
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Today's high expected at around 103°F. We tied a record high yesterday at 104°F. 18 triple-digit days so far this year. Good possibility for rain next week.

Received bad news last night. Don suffered another stroke. Please send thoughts and prayers his way.

Must take our dog in at 7 am for more IVs. There's a good chance pancreatitis returned. Playing it day-to-day again.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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I played first base in a softball league, and saw first hand what pitchers went through. I applaud the job you all do on the field.
Most don't want to pitch in slow pitch because batters can control where they hit the ball generally. My wife said that I am just a masochist and love getting beat up. I told her no, I don't get hit too much during the year. I usually catch them. I was a little slower this week as I did not pick the ball off the bat as well as I should have. It has been that way for a couple of years since they have gone to the yellow balls. That and I am older than before which is why I wear a mask now when I pitch. Most do these days with the bat technology being more advanced.

Hand is feeling better this morning. Could not close it all of the way until this morning. Still stiff but less pain. Legs are ok as well. Need to cut grass this morning so they will get a little workout.
Good morning folks.

Prayers sent Don’s way. Please let us know more when you can Austin. I’ll hope for good news.

TyTy fell but at least caught the first round last night. That means guaranteed money - just over $1 million for the first year, based on last year. You wonder how close he could have come to that with NIL money in Lexington while improving his draft stock closer to the $7-$9 million a year lottery money. Ah well, best of luck to him.

Hope it is a good day for everyone.
Good Morning all,

I got started late this morning. The BB played me into oblivion last night. I was seriously out of it. I have tons of things I need to get accomplished but that wasn't happening yesterday. I bought him some balloons and that was all it took. Blowing up the balloon and handing it to him to let the balloon shoot all around the room was the order of the afternoon. That and letting the balloon fart all over the place.... playing was on and could not be stopped... Take care...
Most don't want to pitch in slow pitch because batters can control where they hit the ball generally. My wife said that I am just a masochist and love getting beat up. I told her no, I don't get hit too much during the year. I usually catch them. I was a little slower this week as I did not pick the ball off the bat as well as I should have. It has been that way for a couple of years since they have gone to the yellow balls. That and I am older than before which is why I wear a mask now when I pitch. Most do these days with the bat technology being more advanced.

Hand is feeling better this morning. Could not close it all of the way until this morning. Still stiff but less pain. Legs are ok as well. Need to cut grass this morning so they will get a little workout.
I'll admit that I never wanted to pitch in softball. Watching line drives whiz by pitchers heads kind of turned me off on it.

Glad you're feeling better this morning.
Most don't want to pitch in slow pitch because batters can control where they hit the ball generally. My wife said that I am just a masochist and love getting beat up. I told her no, I don't get hit too much during the year. I usually catch them. I was a little slower this week as I did not pick the ball off the bat as well as I should have. It has been that way for a couple of years since they have gone to the yellow balls. That and I am older than before which is why I wear a mask now when I pitch. Most do these days with the bat technology being more advanced.

Hand is feeling better this morning. Could not close it all of the way until this morning. Still stiff but less pain. Legs are ok as well. Need to cut grass this morning so they will get a little workout.
A long time ago in my area of Ky at least, there was unlimited arch on pitches for a couple of years. Some pitchers would back up as much as 5 or 6 steps and reach a fielding stance before the ball was hit. I normally played third base, but a friend was our pitcher and he liked to take a break from pitching, so against weaker teams, we'd trade positions. Offense suffered from the unlimited arch, so they abandoned it after a couple of years. I hated to see it go.
Good morning D

It has been a busy week. We are in KY with our youngest granddaughter while my son and daughter in law are in Coloraado Springs at the AF Academy . The oldest granddaughter is now a cadet in BCT. They fly back tomorrow. .

The youngest is a competitive swimmer so we have been taking her to various swim meets. My oldest grandson returns from studying in Spain next week so we will stay to see him before heading back to Florida.

Trust all are well. Special prayer for Don. And Starcheif in Arizona
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Today's high expected at around 103°F. We tied a record high yesterday at 104°F. 18 triple-digit days so far this year. Good possibility for rain next week.

Received bad news last night. Don suffered another stroke. Please send thoughts and prayers his way.

Must take our dog in at 7 am for more IVs. There's a good chance pancreatitis returned. Playing it day-to-day again.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

A long time ago in my area of Ky at least, there was unlimited arch on pitches for a couple of years. Some pitchers would back up as much as 5 or 6 steps and reach a fielding stance before the ball was hit. I normally played third base, but a friend was our pitcher and he liked to take a break from pitching, so against weaker teams, we'd trade positions. Offense suffered from the unlimited arch, so they abandoned it after a couple of years. I hated to see it go.
w-c is too old & slow to back up.
Answering the important questions...

The original patent from 1891 for a toilet paper roll actually shows the correct rolling direction.


Just in time for Santa...

Man I got a serious TP stash in the lower level of my home. I order some things on line when I can and to get to the total for free delivery at Walmart I usually add some TP as it is a decent deal. (I stacked it all together a few days ago and realized I better add some other necessity the next several times...)
Just in time for Santa...

Man I got a serious TP stash in the lower level of my home. I order some things on line when I can and to get to the total for free delivery at Walmart I usually add some TP as it is a decent deal. (I stacked it all together a few days ago and realized I better add some other necessity the next several times...)
Heh. Brilliant minds think alike. We've currently got 150+ TP rolls stashed.
Just in time for Santa...

Man I got a serious TP stash in the lower level of my home. I order some things on line when I can and to get to the total for free delivery at Walmart I usually add some TP as it is a decent deal. (I stacked it all together a few days ago and realized I better add some other necessity the next several times...)
They're good wall insulation.
A long time ago in my area of Ky at least, there was unlimited arch on pitches for a couple of years. Some pitchers would back up as much as 5 or 6 steps and reach a fielding stance before the ball was hit. I normally played third base, but a friend was our pitcher and he liked to take a break from pitching, so against weaker teams, we'd trade positions. Offense suffered from the unlimited arch, so they abandoned it after a couple of years. I hated to see it go.
Very good point. 6 to 12ft arch used to be the legal height for slow pitch until USSSA took over. I used to use a very high arch and move back giving me more time to react. Some Umps that liked me allowed me to go higher. Now with the lower arch requirement not much backward movement can be attained and be set in time to plant my feet for defense.
A seriously good tune... I remember this vividly as I moved on my own about that time....

Just a good song...

Edit: I had to laugh out loud as this one came up next...

My Dad always used to say when he was about half lit and saw Freddy singing this, that he'd like to bust Freddy in the mouth...Just had to laugh... but Dad meant it....

Ha, and then this one came up next...

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Today's high could reach 103°F again. Heat relief may be in sight beginning Monday. Fingers crossed.

Hopefully pup is better. Her white cell count came down. Vet seems optimistic. She has a difficult time taking pills. Spits them out. We're not out of the woods yet, but prospects for trip back to KY appear better.

Today is annual found change cash-out day. Stay tuned on the amount.

Must clip some branches in back yard and around AC unit. Setting out for pick-up by the city on 06/27.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Now I know what to get after today's Karate tournament is over. Playing Mr. Miyagi (with my one student) at 0830 at the Coliseum in Lawton Ok, this morning through the afternoon. Black belt meeting at 0830 with tourney starting at 0900. This is the same tournament she competed in last year as a yellow belt where she took first in fighting, first in Forms in ladies 18- 34 years old and Grand Champion in all beginner categories. This year she is competing in the same age group but is now in the intermediate belt range which has three levels. She is a green belt at the first level of this range and should have it harder (tougher competition) than last year.

She only trains (karate) 2 days a week because she works at her parent's gym as a gymnast instructor from 0800-1200 and 1600-2000 Mon-Fri. I train her Tuesday and Thursday from 1230-1330. Also, in the evenings along with gymnast training she does cross fit 2 nights a week BJJ one night a week and strength training 2 nights a week. Most weekends are spent with her husband working on and racing sprint cars.

Oh yeah, and along with all of that she is doing college courses online during the week between work hours to become a physical therapist.
