
Watched this flick tonight. Good movie. Corny? Yes. True story. My wife thinks that Spencer Tracy looks like my Dad. Well..kind of.

It is quite worthwhile. Be sure to do the research ahead of time on who all is buried there whose graves you might want to see. The place is massive and the maps you can download are useful. This is a start:

I've been there many times, including when my wife's father was interred but also just to see different parts of it with my son. There is actually a small memorial there honoring war correspondents who have been killed covering US actions, and I went to a ceremony there once when I was a young journalist with the family of Larry Burrows, the famous Life magazine photographer killed in Cambodia honoring him after some of his remains were recovered.
Thanks for the advice on the maps Mdwildcat. I'll be using that website to find the graves.
I'm finding out what a terrible time this is to be looking for another car for my wife. As I've posted before she only drives about 2,500 miles a year, maybe 3,000 tops. Not much. I can't justify spending 25-35K on a new car. Used car prices are through the roof too. Oh well, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. If I'm going to sign a big check then it better be worth it.
The entire automotive industry is in turmoil at the present. New cars, used cars and PARTS. Next week will be four weeks since a squirrel chewed through the fuel line of my wife's Audi Q5. The car sits at the dealer because they can not find a replacement anywhere on earth. We called late yesterday afternoon and they still can not give me a date they will have the part in.

They offered us a loaner car but I told the service rep it was not necessary. Being retired I can get by on one vehicle and I have my pick up. So having a loaner car to just sit in my driveway would not be fair to the dealer. But now we are getting to the point of ridiculousness. There is no excuse on earth for a simple fuel line to be back order for months in the year 2022. However gone are the days when a man could take some copper tubing and make a part in his garage shop. They call it progress but I call it something else my lips will refrain from saying.

Good luck car shopping. I can remember when it was fun and exciting.
I'm finding out what a terrible time this is to be looking for another car for my wife. As I've posted before she only drives about 2,500 miles a year, maybe 3,000 tops. Not much. I can't justify spending 25-35K on a new car. Used car prices are through the roof too. Oh well, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. If I'm going to sign a big check then it better be worth it.
I have a friend that is very wealthy........he advised me many years ago to purchase program cars and buy the extended warranty........let someone else eat that depreciation.......program cars have more mileage on them than they did when we first started to purchase them........but cars in general last longer....
I have a friend that is very wealthy........he advised me many years ago to purchase program cars and buy the extended warranty........let someone else eat that depreciation.......program cars have more mileage on them than they did when we first started to purchase them........but cars in general last longer....
I could not agree with a post anymore than this one. We have been doing that well over 25 years. My wife loves high performance German vehicles. In the early 1990's she bought a BMW 325 IS used and certified with a 100,000 mile warranty. When she picked it up at the dealer it was like a new car and even smelled like a new car. She bought it for less than 3/4 of the original price. When my son started to college she gave it to him and bought another BMW in the same manner. Used and certified with an extended warranty.

We continued this trend over and over. She loved her last BMW so much she kept it for 10 years and did not want to part with it. It had almost 100,000 miles so on her birthday I decided to surprise her with a car. I had test driven an Audi Q5 and brought one home. It had all of the bells and whistles and was a fun vehicle to drive. So I thought she would be pleased and love me for it. WRONG

The girl got mad as a hornet and said she was not going to give up her sports car for an old lady SUV. She refused to drive the thing. But that is not the end of this story. About a week after I brought it home for some reason she had to use it and she did. After driving the car she was amazed at the power it produced. She actually said it was fun to drive. She wanted to keep it. Since we had four vehicles it was best we got rid of her BMW. A woman in our neighborhood wanted it so she sold it to her and this story had a happy ending.

At my age the if I buy another vehicle it will be used and certified. You can find a high quality vehicle at or below the price of a new lesser quality car and it will last longer and you save all of that depreciation. And it adds up. Well you could do it before Joe Biden became president. Now you can't find parts for them.
Good morning D-League. 37f during my long hike this morning.

I saw the beaver that makes occasional appearances in the pond a short distance from my house today —or a beaver. This guy seemed bigger and was more Auburn haired. It is odd that you’ll see them for a few days then they disappear for months at a time. The pond is connected to a creek that runs a few miles to a huge lake where you can see beaver dams at all times, so I guess occasionally one strays up the creek to our pond.

Also saw an Osprey, hawks and a large great blue heron, so a busy spring morning at the pond.

Hope all is well for everyone.
The entire automotive industry is in turmoil at the present. New cars, used cars and PARTS. Next week will be four weeks since a squirrel chewed through the fuel line of my wife's Audi Q5. The car sits at the dealer because they can not find a replacement anywhere on earth. We called late yesterday afternoon and they still can not give me a date they will have the part in.

They offered us a loaner car but I told the service rep it was not necessary. Being retired I can get by on one vehicle and I have my pick up. So having a loaner car to just sit in my driveway would not be fair to the dealer. But now we are getting to the point of ridiculousness. There is no excuse on earth for a simple fuel line to be back order for months in the year 2022. However gone are the days when a man could take some copper tubing and make a part in his garage shop. They call it progress but I call it something else my lips will refrain from saying.

Good luck car shopping. I can remember when it was fun and exciting.
There are no good deals to be found. From what I'm reading, buyers can't haggle much with the dealers, if at all. Also, you'd be amazed at the asking prices for used cars. Cars with over 150,000 miles going for top dollar. No way will I buy a high milage auto.
I have a friend that is very wealthy........he advised me many years ago to purchase program cars and buy the extended warranty........let someone else eat that depreciation.......program cars have more mileage on them than they did when we first started to purchase them........but cars in general last longer....
That's sound advice but program cars aren't always easy to find especially now. I just want a safe, dependable car with relatively low milage. Point A to Point B functionality. My wife drives maybe 50 miles/week. We can walk to most places so our driving habits are minimal.
The only interest I have in today's Final 4 matchups is whether or not Duke and Kansas lose. I can't believe I'm pulling for UNC today. Three of my most despised teams are still alive. In order of disgust:

1) Louisville
2) Duke
3) North Carolina
4) Kansas

Indiana is no longer a top 5 because they're meaningless.
Good morning from ATX. It's truly a good morning. Pup ate about 3 ounces boiled chicken last night and roughly 2 ounces same this morning. No vomiting. She seems more attentive, active and feeling like her old self. Fingers crossed. She's back at the vet this morning for more IV fluids. I pick her up at 1:30 pm CST.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
We used to play pinochle and rook.........we play dominoes a lot.....we have dbbl 6's all the way up to dbbl 18's we will have games that will last a week or more.....we don't use the dinning room table for anything else.......
I miss the family card games we enjoyed growing up. My favorite was Rook. I haven't played cards in 30 years or more.
The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home. 34.3°F on its way to 61°. I am supposed to mow today and we are to get a new toilet in the guest room out back. The old one cracked.
Ritchie ate that whole Rueben and then blew up your toilet. I'll accept partial responsibility.
Also saw an Osprey, hawks and a large great blue heron, so a busy spring morning at the pond.
Sounds golden.
I'm finding out what a terrible time this is to be looking for another car for my wife. As I've posted before she only drives about 2,500 miles a year, maybe 3,000 tops. Not much. I can't justify spending 25-35K on a new car. Used car prices are through the roof too. Oh well, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. If I'm going to sign a big check then it better be worth it.
I not confident at all things can get better anytime soon either.
That's sound advice but program cars aren't always easy to find especially now. I just want a safe, dependable car with relatively low mileage. Point A to Point B functionality. My wife drives maybe 50 miles/week. We can walk to most places so our driving habits are minimal.
I bought an attorney's Lincoln all wheel drive SUV for my wife that was a trade in at Hertz with an extended warranty but not my work truck. After searching a year, found what I wanted in a work truck from Texas that had been in cal storage (Low mileage) because it couldn't pass CA. environmental regs.

Have you ever played Rook? Have you played spades? How about euchre? Canasta? Bridge? Rummy? Gin? Gin Rummy?
  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Yes
  5. No
  6. No
  7. No
The only interest I have in today's Final 4 match-ups is whether or not Duke and Kansas lose. I can't believe I'm pulling for UNC today. Three of my most despised teams are still alive. In order of disgust:

1) Louisville
2) Duke
3) North Carolina
4) Kansas

Indiana is no longer a top 5 because they're meaningless.
Pretty creepy list so I thought I'd pile on:
6) Tennessee
7) Indiana/Ohio St. (cant tell the difference between a buckeye & a hoosier)
9) All UK's SEC smelly low down good for nothing competitors.
10) Arizona just because they hate UK Basketball and fans threw beer bottles at Oregon cheerleaders
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I'm finding out what a terrible time this is to be looking for another car for my wife. As I've posted before she only drives about 2,500 miles a year, maybe 3,000 tops. Not much. I can't justify spending 25-35K on a new car. Used car prices are through the roof too. Oh well, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. If I'm going to sign a big check then it better be worth it.
Looking for a hoopdie good on gas low on price to fix up and drive for my trips to Lawton to play Mr. Miyagi. Truck will be used only to haul and fish (tomorrow btw).
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Looking for a hoopdie good on gas low on price to fix up and drive for my trips to Lawton to play Mr. Miyagi. Truck will be used only to haul and fish (tomorrow btw).

I am thinking about selling my 2012 Mazda once we move. I used it as my commuter car since we moved here until covid. I bought it new for my daughter before we went to Korea so I wouldn't worry about her having car troubles. Got in that hail storm in SA (I know Austin remembers, I think 2013 or 2014). Anyway USAA totaled it and I bought it back. It has a junk title and I think 76k miles now but it is a good car. ($75.00 a year for taxes versus nearly $300.00 for the Camry.) I'd drive it to Alaska now (I'd say California but I want no part of that place.)

My Darling wants me to sell her 2015 Camry but it has 47k miles on it now and it is a lot larger than the Mazda. The Mazda has the Skyactiv engine and I am told it is a great engine. No troubles.

My wife's Camry didn't pass inspection yesterday. (Have a cracked windshield I have to get fixed now... sigh...)

Was thinking of buying the new Highlander extended version once we get moved into a cheaper tax area.
I tried that once, but my wife got pissed because I told her I wasn't playing.

My wife grew up in a very strict religious home. Regular playing cards were forbidden but Old Maid was allowed. Since we retired she likes to play the slots a couple of times a year. She'll only risk $20. She was ahead about $300-400 at one time but hasn't won in a long time but is still ahead. If she gets $20 ahead, she quits. Loses her $20, she quits.

I was a total heathen before I met her. But like that notorious killer of women and children and just about everything else that walked on two legs, William Munny, after he met his wife Claudia "I ain't the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up. Cleared me of drinking whiskey and all. Just 'cause we're going on this killing, that don't mean I'm gonna go back to being the way I was. I just need the money."
I miss the family card games we enjoyed growing up. My favorite was Rook. I haven't played cards in 30 years or more.

Loved playing Rook. Introduced to that game when I moved here. Used to play every weekend. Haven't played much in 20 myself.

With good KY folk it's well worth it. Played Rook against and then with a WW2 veteran back in the early 90s. Told me things about the war that I never knew. He and his wife were from MacGoffin County and somethin special.
Good afternoon, D-League!

I've been out of town and avoiding social media as much as possible. Hope everyone is doing well.

My friends in IL and WI are enjoying an April blizzard, so things are pretty good at 59° here.

Sound like a politician...with that my friend stuff.

"There's another fella that uses that "My Friend" stuff real easy" -Cpt. Jake Cutter (The Comancheros)
My wife grew up in a very strict religious home. Regular playing cards were forbidden but Old Maid was allowed. Since we retired she likes to play the slots a couple of times a year. She'll only risk $20. She was ahead about $300-400 at one time but hasn't won in a long time but is still ahead. If she gets $20 ahead, she quits. Loses her $20, she quits.

I was a total heathen before I met her. But like that notorious killer of women and children and just about everything else that walked on two legs, William Munny, after he met his wife Claudia "I ain't the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up. Cleared me of drinking whiskey and all. Just 'cause we're going on this killing, that don't mean I'm gonna go back to being the way I was. I just need the money."

Sir, my Dad never allowed cards in the house.
I miss the family card games we enjoyed growing up.
I don't know this to be fact but I've heard from multiple sources that before I was even a cockerel, me and my twin cousin "Sweet Baby Dumplin" 's first beers were stolen from family playing card games setting their beers on the floor. They were all relieved after we had enough and went to sleep.
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