
I edited the Florida game and Sherry and I watched it again. Greg McElroy and Joe Tessitory could not have been more biased than they were. If Florida was doing something good their voices would elevate to a higher pitch. When Kentucky did something good it was down graded.

When you live in Sales and Marketing you pick up on intonation. Those two were as biased as hell. Of course this opinion is from a very biased old Kentucky fan.

I love Kentucky being in the top ten. I hope and pray that they can stay there. This is rare territory for Kentucky football. Stoops for President.
Not seen ymmot post in a while. Same for Don..
Ymmot's fine. I speak with Ymmot every month or so. He threatens to return. I was a rare bird being absent during the summer dog days but I'm back with Basketball and Football both interesting right now. Sure helps our programs to have Alpha Dogs (Levis and Oscar) on our teams to provide the leadership only a peer can bring. D things always pickup in September. That might catch Ymmots interest again. I too am concerned about Dons' absence and keep him in my prayers. I miss his wit and intellelect. Your presence is appreciated. Retired for federal service now just over a year, I've been lurking the political board as my muzzle has been removed. Good have you here. You always have a chair.​
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and clear. Today's high expected around 94°F. We'll take it.

Lots of good NFL games yesterday. Watched a few. Cowboys still can't beat Tom Brady. Ha ha.

Continuously excited and happy for our KY Wildcat football. Awesome performance Saturday.

Monday, Monday.... Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Monday Morning D

Well it is great living in Florida after the Wildcats beats the Gators in football. The morning radio man is still mourning, going on a rant this morning and finishing the rant with I don't want to talk about it anymore so don't call and mention it. :)

The folks have all gone now, three went back to Texas, one back to Ocala and the other 5 down to Indian Rocks Beach for a week in the sun. Life is good. I like our No 9 ranking. We might even move up a little over the next couple of weeks. I hope C Rod is back soon especially for the Ole Miss game. We need him.

I trust all are well and in good spirits. It is great to be a Wildcat.
Good morning D-League. Monday seems sweeter when the Cats are in the AP Top Ten. I read that last happened in 2007 but I certainly don't remember that. Seemed more like when I was in college in the 77-78 time frame, with probation looming.

The Bengals laid an egg but I'm not overly concerned yet. For one thing, after last year's miracle it felt like playing with house money. But more significantly, there is no way on earth they play that poorly again and still had multiple opportunities to win and should have. I really question not playing Burrow one down during pre-season, if I'm right about that. He could not have been more rusty.

Still cool and cloudy in the east. Fall weather a bit early. Hope all is well with all you fellows.
Good morning D-League. Monday seems sweeter when the Cats are in the AP Top Ten. I read that last happened in 2007 but I certainly don't remember that. Seemed more like when I was in college in the 77-78 time frame, with probation looming.

The Bengals laid an egg but I'm not overly concerned yet. For one thing, after last year's miracle it felt like playing with house money. But more significantly, there is no way on earth they play that poorly again and still had multiple opportunities to win and should have. I really question not playing Burrow one down during pre-season, if I'm right about that. He could not have been more rusty.

Still cool and cloudy in the east. Fall weather a bit early. Hope all is well with all you fellows.
I remember that year. They started 5-0 then lost 5 of their next 7 games. I forget who but one commentator claimed that Woodsen should a Heisman candidate and the SEC was Kentucky's to lose. As Kentucky fans back then we knew how wrong he was.
I remember that year. They started 5-0 then lost 5 of their next 7 games. I forget who but one commentator claimed that Woodsen should a Heisman candidate and the SEC was Kentucky's to lose. As Kentucky fans back then we knew how wrong he was.
Played two OT games that season. Beat #1 LSU in Lex during 3rd OT and lost to #19 UT after 4 OT in Lex. Good year for Coach Brooks. Beat FSU in Music City Bowl.
Good morning D-League. Monday seems sweeter when the Cats are in the AP Top Ten. I read that last happened in 2007 but I certainly don't remember that. Seemed more like when I was in college in the 77-78 time frame, with probation looming.

The Bengals laid an egg but I'm not overly concerned yet. For one thing, after last year's miracle it felt like playing with house money. But more significantly, there is no way on earth they play that poorly again and still had multiple opportunities to win and should have. I really question not playing Burrow one down during pre-season, if I'm right about that. He could not have been more rusty.

Still cool and cloudy in the east. Fall weather a bit early. Hope all is well with all you fellows.
Poor special teams' application or the lack thereof was their downfall yesterday.

Morning Legionnaires!

High 80's today with mid 90's for the rest of the week and the foreseeable future.

Doing the Mr. Miyagi thing here in about an hour.

Going to Dallas on Saturday-Monday (3 hour drive) with an old Drill Sergeant buddy and the guy who runs our softball team. both retired military like me. The softball guy is from Texas originally and the Drill Sergeant buddy is from Oklahoma (Choctaw indian) and both are Dallas fans. Will be my first ever live Bengals football game.
It is a pretty sunshining day. It was 59°F when I got up and now it is 63.1° and to top out at 76°F. Fall is on the way.

Well I watched the second half again last night, just for the hell of it. The defense was on a mission.

Kentucky is now Number 9 and 10 in the polls and Notre Dame actually fell out. ND went from number 5 to zip in two weeks! :) But would you believe that they still got votes.

Happy Monday.
It is a pretty sunshining day. It was 59°F when I got up and now it is 63.1° and to top out at 76°F. Fall is on the way.

Well I watched the second half again last night, just for the hell of it. The defense was on a mission.

Kentucky is now Number 9 and 10 in the polls and Notre Dame actually fell out. ND went from number 5 to zip in two weeks! :) But would you believe that they still got votes.

Happy Monday.
I watched the replay yesterday afternoon and that defense was special. I was disappointed in the TV announcers but I guess years of bias and no respect for UK is hard to overcome.

I can not say enough about how awesome it was to win in the Swamp. That atmosphere is one of the best in college football. Beating them in Gainesville is special. Saturday was my third UK-FL game in Gainesville that I have seen a victory for our Cats. This may have been better than 1977 which has always been one of my favorite wins.

Having so many family members with me made it even more special.
Just heard that this was the first time ever that UK, UNC, Duke, and Kansas all won a true road game on the same day. All 4 are undefeated as well.
Not to be nasty; however, Kentucky beat the number 12 team on the road.

North Carolina beat Georgia State
Duke beat Northwestern
Kansas beat West Virginia

Georgia State, Northwestern and West Virginia ain’t never won shit.

Big Difference.
Not to be nasty; however, Kentucky beat the number 12 team on the road.

North Carolina beat Georgia State
Duke beat Northwestern
Kansas beat West Virginia

Georgia State, Northwestern and West Virginia ain’t never won shit.

Big Difference.
I just thought it was amazing that the four winningest basketball programs of all time, all won true road football games for the first time ever on the same weekend. Regardless of the opponents each played, the fact it took this long is truly amazing imo.
Nephew got a letter from Harvard a few weeks ago. No surprise given his GPA/accomplishments. Duke (ugh) is also interested. This isn't a guarantee but they are showing an interest. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Not a fan of Ivy League brainwashing. I'd rather see him go to a place like Vanderbilt.
My son aced a lot of exams. He was accepted to many schools, including Harvard and Yale. He chose Western Maryland (now McDaniel in Westminster, MD.) and it has paid off. But Harvard or Yale would have been better, but not a lot more expensive. Of course he graduated in 1989, so my information is out of date.

I am a failed chemistry major from Western Kentucky (Western means nothing in the world of academia). I then studied economics at Louisville, then North Florida and then at Johns Hopkins. I am a retard, but I made it in the world of business. There are a bunch of dudes who have degrees from Harvard and Yale who made less than me. I hate the Ivy League schools.

Plus my sister has a Ph.D. from Vandy and they are darned near as bad as the Ivy League.

In my view education is important, but IQ means more.

Edit: I am sorry for being such an ass, but smarts mean more than where you went to school.
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My son aced a lot of exams. He was accepted to many schools, including Harvard and Yale. He chose Western Maryland (now McDaniel in Westminster, MD.) and it has paid off. But Harvard or Yale would have been better, but not a lot more expensive. Of course he graduated in 1989, so my information is out of date.

I am a failed chemistry major from Western Kentucky (Western means nothing in the world of academia). I then studied economics at Louisville, then North Florida and then at Johns Hopkins. I am a retard, but I made it in the world of business. There are a bunch of dudes who have degrees from Harvard and Yale who made less than me. I hate the Ivy League schools.

Plus my sister has a Ph.D. from Vandy and they are darned near as bad as the Ivy League.

In my view education is important, but IQ means more.

Edit: I am sorry for being such an ass, but smarts mean more than where you went to school.
The kid is highly intelligent. Didn't get it from me. I think he's more interested in smaller in-state colleges like Centre but that could change. I also question his career aspirations. Last year he wanted to be a dermatologist now it's fashion design. I know, I know. We don't have much in common in that respect. Not sure what that major would even be. To his credit, his designs have already garnered some interest from ??? I don't even know what they call them. Fashion design companies?
My daughter graduated from Murray State with an OSHA degree.. Murray isn't much as colleges go, but they have an OSHA program that (when she graduated-don't know about now) was considered the #2 OSHA program in the United States (can't recall #1-maybe Penn State). She was president of the Honor Society. All the insurance companies were dying for OSHA people and she had her pick of numerous really good jobs, chose one in the Tampa area.
My daughter graduated from Murray State with an OSHA degree.. Murray isn't much as colleges go, but they have an OSHA program that (when she graduated-don't know about now) was considered the #2 OSHA program in the United States (can't recall #1-maybe Penn State). She was president of the Honor Society. All the insurance companies were dying for OSHA people and she had her pick of numerous really good jobs, chose one in the Tampa area.
She picked her career wisely.
She picked her career wisely.
She was on a jury a few years ago. Lawsuit between a couple and a bank concerning the way something was built and OSHA regs. The first poll of the jury was 11 to 1 for the bank. She explained to the jury that she worked in OSHA and explained what was done and what the OSHA regs were. The second vote was 12 to 0 for the couple. Lawyers on neither side was smart enough to actually study the regs or to get an expert. I often wondered if the couple knew how lucky they were to win by having an expert on the jury.
I edited the Florida game and Sherry and I watched it again. Greg McElroy and Joe Tessitory could not have been more biased than they were. If Florida was doing something good their voices would elevate to a higher pitch. When Kentucky did something good it was down graded.

When you live in Sales and Marketing you pick up on intonation. Those two were as biased as hell. Of course this opinion is from a very biased old Kentucky fan.

I love Kentucky being in the top ten. I hope and pray that they can stay there. This is rare territory for Kentucky football. Stoops for President.

Absolutely. Noticed this same thing in the ABC News broadcasts on WLAP. HUGE difference in how they reported the news depending on the political slant over the last 7 years