Good morning D
It has been a busy week. We are in KY with our youngest granddaughter while my son and daughter in law are in Coloraado Springs at the AF Academy . The oldest granddaughter is now a cadet in BCT. They fly back tomorrow. .
The youngest is a competitive swimmer so we have been taking her to various swim meets. My oldest grandson returns from studying in Spain next week so we will stay to see him before heading back to Florida.
Trust all are well. Special prayer for Don. And Starcheif in Arizona
Checking in. Wife and I both have Covid. About the same effects of a cold. Not all that bad unless it gets worse.My sciatica still has me down. No pain if sitting but excruciating if I have to walk more than about 10 feet. I also have been dealing with skin cancer surgery I had a couple of months ago. It was inside my earlobe. An open wound that is slow in healing.
No life threatening issues it seems. I read all but just have not had much to say.