
Light cloudy and 73.0°F on our way to a nice 82°. No rain yesterday and 0% chance today. Those poor folks in Eastern Kentucky got dumped on. Fox News said 26 are dead and many are unaccounted for. Prays for those folks. Kentucky has over 90,000 miles of stream so we are susceptible to such things in big storms.

I have the first two basketball games set to record. Can't wait.
Those Eastern Kentucky floods have been some of the worst in history. I remember 1958 when it hit Floyd County hard. Shortly after the flood daddy drove us up from Florida to visit my grandparents and he stopped at the point the school bus went into the Big Sandy River and we paused for a moment. I was 13 year old kid and it made an impression on me. It was a terrible and tragic thing.

My grandpa built his house way up on the hillside. It was a pain climbing up there but the bottom would flood often, especially in the Spring and it made good common sense to build high. He climbed that hill every day until he died at age 86. He thought nothing of it. God Bless those good folks.

I pray the death toll does not increase but I would imagine some got swept away and it may take days to discover them. If ever.

As an aside: that last picture with the newspaper caption: "TOKYO BOMBED JAPS SAY: ADMIT DAMAGE IS HEAVY". Sherry's uncle, Bob Bardin (will turn 97 years old August 11) was the belly gunner on the first B-29 over Tokyo. Of course he served when the Air Force was part of the Army.
Bert, that is amazing. I am thankful you shared that with us. A true WWII hero and a very special, brave young man in 1945.
My sister in law lived in Palm Bay. Cocoa Beach is in the same county as is NASA. That is the Space Coast.
Patrick Air Force Base, just below Cape Canaveral, is also near where he lives.
My first cousin Jerry lives in Titusville. After a career in the Air Force he worked on the Space Shuttle and has never left Titusville. His son lives in Carrollton, KY and his daughter lives in the Mountains of North Georgia.

Jerry and I share the same birthday June 13th. He is 30 minutes older than me and about 8" taller.
Good Sunday Morning,

Headed out to church. We will visit my cousins' church in Indian Rocks Beach as he is taking an executive position with the church headquarters and will be leaving his current post. They have been trying to get him to take the position for a few years now but he was in the process of a very large multi-million building addition to the church and would not leave until it was completed and completely paid for. The church he pastors has never been in debt and always had the money before they laid the first foundation.

Now that it is complete and paid for he feels he can move on and the new pastor will not be left with a financial burden. God bless him. More later, have a good day all.

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to triple digits today as the last two days were in the low 90's. Fishing happened yesterday 🥳and the new go to pond (Bald) did not produce so, I went to the old (Rattler) go to which had not done so well this year and had several strikes hooking 4 and landing three. The biggest being about two pounds but, at least I caught some. Ahhhhhhhh, needed that fix.

Got back just in time for my wife to talk me into going with them to meet her sister and her kids, her mother, and her cousins for lunch at Asian Buffet for about an hour or so. We (my wife and I) then took the kids to a local roller skate/game play establishment while the others went back to cleaning out the burned house. Her sister and kids were supposed to leave today but, they finished what they were supposed to do late, so they are leaving tomorrow morning coming over here today to celebrate my birthday (65 tomorrow) and my wife's (49 on Wednesday).

Good news about the house is the owners are going to doze it down so, my MIL will stop paying rent on it. Bad news is she still wants to stay here after her son moves to Florida.
Good morning folks. Just heading out the door to drive up to South Mountain on the Maryland/WVA border to take a short hike along the Appalachian trail with my son.

Saw the Reds offloaded Castillo yesterday. You always get these wildly optimistic reports on how the minor leaguers the Reds get in these deals for stars are going to set the league on fire in a couple years. Then it seems like you never hear of them again. I'm sure there are exceptions, I just don't follow the team closely enough these days to remember any.

Hope its a good day for all of you.

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to triple digits today as the last two days were in the low 90's. Fishing happened yesterday 🥳and the new go to pond (Bald) did not produce so, I went to the old (Rattler) go to which had not done so well this year and had several strikes hooking 4 and landing three. The biggest being about two pounds but, at least I caught some. Ahhhhhhhh, needed that fix.

Got back just in time for my wife to talk me into going with them to meet her sister and her kids, her mother, and her cousins for lunch at Asian Buffet for about an hour or so. We (my wife and I) then took the kids to a local roller skate/game play establishment while the others went back to cleaning out the burned house. Her sister and kids were supposed to leave today but, they finished what they were supposed to do late, so they are leaving tomorrow morning coming over here today to celebrate my birthday (65 tomorrow) and my wife's (49 on Wednesday).

Good news about the house is the owners are going to doze it down so, my MIL will stop paying rent on it. Bad news is she still wants to stay here after her son moves to Florida.
Happy early 65th birthday Warrior.

Happy early 65th birthday Warrior.

That gas price seems on the high side to me. Maybe not.

Was helping to clean out my grandfather's house in 1971 after he passed. Something(?) stuck in floor joist was wrapped in newspaper & I pulled it out. What struck me was the paper was from the late 1930's Bars of soap were selling two for a penny.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 102°F. Triple-digit streak continues.

Just returned from another walk. Nice out and not yet 80°F. Several beer cans in our yard, so picked 'em up. Plan on grocery shopping after bit. May work on a few other items.

Happy Birthday @warrior-cat .

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Happy early 65th birthday Warrior.

Cool stuff right there.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 102°F. Triple-digit streak continues.

Just returned from another walk. Nice out and not yet 80°F. Several beer cans in our yard, so picked 'em up. Plan on grocery shopping after bit. May work on a few other items.

Happy Birthday @warrior-cat .

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Tomorrow but thanks in advance.
Speaking of Cincinnati, I had never been to a Reds game living in Louisville growing up because we did not have the money so, when I started working for the Unit Movement office in 2005, we were going around the country a week at a time visiting Guard and Reserve units that were going to deploy to the Mid-East in 6 months and go through Ft. Sill OK. Our office workers would rotate (next up) to various cities and states around the country. One such site visit was in June in Cincinnati, and it was my turn. I quickly looked up the Reds schedule and found they were in town playing the Phillies. After the first day ended of the site visit, me and a few solders went to Riverfront Stadium to see a game. We ask the ticket guy if they gave a discount for the military. He said: "No but he was also a vet and let us in for free. The Reds won that first game of the series (my first Reds game ever) and split the next two. Great time for me.

Now that I got that out of the way, I have also never been to a Bengals game, so I looked up this year's schedule and they are at Dallas on the 18th of September. Yesterday I texted a friend that I play softball with who is originally from Texas and is a big Dallas fan and ask if he wanted to go. He told me he would get back to me and within minutes he called back with tickets seating, and hotel options and we pulled trigger and got both. He called back about a half our later and told me an old Drill Sergeant buddy of mine joined the trip. It takes about 3 hours to get there from my house and 2 1/2 hours from his. Hopefully, Burrows is ready to play.
The owners of a place I do business with had season's tickets to St Louis Cardinals games. Good seats. We'd go once or twice a year. Stop at a mall in Illinois across the river, eat, and catch the Redbird Express for 5 bucks each which would take you a half block from the ballpark. You could be back in your car and on the interstate within ten or twelve minutes of the game ending.
First: Happy Birthday @warrior-cat may you have a great day and many more birthdays.

It is a cloudy 75.4°F and our high is only supposed to be 81° and a 90% chance of rain. We have already had a little sprinkle but it has not registered on the rain gauge yet.

I have enjoyed the clouds. We still have only had a total of 1.41 inches of rain. I would like to get another inch.

The last two weeks of sun and rain has got the corn and beans jumping. The corn field on the other side of my street has already tasseled and the ears are getting big. Mr. Webb is going to get richer this winter.

You have have a good Sunday.
Speaking of Cincinnati, I had never been to a Reds game living in Louisville growing up because we did not have the money so, when I started working for the Unit Movement office in 2005, we were going around the country a week at a time visiting Guard and Reserve units that were going to deploy to the Mid-East in 6 months and go through Ft. Sill OK. Our office workers would rotate (next up) to various cities and states around the country. One such site visit was in June in Cincinnati, and it was my turn. I quickly looked up the Reds schedule and found they were in town playing the Phillies. After the first day ended of the site visit, me and a few solders went to Riverfront Stadium to see a game. We ask the ticket guy if they gave a discount for the military. He said: "No but he was also a vet and let us in for free. The Reds won that first game of the series (my first Reds game ever) and split the next two. Great time for me.
Reds' security was way LOOSER in those days. Maybe that was true everywhere. And you could bring your own "beverages" in.
Last edited:

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to triple digits today as the last two days were in the low 90's. Fishing happened yesterday 🥳and the new go to pond (Bald) did not produce so, I went to the old (Rattler) go to which had not done so well this year and had several strikes hooking 4 and landing three. The biggest being about two pounds but, at least I caught some. Ahhhhhhhh, needed that fix.

Got back just in time for my wife to talk me into going with them to meet her sister and her kids, her mother, and her cousins for lunch at Asian Buffet for about an hour or so. We (my wife and I) then took the kids to a local roller skate/game play establishment while the others went back to cleaning out the burned house. Her sister and kids were supposed to leave today but, they finished what they were supposed to do late, so they are leaving tomorrow morning coming over here today to celebrate my birthday (65 tomorrow) and my wife's (49 on Wednesday).

Good news about the house is the owners are going to doze it down so, my MIL will stop paying rent on it. Bad news is she still wants to stay here after her son moves to Florida.

An early Happy Birthday to you Sir. Have a great one....
Good morning all, (Almost afternoon.) My Darling not feeling well so the BB slept with Papa last night. Man that boy wallers around most all night. He's a joy though...

My Darling is 65, she looks 35, speaking for me, I'm 61, I look 81, but I feel like 71 at times but do work like I'm 41 but I still feel 51.....

Yeah, on my coaster again... Have a great Lord's day...

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to triple digits today as the last two days were in the low 90's. Fishing happened yesterday 🥳and the new go to pond (Bald) did not produce so, I went to the old (Rattler) go to which had not done so well this year and had several strikes hooking 4 and landing three. The biggest being about two pounds but, at least I caught some. Ahhhhhhhh, needed that fix.

Got back just in time for my wife to talk me into going with them to meet her sister and her kids, her mother, and her cousins for lunch at Asian Buffet for about an hour or so. We (my wife and I) then took the kids to a local roller skate/game play establishment while the others went back to cleaning out the burned house. Her sister and kids were supposed to leave today but, they finished what they were supposed to do late, so they are leaving tomorrow morning coming over here today to celebrate my birthday (65 tomorrow) and my wife's (49 on Wednesday).

Good news about the house is the owners are going to doze it down so, my MIL will stop paying rent on it. Bad news is she still wants to stay here after her son moves to Florida.
Happy 65th WC and 49 to the Mrs. I trust it is going to be a good year for you and your wife.
Good morning all, (Almost afternoon.) My Darling not feeling well so the BB slept with Papa last night. Man that boy wallers around most all night. He's a joy though...

My Darling is 65, she looks 35, speaking for me, I'm 61, I look 81, but I feel like 71 at times but do work like I'm 41 but I still feel 51.....

Yeah, on my coaster again... Have a great Lord's day...
I am 79 but I don't know how you are suppose to feel at 79 because I have only been 79 for 10 days. Maybe I will get the hang of it in a few months. Football season should make me feel young if my team wins.

I thought a little yesterday about getting a part time job but this morning I woke up and put that in a distant memory. I am busy enough now. This morning I checked the pool and it had dropped a few inches since Friday so I turned on the well garden hose and started filling it. I forgot about until about 5 minutes ago. Guess what.

That should be enough to tell me I don't need any part time jobs at my age. At least I haven't got to the point I leave the burner on when cooking. I know some people who have.
Good morning all, (Almost afternoon.) My Darling not feeling well so the BB slept with Papa last night. Man that boy wallers around most all night. He's a joy though...

My Darling is 65, she looks 35, speaking for me, I'm 61, I look 81, but I feel like 71 at times but do work like I'm 41 but I still feel 51.....

Yeah, on my coaster again... Have a great Lord's day...
You are loose on the years! :)
Good morning all, (Almost afternoon.) My Darling not feeling well so the BB slept with Papa last night. Man that boy wallers around most all night. He's a joy though...

My Darling is 65, she looks 35, speaking for me, I'm 61, I look 81, but I feel like 71 at times but do work like I'm 41 but I still feel 51.....

Yeah, on my coaster again... Have a great Lord's day...
Stop with all of the numbers, my math not so good. 🤪
I am 79 but I don't know how you are suppose to feel at 79 because I have only been 79 for 10 days. Maybe I will get the hang of it in a few months. Football season should make me feel young if my team wins.

I thought a little yesterday about getting a part time job but this morning I woke up and put that in a distant memory. I am busy enough now. This morning I checked the pool and it had dropped a few inches since Friday so I turned on the well garden hose and started filling it. I forgot about until about 5 minutes ago. Guess what.

That should be enough to tell me I don't need any part time jobs at my age. At least I haven't got to the point I leave the burner on when cooking. I know some people who have.


At times, I am the burner-turner-offer in my home...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. Today's high estimated around 102°F. Another July in the books. Welcome August.

Cats play first Bahamas game in 10 days. Really looking forward to seeing them.

Monday, Monday... Man, these weekends are too short.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I am listening to local radio, as I usually do and the regular morning host just returned from vacation. He is at home and handling the program over the phone. He claims to be a conservative but he is a transplant New Yorker who is anything but when compared to folks around here. He idea of being a conservative is using recycled newspaper.

So he goes home to New York and catches COVID. He has been the most outspoken rabid supporter of shots, masks and hammers it everyday. Sorry if I find it humorous but this guy had his four shots and is the type who drives a car with his mask on. He gets up every 30 minutes to go wash his hands. He is blaming his COVID on someone he was on the plane with who did not wear a mask. He said he was wearing his and complained to the flight attendant that she wasn't and the person next to him wasn't. And so it goes. I just have to laugh
I am listening to local radio, as I usually do and the regular morning host just returned from vacation. He is at home and handling the program over the phone. He claims to be a conservative but he is a transplant New Yorker who is anything but when compared to folks around here. He idea of being a conservative is using recycled newspaper.

So he goes home to New York and catches COVID. He has been the most outspoken rabid supporter of shots, masks and hammers it everyday. Sorry if I find it humorous but this guy had his four shots and is the type who drives a car with his mask on. He gets up every 30 minutes to go wash his hands. He is blaming his COVID on someone he was on the plane with who did not wear a mask. He said he was wearing his and complained to the flight attendant that she wasn't and the person next to him wasn't. And so it goes. I just have to laugh

Good Morning Sir and all,...

Hope his voting doesn't reflect in his actions (It seems). If so HOW STUPID can people be...(How many of those are there? That is the question..

Morning Legionnaires!

SIL and kids left the house last night going back to BIL's apartment to rest before leaving for the trip back home to Florida this morning. One of her daughters stayed with us Saturday night with my daughter and left last night. After she left, my daughter (who had not seen her in about 6 years) said she was glad she was gone and that she was glad she did not live close because of her being so loud and noisy (very much like her mother). SIL's other daughter stayed mostly on her phone to friends back home so, not much interaction. My daughter is introverted and is sensitive to loud noises which makes talking to her for me sometimes difficult because I have some hearing loss due to my years in the artillery and she speaks softly. She gets annoyed sometimes when I ask her to repeat what she says and she just say: "Forget it dad, it was not important". Sometimes I do it on purpose if I don't want to be bothered. Works like a charm unless it is something she wants at the time.
Good Morning Sir and all,...

Hope his voting doesn't reflect in his actions (It seems). If so HOW STUPID can people be...(How many of those are there? That is the question..
It is hard to tell. So many are in the closet but we will know on election day. This guy gets all of his news from Yahoo News and spews it over the air claiming all along to be a Trump supporter. He knows his audience I guess. My county comissioner is a guest every Monday morning and calls him out. I tune in just to hear that. LOL
I am listening to local radio, as I usually do and the regular morning host just returned from vacation. He is at home and handling the program over the phone. He claims to be a conservative but he is a transplant New Yorker who is anything but when compared to folks around here. He idea of being a conservative is using recycled newspaper.

So he goes home to New York and catches COVID. He has been the most outspoken rabid supporter of shots, masks and hammers it everyday. Sorry if I find it humorous but this guy had his four shots and is the type who drives a car with his mask on. He gets up every 30 minutes to go wash his hands. He is blaming his COVID on someone he was on the plane with who did not wear a mask. He said he was wearing his and complained to the flight attendant that she wasn't and the person next to him wasn't. And so it goes. I just have to laugh
I have to laugh at people like that because we have enough information out there that has debunked the mask (unless it is a fully incased breathing system) and information that proves the shot (not vaccine) lessons the effects of the virus but does not stop it.

It really is crazy that we have become so dependent on the so-called news media (more opinion than news these days) and social media where anyone with an uneducated opinion (mostly from fear mongering agendas) that we just run with what is said without checking the source or experts.

Many out there really have the sheep mentality.