
Could have been better but ... a minor blip. Still a win.

I've been hanging out with Marty (dog) since Sunday. Donna (wife) still taking care of her Mom. Not sure if Step-FIL will ever get out of the hospital. Poor guy, having a rough time. MIL is confused. Dementia. Life goes on.
I bet that there is a story behind that.

That has to be the worst officiating crew of all time.
Cal said something about it in the post game. Said we're still in covid, NBA doesn't do it. He and Stackhouse gave peace signs and went their separate ways. I think they were just making sure we didn't have a situation like Florida and Tennessee.

I think Grady should have dropped a 3 on em while time expired.
I’d bet Cal was pissed that Vandy - no doubt executing the coaches’ orders - turned the game into a rock fight. Lots of cheap blind screens. Cats lucky no one got hurt.
It wasn't just cheap blind screens either, although, those would have been enough. There were moving screens all night that caused our guys to get tripped up. They let the elbows fly, pushed off all the time, and flopped all over the floor. Jerry taught them the dirty moves. It could very well be those dirty moves were the only thing he learned in college. We know for sure that he did not have to attend classes under Dean Smith's reign.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 31°F, cold, windy and wet, Stuck my head out a minute ago. Some icicles forming on our back carport. Can hear rain turning to sleet. We're already at our high for the day. Heading to 20°F without wind-chill. Expecting 1/10-1/4 inch ice.

Yeah, rough stuff last night. Hate seeing it. At least nobody hurt. Go Cats!

Stay safe and warm. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Wow, you prepare for snow storms like we prepare for hurricanes
Learned my lesson once about 12 or so years back. Bad ice and snowstorms took out the power around here for several weeks (about 2 1/2 for us longer for others). Did not have a generator then and house was all electric as is the one I am in now. The old one was on blocks, so air easily flowed underneath, and all pipes froze. Was melting snow in pots and boiling drinking water and cooking with our BBQ grill and Coleman stove. Melted it in bigger pots to bathe. The only saving grace was a fireplace and I had enough wood chopped to last a month or so. After about a week of no power I had heard that in Lawton (15 miles up the highway where I worked at Ft. Sill) there where people selling refurbished generators out of 18 wheelers so, I went there and bought me one. Still have that one today.

I still had to go to work almost every day even though post was closed to all but essential personnel because I worked for the unit movement section at the time and FEMA had secured a couple of our large empty storage lots on post to truck in large generators on flatbed trucks. Me and a couple of other workers would off load them in the lot until needed to be moved elsewhere (mostly to businesses downtown). We had forklifts from 5-ton to 45-ton lift capacity to lift them. They had some on wheels of course but most were not.
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Somewhere, somebody is busy at work trying to come up with a way to explain to me how this weather event wouldn't have been a problem at all if not for global warming. If I get 3", they will tell me it would have been 2". There probably wouldn't have been any ice either. Did you know we never had freezing rain until we burned fossil fuels?

Morning Legionnaires! Lock down those bags and put on some rags, there's work to do.

Got the sleet then snow predicted. Not sure if 3" or more because of the wind drifts. 14° this morning with winds up to 20mph. More snow expected shortly. Up to another 3" or more throughout the day. Post is closed to all but essential personnel, but my wife's company said they want them at work, or she can use leave if she does not want to drive in. Well, there is ice under the snow with more snow coming and the streets are covered. It takes her 20 minutes with most of the trip on I44 (75mph) to get there on normal days. Nope. She will have to use leave for the next couple of days.

Slept on the couch (recliner portion) last night with winter clothes nearby in case power went out. Had a generator prepositioned in the garage just in case I had to go out and fire it up. Wife said I was crazy but old habits die hard, and I wanted to make sure there was little time between outage and heat flowing again. 4 dogs, 3 cats, a 16-year-old daughter and my wife who with the exception of the monster dog get cold easy. Did not want to hear any meowing, whimpering (wife), or bitching (all dogs are female). ;)😁

Everyone be safe out there today and God Bless.
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It wasn't just cheap blind screens either, although, those would have been enough. There were moving screens all night that caused our guys to get tripped up. They let the elbows fly, pushed off all the time, and flopped all over the floor. Jerry taught them the dirty moves. It could very well be those dirty moves were the only thing he learned in college. We know for sure that he did not have to attend classes under Dean Smith's reign.
I don't like Jerry Stackhouse, never have and never will. He is too much like Dean Smith in personality and behavior. Last night was a game that was ready to explode in a free for all. The least little spark and fists would have been flying. I wouldn't shake hands either.

I guess this is the way we will have to treat Vandy as long as Stackhouse is around. I never had anything against Vanderbilt but with him as coach they are heading to the top of my dislike list.
Morning D
Well…all we have right now is rain but temps hovering around the freezing mark
Our office, the schools and my grandchildrens daycares are all closed today
My son does have to go into work..may get sent home later though
I’m babysitting the younger granddaughter today as her mom…isn’t feeling well. :rolleyes:
Anyway. Guess we will see what this does

I’m still kind of angry about our game. Glad we won but Vandy played dirty no doubt. Don’t know how our guys, especially Oscar, kept their tempers. And I can’t stand preferential treatment for one player. Sure it’s because it’s who his dad is. Thing ia Pippen Jr doesn’t need that. He’s a good player without the bs.

Y’all stay warm and safe today
Good Morning D

Woke up to a very pleasant 62° with winds SE at 8 mph. Today will bring clear skies and full sunshine as we head up to 81° for our high. 0% chance of rain.

Trust the ice in parts of D League Land that was predicted never showed up and if it did, it will melt away quickly.

So wishing all a nice day and prayers to those in need both spiritually and in body. Read 1st Corinthians Chapter 2

Beetle must be a Florida Boy.

Somewhere, somebody is busy at work trying to come up with a way to explain to me how this weather event wouldn't have been a problem at all if not for global warming. If I get 3", they will tell me it would have been 2". There probably wouldn't have been any ice either. Did you know we never had freezing rain until we burned fossil fuels?

I didn't think you understood, but,.... you DO!!!! Joy Rapture...


Al Gore loves ya...

Where's he been anyway...

Good Morning all...
Is there such a thing as a diehard Vandy fan? They have rarely had any kind of success in the major sports that would build generational support like we have for our basketball team. Does the Vandy admin even care? They get the same millions from the league that we do regardless of their win loss record.

Bert and I were discussing this earlier in the week. They do not belong in the SEC and they know it. 10 are flagship, state schools and 3 others are land grant schools. Vandy is a private school and as such does not have to report revenue. Or anything else they don't want to ala Duke.
Is there such a thing as a diehard Vandy fan? They have rarely had any kind of success in the major sports that would build generational support like we have for our basketball team. Does the Vandy admin even care? They get the same millions from the league that we do regardless of their win loss record.

Bert and I were discussing this earlier in the week. They do not belong in the SEC and they know it. 10 are flagship, state schools and 3 others are land grant schools. Vandy is a private school and as such does not have to report revenue. Or anything else they don't want to ala Duke.

There is a good, decent poster on RR that is a diehard but human Vandy fan. Friedas_Boss (I took the @ away) He has been a good poster for a long while and has the respect of many on the site. That is the only one I know of... ;) (I call him Fred.)
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My wife was on her way to work when her attorney called and told her to stay home. She'll still be working, doing the exact same thing she would be doing in the office. The only difference is he can't just ask her questions at his every whim.

I'm headed to the store soon to pick up some soup and anything else I see that I can cook in one pot. We've got enough stuff to last for a couple of weeks with no electricity but she's a picky eater and I don't want to hear it.
Me breakfast; (Along with a carrot and coffee)


The cakes are made with a rice flour and "regular" flour along with brown sugar and some nuts. The brown sugar and nuts are added to the middle of the dough for each cake and then pressed flat. What comes out after/ while cooking is a syrup inside each cake that is very tasty... (I had three)

In Korea we used to buy these on the street at vendors. They cost about 50 or so cents each. Here at Korean stores, they are over two dollars each. My darling made these this morning. 🥰

I posted this on Rafters…but wanted to share here too. We didn’t play great last night but this goes to prove how special our team really is.
Damion Mintz after the game;

On what got his momentum going …

“Honestly, it was right after the Kansas game. I was walking out of the locker room and there was a little girl. She was probably a young teenager. She was crying her eyes out as she was walking up to me. I asked, ‘What’s going on?’ She was like, ‘I’m just so excited to meet you. This is my first time meeting my favorite player. I’ve been waiting a year.’ And I had zero points. I didn’t really even play a full half of a game. My heart was kind of heavy because I knew I had been struggling for a while. Just to realize God made me somebody that can make someone else feel special about themselves, that just sent me over the top. My parents saw and my cousin who was there also saw. She couldn’t even keep herself together. That just meant so much to me that it meant so much to her. That right there is what motivates me. People could feel so special about themselves, and it made me work harder in the gym. So that’s what turned out for today. So, thank her, if she’s listening right now.”
Good morning D-League.

Rainy day here. Got soaked on my walk. Cats were a little rough last night. Vandy played dirty at times.

I enjoyed Bev's account of meeting Ashley Judd in the "What happened to Ashley Judd" thread. I met her once.

She wasn't pleasant at all to me either. I remember the exact day - the day Terrance Jones announced he was coming back for sophomore year. I saw her at a DC function and just thought I'd make small talk about 'good news for us Kentucky fans.' She acted haughty and dismissive. Probably because I was there with Donald Rumsfeld and she wanted to make sure he knew she considered him a war criminal, or whatever. I don't think he had any idea who she was.
Is there such a thing as a diehard Vandy fan? They have rarely had any kind of success in the major sports that would build generational support like we have for our basketball team. Does the Vandy admin even care? They get the same millions from the league that we do regardless of their win loss record.

Bert and I were discussing this earlier in the week. They do not belong in the SEC and they know it. 10 are flagship, state schools and 3 others are land grant schools. Vandy is a private school and as such does not have to report revenue. Or anything else they don't want to ala Duke.
My sister had a Ph.D. from Vandy and she watched every Vandy game against UK. None else! :)

Vandy is a good college started by a railroad. Chicago, Stanford, McDaniel It is excellent if you want to impress an employer. I don't believe it has much following. I know that it is relatively easy to get basketball tickets and really easy to get football tickets.

Vandy is saved because they are a charter member of the SEC. They live off the gravy that the SEC produces. Rooster would call them a parasite if they were in the animal world.
Me breakfast; (Along with a carrot and coffee)


The cakes are made with a rice flour and "regular" flour along with brown sugar and some nuts. The brown sugar and nuts are added to the middle of the dough for each cake and then pressed flat. What comes out after/ while cooking is a syrup inside each cake that is very tasty... (I had three)

In Korea we used to buy these on the street at vendors. They cost about 50 or so cents each. Here at Korean stores, they are over two dollars each. My darling made these this morning. 🥰

I bet they are wonderful.
Some of those people in the public eye are nice people and some are like AJ. I can understand some of it, like William Shatner for example. None of us can even come close to imagining the number of times he's been called Capt. Kirk in real life. People are probably well intentioned, but they don't consider that regardless of what they say to him, he's heard it thousands of times before.

Same with Cal. When he's out in public, everyone he meets asks the same questions, everyone gives him the same advice, and Matt Jones wants to complain about the way Cal says things about the fans. Many of us have been Cat fans longer than he has, none of has coached them.

When I first met Bert, of course I was awestruck to be talking to the legend face to face. I hid my giddyness though and just acted like I'd been there before. Bev was much the same. She talked just like she had known us her whole life! In fact, Bert and I were both surprised!
We are awaiting the ice. I am praying for snow. It is 36.9°F and we have 1.49" of rain so far, that is counting yesterday's rain also. It was 1.12" when I went to bed.

I have the BluRay burned and I am going to watch the Vandy game again to just make sure that the officiating was a bad as I remember and to see how many times Pippen pushed off with the off hand and the officials called them blocks. I may try to count the number of moving pics but that will just about be impossible because Vandy was not set on a single one of them.

You all have a great day and I pray we all get to keep our power.

I understand a little better after watching this.
This video brings back one of my favorite memories.

My daughter came in from a school function, probably her freshman year. I watched this special, and she sat down right beside old dad on the couch and watched the rest of the show with me.

I think she had had a bad day, and this performance cheered her up. She seemed genuinely interested as I talked about Les Paul and Mary Ford. Mainly about the many innovations, Les brought to the music world.

My favorite part was when she used an expression she had heard me and my "real" musician friends use on occasion. She did not even look up; as Jeff Beck was playing, she said, "He is the "real deal" ain't he?" :)

Thank you for posting a great memory. :)

Edit to clarify: My friends are the real musicians, I just hack out a few chords here and there around the house.
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Hello all,
A report of sorts. I mentioned a while ago that a man I hired over a year ago in my organization and he lived in Colorado. (Only ever met him via video.) He recently interviewed (Between Thanksgiving and Christmas.) and got a job here where I live, on Fort Belvoir. He and his wife only live about a half a mile from me and my Darling.

They have turned out to be good friends. We have been to supper together a few times. They had supper at my house Christmas day. (My Daughters, my Darling, and Grand Children (two of them anyway.) all like them both.) Other than this site it has been a long while since I have had anyone (Man-wise) who I could be more than a casual acquaintance.

HA, he was born in Kentucky. (Lived in the small town (Name escapes me) between Shepherdsville and 31W off 44. (Worked that area for twenty years too.) He actually grew up in Louisville.

He's a youngster (55 or 56) but he is high speed and naturally friendly. (Won't drink a Yuengling though. Has his own types he likes.) The chump!

I am thankful!
We are awaiting the ice. I am praying for snow. It is 36.9°F and we have 1.49" of rain so far, that is counting yesterday's rain also. It was 1.12" when I went to bed.

I have the BluRay burned and I am going to watch the Vandy game again to just make sure that the officiating was a bad as I remember and to see how many times Pippen pushed off with the off hand and the officials called them blocks. I may try to count the number of moving pics but that will just about be impossible because Vandy was not set on a single one of them.

You all have a great day and I pray we all get to keep our power.
We have more coming but pictured below are pictures of last night's fall with the first picture being out of the front door where the walkway is. I just finished shoveling and salting just beyond that is my graveled U going in and out of my front yard. I used my truck after that picture to run over it a few times just in case a delivery comes today. Wife said she expects some.

The next is just out of the back door. The monster (puppy still 10 1/2 months and over 95lbs) is enjoying this and my little portable burn pit.

. . . . . . .

When I first met Bert, of course I was awestruck to be talking to the legend face to face. I hid my giddyness though and just acted like I'd been there before. Bev was much the same. She talked just like she had known us her whole life! In fact, Bert and I were both surprised!
The visit was held up a few hours as the Secret Service was combing over the records to make sure he did not have any plutonium on him. 😁
We have more coming but pictured below are pictures of last night's fall with the first picture being out of the front door where the walkway is. I just finished shoveling and salting just beyond that is my graveled U going in and out of my front yard. I used my truck after that picture to run over it a few times just in case a delivery comes today. Wife said she expects some.

The next is just out of the back door. The monster (puppy still 10 1/2 months and over 95lbs) is enjoying this and my little portable burn pit.


Man Brother Sir,

Can't you understand Dog yet??? I see what he she is telling you to do from here!!!

"Man, light the biotch..".....😂🤣
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Yep, they arrived yesterday but I have not given them to my grandchildren yet as they have not been over but I got them now!!!!

Papa knows what's fun! The box states 5+ but I know a two and three year old that will take the chance!


Yep, they arrived yesterday but I have not given them to my grandchildren yet as they have not been over but I got them now!!!!

Papa knows what's fun! The box states 5+ but I know a two and three year old that will take the chance!


Now I know what will be on my mind all day today. I had the volume up and now my wife is singing or humming it.
Yep, they arrived yesterday but I have not given them to my grandchildren yet as they have not been over but I got them now!!!!

Papa knows what's fun! The box states 5+ but I know a two and three year old that will take the chance!


We were poor so dad gave me the springs out of an old couch he burned after the 58 natl champ game. I wore the char off that sucker in no time!
My drive into work, and hopefully on my way to home, are similar to last nights game. Got where I needed to be but it wasn't pretty.
On to Bama. Coleman Coliseum Saturday Feb. 12th. Pack the stands for free tuition & 4 x 4 trucks.
Did they postpone the game til next week?