
All right, who let the Debbie Downers out today.
Hey I'm to blame Warrior. Sorry to all. I was just intending to make a bit of a joke at my own expense for having to be told by a doctor that not feeling 30 at more than twice that age is not necessarily a medical mystery. I guess it fell flat, but I'll turn it into good news: The doc says I'll probably live to be 100...
Ice storm warning beginning tomorrow morning and lasting until Friday morning. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as 2009 but just in case I'm filling up my gas cans for a generator that I've never used. We lost our electricity for 8-days in 2009. The temp in the house got down to a low of 38 degrees. 5 inches of snow fell on top of 3/4 of an inch of ice. Parts of Kentucky had it much worse. I'm not sure where this pic was taken but it gives an idea of the landscape throughout the state.,338
We were in England when the storm wife said it looked like a tornado had went through our took the city two hours to collect the limbs out of our front yard........and we don't even have a tree.......I guess we were lucky.......they could have decided to load their trucks up with our stuff after they unloaded their limbs.......
Hey I'm to blame Warrior. Sorry to all. I was just intending to make a bit of a joke at my own expense for having to be told by a doctor that not feeling 30 at more than twice that age is not necessarily a medical mystery. I guess it fell flat, but I'll turn it into good news: The doc says I'll probably live to be 100...
I was actually joking as well. Did not take anything as negative.
Good afternoon folks. I had my first physical in a while. Turns out I have something serious and eventually fatal -- its called being in your mid-60s.

That's more or less what the doctor told me when I told her I wasn't feeling quite as robust and energetic as usual. She pored over my blood and urine tests, my Blood Pressure results, my EKG, my past medical records. Then she looks at me and says, "I see here you are past 65..."

Ah well, as Tennyson said, "Though much is taken, much abides, and though we are not now that strength that in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
My DW's doctor always tells her the same thing after her yearly physical, "You look good on paper." I think she's having a mid-life crisis. Will be 75 this summer. Doesn't take a thing other than vits. Plays tennis 2x/wk. Steve Cauthen's Mom played in her group until the first of the year.
Ice storm warning beginning tomorrow morning and lasting until Friday morning. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as 2009 but just in case I'm filling up my gas cans for a generator that I've never used. We lost our electricity for 8-days in 2009. The temp in the house got down to a low of 38 degrees. 5 inches of snow fell on top of 3/4 of an inch of ice. Parts of Kentucky had it much worse. I'm not sure where this pic was taken but it gives an idea of the landscape throughout the state.,338
I remember that storm in KY. I'd visited my cousin down on Nolin Lake a few weeks earlier. My cousin got iced in so severely he lost power for like 2-3 weeks. He ended up leaving with his Beagle hounds and drove up to Louisville.
My DW's doctor always tells her the same thing after her yearly physical, "You look good on paper." I think she's having a mid-life crisis. Will be 75 this summer. Doesn't take a thing other than vits. Plays tennis 2x/wk. Steve Cauthen's Mom played in her group until the first of the year.
I am 75 and I can barely walk.

Good for you.
We were in England when the storm wife said it looked like a tornado had went through our took the city two hours to collect the limbs out of our front yard........and we don't even have a tree.......I guess we were lucky.......they could have decided to load their trucks up with our stuff after they unloaded their limbs.......
Just 4 months earlier (Sept. 2008) we lost our power for 6-days due to Hurricane Ike.
My DW's doctor always tells her the same thing after her yearly physical, "You look good on paper." I think she's having a mid-life crisis. Will be 75 this summer. Doesn't take a thing other than vits. Plays tennis 2x/wk. Steve Cauthen's Mom played in her group until the first of the year.
Yeah but 150 would be great.
Well D, it's looks like here in the Berg, that we are on a line for being bad to really bad, if yawl don't see me on here you will know we are down! They have missed every prediction they have forecast for snow here this year, I was really hoping they would miss this one, still hope they do!!! Later D!!! Go Cats!
I am praying they miss this one too Cord. I lived in the North Georgia Mts for 20 years and can tell you a little bit about ice storms. They are the worst. God be with you.
Good Evening D....waiting for Icemageddon.
Red just got back from the store, said it wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be.
She called me up at work, around 2:30, and asked me if I had heard about how bad the weather is supposed to get. Uhhhhhh. Wanted to know what we should do about it? Put on PJs, get comfy & pray our electricity doesn't go out. ...And crack open a wine/beer bottle.
Game time coming up! Go Cats.

I understand a little better after watching this.
Good Evening D....waiting for Icemageddon.
Red just got back from the store, said it wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be.
She called me up at work, around 2:30, and asked me if I had heard about how bad the weather is supposed to get. Uhhhhhh. Wanted to know what we should do about it? Put on PJs, get comfy & pray our electricity doesn't go out. ...And crack open a wine/beer bottle.
Game time coming up! Go Cats.
Amen and Amen OEC!!!!!!
Started sleeting/snowing (light to moderate) at 13:30 here and is still going. Supposed to continue until about midnight and then pick back up again tomorrow morning. Currently 20° with winds around 15-25mph. Low expected to be around 12° tonight. Have about an inch of sleet/snow mixture right now. Our electric company here struggles keep power going in these types of conditions so, I have 3 generators at the ready. One operates on gasoline, one on propane, and one on both. I fired them all up early December and replaced fuel with new fuel. I have 7 5-gal fuel cans full and 6 propane tanks full so, we will be ready.
Started sleeting/snowing (light to moderate) at 13:30 here and is still going. Supposed to continue until about midnight and then pick back up again tomorrow morning. Currently 20° with winds around 15-25mph. Low expected to be around 12° tonight. Have about an inch of sleet/snow mixture right now. Our electric company here struggles keep power going in these types of conditions so, I have 3 generators at the ready. One operates on gasoline, one on propane, and one on both. I fired them all up early December and replaced fuel with new fuel. I have 7 5-gal fuel cans full and 6 propane tanks full so, we will be ready.
Wow, you prepare for snow storms like we prepare for hurricanes