
Back when I was in my mid 20s an Australian Shepherd harassed me everyday as I walked to or from Fork U. I informed the owner if she would not discipline her dog I could. This dog was smart and would bite whenever I faced it off then turned to walk away. A hatchet handle and perfectly timed swing upside it's head as it circled and moved in to bite did the trick. That dog never left the yard when ever I walked by after that. Today I feel bad about striking the dog. I should have clobbered the little old witch it belonged to.

If discipline is required, I don't ever feel bad. Better he learned it from you than wound up dead for biting the wrong person.
A funny:

The entire automotive industry is in turmoil at the present. New cars, used cars and PARTS. Next week will be four weeks since a squirrel chewed through the fuel line of my wife's Audi Q5. The car sits at the dealer because they can not find a replacement anywhere on earth. We called late yesterday afternoon and they still can not give me a date they will have the part in.

They offered us a loaner car but I told the service rep it was not necessary. Being retired I can get by on one vehicle and I have my pick up. So having a loaner car to just sit in my driveway would not be fair to the dealer. But now we are getting to the point of ridiculousness. There is no excuse on earth for a simple fuel line to be back order for months in the year 2022. However gone are the days when a man could take some copper tubing and make a part in his garage shop. They call it progress but I call it something else my lips will refrain from saying.

Good luck car shopping. I can remember when it was fun and exciting.

I need a front bumper cover for My Darlings car... No way.. "Out of Stock"... Been since our snow I think in early January.
Kansas in the final. Well hell. So should I pull for UNC? One more title and they're only 1 away from UK. Should I pull for Kansas? Just passed us in victories, although UK has a better winning percentage. Or should I pull for Duke? Coach K's farewell and possible 6th title. No good outcome but Kansas only has 3 titles. No way do I want the rat to win. Kansas it is. Sh@t!
If discipline is required, I don't ever feel bad. Better he learned it from you than wound up dead for biting the wrong person.
Interesting. My roommate at the time, another wildlifer who was my best man, normally packed a 357 blackhawk so that insane scenario is not as far fetched as one might think. Hadn't considered that. Yikes.​
Go Kansas! They aren't going to hold the record for long.

I don't like where we are right now with UK basketball, but we've all seen worse and each time we've came back. We'll come back this time too, with or without Cal.
The team choke was not all Cal's fault. Cal didn't miss the jump shots or free throws. His anemic response however was rather pathetic and well below his pay grade.​
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So......I have been on the quest for a particular color type in racing mottle.....I found some but no one was willing to sell......I managed to get a couple of them but they were not exactly what I was wanting......the thing is to find the color and still have the brains to come home from hundreds of miles as fast as possible......I finally found a couple on an auction site.....I did manage to win a hen that was out of two big winners from Belgium.....I started researching the guys responsible for starting this bloodline of pigeons...........they live in Pietrain Belgium.........I contacted a friend of mine in Diest BE, who's father had raced birds when he was alive.........she is/was in the process of finding a contact with the breeder who originated the bloodline.....

........I was at breakfast last week and my friend came bopping in like he won the lottery.......he said, "I have found you some mottles".........a gentleman that I raced with 45 yrs ago had plans of coming back to the sport....he had contracted the 85 yrs old it worked him over....he doesn't have the energy he said.........he had spent the last three years assimilation breeding stock from pretty much all over.......Belgium, England and all over the buddy had dibbs on this gentleman's stock.....I was gifted 16 of the Belgium Pietrain Mottles......

this is the original bird that started the excitement.........they range in color from self (solid) white to self black........beautiful with brains, grit and determination to get home from hundreds of still my fluttering heart!

I have been wound up like a spring since last week when I took possession of them........I am eagerly awaiting the original pedigrees............
Good morning, all. My baby is still here. She woke me at 7 am because she was hungry. I fed her a little boiled chicken. Plan on preparing more food today for her after grocery shopping. Took her out a few times overnight. She had a urinary tract infection, but a shot Friday cleared it up. Slowly improving. Fingers crossed.

We watched both games yesterday. UK beat both Jayhawks and Tarheels by a combined 47 points. What could have been, right?

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
Good morning, all. My baby is still here. She woke me at 7 am because she was hungry. I fed her a little boiled chicken. Plan on preparing more food today for her after grocery shopping. Took her out a few times overnight. She had a urinary tract infection, but a shot Friday cleared it up. Slowly improving. Fingers crossed.

We watched both games yesterday. UK beat both Jayhawks and Tarheels by a combined 47 points. What could have been, right?

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

While your pup is going through this, I wouldn't feed any yogurt without asking the vet, but we used to pour a little yogurt over the top of Maddie's food when she was not eating well. It helped her appetite. If you consider it, be sure and read the article first. Not all yogurts are appropriate.
Good morning, all. My baby is still here. She woke me at 7 am because she was hungry. I fed her a little boiled chicken. Plan on preparing more food today for her after grocery shopping. Took her out a few times overnight. She had a urinary tract infection, but a shot Friday cleared it up. Slowly improving. Fingers crossed.

We watched both games yesterday. UK beat both Jayhawks and Tarheels by a combined 47 points. What could have been, right?

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
I sure hope you pup gets well soon.......sounds like you have it on the road to recovery........did you see where Rooster posted cooked rice and lightly browned ground turkey........50/50? When I was trying to keep my pups alive I was giving them boiled chicken.......first off it would have been better raw (cut up)......then we discovered that both were allergic to chicken.....these two dogs are my first foray into foster father kept field and trial coonhounds.....he kept anywhere from 30-50 dogs around........they were anything but pets........for a lot of years after his death I didn't even want to think about a dog........until I saw some Goldendoodle puppies at a friends place.........if you ever see any don't look them in the eyes.......they are some what like Medusa the can't look them in the eyes..........if you do..... you want to hold them.......then the next thing you know the little buggar is crapping in the middle of the deck because there is snow on the ground.......
Good morning, D-League!

Pretty rough to wake up to basketball news in March and April these last 10 years. At least we lost early and saved fans some time. Smarts that two teams we plastered are in the final because Cal smothers good shooters and tightens up his leash on good teams. Makes no sense except he can't let a team win without them doing it his way.

Imagine a coach that can adapt to his personnel... Wouldn't that be somethin to have a coach that knew the game inside and out and could develop talent? A Wildcat fan can dream, can't he?

It IS FITTING however that a school with no academic integrity is facing a school with no athletics integrity. Really is a great illustration of the NCAA since Emmert has been in charge, but even before that. Still haven't watched a game of the tourney since we lost and won't.

Didn't watch any other games and won't like I used to- until the NCAA cleans house, flies straight, and gets squared up. Who's going to do it, though? Have we got anyone who'll take a real sledge hammer and broom to that mess? Our country is now the "slap a coat of paint on it and call it remodeled" capital of the world. It wasn't supposed to be like every other country. It was supposed to be special.

Gotta get back to work on things. Hope y'all have a great day!
So......I have been on the quest for a particular color type in racing mottle.....I found some but no one was willing to sell......I managed to get a couple of them but they were not exactly what I was wanting......the thing is to find the color and still have the brains to come home from hundreds of miles as fast as possible......I finally found a couple on an auction site.....I did manage to win a hen that was out of two big winners from Belgium.....I started researching the guys responsible for starting this bloodline of pigeons...........they live in Pietrain Belgium.........I contacted a friend of mine in Diest BE, who's father had raced birds when he was alive.........she is/was in the process of finding a contact with the breeder who originated the bloodline.....

........I was at breakfast last week and my friend came bopping in like he won the lottery.......he said, "I have found you some mottles".........a gentleman that I raced with 45 yrs ago had plans of coming back to the sport....he had contracted the 85 yrs old it worked him over....he doesn't have the energy he said.........he had spent the last three years assimilation breeding stock from pretty much all over.......Belgium, England and all over the buddy had dibbs on this gentleman's stock.....I was gifted 16 of the Belgium Pietrain Mottles......

this is the original bird that started the excitement.........they range in color from self (solid) white to self black........beautiful with brains, grit and determination to get home from hundreds of still my fluttering heart!

I have been wound up like a spring since last week when I took possession of them........I am eagerly awaiting the original pedigrees............

Gorgeous birds! I hope they fly true and speedy
The team choke was not all Cal's fault. Cal didn't miss the jump shots or free throws. His anemic response however was rather pathetic and well below his pay grade.​
Glad to hear you say that as it was my explanation at times as well. I still feel like that but I can no longer ignore the impact that he DOES have on win/loss, nor can I tolerate his responses to either.

Started out with a pint of coffee and a blueberry muffin today. Wife took out some pulled pork we froze and brought home some buns yesterday. Throw in the tater salad and baked beans and I'm picnicking it today!
UNC reminds me of UCLA last year. Both teams caught fire at the end of the season after a lackluster season. Before UNC beat Duke on March 5th they were the 1st team out of the tournament. A solid bubble team. They were blown out by UT (17), UK (29), Miami (28), Wake Forest (22), Duke (20) and Virginia Tech (13). Hell they had to take lowly UL into OT before they pulled it out. I really hope they lose. UNC increased their #1 lead of Final 4s to 21, UCLA is second with 18 while Duke tied the Cats for 3rd with 17.

I'm just full of information today.
Glad to hear you say that as it was my explanation at times as well. I still feel like that but I can no longer ignore the impact that he DOES have on win/loss, nor can I tolerate his responses to either.

Started out with a pint of coffee and a blueberry muffin today. Wife took out some pulled pork we froze and brought home some buns yesterday. Throw in the tater salad and baked beans and I'm picnicking it today!
I can handle that menu.

Finally, I got my yard mowed. Yesterday was interrupted by the toilet installation. I had some as tall as 12".
Glad to hear you say that as it was my explanation at times as well. I still feel like that but I can no longer ignore the impact that he DOES have on win/loss, nor can I tolerate his responses to either.

Started out with a pint of coffee and a blueberry muffin today. Wife took out some pulled pork we froze and brought home some buns yesterday. Throw in the tater salad and baked beans and I'm picnicking it today!
Interesting. Have never had frozen pork of any kind.
Great sports weekend for the grandkids (and Pappaw). Saw it all.

GD's HS played a DH Sa. Chilly. Won both. She pitched first. Her batting (LH): lined 1B to left, lined 1B to center, lined 1B to RC, lined 3B to RC, routine GO; 2nd game: HR to dead C clearing fence about 10', LO to 2nd, long FO to C about 10' from fence, lined 1B to C.

Today in soccer match, 12 years old GS had 2 of his team's 4 goals.
Started out with a pint of coffee and a blueberry muffin today. Wife took out some pulled pork we froze and brought home some buns yesterday. Throw in the tater salad and baked beans and I'm picnicking it today!

I just took the last bite of our Sunday meal. It was Old Fashion American. A nice beef pot roast with carrots and potatoes. Butter beans and cornbread and sweet tea. Nothing fancy just some good grub.
Interesting. Have never had frozen pork of any kind.
As it turned out, I haven't had any frozen pork either. My wife took out a package of frozen smoked brisket instead. She didn't know until I showed her where I had written the date and what was in the bag. I used the white space provided on the bag so it would be easy to read. Thought it might help deter mix-ups.
I just took the last bite of our Sunday meal. It was Old Fashion American. A nice beef pot roast with carrots and potatoes. Butter beans and cornbread and sweet tea. Nothing fancy just some good grub.
Roast, taters, and carrots for us tomorrow night. Can't wait.