
Kentucky wins in the Swamp, 26-16. First time with two consecutive victories over the Gators since 1976-77.

Sherry and I were at the 1977 game in Gainesville.
Great win. So glad to be so wrong. Thought this was too much to ask in the swamp without CRod.

So hard to be the dad who stays cool and doesn’t gloat around his die-hard Gator daughter. Managing it so far.

All her Gator first cousins on her mother’s side are going batshit crazy over this loss…hahaha.
I'm glad you were wrong too. 😁

I did not have a good feeling going in but, I did pick UK in the UK-UF prediction thread and picked UK in the stupid underdog pick thread so...Just lucky I guess. Could not bring myself to pick against them with the gators.
Bert, I can't remember, but had NCAA post-season sanctions already kicked in back then under Fran Curci, and were y'all aware of it while you attended the game?
I did not know anything about the sanctions at the time. That was even before the Cats Pause.

The railroad moved our department to Florida in August of 1976. So by 1977 we had started a "Wildcat" Club and we rented two greyhound type buses to go to the game that year. We got our tickets through UK.

Bottom line we all had a great weekend.
Good morning folks.

Still buzzing about the Cats beating the Gators.

What a day of football! ND is my “Louisville or UNC-Cheats” in football, the team I always root against, and they lost. Appy State pulled a great upset. Bama pushed to the last minute. And on and on.
Now the NFL kicks off. Can the Bengals possibly top last year?
Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring rain and a high of 81°.

Great win by the Cats last night. I wonder if the Cats get the same love in the upcoming rankings as Florida did last week, I doubt it.

Everyone stay safe on this Sunday.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and mostly cloudy. Today's high expected around 94°F. No rain in our forecast for at least the week.

Awesome win last night. Agree with Bert. From the time Gators awarded that safety, UK scored 19 straight and unanswered points. Great poise in a hostile environment. Cats play 3 more road games this season (Ole Miss, Missouri, UT). All look winnable.

Usual shopping and chores on agenda today. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

In memory of 9/11....
It is 71.1°F, cloudy (80% chance of rain) and 77° is the high. It has sprinkled a little rain so far.

I am still high on last night's game. That second half was mostly Kentucky.

Enjoy you Sunday folks.

Arrest him... (Yeah, I cherry-picked my information Sir.) 😁 I'd never take you out of context... Nooo...;)
Remembering the Pentagon victims of 9/11 who sometimes get overlooked.

I’ve mentioned before I was there that day. Saw many things I’ll never forget. Also knew one on the passengers who was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon - a smart and lovely woman named Barbara Olson who was a Congressional lawyer and wife of Bush solicitor general Ted Olson.
NKy 911 Memorial below in Crescent Springs at corner of Buttermilk Pike and Collins Road. Base is a pentagon with words for each site that was attacked. Brown steel is a beam from a tower. The towers shown are about 10' tall. Member of FDNY attended dedication in 2015. Our home is about 1/3 mile away 20 degrees to right of straight on. Walked by it earlier this a.m. and just drove past it.

Northern Kentucky 9/11 Memorial Dedication Ceremony
To the Bengals faithful:


Had a chance to win it at the end of regulation with an extra point attempt and had it blocked. Had a chance to win it in the overtime period and badly missed a 29-yard field goal attempt. Steelers kicker missed the next one and the Bengals were in range again but went for more yardage and Burrows fumbled himself out of field goal range. Steelers got within a 53-yard field goal attempt range with 5 seconds left and made it look easy that time. Burrows was sacked 6 times and was intercepted 2 or 3 times. The new Oline is supposed to be better than last years but...