
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and clear with periodic clouds. Today's high expected around 90°F.

9,000 vehicle crashes so far this year in Austin. Yikes!

Austin Police Officer killed in vehicle crash last week. Someone took picture of ATX Mayor Adler caught sleeping during memorial service. He's catching hell over it and rightfully so.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


My wife makes tacos just about every week. Enchiladas about once a month.
I skied on one leg even though I have two. Didn't work out too well.

I used to caddy for a guy with one leg. He had a prosthetic leg but took it off when he played golf and used crutches. He played pretty decent golf on that one leg.

For ATX: He was Clyde Enix, the founder of Enix Jewelers in downtown M'boro.
Sawnee - This is one of those stories the Yankees never believe when I tell it, but according to my father it is true.

Back before I was born in the late 1940s or early 1950s, one of his adult cousins in Bracken County set out in the fall to butcher a hog, and later that day the family found him dead.

What they pieced together was that when the cousin shot the hog in the head to kill it, somehow it was a glancing shot to his skull that knocked the animal down and made him appear dead. But when my dad's cousin went into the pen to slit his throat to drain the blood, the hog reared up and pinned him against a wall of the pen, crushing his ribs and causing internal bleeding.

People died in lots of haphazard ways in rural Kentucky in those days, but that one was remarked upon within my family on into my boyhood in the 1960s.

Butchering a hog was the occasion for a neighborhood social gathering when I was a kid - usually around Thanksgiving time.
Opryland Hotel with Christmas wreaths displayed outside. 🤬
Quite a few years ago, the Opryland Hotel bought new lamp shades for all their rooms from a guy from California who bought them from china. When they arrived, something was wrong with everyone of them. The guy called me up begging me to take a crew to Nashville and go room to room and fix them. I could have charged him about whatever I wanted, but I wasn't about to bail him out of his Chinese mess. I often wonder what he did. Maybe he flew a crew in from china?
I used to caddy for a guy with one leg. He had a prosthetic leg but took it off when he played golf and used crutches. He played pretty decent golf on that one leg.

For ATX: He was Clyde Enix, the founder of Enix Jewelers in downtown M'boro.
If I'm not mistaken, Clyde Enix moved to FL. One of the relatives opened a jewelry store down in New Tazewell.
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Was talking to a guy today about workers. He needs 40 workers, so he hires 50 workers to try and keep enough people there to get product out. Today he was six workers short. 50 workers and 16 people fail to show. what a world!

It all comes down to leadership. No, not business leadership as it should be but the farcical government leadership on whom despots rely. (Yeah, I mean it.)
I see Aaron Judge got 62. What a remarkable season —without question one of the greatest by an American League player ever.

I never saw one of his home runs and am not downing it. I checked out of the game I love quite a while ago due to the forces that be, other than the game, in the game. It's a darned shame.

When Babe did it during the scandal he saved baseball. (I wasn't around for that but I relived it with movies and reading his exploits.) When Maris did it I was unaware of the ramifications at that time due to my age. I sure wish Aaron Judge impacted me this go round. (It didn't.) BUT, I do hope it impacted others positively. Baseball is American! Baseball deserves to be saved.... jmo
Agree but that wasn't my point. Christmas is also supposed to be about family and love. . Still is I guess.
My wife doesn't understand my love of Christmas. I don't believe in any of the available gods, but I love me some Christmas. I don't believe each individual story of the bible, but I believe it is a great blueprint for the principles of a society. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, or bang my wife, are pretty good rules for a civilization. I celebrate it each and every year, but only after Thanksgiving. Let's be civilized.
Good morning D

We have a nice day with over night low's in the 50's and it is 59° now with a high of 79° by 3:00 PM. No rain is in the forecast and sun will be with us.

My fellow Floridians to the South of us are recovering quicker than expected. The bridge to Pine Island will be functional by the weekend and the causeway and bridge to Sanibel and Captiva will be repaired. Of the 2.6 million customers out of electricity less than 300,000 remain. The speed of repairs is remarkable but people down there went to work and didn't wait around to be told what to do. They just did it. The Governor and local sheriffs have put looters on notice. If you loot the property owner has the right to shoot you, with the blessings of the State of Florida. It is what it is.

Yesterday I pulled two dead trees out with my 4x4 pick up. I scratched it a little bit and I am not pleased about that. But at least they are ready to take away and I saved a hunk of money by doing it my self.

I trust all are well and in good health. Wake up, the sun he is a rising.

My wife doesn't understand my love of Christmas. I don't believe in any of the available gods, but I love me some Christmas. I don't believe each individual story of the bible, but I believe it is a great blueprint for the principles of a society. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, or bang my wife, are pretty good rules for a civilization. I celebrate it each and every year, but only after Thanksgiving. Let's be civilized.
Good morning D-League. Still cloudy and cold on the east coast.

Long day ahead, but my wife and I have rented a cabin, off-season, on the Delaware Coast at a place called Dewey Beach for a 3-day weekend. We went every summer for 20 years for 9 days until the kids moved on to other lives. Now my wife and I go just for a taste of the beach and a look at the ocean in the fall. There are a few things about it I look forward to - the best fish and chips restaurant I know of anywhere, Thrasher’s French Fries, a place that makes incredible cream cheese croissants, stuff like that.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Have to head for the subway and plow through ten hours of work today. So you guys take care.

Morning Legionnaires!

59° this morning with very light winds. 86° expected for a high with partly cloudy skies. Fishing on for the day.

A little tired this morning as we played 2 games last night. We won both 13-5, and 12-10. I went 2-6 last night so my contribution to the offense was not very good. We are now 3-1 for the fall season. We were going to be short a player and have to forfeit when a guy who used to play for us for a few years but moved to Louisiana early this year showed up because his job had him back here for TDY. He works for a military contractor that allows him to work from home and they send him around the country wherever they need him. He just happened to come out to the field (brining his gear) knowing that fall ball would be played and we needed him. Good player too as he slugs at least one homerun a game.

Well, you guys stay safe out there during this "Hump Day!" and I'll get us some fresh fish.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 42° and fair here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 73°.

Everyone stay safe on this hump day 🐪.

Nice photo of the Brooklyn Bridge 41102. As many known, John Roebling built the Suspension Bridge in Cincinnati first, and it served as a model for this much longer bridge. But the engineering feats at the NY site were remarkable. My wife ispent her early years in NYC and every one of the hundred or so times we drive across that bridge I remind her the one in Cincy came first...
Nice photo of the Brooklyn Bridge 41102. As many known, John Roebling built the Suspension Bridge in Cincinnati first, and it served as a model for this much longer bridge. But the engineering feats at the NY site were remarkable. My wife ispent her early years in NYC and every one of the hundred or so times we drive across that bridge I remind her the one in Cincy came first...
For the BB, Roebling kept digging for bedrock for one the piers, Manhattan one I recall, and had to give up because existing tech couldn't get quality air any further down for the workers. So it's sitting on compacted dirt, not bedrock. Holding so far.
@_Rooster I just called you and it went straight to voice mail. Does that mean you are not taking phone calls? It would seem that way since you are not taking phone calls. I'm going to assume you are not taking phone calls and I will contact you here at a later date.
Good to see you post. You need to do it more often.

Good conversation yesterday.
It is another dry sunny 54.5°F on our way up to a warm 78°. We may get a frost this weekend. It ain't the 15th of October as my dad always said we are frost free here from April 15 to October 15. I am still betting on dad!

I have the Big Blue Madness set to record. I can't wait.
I admit I had a huge crush on Loretta Lynn when I first heard her music. She is in my mind the greatest female country artist in music history. Emmylou Harris is right by her side with Patsy Cline and Tammy Wynette right there with them but Loretta had a much longer career and she was one of us.

She was the kind of woman you better not mess with. RIP and thank you for the memories.
Bad news but 90 years ain't a bad run.
A treasure for sure.
They are out there folks. I received an e-mail attachment from my friend and former neighborhood who sustained hurricane damage to their home and he is getting bids on a temporary covering for their roof. (Blue tarp) This is the bid. This is not for a roof, it is for a temporary covering only. $22,566.00. Contractors are crooks during natural disasters.

My friend turned this company into the Florida fraud unit.