Thanks, she has had desire to fly the jets since a young age and worked hard to get appointed to the Academy. She is lighthearted with a smile on her face and it got her 25 pushups the very first day. She ran off of the bus with her squadron and immediately the Cadre started yelling and screaming and a little smile came on her face. I told her to be ready for the screaming but she couldn't help but smile. Two or three Cadre came at her with orders to wipe that smile off and drop for 25.
A second humorous incident happened when she asked a question. They were teaching them to march with a Hut, 2, 3, 4 Hut, 2,3,4 Hut 2,3,4. When the squad stopped she asked her drill instructor what the "hut" meant. He got her into face and screamed "What??? What kind of question is that. I will hut, hut, hut you, this is the military not football practice" "We don't hut, quarterbacks hut, we march. Don't worry about what I say just march, got that!" I cracked up when her daddy told me that.