
My son aced a lot of exams. He was accepted to many schools, including Harvard and Yale. He chose Western Maryland (now McDaniel in Westminster, MD.) and it has paid off. But Harvard or Yale would have been better, but not a lot more expensive. Of course he graduated in 1989, so my information is out of date.

I am a failed chemistry major from Western Kentucky (Western means nothing in the world of academia). I then studied economics at Louisville, then North Florida and then at Johns Hopkins. I am a retard, but I made it in the world of business. There are a bunch of dudes who have degrees from Harvard and Yale who made less than me. I hate the Ivy League schools.

Plus my sister has a Ph.D. from Vandy and they are darned near as bad as the Ivy League.

In my view education is important, but IQ means more.

Edit: I am sorry for being such an ass, but smarts mean more than where you went to school.


I'm 'wit ya".... I have some paper but unless asked I never bring it up. My Dad had a hard life and a 6th grade education. I always listened to my parents. I didn't do everything they stated but I listened. The thing that stuck with me and still does is...what my Dad told me in my pre-teen years..."Be smarter than what you are working on." That's in a nutshell what I try doing in any interactions. (Mostly work but in life in general.) I am thankful...(Not sure what my IQ is but my effort is off the charts..)
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Sir, I am Army through and through! That's a GREAT Locomotive!!!

I read today where John Wayne turned down the Dirty Harry series before Clint was offered the roll. Me espousing most everything John Wayne stood for and also the love of most of his near 200 hundred movies has me stating as positively as I can state, John would not have made of Dirty Harry what Clint made of those movies. I did like McQ and Brannigan but in that roll Clint knocked it out of the stadium.... (That stated, I'd have watched them if John did them.) (I have all the Dirty Harry series. Good flicks...)

I mean, I have to have some scruples about it. ;)

Have a great what's left of your nights....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 95°F.

Here in north Austin, disabled gent moved across a parking lot last week in his motorized wheelchair. He saw a pickup coming and signaled him. Little 17 year-old turd ran him over. Disabled gent hospitalized with life-threatening injuries. Hope driver gets life.

These 503 errors are super annoying. Got another around 15 minutes ago.

Wishing happiness and heath for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 95°F.

Here in north Austin, disabled gent moved across a parking lot last week in his motorized wheelchair. He saw a pickup coming and signaled him. Little 17 year-old turd ran him over. Disabled gent hospitalized with life-threatening injuries. Hope driver gets life.

These 503 errors are super annoying. Got another around 15 minutes ago.

Wishing happiness and heath for all our fellow D-League members.

I was beginning to think I was the only one getting the 503 message. I know one thing, it's made posting and reading comments a hassle.
Nephew got a letter from Harvard a few weeks ago. No surprise given his GPA/accomplishments. Duke (ugh) is also interested. This isn't a guarantee but they are showing an interest. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Not a fan of Ivy League brainwashing. I'd rather see him go to a place like Vanderbilt.
Congrats to him on his hard work and dedication to academics. Selecting a university is difficult today and it is almost impossible to find a non WOKE school to attend. To not be influenced you have to have strong character and focus on the values you were taught at home and in the church you attended. It is not easy. My wife was dead set against my granddaughter attending the USAFA because they are as woke as any of them but she is coming around now because my granddaughter is grounded in the faith and keeps away from the "weeds of academia". So we pray and have faith in them as they go from youngsters to young men and women.

The best to your nephew as he makes important decisions on his future in academics.

Morning Legionnaires!

63° right now with a high of 94° expected. Going to Lowes today to get replacement wood for my privacy fence. Some pickets and 2x4 rails beginning to weaken and split. The monster is strong, and they are beginning to give when she fence fights with the neighbors' dogs who are let out every day to roam. They have been letting them out for years. The dogs will act tough when there is a fence but one day about 4 years ago, I was out front (no fence) with our older dog (pictured below) and they ran up barking and growling at me and she tagged one of them running them back to their house. She is getting too old for that now, but the monster will take the protector roll and even though she is friendly as can be, she has shown she will bow up when other dogs come up aggressively. It is in her nature as a protector slash guard dog being a Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd mix.

She thinks she is a lap dog.

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Good morning folks.

I’m back on the subway for the first time in a couple weeks —our office had a two-week hiatus. I’d forgotten how much I disliked this commute.

But we’re having a free Barbeque today at the offices, so that’s something.

I’m listening to a podcast on the US incursion in the Philippines as part of the Spanish-American War. I’m sure some of you passed through there during your military careers. I’ve never been. But it’s pretty clear we failed to learn a lot of lessons there in the early 20th Century that would have been useful in Vietnam and elsewhere.

Hope it’s a good day.
Good morning folks. It is a cool, clear 59.2°F. It was 55° earlier and we are supposed to only get to 79°. I will take it.

On the subject of colleges and the new woke shit, got me thinking. I started college in 1964 and even then in Kentucky my professors were quite liberal, especially in the arts and even history. I can't imagine what it would be like today. Of course I was sort of disconnected from it all then as I was more interested in girls than most things. Over the ten years from 18 to 28 I became quite a lot more conservative. Also times changed. Now I am a right wing nut job. But if John F. Kennedy came back to life he would be considered a right wing republican.

Both of my kids were far more conservative than me early on and now they are very conservative.
Hello all,

I hope your day is on track to be great. I got an I-Phone today. My first. Haven't played with it at all yet. (Not mine, just issued.)

Been inundated with new meet and greets. Scary that I still feel good. (I started a new job.)(Back where I belong...) I am thankful...

I am working from home tomorrow as a change of pace. (I will spell others during the first two and last two days of the weeks....)

We shall see how it goes but so far, it goes well...
I haven't posted a pic of a turntable in a while. Here you go. Swiss made Thorens TD-124. The Rolls Royce of record players. Manufactured between 1957 and 1967.

Watching America's Got Talent finale tonight. It's definitely not "America's" Got Talent. 11 acts and only 4 are American. The others: Lebanon, France, Poland, England, Australia, South Korea and Spain. The 4 judges are from England, Germany, Canada and Colombia. I don't have a problem but maybe they should change the name of the show?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and clear. Today's high expected around 93°F. We're slowly cooling off.

State legislature met yesterday about improving our power grid. Question of "how much" naturally came up. We're still recovering from that massive storm 19 months ago.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Wednesday Morning

It is 72° and clear as we wait for the sun to rise. A mostly sunny day is forecast with a slight breeze. Our high will be 84° and there is a 78% chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. I may take a boat out to Anclote Island this afternoon. It is always a fun trip and you can find some very nice sea shells at times.

I trust all are well and in good spirits.

Anclote Island in the Gulf of Mexico off of Tarpon Springs


Morning Legionnaires!

We are looking at low to mid 90's today with light winds and partly cloudy skies. 63° right now with the large mouths taunting me. Leaving here in about 45 minutes to Rattler and then Lake George (unless I kill it at Rattler).

You guys be good today for HE is watching.

God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Sunny and cool in the east. I stepped out of my house today and it flashed on me that we weren’t that far off from jacket weather. Love it. My wife went out Sunday and bought some large pumpkins and autumn-colored flowers for the front of the house, getting a jump on the season.

Riding in on the subway —the daily rolling circus. I guess with the way Dumb Ass Joe is killing my retirement accounts, I better get used to it, cause I ain’t getting off the commute soon.

Hope it’s a good day for all.

This classic came up next... Well worth the play... 😍

I will just add this one.... Some goodun's ...

A few more, for sure, for sure... (They just keep coming up gold...)

I will stop with...............The Hag... (I'm a sanging...)

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I will slow down after this, I was in a lull of my work and came across this from Hank Williams III, (Always did enjoy Mel.) I never had a use for what Hank Jr and Hank III became (Me personally as they went weird and metal.)(Kind of like John Denver went goofy in his later works.) Hank Jr did some seriously great music....Hank Sr was Hank Sr and legendary....

They should of stuck with what "brung" em, as it was good stuff... JMUO

Good morning, D, we are in Acts now, read chapter 3.

What a great game Saturday! Someone mention the 77-78 team, I remember that game with Florida, I think I remember florida players fighting each other or am I just imagining that?

I am leaving for Arkansas tomorrow morning, if I catch a biggun I will take a picture. I am really having trouble leaving my family and going so far from them, I think it will be some good therapy for me, but. I hope I can get the slam, this year, Rainbow, Brook, Cutthroat and Brown, maybe throw in a Golden trout in there somewhere! I didn't even know that there were Golden trout there until I caught one a couple years ago! They are a beautiful fish, when I first got it to the boat, I thought it was a Golden Shiner. WC, as much as you like to fish, you need to take a trip to Norfork and fish one time, you will never regret it, I can give you the name of our guide, great guy and guide!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! Please keep my son and his family in your prayers, we had a setback. We will just have to regroup and go on!!!!
My daughter graduated from Murray State with an OSHA degree.. Murray isn't much as colleges go, but they have an OSHA program that (when she graduated-don't know about now) was considered the #2 OSHA program in the United States (can't recall #1-maybe Penn State). She was president of the Honor Society. All the insurance companies were dying for OSHA people and she had her pick of numerous really good jobs, chose one in the Tampa area.
My son graduated from Murray also, majored in Biology, he is now an engineer/yardmaster/trainmaster in E'ville.
Good morning, D, we are in Acts now, read chapter 3.

What a great game Saturday! Someone mention the 77-78 team, I remember that game with Florida, I think I remember florida players fighting each other or am I just imagining that?

I am leaving for Arkansas tomorrow morning, if I catch a biggun I will take a picture. I am really having trouble leaving my family and going so far from them, I think it will be some good therapy for me, but. I hope I can get the slam, this year, Rainbow, Brook, Cutthroat and Brown, maybe throw in a Golden trout in there somewhere! I didn't even know that there were Golden trout there until I caught one a couple years ago! They are a beautiful fish, when I first got it to the boat, I thought it was a Golden Shiner. WC, as much as you like to fish, you need to take a trip to Norfork and fish one time, you will never regret it, I can give you the name of our guide, great guy and guide!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! Please keep my son and his family in your prayers, we had a setback. We will just have to regroup and go on!!!!


If you catch a small one take a picture. Pictures are cheap now. Of course I don't know your situation but for me I recently started a new job. I am able to go in the office most days now. I worked from home since covid hit in march I think 2020? I know my wife and I needed the break me going into the office would bring plus the job is better as well and more meaningful but I also know My Darling needed a break from me always being around.

I can be home in 10 to 12 minutes from work. 7.1 miles. I have some flexibility as well. I am home working today.

Have a great time and take lots of pictures, as many as you have time for, you can delete the ones you don't want later. Who knows, you may take that perfect picture as well. I sure hope you get a mess of biguns....
Good morning, D, we are in Acts now, read chapter 3.

What a great game Saturday! Someone mention the 77-78 team, I remember that game with Florida, I think I remember florida players fighting each other or am I just imagining that?

I am leaving for Arkansas tomorrow morning, if I catch a biggun I will take a picture. I am really having trouble leaving my family and going so far from them, I think it will be some good therapy for me, but. I hope I can get the slam, this year, Rainbow, Brook, Cutthroat and Brown, maybe throw in a Golden trout in there somewhere! I didn't even know that there were Golden trout there until I caught one a couple years ago! They are a beautiful fish, when I first got it to the boat, I thought it was a Golden Shiner. WC, as much as you like to fish, you need to take a trip to Norfork and fish one time, you will never regret it, I can give you the name of our guide, great guy and guide!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! Please keep my son and his family in your prayers, we had a setback. We will just have to regroup and go on!!!!
Safe travels and good luck.

If you catch a small one take a picture. Pictures are cheap now. Of course I don't know your situation but for me I recently started a new job. I am able to go in the office most days now. I worked from home since covid hit in march I think 2020? I know my wife and I needed the break me going into the office would bring plus the job is better as well and more meaningful but I also know My Darling needed a break from me always being around.

I can be home in 10 to 12 minutes from work. 7.1 miles. I have some flexibility as well. I am home working today.

Have a great time and take lots of pictures, as many as you have time for, you can delete the ones you don't want later. Who knows, you may take that perfect picture as well. I sure hope you get a mess of biguns....
Thanks BBUK, it's still over the loss of our grandson.
So just watched the queen’s funeral parade on TV while having a beer three blocks away. The best part was the pint: a local pils.
My last visit over there in 2010, I enjoyed the heck out of some British ciders.

Purchased my Brompton folder from a shop located just down the street from Buckingham palace during the trip.

Have fun.

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