generation than the average Joe. College football was also very popular across the country but college basketball was still regional in popularity.
Yep, soccer is something beyond my understanding. Heck, where I grew up in a rural atmosphere in a small school, football wasn't even a thing, let alone soccer.
Yep, soccer is something beyond my understanding. Heck, where I grew up in a rural atmosphere in a small school, football wasn't even a thing, let alone soccer.
I played football in high school. I got a broken arm and nose. After the broken nose and being out for three plays my mom ended my football career in my junior year.

I understand football!
I HAVE watched a soccer game, but I'm sure the D-League will forgive me when you hear the circumstances. When I was living in South Florida in 77-78 there was a soccer team called the Ft. Lauderdale Strikers who played in the old Lockhart Stadium best recalled as the scene of Yankees spring training games in that era.

Sometime in that period a buddy says to me, "You gotta go to a soccer game with me." I declined, from zero interest. "No, you don't get it," he says. "It's HALTER TOP night."

And so it was. Women wearing skimpy halter tops were let in free. Man, the hot girls turned out like you would not believe and what passed for "halter tops" in some cases left very little to the imagination. One of the great sporting events attended live in my life.

As for the actual game of soccer, the first goal I saw scored was waved off. Why? BECAUSE THE GUY HAD BEATEN THE DEFENSE DOWN THE PITCH. That's off-sides. In basketball terms, a break-away dunk would be waved off because you didn't let the defense catch up and get behind you. That's when I knew the game was not for me.
That is the definition of sexual exploitation!

I love it.
I hate being an asshole; however, on Rivals our schedule starts in November; however, the blue/white and midnight madness is not even shown. I know that they are not games but geeze why don't they list them.

You have to go to ESPN or SEC Network or someplace else to find out.

I get pissed but sometimes Yahoo sucks.
I played football in high school. I got a broken arm and nose. After the broken nose and being out for three plays my mom ended my football career in my junior year.

I understand football!
When I was a kid, right before the baseball season started, our catcher broke his leg. Nobody would volunteer to catch, so the manager told us the team would have to be disbanded. Though I loved 3B, I immediately volunteered to catch. Mom didn't like that idea, but dad and I won that discussion and I really enjoyed catching, but was glad to go back to 3B the next year.
Seems like a boring sport plus I don't know all the rules so I have never watched a game either...if you didn't grow up with a sport, not likely you will get into it. Hockey seems a lot more exciting than soccer, but I got the same problem with it, I don't know the rules.
I'm the exception then. When son played for a couple years in 80's, I studied the rules and became a poor ref to help the league. Then really got into it 25-30 years ago. CFB is only thing I watch more. I've gone to matches in England & Spain.

Morning Legionnaires!

52° this morning with light winds. 85° with sunny skies expected.

Renewing tags on my hooptie this morning then on to the gym to play Mr Miyagi for an hour or so. My student has not sparred in a while so, I will put on my protective gear and give her a target to beat up.

Yoos guys enjoy your day and Be Careful Out There.

Heck brudder WC take one or two good licks for me...😁 (Again) (Tell your student not to think of you but to think of me and flail away.) :oops: ;)
Hello all,

I took off this afternoon and completed the most expensive oil change my youngest daughter has ever had. (Free), yeah I did it. (Used my leave and per hour that oil change was expensive but,... what the heck...)(It was her birthday yesterday.)(She works this evening so I did it while she was sleeping. Now I can check off my bucket list doing a mobile oil change... 😁

Have a great rest of your day(s)

(Already did my "fly-by" messing with peoples...)
I asked my buddy (now deceased) who was into full contact karate to many questions one day and he wanted to show me a few things, so I (with protective gear) let him. The guy could kick like the proverbial mule.
My student is also a gymnast and has very strong legs. She tries to control her kicks but does not have that control yet. I have taken a few shots that stayed with me for a week or so (rib area) but did not have the protective gear on at that time. Today was rather light but I told her Thursday would be more intense.
< - played soccer in high school and club football (soccer) in Germany. I follow Bundesliga and Austin FC, although not nearly as closely as college football and basketball.
I played in Germany as well. Well, at it. Joined a city league and was on a team that was just being nice to me. I played if we had a sizable lead.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and clear with periodic clouds. Today's high expected around 90°F.

9,000 vehicle crashes so far this year in Austin. Yikes!

Austin Police Officer killed in vehicle crash last week. Someone took picture of ATX Mayor Adler caught sleeping during memorial service. He's catching hell over it and rightfully so.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Rainy and cold in the east. Ready for the last bits of the influence of Ian to blow through.

Really feeling like basketball weather though. I remember all the cold, rainy October days when I was a kid getting up before school to go running a few miles as preseason basketball conditioning, telling myself every step it would all pay off. And of course it has, with hip replacement surgery coming up in December and knee replacement surgery some time after I finish rehabbing.

Not much happening my way besides work and commuting and sleep. I’ve fallen into the habit of watching Law and Order reruns for an hour or so at night before bed. I never watched the show back in the 1990s when it started - traveled a lot and worked lots of nights. I’m enjoying the show — what I find remarkable is even the liberals in 1990s NYC would clearly consider the positions of today’s “progressives” insane.

hope it’s a good day for everyone.

Morning Legionnaires!

54° this morning with the high headed for the mid to upper 80's. Still no rain so, I have not cut the grass for a couple of weeks, and it still looks almost freshly cut. Will just knock down a few of weeds with a swing sickle and be done. Probably just have one more cut before the season ends.

Semi busy day to day. Working out this morning, walking the monster after, then dusting and vacuuming the house. Have 2 softball games tonight, 6:30 and 8:30 game times.

Going fishing tomorrow late morning to early afternoon. Supposed to be the best times during the fall. We shall see.

May God Bless you all today and keep you safe. For those hurting may he take away the pain and calm the waters.

Ya'll be cool.
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Morning Legionnaires!

54° this morning with the high headed for the mid to upper 80's. Still no rain so, I have not cut the grass for a couple of weeks, and it still looks almost freshly cut. Will just knock down a few of weeds with a swing sickle and be done. Probably just have one more cut before the season ends.

Semi busy day to day. Working out this morning, walking the monster after, then dusting and vacuuming the house. Have 2 softball games tonight, 6:30 and 8:30 game times.

Going fishing tomorrow late morning to early afternoon. Supposed to be the best times during the fall. We shall see.

May God Bless you all today and keep you safe. For those hurting may take away the pain and calm the waters.

Ya'll be cool.
My dad used to call the sickle an "idiot stick". guess who got to be the idiot most of the time?
Good Morning All,

Waking up with a strong cup of coffee and a nice sun rising. We should have a bright, bright sunshiny day. Our temperatures remain pleasant with overnight in the 50's and 58° at the present as we get up to 79° by mid afternoon. No rain in the forecast. We got plenty last week.

Yesterday we took care of our medical insurance for next year and met with the agent. To say I am pleased would be an understatement. No premiums and almost all medicines are at no cost. Very low co payments and coverage has been expanded including dental and vision. I have a PPO and this gives me the ability to go a specialist without a referral.

Today is the start of Hog Hunting Days. It is an organized hunt put on by the county to get rid of feral hogs as best we can. Last year over 500 hogs were taken out. It is pretty much open season on hogs down here all year long but this is an organized hunt with dogs and hunters always look forward to to. I have seen them take out an entire lawn overnight. ROOT HOG OR DIE

Take care all,


Morning Legionnaires!

54° this morning with the high headed for the mid to upper 80's. Still no rain so, I have not cut the grass for a couple of weeks, and it still looks almost freshly cut. Will just knock down a few of weeds with a swing sickle and be done. Probably just have one more cut before the season ends.
My grass grew so high the past couple of weeks I might have to bring in a hay baler. Last week we could not mow because of the hurricane and the grass must have grown 10". So today I am going to spend a little time outside doing yard work and loosening up these muscles. Keep moving as grandpa would say.
Good Morning All,

Waking up with a strong cup of coffee and a nice sun rising. We should have a bright, bright sunshiny day. Our temperatures remain pleasant with overnight in the 50's and 58° at the present as we get up to 79° by mid afternoon. No rain in the forecast. We got plenty last week.

Yesterday we took care of our medical insurance for next year and met with the agent. To say I am pleased would be an understatement. No premiums and almost all medicines are at no cost. Very low co payments and coverage has been expanded including dental and vision. I have a PPO and this gives me the ability to go a specialist without a referral.

Today is the start of Hog Hunting Days. It is an organized hunt put on by the county to get rid of feral hogs as best we can. Last year over 500 hogs were taken out. It is pretty much open season on hogs down here all year long but this is an organized hunt with dogs and hunters always look forward to to. I have seen them take out an entire lawn overnight. ROOT HOG OR DIE

Take care all,

Being a lover of boxer dogs, I have to post this. I read a story several years ago about how in Louisianna they were breeding dogs to hunt feral hogs. The breed they came up with was so mean that the handlers couldn't deal with them. They started breeding those dogs to boxers to get a more people friendly dog.
Good Morning All,

Waking up with a strong cup of coffee and a nice sun rising. We should have a bright, bright sunshiny day. Our temperatures remain pleasant with overnight in the 50's and 58° at the present as we get up to 79° by mid afternoon. No rain in the forecast. We got plenty last week.

Yesterday we took care of our medical insurance for next year and met with the agent. To say I am pleased would be an understatement. No premiums and almost all medicines are at no cost. Very low co payments and coverage has been expanded including dental and vision. I have a PPO and this gives me the ability to go a specialist without a referral.

Today is the start of Hog Hunting Days. It is an organized hunt put on by the county to get rid of feral hogs as best we can. Last year over 500 hogs were taken out. It is pretty much open season on hogs down here all year long but this is an organized hunt with dogs and hunters always look forward to to. I have seen them take out an entire lawn overnight. ROOT HOG OR DIE

Take care all,

That reminds me of something the old folks (younger than I am now, but still...) used to say around Kentucky when I was a kid: "I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my little brother." That hog could eat my little brother, and he's about 6'4'' 225 now.
That reminds me of something the old folks (younger than I am now, but still...) used to say around Kentucky when I was a kid: "I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my little brother." That hog could eat my little brother, and he's about 6'4'' 225 now.
Hogs can be one of the most dangerous species. I remember when I was about 6 years old a boy fell in a hog pen and the hogs maimed him for life. His right arm and left leg were useless and he spent his life as a cripple. Hogs can do some real damage to property and life.
Hogs can be one of the most dangerous species. I remember when I was about 6 years old a boy fell in a hog pen and the hogs maimed him for life. His right arm and left leg were useless and he spent his life as a cripple. Hogs can do some real damage to property and life.
Sawnee - This is one of those stories the Yankees never believe when I tell it, but according to my father it is true.

Back before I was born in the late 1940s or early 1950s, one of his adult cousins in Bracken County set out in the fall to butcher a hog, and later that day the family found him dead.

What they pieced together was that when the cousin shot the hog in the head to kill it, somehow it was a glancing shot to his skull that knocked the animal down and made him appear dead. But when my dad's cousin went into the pen to slit his throat to drain the blood, the hog reared up and pinned him against a wall of the pen, crushing his ribs and causing internal bleeding.

People died in lots of haphazard ways in rural Kentucky in those days, but that one was remarked upon within my family on into my boyhood in the 1960s.
Sawnee - This is one of those stories the Yankees never believe when I tell it, but according to my father it is true.

Back before I was born in the late 1940s or early 1950s, one of his adult cousins in Bracken County set out in the fall to butcher a hog, and later that day the family found him dead.

What they pieced together was that when the cousin shot the hog in the head to kill it, somehow it was a glancing shot to his skull that knocked the animal down and made him appear dead. But when my dad's cousin went into the pen to slit his throat to drain the blood, the hog reared up and pinned him against a wall of the pen, crushing his ribs and causing internal bleeding.

People died in lots of haphazard ways in rural Kentucky in those days, but that one was remarked upon within my family on into my boyhood in the 1960s.
I had an uncle who was only a few years older than me that I hung out with a lot. His FIL raised hogs, so I was around them enough to know I didn't want to be around them any more than I had to.
As for the actual game of soccer, the first goal I saw scored was waved off. Why? BECAUSE THE GUY HAD BEATEN THE DEFENSE DOWN THE PITCH. That's off-sides. In basketball terms, a break-away dunk would be waved off because you didn't let the defense catch up and get behind you. That's when I knew the game was not for me.
Hmmm. Football and hockey have offsides. I mean a WR isn't allowed to stand behind the D before the snap.

Soccer offsides has a pretty straightforward & understandable definition even though it can be hard/debatable to call & see:

Player on team with the ball can only be offside if all of these three are true when his team last kicks the ball: 1) he's on the offensive half of the field, 2) ahead of the ball, and 3) there are not two D players between him and the goal line - one of which is almost invariably the goalkeeper. And the sideline ref tells you where that offside line is at any point because he lines up even with it - which is why he constantly moves up & down his half of the field as the D players move. Once the other team deliberately plays the ball, there is no offsides. And the player can move himself back onside.
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Really sad about Loretta Lynn. Beginning when my kids were very young, on everyone of our 3-4 road trips from Maryland to Kentucky each year as we approached the eastern Kentucky mountains I'd play her music for them. To this day, my 25-year-old daughter is the rare DC young woman who lists Loretta Lynn as her favorite artist.

So many great songs. I made sure my kids could sing along with the great Kentucky anthem Coal Miner's Daughter. And my daughters favorite became "You Ain't Woman Enough."

Here's one of my favorites.
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Just heard Loretta Lynn died at 90. Bad news but 90 years ain't a bad run.
This is a sad day for me because I admit I had a huge crush on Loretta Lynn when I first heard her music. She is in my mind the greatest female country artist in music history. Emmylou Harris is right by her side with Patsy Cline and Tammy Wynette right there with them but Loretta had a much longer career and she was one of us.

She was the kind of woman you better not mess with. RIP and thank you for the memories.
I have never watched a soccer game in my life.
I watched my granddaughters play before they discovered softball.
Yep, soccer is something beyond my understanding. Heck, where I grew up in a rural atmosphere in a small school, football wasn't even a thing, let alone soccer.
What's to understand?
Good afternoon D-League. Doing some more…you guessed it…..genealogy, today.

Looked at my x3 or x4 great grandmothers family. Her mom (and my x5 grandmother) was an oldham. Looking through the oldham family name turns up some seriously cool stuff. And the best part? They’re all blood related. (Thanks grandma)

First up, we have Major George Oldham. Major for the continental army in the american revolution. In north carolina

In early 1776, George Oldham was a Private, who was soon promoted to Ensign, under Capt. Matthew Jouett/DeWitt and Col. John Hogan in the Northern Orange County Regiment of Militia. This company marched towards the battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, but they were too late.

In 1779, George Oldham was commissioned as a Lieutenant under Capt. Matthew DeWitt and Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia. This company was at the battle of Briar Creek, GA on 3/3/1779.

In March of 1780, George Oldham was commissioned as a Captain under Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia. His company was attached to Col. Ambrose Ramsey (Chatham County Regiment) who got sick and returned home, then attached to Col. John Collier (Randolph County Regiment), and was at the battle of Little Lynches Creek, SC (8/11/1780) and Camden, SC (8/16/1780). He also led his company at the battles of Haw River (2/25/1781) and Guilford Court House (3/15/1781).

In 1781, George Oldham was commissioned as a Major under Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia.

On 5/1/1783, George Oldham was commissioned as second Colonel in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia, alongside Col. James Saunders, both of whom served until the end of the war (assumed, records are incomplete).

George Oldham was born c.1749 in Prince William County, VA. He married Susannah Hensley c.1775 in Orange County, NC. He died on 3/30/1840 in Anderson District, SC.”

The Oldham’s also have a TON of confederates. In alabama, and south carolina. Could be more states but i’m only scratching the surface of the Oldham family name.

Here’s John Shelby Oldham, 20th alabama infantry.

His father served in the 2nd alabama cavalry. From 1862 until the end of the war. (Both survived)

There’s another Oldham boy. Marion Oldham, who was in the 11th alabama infantry. Under command of Robert E. Lee and the army of northern virginia. He was mortally wounded during the seven days battles and died in 1862.
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Good afternoon D-League. Doing some more…you guessed it…..genealogy, today.

Looked at my x3 or x4 great grandmothers family. Her mom (and my x5 grandmother) was an oldham. Looking through the oldham family name turns up some seriously cool stuff. And the best part? They’re all blood related. (Thanks grandma)

First up, we have Major George Oldham. Major for the continental army in the american revolution. In north carolina

In early 1776, George Oldham was a Private, who was soon promoted to Ensign, under Capt. Matthew Jouett/DeWitt and Col. John Hogan in the Northern Orange County Regiment of Militia. This company marched towards the battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, but they were too late.

In 1779, George Oldham was commissioned as a Lieutenant under Capt. Matthew DeWitt and Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia. This company was at the battle of Briar Creek, GA on 3/3/1779.

In March of 1780, George Oldham was commissioned as a Captain under Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia. His company was attached to Col. Ambrose Ramsey (Chatham County Regiment) who got sick and returned home, then attached to Col. John Collier (Randolph County Regiment), and was at the battle of Little Lynches Creek, SC (8/11/1780) and Camden, SC (8/16/1780). He also led his company at the battles of Haw River (2/25/1781) and Guilford Court House (3/15/1781).

In 1781, George Oldham was commissioned as a Major under Col. William Moore in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia.

On 5/1/1783, George Oldham was commissioned as second Colonel in the Caswell County Regiment of Militia, alongside Col. James Saunders, both of whom served until the end of the war (assumed, records are incomplete).

George Oldham was born c.1749 in Prince William County, VA. He married Susannah Hensley c.1775 in Orange County, NC. He died on 3/30/1840 in Anderson District, SC.”

The Oldham’s also have a TON of confederates. In alabama, and south carolina. Could be more states but i’m only scratching the surface of the Oldham family name.

Here’s John Shelby Oldham, 20th alabama infantry.

His father served in the 2nd alabama cavalry. From 1862 until the end of the war. (Both survived)

There’s another Oldham boy. Marion Oldham, who was in the 11th alabama infantry. Under command of Robert E. Lee and the army of northern virginia. He was mortally wounded during the seven days battles and died in 1862.
you are hooked dude!

I will pray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!