I'm apparently cousin to 31 Presidents Washington being a 1st, Jefferson being a 3rd, Madison, Teddy, even Obama. Then it doesn't stop there either. The Queen, Prince William. It's not white privelidge, it was Christianity, those baptismal records. When you got cancelled, and lost your head. People didn't forget. They learned to decern truth and forgive a man for being one.I received this nice note from a very good friend who lives in Scotland. He was a huge help in my tracing of ancestors on my dad's side because he lives where my family first started and the church graveyards are full of them. He lives in SW Scotland about 15 miles across from Ireland. He has a great sense of humor. Come to think of it they were considered to be committing treason.
Bring back BBUK and Ymmot
Wow, Rooster 31 Presidents. My wife is related to Thomas Jefferson but to my knowledge I don't have any Presidents in my lineage. I do have someone that signed the Declaration of Independence.I'm apparently cousin to 31 Presidents Washington being a 1st, Jefferson being a 3rd, Madison, Teddy, even Obama.
Hey, I can't drive all this way without visiting Bert and Sherry. See y'all Friday.I am two hours into smoking baby back ribs. What a pain in the butt! But it is July 4th so what are you supposed to do?
The dry rub was hard. I had forgotten to clean the smoker, so I have delayed the meal for two hours as I tried to clean up last fall's mess, GEEZE.
I will blame it on someone other than myself, but I know the culprit. (His name is Bert!)
I hope all of my good friends on the D-League are having a great Fourth of July. I pray for my buddy Don, who started this thread 4,561 pages ago. I hope and pray that we get him back. That is a selfish wish, but that is me.
Also, I want Ymmot to come back and start being a daily "asshole" on the D-League. I love that worthless dude.
In four days I will get to see Austin.
Thanks MD, the obituary was composed in 1997 and somebody made a typo.Sawnee, thanks for sharing that fascinating obit of Benjamin DeVane.
What a tragic story to be wounded and captured in the fighting at Antietam (Sharpsburg) paroled, fight again at Gettysburg and the battles that led to the siege of Petersburg and Richmond, captured again, and finally freed at war's end, only to catch a fever, no doubt from being weakened by the terrible treatment in POW camps, and die before you made it home.
That newspaper account is pretty well done for the day, but the editor in me must note a mistake -- the Battle of Sharpsburg, known more commonly today as Antietam, was in September 1862, not 1864. That would have put it AFTER Gettysburg in July, 1863.
The Antietam battlefield is just about an hour north of me and I have walked it end-to-end dozens of times - it is an extremely compact battlefield. I likely walked very close to where Benjamin DeVane was wounded that terrible day, the bloodiest single day of combat in American history.
Sawnee - In the early days of the war, Confederates had a policy of naming battles after the nearest town or settlement, while Yankees named battles after the nearest body of water. So (giving the southern name first) you had the two battles at Manassas V. Bull Run (a run is a small stream in Virginia) Shiloh V. Pittsburg Landing (a boat landing on the Tennessee River) Murfreesboro V. Stone's River, Sharpsburg V. Antietam Creek. And so on. That seemed to change around 1863, and both sides went with Gettysburg, Chickamauga Creek, Chancellorsville, etc.In the Southern states the battle has always been referred to as Sharpsburg rather than Antietam. I have no idea why but there were a few other battles fought that were named differently by each side.
Sorry to hear. Hope you get better soon.Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
So sorry to hear this Bert. Was this after we talked? Get well soon and I trust the soreness is only temporaryMorning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
That’s a complete and utter lie. Why in the world would you make that up? Maybe confused me? Copy a moderator if I’ve had any avatar but this one. Not cool. PS, Pirates? Not a fan. Who is?
The first avatar for woodford was Pittsburgh pirates old player just like baller, look at how he acts when anyone disagrees with him in the golf thread or the johnny depp thread he started...exactly same behavior, exact silly insults. I almost never get on rafters, saw a couple posters early on too call him out as Baller as well but I already knew. Dude has had at least a dozen accounts I bet. In the political board he was trying to act different than before, get along instead of arguing with long time posters. Sorry to interrupt the D-league, just wanted to let my brother Austin know.
No response from Front Runner. You do understand that with this one single post, you've outed yourself as Gromcat and Frontrunner, right Mr. Cardinal? So basically between the two, you are here 100% of your waking hours which is just horrifyingly scary. Frontrunner admitted he was too young to remember Rex Chapman play, so he's the same age as Gromcat. Its right there in old posts. Front Runner is totally obsessed with "baller" and will lie to smear him and go as far as to try to turn others against him, per old posts, just like Gromcat. All you have to do is search the posts of the two guys (Actually Fraud under all kinds of aliases, accusing people of multiple aliases.)
Now the funniest part of this is that Gromcat AKA TheFrontRunner spends his days attacking liberals...........while acting exactly like one with lying and smearing. Wow, sad to see such low level hypocritical behavior. Condolences.
Thank you.woodford, i'm not gromcat, never even seen that name around here, I post enough under this name so much, I don't have time to post under any other...due to a previous problem with your behavior as a ballercal I let Austin know about it here, but the d-league isn't a place to argue. Take it to another thread if you like, but this isn't the place.
An organized E.P.A. is of major importance as a policy of the solution to pollution being dilution that ignores the cost of neglect is just short sighted nonsense. The lesson to be learned was paying attention. Seems we can't remember very much. The EPA is not in need of authority as it is honesty.Holy goodness, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the authority to mandate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Hallelujah! Now let us unfund the EPA.
Maybe Congress will now put the final nail in the Green New Deal. Screw the extremists. Now it is time to overthrow a bunch of Joe's Executive order.
Me either. But descendant of men at least trying to get into heaven as imperfect men. They were fleeing 16th century European madness. The madness followed them to the Colonies. One nation under God continues to be the goal now as before.I don't have any Presidents in my lineage.
Thank You!Hey, I can't drive all this way without visiting Bert and Sherry. See y'all Friday.
I love the prancing horse!
I guess running that over 70's marathon is out. 🤪Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Sorry to hear of your fall Bert.Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Take it easy Bert. Regarding Antietam...I loved taking the bike there and riding the roads throughout the park, especially in the fall. I always preferred bike riding there vs Gettysburg. Too much auto traffic at Gettysburg.Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Prayers for a speedy and a full recovery Bert! I had a fall about 3 weeks ago and got a “high ankle sprain”. It still hurts a bunch! I don’t know how Jeff Sheppard did it!😀Morning folks. I fell yesterday afternoon and I am down to walking with a walker. I apparently fought falling all the way down and hit a chair with my left leg. It is one sore dude.
It is 86.2°F and we are supposed to get to 97°. Ouch.
Antietam is a good battle field to visit. The little bridge and the cornfield were brutal places to be.
Never had any cats and don't really like them. Wife and daughter wanted one so when one showed up at our door (kitten about 2 months old) two years ago this month about 0430 in the morning, we kept him. Now we have three.Good morning folks.
I’m not a cat person. I note that because right now, improbably, I’m taking care of three of them, including one who woke me up twice cratching at my bedroom door and whining. One (Atticus) belongs to my wife, vacationing in London, one (Onion) to my daughter who is with her, and one (Hermes) was left with my son by a young woman he was shacking up with, and he brought it along when he came home for the summer.
Cats. Not my thing.
Anyway, I hope it is a good day for all.
Warrior: The same thing happened last week when they finally won a game after setting the GABP record for consecutive home losses. Embarrassing. Can you imagine the Big Red Machine getting so excited about anything except winning the fourth game of the World Series? Those guys must be disgusted with what the franchise has become.
Morning Legionnaires!
104° yesterday and more of the same coming today and for the foreseeable future.
Trained my student yesterday in the gym where she works and there is no AC. The people who own the building have never put it in and said they would not so, they have exhaust fans and large floor fans going and all of the rollup style doors and regular doors open trying to move air around. Yesterday was a low impact workout focusing on balance, form and technique so as not to get too hot.
Put off cutting my grass this past weekend at the behest of my wife so today, it is on. Doing it early after my workout this morning because it will be another scorcher this afternoon.
@MdWIldcat55 Did you happen to catch the Reds game last night against the Mets? 0-0 bottom of the ninth with bases loaded walk off sacrifice by Moustaskas. Reds players acted as if they had just won the pennant. That's what happens when you only win one once in a while. Have to take your joy when you can get it.
Did not get to see that one because the setup we have on our Firestick was not working for the last couple of weeks so, I have missed the last couple of weeks' worth of games.Warrior: The same thing happened last week when they finally won a game after setting the GABP record for consecutive home losses. Embarrassing. Can you imagine the Big Red Machine getting so excited about anything except winning the fourth game of the World Series? Those guys must be disgusted with what the franchise has become.
Most of you guys are Reds fans. Being a Cards fan, I guess I shouldn't complain, but the Cards aren't world beaters. Have you guys paid any attention to Harrison Bader (Cards CF)? He's been out a couple of times this year and last with injuries. His bat is off and on, but his glove is very very good. They are something like 11 games over 500 when he's played this year and 6 under when he's missed games. It was a larger margin last year. When he's out the RF moves over, so it weakens them in CF and RF. Also sometimes OLI moves Edman to the OF and in those cases, it weakens them in 3 spots those times.Did not get to see that one because the setup we have on our Firestick was not working for the last couple of weeks so, I have missed the last couple of weeks' worth of games.
As I drove to Lex earlier this morning, KSR came on the radio. I switched channels. Matt's well-known around my neck of the woods. I respect how far he's come over the years, but something about him simply annoys the hell outta me.Who wants it?
We have a gigantic mountain of mail in our offices dating back to March, 2020 -- the date our offices closed and that this masterpiece was published. One of our assistants working through the avalanche saw this today, remembered I was from Kentucky and dropped it on my desk.
I was going to throw it in the garbage, but thought someone here might need an extra copy, having worn out your original edition. Bert? Are you a big fan of the author?
Get well soon.Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 87°.
The last couple of days have been rough, as I found out that I have Covid. The best way to describe it, is a flu on steroids.
Everyone stay safe out there today.