
As someone who covered trials in my career - from local murders in Maryland and DC to William Kennedy Smith, Marion Barry and FBI spy Robert Hanssen - I got called a few times but no defense attorney ever let me get on a jury. They are hoping to fool those largely ignorant of the law and how trials work.
Same with me, I was bounced every time as soon as I filled out my information. I have been deposed 100's of times and sit through 100's of cases as the defense. When selecting a jury the plaintiff always tried to select the people who they felt were ignorant and could be persuaded away from the facts. It is the jury system. The witness swears to tell the truth then the attorney goes to work. The last thing they are seeking is the truth. Just win baby.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and clear. Today's high expected about 92°F. Nice out.

Heading into the office so keeping it short.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Thursday Morning

Waking up to a pleasant day with a temperature now of 71° and the high will reach 84°. We have the usual 70% chance of rain around 4:00 PM. It rained very hard yesterday at 4:00 PM and last about an hour. It is our pattern this time of year.

We went down to Tarpon Springs yesterday and had a nice time. It is a good time of year to go there because the summer crowds are gone and the snowbirds have not yet arrived. Today I may take a boat over to Caladesi Island which is actually a state park off of Dunedin, FL. It is a little hidden gem and one of the best beaches in the state. I doubt many people will be there. We like to take day trips this time of year because of low crowds and the weather is perfect.

I trust all have a nice day in spirit and health. Here is a picture of Caladesi. Looks like these two people have it all to their lonesome. I like it like that.

Good Thursday Morning

Waking up to a pleasant day with a temperature now of 71° and the high will reach 84°. We have the usual 70% chance of rain around 4:00 PM. It rained very hard yesterday at 4:00 PM and last about an hour. It is our pattern this time of year.

We went down to Tarpon Springs yesterday and had a nice time. It is a good time of year to go there because the summer crowds are gone and the snowbirds have not yet arrived. Today I may take a boat over to Caladesi Island which is actually a state park off of Dunedin, FL. It is a little hidden gem and one of the best beaches in the state. I doubt many people will be there. We like to take day trips this time of year because of low crowds and the weather is perfect.

I trust all have a nice day in spirit and health. Here is a picture of Caladesi. Looks like these two people have it all to their lonesome. I like it like that.

If it only had a white beach! ;)
62.1°F, sunny and predicted to top out at 83°. No rain.

On Florida beaches: they are about the best, on the East and West coasts. I love the rugged Maine and California coast but the beaches are not nice like Florida's.

Jury duty: I have never sat on one. Sherry has two. I was once called for Federal Jury Duty in Jacksonville. I was supposed to call in every day at 7:00am for instructions. They always told me I did not have to show up. After two weeks I was off the list. One more time I was called for regular Jury Duty in Jacksonville, but I had just been transferred to Evansville, IN so I got out of it.

You all have a good Thursday.
Very nice Sawnee. When you can make a George Jones song your own -- and arguably improve on his version -- you have proven your talent.
He introduced me to Emmylou and since I first heard them I have bought everything I could find of her. They had some of the best harmony in the history of recorded music. Emmylou can sing with anybody no matter when the genre.
Drugs. I had to look it up but it was morphine and tequila. God gave him the talent and he ended it, not on Gods terms but his.
He was a troubled man. His father was an alcoholic and committed suicide. His mother was also an alcoholic and died of cirrhosis. Born into wealth, his grandfather owned 1/3 of all the citrus groves in Florida, he was sent to the best schools in America. Including the Bolles School in Jacksonville and Harvard. But the demons got him.
He introduced me to Emmylou and since I first heard them I have bought everything I could find of her. They had some of the best harmony in the history of recorded music. Emmylou can sing with anybody no matter when the genre.
Agree with all that. Gram Parsons introduced Emmylou to the entire George Jones catalog when they first met. Here's her version of a Dallas Frazier song first recorded by George more than a decade before Emmylou's take.

He was a troubled man. His father was an alcoholic and committed suicide. His mother was also an alcoholic and died of cirrhosis. Born into wealth, his grandfather owned 1/3 of all the citrus groves in Florida, he was sent to the best schools in America. Including the Bolles School in Jacksonville and Harvard. But the demons got him.
I did not know that he went to Bolles or Harvard. Man what a wasted opportunity.

The reason that I don't follow baseball anymore is because a "Bolles" grad used my country club membership to play golf (at Hidden Hills Country Club) when he was making $3 million a year for the Chicago Cubs and playing golf on poor old Bert's country club membership.

I found out and dropped his ass in a New York minute.

The demons may get me but everything that I have I got on my own except the good rearing and genes that I got from my parents. Gram got the talent, opportunity and apparently screwed it away. GEEZE that is bad.

May God give him peace.
Agree with all that. Gram Parsons introduced Emmylou to the entire George Jones catalog when they first met. Here's her version of a Dallas Frazier song first recorded by George more than a decade before Emmylou's take.

You picked one of, if not my favorite Emmylou songs. That was as good as it gets. Her band was extraordinaire. Ricky Skaggs was in her band, Vince Gill and so many more that went on to have great solo careers. Another one I truly love was a big George Jones and Merle Haggard hit. A lot of people sang this one. But she made my heart melt.

And this one, oh well. A classic Buck Owens song.

You picked one of, if not my favorite Emmylou songs. That was as good as it gets. Her band was extraordinaire. Ricky Skaggs was in her band, Vince Gill and so many more that went on to have great solo careers. Another one I truly love was a big George Jones and Merle Haggard hit. A lot of people sang this one. But she made my heart melt.

And this one, oh well. A classic Buck Owens song.

Both great. Very nice.
One more from me with Gram and Emmylou then back to work - If anyone could match the Everly Brothers' harmonies on a Boudleaux Bryant song it was them...
Hello all as you ramble toward the hay. Been going until now. As Andy stated many times, it ought not be that way but I am still thankful. I truly am. I have too many wives right now as in TWO grown daughters that do not realize I am their Dad, not their handy man that has a Dad do list instead of a honey doo list.... It is normal if I have a seven day work week. I am still healthy but have my ache's and pains.

I guess I complain about my daughters a lot and it is justified but I am also thankful and proud of them too... I will give them what I have as long as I can still take care of My Darling....

Have a peaceful evening... God Bless you all...
My wife just got her 4th jury duty notice, October 10th. I've had 3. Two of my sisters have never been called. Random selection process?

I got a summons for jury duty recently. My wife called them to tell them I was unable to do it. They then noticed my age and said that people 75 and over were exempt from jury duty and took my name off the rolls. Hee hee.
Hello all as you ramble toward the hay. Been going until now. As Andy stated many times, it ought not be that way but I am still thankful. I truly am. I have too many wives right now as in TWO grown daughters that do not realize I am their Dad, not their handy man that has a Dad do list instead of a honey doo list.... It is normal if I have a seven day work week. I am still healthy but have my ache's and pains.

I guess I complain about my daughters a lot and it is justified but I am also thankful and proud of them too... I will give them what I have as long as I can still take care of My Darling....

Have a peaceful evening... God Bless you all...
Complaining about daughters.... If we beat UT this season at Neyland Stadium, I doubt if anyone can ever shut me up.

She's football and basketball apolitical as far as UK/UT rivalry goes. Too bad my granddaughter's dad is a huge Vol fan.

Seriously, my daughter earns $18/hour + overtime working at a parts factory in New Tazewell. I worry about her every day. She had shots at UT, Berea and ETSU, but chose otherwise.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and cloudy. We got a brief passing shower last night. Today's high expected around 94°F.

Well, little brother must resend the letter. Here we go again with more postal service adventures.

Early game tomorrow. Go Cats!

Happy Friday, y'all. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Hope all is well. Out for a walk. Cool, crisp and clear in the east. I truly love this weather.

Glad it’s Friday and the every-other Friday that is payday for me.

I hope it’s a stress free and productive weekend for the football Cats. I haven’t checked out the full slate of games but the way this year has gone we can count on some entertaining surprises.

Have a good day folks.

Morning Legionnaires!

65° this morning with mid 90's for a high coming. Wanted to go fishing but wife took today off and wants to go to OKC for shopping purposes. She had put in for it (day off) weeks ago but then decided she wanted to save the day so told me yesterday morning she was going to work instead. She then asked what I had planned. I told her fishing and then getting a haircut. She then said that she had planned on cutting it for me. I said: "Yes but, you have been promising for 3 weeks now and it is really getting too long for me. I then told her I was going to get a flat top and she immediately told me she was taking Friday off now to cut my hair and we can go shopping.

In the words of Mohammed Ali: I'm a bad man!
Good Friday morning D-League

I have some personal paper work and accounting to do today. Nothing extraordinaire. I am anxious for a day of football tomorrow and the Cats will kick off early.

Our weather is pleasant with 72° at the moment and a high of 84° this afternoon. We will have our usual chance of rain. Scattered showers with a 75% chance by 4:00 PM. As I get older I catch myself missing the Old Home Place, where I first saw the light and spent most of my early childhood. Running free in those citrus groves with only a stick to protect myself in the event a rattler was hiding behind a grapefruit tree. A great way to grow up.

I trust all are well in body and in spirit.


I took off early a couple hours. Places to go, people to see... "RISE AND SHINE!!!! WE'RE BURNING DAYLIGHT!!!!"

Yeah, I am due for a John Wayne movie. Had it on my mind for a couple days...

Getting ready to change my belts on my Mazda tomorrow and then my friend reminded me about maybe replacing the water pump while I have the belts off. I am checking now to see how much and watching Youtube to see how involved that is.... (May just be changing the belts...81k who knows...) My Darling wants to hit the Markets tomorrow and I bought some buttermilk for biscuits. If the Lord doesn't take me home, that's the plans... Biscuits and the Markets...
I trust everyone is having a nice day. I had a VW bug when we got married. Same color. It didn't catch on fire but it did not have a starter and I had to park it on an incline and pop the clutch to start it. Also, the brakes went out in an intersection of a four lane highway. I had to run the red light and get up on the median. It is fun being young, poor and driving a VW held together with baling wire. Loads of fun.

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I trust everyone is having a nice day. I had a VW bug when we got married. Same color. It didn't catch on fire but it did not have a starter and I had to park it on an incline and pop the clutch to start it. Also, the brakes went out in an intersection of a four lane highway. I had to run the red light and get up on the median. It is fun being young, poor and driving a VW held together with baling wire. Loads of fun.


I had a hand me down (From my brother, my brother told me he wanted $300.00 for it and I agreed. (That was in about 1976.) Toyota Corolla 4spd station wagon and was thankful for it. I recently paid him for that car..... I drove and drove that car. It was a goodun until I had an electric issue and my Dad tried helping by crossing a wire and the next morning I found the wiring harness was burnt out of it. Melted the harness together like a mozzarella stick. Oh well, what could I do...