
Just going to put this one on here, this is my first time making it, a friend of Mrs. M gave her a bowl of it at work and she brought it home and shared with me.

Chicken Chili
2-lbs chicken breast
2-cans Rotel (undrained)
2-cans whole corn (undrained)
2-cans pinto beans (drained and rinsed)
2-cans black beans (drained and rinsed)
1-large onion
2-cups chicken broth
1-TBSP chili powder
1-TBSP cumin
2-TPS salt (Didn't use salt, seems like everything else has enough salt already)
1-TPS pepper
2-packages ranch seasoning -didn't do two
2- 16oz. cream cheese (2 blocks)

Everything in a crockpot on high for 4 hours or on low for 8 hours
Take chicken out, shred and put chicken back in!

Enjoy again!!! Cord
I'm sure they're not all that way. Steve Zahn gave me that hope.
I read about Steve Zahn the other day. That guy said that he wasn't what people expected him to be. A slacker like he played in some show. He gets up at 0600 each day without a clock ready to go. He played a stoner in an arc of Modern Family one season, but my favorite Zahn role was in Happy Texas.

Indie film that didn't get a lot of play but won some award. It's hilarious and he is great in it.
Welp. finally turned to snow overnight & got a couple inches. So 1/8" ice under 2" sleet under 2" snow. 19 degrees. Delightful. Been running spade under ice to loosen & then shoveling away. Two 20-30 minutes efforts so far with another to go to be good enough for 19 degrees.
Welp, finished up. I think I fought a 15 rounder against Mike Tyson. Body beat up.
Didn't get the Playstation to play but I did manage to get the sound. Gonna have to buy something extra. Wish I had looked at Youtube first. Didn't bother with turntable today because I'm too sore from all the getting down and up from the floor yesterday.

Had a nice ham and cheese omelet earlier but it's about worn off. Spaghetti later. I might make a pot of soup tomorrow.

Wish the game was at noon tomorrow. Hate to have to wait all day. I listened to Jerry Eaves again today and most of the show was talking about UK. He had lots of good things to say about us, not so much about UL. No wonder the UL fans can't stand him. He said he tells the truth and if they don't like it, change the culture. He'll never be a sellout shill for that group.
Good Saturday Morning D

Trust all are well and warm and well fed. Today is game day and that means game day food. My wife requested Brookings Chili so I will get that started and slow cook it to be ready for tonight's game. If we can squeak out a win at Bama I like our future. Bama should not be taken lightly. They have wins over Top 10 teams Baylor, the Zags and Houston. Cats have to come in focused like they did at Kansas. This is an important game.

Headed down to St Pete for a luncheon at the St Petersburg Yacht Club today. I belong to the Mayflower Society and we meet there several times a year for a lecture and it is always good. Our last speaker was a retired full bird Colonel whose last assignment was McDill AF base and he stayed in the area for his retirement days. We are glad to have him with us.

Have a good day and let's bring home a victory Cats. Today will be raining 3's in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Cat's defense should carry the day.
I just found out the Winter Olympics have started. I once cared about the Olympics and watched it religiously. But now I didn't even know it started. I will pass as I have no interest.

When the Olympics went WOKE and allowed men who are mentally ill and think they are women to compete against a real woman, I'm out. By real women I mean people with the plumbing to prove it.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 26°F, clear and calm with a slight northerly breeze. Expecting about 48°F today for our high. Brutal cold and ice might be over for the year. We'll see.

Happy Caturday! Cats vs Tide in Tuscaloosa at 8 PM EST tonight. Bama tough at home. Go Cats!

Plan taking a walk in a bit after sun rises. Gotta work a few chores here around the house. Hitting up credit union later. May go with BBQ for game tonight.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks. Glad it is Saturday. Appreciate some of the music you folks post. Here's a song I was listening to with my morning coffee, Patty Loveless with George Jones harmonizing...
It doesn't belong to Patty, but the post reminds me of this place. If in the area and you like country cooking, try it out.

It doesn't belong to Patty, but the post reminds me of this place. If in the area and you like country cooking, try it out.

Thanks for that tip Bernie. My wife and I are actually planning a Nashville trip for her birthday in a couple months. She’s never been and it has been a while for me. I’ll make a note of “Loveless Cafe.”
Good Saturday Morning D

Trust all are well and warm and well fed. Today is game day and that means game day food. My wife requested Brookings Chili so I will get that started and slow cook it to be ready for tonight's game. If we can squeak out a win at Bama I like our future. Bama should not be taken lightly. They have wins over Top 10 teams Baylor, the Zags and Houston. Cats have to come in focused like they did at Kansas. This is an important game.

Headed down to St Pete for a luncheon at the St Petersburg Yacht Club today. I belong to the Mayflower Society and we meet there several times a year for a lecture and it is always good. Our last speaker was a retired full bird Colonel whose last assignment was McDill AF base and he stayed in the area for his retirement days. We are glad to have him with us.

Have a good day and let's bring home a victory Cats. Today will be raining 3's in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Cat's defense should carry the day.

Have fun. Here's mine. I don't get to take it out much since I moved to the Phoenix area, but it is kinda fun to tinker with it when I get bored.

Good Saturday Morning D

Trust all are well and warm and well fed. Today is game day and that means game day food. My wife requested Brookings Chili so I will get that started and slow cook it to be ready for tonight's game. If we can squeak out a win at Bama I like our future. Bama should not be taken lightly. They have wins over Top 10 teams Baylor, the Zags and Houston. Cats have to come in focused like they did at Kansas. This is an important game.

Headed down to St Pete for a luncheon at the St Petersburg Yacht Club today. I belong to the Mayflower Society and we meet there several times a year for a lecture and it is always good. Our last speaker was a retired full bird Colonel whose last assignment was McDill AF base and he stayed in the area for his retirement days. We are glad to have him with us.

Have a good day and let's bring home a victory Cats. Today will be raining 3's in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Cat's defense should carry the day.
My parents belonged to that club before they sold their place in Isla Del Sol. They've never owned a boat. Just used the club for dining.
I just found out the Winter Olympics have started. I once cared about the Olympics and watched it religiously. But now I didn't even know it started. I will pass as I have no interest.

When the Olympics went WOKE and allowed men who are mentally ill and think they are women to compete against a real woman, I'm out. By real women I mean people with the plumbing to prove it.
Remember the stink and uproar about the East German "women" back in the day? They still hold the olympic records in shot put and discus.

Alabama can beat anyone this year if they hit the majority of the 3's they jack. They have also lost to Georgia and Miss. St.. I don't think we have to play like we did against Kansas and Tennessee to put them down, If the refs allow them to play whack a mole defense like Vandy, then we'll have a problem.

I'm thinking about doing a practice run of Superbowl snacks for the game tonight. Chicken wings and bacon wrapped pickles.

Our forefathers had the right idea about voting, they just went about it the wrong way. How could they have known though? They didn't just want white men to vote. They wanted property and business owners to vote. People who had skin in the game. People who financed everything. At the time, those people were white men.

If I decide to give you some money, for whatever reason, then I'll be damned if I'm going to let you decide how much I'm giving. Beggars can't be choosers is an adage for a reason.

When I was a child the UPS truck never stopped at my house. Now it never passes us by and sometimes has to wait for the Fedex truck to leave. 1st world problem?
It doesn't belong to Patty, but the post reminds me of this place. If in the area and you like country cooking, try it out.

They serve the best fried chicken and have the best yeast biscuits in the world........I was telling the Director that we would use Loveless Cafe as a training spot for the 500 mile race this spring.......might as well take care of my belly while I am getting them conditioned for that grueling race..............