Good Monday Morning D
At my house the current temperature of 72° and a high of 85° is in the forecast. We will have mostly sunny skies with isolated thunderstorms around the region. We have a nice breeze this morning.
I spoke with my granddaughter, the one at the USAFA for the first time since she arrived for her appointment. She has access to her cell phone now from the hours of 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. So we had a few minutes to face time. They are deep into classes and of course the Academy makes up the schedule for the first two years. She seems to be doing very well and enjoying it but taking Chinese is not one of her favorite past times. She has a cadet friend who has mastered Chinese so she can help her get through the bumpy parts.
She is a big football fan (UK season tickets) and said the AF Academy requires al cadets to attend the football games on campus. She likes that idea. This summer she will get three weeks away from the classroom but each week is already planned. One week is personal time off so she will fly back to Lexington to be with family. The second week will be parachuting or flying a glider. She wants the parachute class and the third week will be "Desert Survival Training" . This is where she will be introduced to a diet of crickets and bugs. Sounds like fun. HA HA
Take care all and have a good Monday Monday