
Good morning folks. A happy belated birthday to Warrior. Keep reading, I have a photo you'll appreciate Warrior.

Good day yesterday. My son and I drove up to the Appalachian trail near a point where West Virginia and Maryland converge. We walked northeast for about two and a half miles, and came to a clearing that is on the spot where the Battle of Crampton's Gap was fought in September, 1862.

And we saw the guys below: It's a crew of enactors with a 12-pound Napoleon Howitzer on the exact spot where Confederate batteries fought during that battle. I made a video of the full firing sequence which I don't know how to post. Fun to watch. Then we hiked back and yesterday evening we had a nice family dinner party. Hope you guys are doing well
I have to laugh at people like that because we have enough information out there that has debunked the mask (unless it is a fully incased breathing system) and information that proves the shot (not vaccine) lessons the effects of the virus but does not stop it.

It really is crazy that we have become so dependent on the so-called news media (more opinion than news these days) and social media where anyone with an uneducated opinion (mostly from fear mongering agendas) that we just run with what is said without checking the source or experts.

Many out there really have the sheep mentality.
Just a few minutes ago he started in on the mask thing with our County Commissioner and the commissioner asked him if he was wearing one on the plane. His answer was "of course he never takes it off". The commissioner laughed and said did it keep you from getting COVID? I spit out my coffee.
Good morning folks. A happy belated birthday to Warrior. Keep reading, I have a photo you'll appreciate Warrior.

Good day yesterday. My son and I drove up to the Appalachian trail near a point where West Virginia and Maryland converge. We walked northeast for about two and a half miles, and came to a clearing that is on the spot where the Battle of Crampton's Gap was fought in September, 1862. And we saw these guys:
Thankyou. Not belated Md, it is today. My wife's is Wednesday.

We have an old half section with horses that they use for ceremonies at Ft. Sill and around the nation if organizations wish to hire them.
Thankyou. Not belated Md, it is today. My wife's is Wednesday.

We have an old half section with horses that they use for ceremonies at Ft. Sill and around the nation if organizations wish to hire them.
Well, happy birthday then. I remember you are an old artillery guy. That 12-pound Napoleon crew was well drilled. The gun is a smooth bore and could fire solid shot (cannon balls) round shells that exploded in the air and rained shrapnel, and when the enemy got within 450 yards, cannister - a coffee can sized projectile filed with large lead balls. Effective range: About a mile.

One last thing I learned from the guy who described the little demonstration.

It was a British officer who invented the exploding shell that could rain pieces of metal down on enemy troops back during the Napoleonic Wars. His name: Henry Shrapnel.

Well, happy birthday then. I remember you are an old artillery guy. That 12-pound Napoleon crew was well drilled. The gun is a smooth bore and could fire solid shot (cannon balls) round shells that exploded in the air and rained shrapnel, and when the enemy got within 450 yards, cannister - a coffee can sized projectile filed with large lead balls. Effective range: About a mile.

One last thing I learned from the guy who described the little demonstration.

It was a British officer who invented the exploding shell that could rain pieces of metal down on enemy troops back during the Napoleonic Wars. His name: Henry Shrapnel.
We used time fuses on our projectiles that did the same. The FDC (Fire Direction Center) would calculate the distance and time needed for an airburst and we would set that on our fuses. For our smaller howitzers we had what was called a beehive round which was similar to the coffee sized canister you referenced and was used just like a big shotgun when shot. Used for enemies that got to close for the normal rounds used by artillery.

Later we used rocket assisted rounds that would release grenades or metal flechetts
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We used time fuses on our projectiles that did the same. The FDC (Fire Direction Center) would calculate the distance and time needed for an airburst and we would set that on our fuses. For our smaller howitzers we had what was called a beehive round which was similar to the coffee sized canister you referenced and was used just like a big shotgun when shot. Used for enemies that got to close for the normal rounds used by artillery.
One more photo from my personal stash. I learned yesterday that the term "Sabot" for a piece of metal that seals a shell in a barrel and then flies off when it is fired dated back to before the Civil War. Those re-creators we saw yesterday had Sabot Shells on display that worked with 1860-era rifled guns.

It reminded me of this photo my buddy Andrew, a news photographer traveling with me, took in early March 2003 in Kuwait as M1A2 tank gunners live fired to zero in their main weapons before rolling into Iraq. Look a couple yard in front of the barrel and you'll see a Sabot Round breaking apart as the projectile goes forward.
One more photo from my personal stash. I learned yesterday that the term "Sabot" for a piece of metal that seals a shell in a barrel and then flies off when it is fired dated back to before the Civil War. Those re-creators we saw yesterday had Sabot Shells on display that worked with 1860-era rifled guns.

It reminded me of this photo my buddy Andrew, a news photographer traveling with me, took in early March 2003 in Kuwait as M1A2 tank gunners live fired to zero in their main weapons. Look about a yard in front of the barrel and you'll see a Sabot Round breaking apart as the projectile goes forward.
Watched a nighttime tank battle between US vs RGF (Republican Guard Force) from the deck of my M110A2 Howitzer after 2 days of us bombarding the RGF with 8" rounds while they were bottlenecked up in a pass. We shot over 2000 of those rounds each weighing 208lbs from our battalion before the tanks went in to finish them off. While our tanks fired many rounds into the enemy lines, there were very few coming back their way as we figured there were not too many of them left after two days of shelling from us. While it was night and visibility was low, the moon was shining, and we could see the outlines of the tanks but moreover followed the tracer rounds as they burned a trail showing where the rounds were hitting.
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One more photo from my personal stash. I learned yesterday that the term "Sabot" for a piece of metal that seals a shell in a barrel and then flies off when it is fired dated back to before the Civil War. Those re-creators we saw yesterday had Sabot Shells on display that worked with 1860-era rifled guns.

It reminded me of this photo my buddy Andrew, a news photographer traveling with me, took in early March 2003 in Kuwait as M1A2 tank gunners live fired to zero in their main weapons before rolling into Iraq. Look a couple yard in front of the barrel and you'll see a Sabot Round breaking apart as the projectile goes forward.
I use to take my wife over to the tank range at Knox for night firing on Friday nights. We made a date out of it. She was in awe of the tracer rounds and the ground shaking.

I have two Confederate Crook and Brother rifles. One a long rifle and the other a carbine. They are .58 caliber. I was offered $1,200 for each one but I am not ready to sell. They look great over a fireplace and perform outstanding on the range. They were powerful weapons.

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Good morning D-League. It's currently 71° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more thunderstorms and a high of 89°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.
Same weather as here except it is currently 75.7°F.

Our current Presidential administration is the most inept that I have seen in my adult life time by a factor of 10. He is incapable of telling the truth. Pray that he does not get us into a shooting war.

@warrior-cat sorry for getting your birthday wrong. I am usually a day late not a day early!

I feel so sorry for the folks in South eastern Kentucky.
Same weather as here except it is currently 75.7°F.

Our current Presidential administration is the most inept that I have seen in my adult life time by a factor of 10. He is incapable of telling the truth. Pray that he does not get us into a shooting war.

@warrior-cat sorry for getting your birthday wrong. I am usually a day late not a day early!

I feel so sorry for the folks in South eastern Kentucky.
Actually, if I were born in China, you would have been about 9 months late as they count the day of conception as your first day of life.

Spent the early morning working out after coffee and then replacing a brake light switch on the old Kia Sportage we got back from her mother. It's idling good and we have a hand held diagnostic computer that we hooked up to it and will now try to figure out what other things need fixing. I will replace all fluids tomorrow as I noticed the last oil change was in 2019. But before we do that my wife said I must go pick up my cake at Walmart. Geez, I thought it was going to be home made. Pineapple upside down would have been nice. I can't complain really, we will use that one on Wednesday for her birthday as well. Save me some money.
Gosh, she is dumber than a rock.

Men can't get pregnant, bitch.

Yeah just how stupid can you be???? Geez she very probably has a driver's license too. Just scary that a bunch of these are around... Just a dead-eye stare too. (She did look like she was hesitant stating it for just a second but she wanted to say it so badly...)
Huge get by the basketball staff. Going up against Oscar in practice everyday and having him as a mentor, will only make him that much better.

Very happy to see this kid on board. 7'1" uber-athletic former soccer player. I hope Cal swiftly clarifies that he's playing this year, and that he gets minutes as a rim protector and shot blocker.

Could be a Nerlens Noel type disrupter to complement Oscar in the paint for ten minutes a game.
Good Evening all, the day had some twists and turns, that's life. Had a wiry day at work, that's par.

The rest of this week looks to be in need of and will require some concentration. Got an opportunity for a three day boot camp starting Wednesday but I have to complete several items tomorrow for those three days to free-up... (Won't go into what the boot-camp consists of but it seems to be an intense three days looking at the syllabus...) Why I am doing this, I do not know only to state, I am not ready for retirement mode...........yet.

Have a restful and peaceful evening...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Today's high expected ~ 103°F. Yesterday was day 51 of triple digit days so far this summer. No end in sight.

Nice pick up with Kingsley. What's the old saying? "You can't teach 7'0".

Watched "A Star is Born" (1954) with Judy Garland and James Mason last night. It was the restored version. Great flick.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D

Waking up to a pleasant morning with a current temperature of 74° and a high expected of 88°. We should have plenty of sunshine with our normal chance of afternoon thunderstorms.

Yesterday I visited with my county commissioner who also owns a nice gun store. I wanted to get with him about the primary that will be in a couple of weeks, in particular the people running for the school board. There are some new names on the ballot and these people are flooding my mail box and expensive billboards are popping up all over the county endorsing them.

I think local elections are very important, especially school board members and want to know who I am voting for. As I expected several of them are receiving big money from out of state from LBGQRSTFJB groups who have a goal of taking over the school boards. This is in retaliation to our new Parental Rights Law which forbids teachers in K-3rd grade from teaching and promoting transgender and grooming of the kids. They deny they do it yet fight every attempt to make it illegal in our schools. It is a big struggle down here because of the Feds. The Biden administration is at war with our state, over this nonsense. My advice is to make sure you understand the people on your ballot and what they stand for. Many are not what they claim to be. Enough of that.

I trust all have a great day.

Morning legionnaires!

High today around 101°.

Headed out this morning at about 0830 for the second doctor's appointment since going off post. The first was just a quick look to see where we needed to go. This one will be more in depth after she looks at my blood test results. Long way to go still as I will be doing a few of these over the next few months trying to determine my overall health status.

But, before that, out to the shop for a workout. I am starting my New Year's resolution today. Well, new year for me since yesterday that is. Going to add a walk every day after my normal workout and start taking in less calories and shoot for the 200lb weight class before the holidays. Currently 220lbs.

Que Rocky music.

Morning legionnaires!

High today around 101°.

Headed out this morning at about 0830 for the second doctor's appointment since going off post. The first was just a quick look to see where we needed to go. This one will be more in depth after she looks at my blood test results. Long way to go still as I will be doing a few of these over the next few months trying to determine my overall health status.

But, before that, out to the shop for a workout. I am starting my New Year's resolution today. Well, new year for me since yesterday that is. Going to add a walk every day after my normal workout and start taking in less calories and shoot for the 200lb weight class before the holidays. Currently 220lbs.

Que Rocky music.

Sir, I am "wit ya". I re-re-made a commitment to get under 220 by the end of next week. I am at 224 this morning. I only have to cut back the meat and I should be good. I was at 205 for the longest time until this last holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2021 and New Years.) I had multiple large cakes and pies provided free of charge and I indulged often and frequently. I have never recovered. Been fighting the bulge ever since.

I think if I can get under that 220 barrier I should be good to get to 205. Of course my "New Years" resolution is to never indulge sweets like that again. (I can do it!)
Good morning D-League. Rattling along on the subway heading to DC. A hot, humid day in the east.

Any of you folks watching the Hulu series “Old Man?” Jeff Bridges plays a 70-something CIA operative who went rogue years ago then hid out for decades.

I’ve only watched the first episode. Not quite ready to recommend it to anyone, but I will say A. They capture some of the foibles of getting older B. It’s fun as hell watching an old guy with a swollen prostate and gravel in his joints beat the hell out of younger guys, even if it is a fantasy.

I hope you folks have a good day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 75° and partly cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky this morning. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 88°.

Looks like the Kentucky coalfields are going to get a much needed break from the rain the next few days. Prayers for the people in that hard hit area.

Everyone stay safe on this Tuesday.

Good morning member of the D-League. It is partly cloudy and 78.3°F. We are supposed to get to 90° today and 30% chance of rain. My man mowed my yard again yesterday, he does a good job. He did my neighbor's yard and mine in under an hour. The boy is fast and efficient.

Good to see UK get a tall one. That will help out a lot if Cal will play him.

Is the Cat Pause yearbook out yet? I would like to have it for the games next week, but I doubt if they have it yet.

I had a long talk with an old co-worker yesterday. I had not talked to him since about 1995 when he left CSX for the BNSF. We had a lot of catching up to do.

You all have a good day.
Good morning D-League. Rattling along on the subway heading to DC. A hot, humid day in the east.

Any of you folks watching the Hulu series “Old Man?” Jeff Bridges plays a 70-something CIA operative who went rogue years ago then hid out for decades.

I’ve only watched the first episode. Not quite ready to recommend it to anyone, but I will say A. They capture some of the foibles of getting older B. It’s fun as hell watching an old guy with a swollen prostate and gravel in his joints beat the hell out of younger guys, even if it is a fantasy.

I hope you folks have a good day.
Been watching it weekly and like it because of A and B above. I like the show.
Been watching it weekly and like it because of A and B above. I like the show.
That's good to hear Warrior, that the quality holds up.

I've always been a Jeff Bridges fan -- his "acting" is about as natural as anyone from his generation. The opening episode definitely raised questions that I am interested in seeing answered.
Just finished an early supper. The wife made chicken n' dumplings. I asked her how she made her dumplings and she said she used pancake mix tonight. It was so good. Topped off with corn on the cob and some good ole green beans. Kentucky half runners and sliced tomatoes. And a bunch of hot banana peppers. Washed it down with a pitcher of sweet tea.

Life is good and the living is easy
Some interesting basketball announcements tonight: a home-and-home series with Gonzaga with a November game there, and I like this: The Blue -White game will be played in Pikeville as a fundraiser for Kentucky’s flood victims.
Huge football + basketball weekend November 19-20

Nov 19: Georgia @ Kentucky in Lex
Nov 20: Kentucky @ Gonzaga in Spokane.
Huge football + basketball weekend November 19-20

Nov 19: Georgia @ Kentucky in Lex
Nov 20: Kentucky @ Gonzaga in Spokane.
Don’t put a gun to my head and ask me which game I’d rather win if Kentucky was guaranteed to go 1-1 that weekend.

I know everyone else in D-League picks a football win over Georgia. A tougher call for me—my family has been a ‘basketball is king’ family since the 1940s…
UK Basketball raised over $2.4 million for flood relief in their telethon. Garth Brooks and Tim Tebow made appearances via video as well. A huge shout out to all involved.