
Good morning from ATX. Currently 21°F and cloudy. Wind chill around 9°F. Winter storm warning remains in effect for us until 10 am CST. Today's high may reach 38°F. Numerous school closures announced. Nevertheless, we'll start warming up again over the next few days.

I gotta start work in a few. Hope everybody stays warm. Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Up and At'em D-Legionnaires! Need a little nuclear wake up with the weather as it is. I found a snapshot of some of our posters this morning who really need a hot drink.


11° this morning with 20-30mph winds. Ice and snow still on the roads with a little more snow from last night. Today's expected high is 32° with winds continuing to blow.

My wife's company wants them in for work even though the Post Commander put out a weather essential only personnel. Wife isn't weather essential, but they don't care. Said their people need to be there. Although they did say if you don't want to come in you must use PTO. She has 329 hours so...

Everybody stay safe and warm out there and God Bless.
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Good evening, D-League!

Hope yall and your loved ones are doing well. Just got down to freezing temps here. Rain is still coming down pretty good. Water's already over the banks early in this storm. We'll see if we stay dry. God willing, we will.

THE European jerk just came out with another movie with tons of gun violence. Over and over this hypocrite has put them out. Once liked him as an actor, before I knew how much of fraud and a snob he is. Liam Neeson is "for gun control" here in the US. Has made plenty of comments trashing people here in this country and "their guns," and yet like a typical elitist not worth his weight in dung he promotes shooting people vigilante style in another bad movie. He makes his money HERE, and flips off the audience at the same time.

Why can't this guy work with Alec Baldwin on a trilogy?

I'm really tired of all the self-righteous whores in theater/TV. I'm tired of all of the historically ignorant pedophiles acting like THEY are THE intelligent evolved, when they are simply skilled at lying and cravenly enslaved by their own lust for money and sensory stimulation..

It's bad enough that they can't tell an accurate story, much less one they could film without having to bring in so much modern, fringe BS, as if it is mainstream in this country.

I'm salty this evening.

May y'all stay safe and warm, and may your power stay on by the grace of God!
Great post. I just keep these Hollywood Elites out of my life as best I can. I am very discriminating about who I watch and what I watch. Same with musicians and athletes. I guess I am a bigot.
The 1st time I ever heard of Imelda was on Elvis Presley's website featuring an Imelda May mp3 of My Baby Left Me. Never had a crush on Elvis. but Imelda was another matter. I found her transitory, taking me to far away inspirational places the last dozen years or so.

You're welcome. Jeff's Rock'n Roll Party tribute to Les and Mary with Imelda was a real eye opener for folks unfamiliar with Rock 'n Roll roots. Here's Les Paul splaining.

After practice Jeff & Imelda doing Les Paul & Mary Ford.

During a bring your child to work day. My son asked the lead chemist of the State of Arizona formulations regulatory lab where he kept his Plutonium and he explained that the federal government would not let him have any.
Rooster thanks for posting. You brought back a lot of great memories. The very first CD I bought, when CD's first came out was Les Paul & Mary Ford.

And thank you for introducing me to Imelda May. I have been playing her videos for hours. What a talent this Irish girl is.
Good morning to y'all

I trust this day will bring peace and joy. Today should be another pleasant one with a current temperature of 64° and a steady breeze out of the SSE at 14 mph. We will reach 79° with scattered clouds and sunshine.

My wife has been watching the Weather Channel and longs for the days of frozen pipes, icy roads and loss of power. She experienced a lot of that in her childhood and said she missed it. My cousin sent a photo of their fireplace blazing and everyone covered up in blankets with power out a minimum of 3 days and the wife thought that was so cozy and romantic. I told her when her daddy was the one fixing those pipes, shoveling the snow and melting the ice it is little different than if she was the one doing it. She could wrap up in a quilt and dream a little dream. I had enough snow and ice during my time at Ft Knox and UK to last a lifetime. I told her I would install a large freezer out back if it would help her home sickness. But baby, "I ain't got time for no snow and ice". So it is either me or frozen pipes back in the hills. That is one trip I ain't taking until it thaws out. I am soft.

No Power. No worry. So says my wife.

Good morning to y'all

I trust this day will bring peace and joy. Today should be another pleasant one with a current temperature of 64° and a steady breeze out of the SSE at 14 mph. We will reach 79° with scattered clouds and sunshine.

My wife has been watching the Weather Channel and longs for the days of frozen pipes, icy roads and loss of power. She experienced a lot of that in her childhood and said she missed it. My cousin sent a photo of their fireplace blazing and everyone covered up in blankets with power out a minimum of 3 days and the wife thought that was so cozy and romantic. I told her when her daddy was the one fixing those pipes, shoveling the snow and melting the ice it is little different than if she was the one doing it. She could wrap up in a quilt and dream a little dream. I had enough snow and ice during my time at Ft Knox and UK to last a lifetime. I told her I would install a large freezer out back if it would help her home sickness. But baby, "I ain't got time for no snow and ice". So it is either me or frozen pipes back in the hills. That is one trip I ain't taking until it thaws out. I am soft.

No Power. No worry. So says my wife.


You'd move in a heart beat if it was a must. Bless you!

I am thankful for you that it is not, a must!
Good Morning all,

It is a wet day here to state the least.

I have some good news I received and completed the process this week. My praise report!:

I stated this in this thread at least a year ago or more. I stated a problem/ issue/ desire...

I mentioned mine and my Darlings desire to be able to move from here with me being able to find another job where we'd want to move. (Florida was the desire.) What I knew then, and know now. God's time is the best time. God loves you.

I am still actively searching for a new job as well. I will not limit God's ability to bless.

Now though, I can actually work from anywhere I want to within the continental United States and Hawaii too. I have some requirements but I can meet them easily. Mine and my Darling's Booger Butt and Little Booger are the only thing holding us here. (And our Daughters but them, not so much.) (That's a good thing.) My Darling and I are just deciding what we want to do. What we do won't be in haste. We will submit to God...

I cannot tell you all how God has taken care of me and my family through me since we have existed. I have no input into God's grace other than submitting to letting God control me. (I still fail regularly but my desires are to submit to God's will. Oh, I have failed and failed regularly but I continue without ceasing...)

Whom may you ask are Booger Butt and Little Booger? (Respectively of course from your left to right facing you...) PB -Papa's Babies...(I have two more but they are in Florida. Not enough time around them to name them.....yet!)

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Morning D
Baby it’s cold outside!
We’ve switched over to all snow..lasting until noon
So glad to be home today. Rob has to work, but his job is right here in town and he drives a big Dodge diesel so if he slides off the road he should be okay
I get to have a day with my boys and can’t say I’m too upset

stay safe friends
Strange stuff. 23 degrees & sleet for hours, not ice, not snow. Probably close to 2". Started as freezing rain, less than 1/4" on driveways under the sleet & on trees. Still going. Can't recall ever seeing 23 degrees & anything but snow before this.
Welp. finally turned to snow overnight & got a couple inches. So 1/8" ice under 2" sleet under 2" snow. 19 degrees. Delightful. Been running spade under ice to loosen & then shoveling away. Two 20-30 minutes efforts so far with another to go to be good enough for 19 degrees.
@cordmaker this is Jessie Varner's birthday. I used his picture with your badge on FaceBook. I thought you would enjoy seeing it again.

Thanks Bert!!!! I hope I can meet him if we get come to your house this summer. I counted up how many I have made, 43!!!! Plus, a couple deputy stars!!!! And some MILITARY stars! I made one GOLD STAR, I hope I never have to make another one, but if ask to do so, I will in a heartbeat!!!!!
Good morning! No ice here that I can see on the trees. Have about 3 inches of snow on the ground with snow lightly falling now. I think I'll just admire it from afar.

After the Jones Show I'm going to play with stereo a little. I found my old PS2 yesterday and I'm going to hook it up today and see if it still works. If it does, I'll be driving fast on the Nürburgring on the biggest screen yet.

Need to win us a ball game tomorrow. Hopefully Cal's analysis of this team will hold true and we will play better away from Rupp. Gonna need our A game and especially need to put pressure on the perimeter.
Good morning D, we survived the iceageddon Read 1st Corinthians 2.

I kept watching the temps yesterday, the thermometer yesterday, when I got up it was 40 then dropped to 32 and stayed there all day!!!!! We never lost power, but we were ready if we did. They closed the bank yesterday, but they could have worked. I told Mrs. M, they are not going to let the bank stay closed two days in a row, had to take her, side roads are horrible, main roads clear!!! Never seen so much sleet!!!

We couldn't decide whether we were going to fix Stale Bread soup or Chicken Chili, I got out voted 1-1 so we are having Chicken Chili, both are dang good!!!!

Bert, I fixed a THIN BLUE LINE BADGE and shipped it to Mt. Vernon, Ind to a deputy that had been shot in the line of duty, he's doing ok. I mailed it Monday, delivered Wednesday, I guess Smiths Grove is just so out of the way it just takes longer!!!!LOL

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!! Whoever prayed that the ice storm would miss us THANKS!!!!

Up and At'em D-Legionnaires! Need a little nuclear wake up with the weather as it is. I found a snapshot of some of our posters this morning who really need a hot drink.


11° this morning with 20-30mph winds. Ice and snow still on the roads with a little more snow from last night. Today's expected high is 32° with winds continuing to blow.

My wife's company wants them in for work even though the Post Commander put out a weather essential only personnel. Wife isn't weather essential, but they don't care. Said their people need to be there. Although they did say if you don't want to come in you must use PTO. She has 329 hours so...

Everybody stay safe and warm out there and God Bless.
WC, like your new avatar!!!
One of my favorite tunes to pick on the banjer.........

I forgot how amazing Les Paul was on the guitar. While I kept in mind Chet A., Roy C., Glenn C., Jerry R., Vince G., George B., and Even Ricky S. among many others. While their are others that fall into this category Les's play is effortless...

I am going to have to tune my guitar up after many years of it sitting on it's stand, removed just to clean it and straighten it after, Booger Butt strums it. I think I will do that today along with getting out some alcohol and vinegar... (I have a new set of strings but I doubt that will happen for a bit...)

I feel a couple Merle Haggard songs inside that need their release...

If my fingers will obey and the finger tips will take it, May even do a little Wildwood Flower... (I used to love playing that.) (I pound on a keyboard a lot now, let's see if that translates...)

Thanks Brother awf and also thank you and your Misses for the card!
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Up and At'em D-Legionnaires! Need a little nuclear wake up with the weather as it is. I found a snapshot of some of our posters this morning who really need a hot drink.


11° this morning with 20-30mph winds. Ice and snow still on the roads with a little more snow from last night. Today's expected high is 32° with winds continuing to blow.

My wife's company wants them in for work even though the Post Commander put out a weather essential only personnel. Wife isn't weather essential, but they don't care. Said their people need to be there. Although they did say if you don't want to come in you must use PTO. She has 329 hours so...

Everybody stay safe and warm out there and God Bless.
I feel ya.
Robert Gordon with Link Wray Linkys

We couldn't decide whether we were going to fix Stale Bread soup or Chicken Chili, I got out voted 1-1 so we are having Chicken Chili, both are dang good!!!!

Bert, I fixed a THIN BLUE LINE BADGE and shipped it to Mt. Vernon, Ind to a deputy that had been shot in the line of duty, he's doing ok. I mailed it Monday, delivered Wednesday, I guess Smiths Grove is just so out of the way it just takes longer!!!!LOL
I often get outvoted by 1-1.

You also fixed Jessie a star. Jessie is one of my best friends; however, when you meet the dude you feel inadequate as he is so darned tall.

I still don't know what happened to the shipment. I send DVD's to San Antonio in three days. Strange. Then your next shipment got here in two days. I guess it was too close to Christmas.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 21°F and cloudy. Wind chill around 9°F. Winter storm warning remains in effect for us until 10 am CST. Today's high may reach 38°F. Numerous school closures announced. Nevertheless, we'll start warming up again over the next few days.

I gotta start work in a few. Hope everybody stays warm. Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I had a bowl of homemade soup about a half hour ago. This is my third day of working down a pot of homemade soup my wife made me Wednesday morning. It is goooood.
Good morning! Slept in 3 stages last night. Woke up and told Alexa to play 630AM and much to my dismay, Ryan Lemond is now on the Pre Jones Show show. I should get up at 0800 and listen to Tom Leach but that probably won't happen.

I have a feeling we're going to thump Vandy tomorrow. Maybe in the 30 point range thumping. Coming off that win at Kansas the Rupp crowd will be amped up and hungry.

Gotta go make some coffee to get me amped up. I'm already hungry.
Not with the refs that called that game.
Best of luck to your dad, Backer.
My daughter named all of her children with names starting in A.........and usually I have to go through the whole list to get to the right name........I have all 10 of them nick named.............she hates it.......she did give up correcting me for not calling them by their given names....about 20 yrs ago...I like the name by the way......Congratulations!
Let's see if this works... worth the short watch... (I checked it, it should work when you click it.)

If you are a Bengal fan you may understand

Apologies to any State Farm agents that might be on this board but I now cuss that company every time I see one of their commercials. If you have SF...make sure you never buy a old home that has Knob and Tube wiring because they'll drop you in a heart beat even if you've been a client for 30 years. My wife just laughs every time I say **** SF.
I had a bowl of homemade soup about a half hour ago. This is my third day of working down a pot of homemade soup my wife made me Wednesday morning. It is goooood.
I hear ya. Cooked homemade soup this past Wednesday evening. It used leftover chicken and dumpling soup we made last week and froze. Unthawed and added noodles. Just finished the remaining bowl at lunch today.

Plan on making bean soup next week using recipe @cordmaker posted on here. Stay tuned.
Good morning D-League.

Rainy day here. Got soaked on my walk. Cats were a little rough last night. Vandy played dirty at times.

I enjoyed Bev's account of meeting Ashley Judd in the "What happened to Ashley Judd" thread. I met her once.

She wasn't pleasant at all to me either. I remember the exact day - the day Terrance Jones announced he was coming back for sophomore year. I saw her at a DC function and just thought I'd make small talk about 'good news for us Kentucky fans.' She acted haughty and dismissive. Probably because I was there with Donald Rumsfeld and she wanted to make sure he knew she considered him a war criminal, or whatever. I don't think he had any idea who she was.

Those poor celebrities. Imagine millions of people "liking" you or "loving" you because of a character you played instead of who you really are. Most times these days when you find out who they really are, you understand FULLY why they had to become actors and actresses. So many empty shells need filling with something, and what better way than to choose a crafted personality out of a bag of them.

Those poor things have to compete to get those personalities through auditions, and they probably blame US for making them do it.

Yet, there are some that don't fit that mold. I met Steve Zahn at my friend's art studio years ago. Seemed like a genuine guy and a little like I expected from the role he played in Sahara. My friend talked to him for a little while and I got to sit in on the conversation. Afterward, he and I were talking about Zahn and other celebs we had met (he had met a lot more than I) and he mentioned that that conversation with Zahn was not common. According to him Charlize Theron was a nuclear reactor of self-centered drama for example. Judd was more like what her recent pink-hattedness would suggest. There were a few others I don't remember or didn't know that well, but most resembled the less human of personalities.

I'm sure they're not all that way. Steve Zahn gave me that hope.
Good Morning all,

It is a wet day here to state the least.

I have some good news I received and completed the process this week. My praise report!:

I stated this in this thread at least a year ago or more. I stated a problem/ issue/ desire...

I mentioned mine and my Darlings desire to be able to move from here with me being able to find another job where we'd want to move. (Florida was the desire.) What I knew then, and know now. God's time is the best time. God loves you.

I am still actively searching for a new job as well. I will not limit God's ability to bless.

Now though, I can actually work from anywhere I want to within the continental United States and Hawaii too. I have some requirements but I can meet them easily. Mine and my Darling's Booger Butt and Little Booger are the only thing holding us here. (And our Daughters but them, not so much.) (That's a good thing.) My Darling and I are just deciding what we want to do. What we do won't be in haste. We will submit to God...

I cannot tell you all how God has taken care of me and my family through me since we have existed. I have no input into God's grace other than submitting to letting God control me. (I still fail regularly but my desires are to submit to God's will. Oh, I have failed and failed regularly but I continue without ceasing...)

Whom may you ask are Booger Butt and Little Booger? (Respectively of course from your left to right facing you...) PB -Papa's Babies...(I have two more but they are in Florida. Not enough time around them to name them.....yet!)

Nice, I love this. I see one area you may be interested in is Florida. Here are the top 25 places to retire and it is a good representation of what is popular in the state. From the Panhandle to the Keys.

I live in the Nature Coast area which is sparsely populated and pretty much unspoiled. It is the most conservative area of Florida by far.

THE NATURE COAST. (Pictured below) Rooster (the railroad man) can tell you the name of the birds in the top of the palms.

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Nice, I love this. I see one area you may be interested in is Florida. Here are the top 25 places to retire and it is a good representation of what is popular in the state. From the Panhandle to the Keys.

I live in the Nature Coast area which is sparsely populated and pretty much unspoiled. It is the most conservative area of Florida by far.

THE NATURE COAST. Railroad can tell you the name of the birds in the top of the palms.


Thank you Sir brother.
Thank you Sir brother.
You are welcome and with that I am headed back to the pool. Well after I get the garbage can from the road. My wife reminded me it was still there and that is one job around here I claim. I take garbage in and out. I feel blessed. She also asked me to make a pot of chili.

What we would do without them. Forget to eat and starve?
Nice, I love this. I see one area you may be interested in is Florida. Here are the top 25 places to retire and it is a good representation of what is popular in the state. From the Panhandle to the Keys.

I live in the Nature Coast area which is sparsely populated and pretty much unspoiled. It is the most conservative area of Florida by far.

THE NATURE COAST. (Pictured below) Rooster (the railroad man) can tell you the name of the birds in the top of the palms.



Good morning! No ice here that I can see on the trees. Have about 3 inches of snow on the ground with snow lightly falling now. I think I'll just admire it from afar.

After the Jones Show I'm going to play with stereo a little. I found my old PS2 yesterday and I'm going to hook it up today and see if it still works. If it does, I'll be driving fast on the Nürburgring on the biggest screen yet.

Need to win us a ball game tomorrow. Hopefully Cal's analysis of this team will hold true and we will play better away from Rupp. Gonna need our A game and especially need to put pressure on the perimeter.
Well, if you build a far you could admire it closer.