
Was actually pretty warm today…got up to around 60
Hoping this coming winter storm isn’t as bad as they’re saying
A friend and I ventured into Louisville today, armed, and I noted it was 57° when we left his house. 20 minutes later we were in the outskirts of the city. Truck said 62°. He mentioned we were on the "heat island". On the way home we watched the temp drop back to 59°.

And there you have it. Global warming in a nutshell.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F, clear and calm. High expected around 59°F before turning colder. We're coming under winter storm warning starting late tonight. Snow-mageddon part II? Stay tuned.

Vandy visits Rupp tonight at 7 EST. Go Cats!

Happy Groundhog Day. Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D League

Looks like we have all thawed out now and warm weather will be with us for a bit. We have 56° and should get up to 80° this afternoon. Plenty of sunshine. I am going to hit the pool to sooth these aching bones. The ground hog says the North will have 6 more weeks of winter. I guess that is good news.

I trust all have a great day. And prayers for those in need.

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Good Morning D League

Looks like we have all thawed out now and warm weather will be with us for a bit. We have 56° and should get up to 80° this afternoon. Plenty of sunshine. I am going to hit the pool to sooth these aching bones. The ground hog says the North will have 6 more weeks of winter. I guess that is good news.

I trust all have a great day. And prayers for those in need.


My Nieces birthday.. Good Morning all...
Ice storm warning beginning tomorrow morning and lasting until Friday morning. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as 2009 but just in case I'm filling up my gas cans for a generator that I've never used. We lost our electricity for 8-days in 2009. The temp in the house got down to a low of 38 degrees. 5 inches of snow fell on top of 3/4 of an inch of ice. Parts of Kentucky had it much worse. I'm not sure where this pic was taken but it gives an idea of the landscape throughout the state.,338
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Bert, my son went back to work today!!!!! The railroad has been wonderful to him in this whole ordeal of our grandson's death!!!! CSX has really been great!!!

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Well winter storm warning just came across the phone, sounds like it could get bad, ice and snow!!!! Yikes!!!! Don't want to go thru another ice storm!!!!!
CSX was good to me. They promoted me way ahead of my education.

I hate the ice. They say we are to get .25".
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Morning for rainy Smiths Grove. It is 47°F here on our way to 53. We are supposed to get ice tomorrow. I hope they miss their call.

I look forward to the Vandy game. I just hope UK comes in a mood to play. I hate to say it, but I watched the Kansas game again last night. What a game.
Ice storm warning beginning tomorrow morning and lasting until Friday morning. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as 2009 but just in case I'm filling up my gas cans for a generator that I've never used. We lost our electricity for 8-days in 2009. The temp in the house got down to a low of 38 degrees. 5 inches of snow fell on top of 3/4 of an inch of ice. Parts of Kentucky had it much worse. I'm not sure where this pic was taken but it gives an idea of the landscape throughout the state.,338
I bought a generator about a year before the tornado. When the tornado hit in Dec, we took it out of the box. One wheel was missing, but it ran just fine and came in handy.
Ice storm warning beginning tomorrow morning and lasting until Friday morning. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as 2009 but just in case I'm filling up my gas cans for a generator that I've never used. We lost our electricity for 8-days in 2009. The temp in the house got down to a low of 38 degrees. 5 inches of snow fell on top of 3/4 of an inch of ice. Parts of Kentucky had it much worse. I'm not sure where this pic was taken but it gives an idea of the landscape throughout the state.,338
Wasn't here in the Berg, it was worse than that pic!!!!!
Good morning! I don't like hearing that Bert is supposed to .25" of ice. We've been really lucky here for not losing our electricity for any length of time. 2009 I was in Chicago working when it hit. Wife had power out here for 4 hours.

Matt Jones just said that in 100 years everyone would be smarter than we are now. He was making a point about athletes today being better than athletes of the 50's and 60s. As a lib, he doesn't understand a lot of basic things. This is just another. There can be no doubt that civilization is becoming increasingly ignorant.

They call it woke but it is the exact opposite in my opinion. We are beginning to deny science in favor of feelings. Deny science in favor of making money and controlling people. People, more and more, are getting their knowledge from what they are told, if they are told by the right person. Not many people fact check things for themselves or have the knowledge to question things that don't make sense from a scientific perspective.

We are in the process of repeating the history they told us we were doomed to repeat.
Good morning, D, read Romans 16 this, on the next book.

Mrs. M already planning on being off tomorrow, I hope she is wrong!!!! The weather channel is not using the word catastrophic this time for us, it's crippling this time!!!! If Jim Cantore shows up, look out!!!!

WC, forgot to tell you yesterday, we went trout fishing yesterday, got our 16!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Forgot, I shipped out another THIN BLUE LINE this morning to a deputy that was shot in posey County this morning, he's in for a long recovering time, but he is home now!!! Honoring our LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!!
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Morning for rainy Smiths Grove. It is 47°F here on our way to 53. We are supposed to get ice tomorrow. I hope they miss their call.

I look forward to the Vandy game. I just hope UK comes in a mood to play. I hate to say it, but I watched the Kansas game again last night. What a game.
Me 2. That and Tennessee 2x. The Kansas game confirms they're ready for anytime or place. I don't believe they're done. They've experienced the synergy now and own theirs.
Good morning, D, read Romans 16 this, on the next book.

Mrs. M already planning on being off tomorrow, I hope she is wrong!!!! The weather channel is not using the word catastrophic this time for us, it's crippling this time!!!! If Jim Cantore shows up, look out!!!!

WC, forgot to tell you yesterday, we went trout fishing yesterday, got our 16!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Forgot, I shipped out another THIN BLUE LINE this morning to a deputy that was shot in posey County this morning, he's in for a long recovering time, but he is home now!!! Honoring our LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!!
Catch and release or bring home for dinner.
Catch and release or bring home for dinner.
Just put 16 nice fillets in the freezer!!! You need to check with Oklahoma Fish and Game web site a see if they stock any trout in your area. Never had any idea that they put trout anywhere near me until three years ago!!! Over in Madisonville at the city park, they are putting 1500 Rainbows there today!!! We were catching trout 11-13" long yesterday, some were really thick, my buddy I fish with said those trout they are stocking today are bigger than what we caught!!!!
2009, we were without power for 2 weeks here in the city, cable was out for more than a month!!! After a week my mother in law's power came back on, Mrs. M and the dog bailed out on me, left me here to take care of the house!!!! I missed 2 weeks of work at Dyno, then the third week, they called a few of us back to go through the plant to make sure everything was ok. Talking about something weird, we had a building that was called cooling, we took the new PETN that had just been made, put it in the dryers, 130 degrees, let it stay there for 5 days, supposed to, then to the cooling building for three days. In this cooling building in the winter when there was a lot of static, you could turn the lights out sometimes and see the static sparks sometimes, they always told us our body or the static in that building doesn't produce enough of a charge that would set it, PETN off, didn't want to find out!!!!! One of my friends was the plant manager, told me when I was hired on, told me not to worry, if I heard the blast, I was ok!!!! Never will forget when I went for an interview, he walked out of the bathroom, shook hands with me and said, don't worry that was 90% water on my hands!!!!! LOL. He also ask me what I was doing there, I said to him, Jim I need a job, our carpet business was closing!!!!!

I was talking to our secretary one day after they hired me, she said to me, you know why you were hired here at Dyno? I told her, because I knew Jim, she told me that was the last reason, first your name was here before you got here, we heard you were a good worker and second, you called us every week checking to see if there were any jobs open, by that, we knew you were serious!
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Good afternoon folks. I had my first physical in a while. Turns out I have something serious and eventually fatal -- its called being in your mid-60s.

That's more or less what the doctor told me when I told her I wasn't feeling quite as robust and energetic as usual. She pored over my blood and urine tests, my Blood Pressure results, my EKG, my past medical records. Then she looks at me and says, "I see here you are past 65..."

Ah well, as Tennyson said, "Though much is taken, much abides, and though we are not now that strength that in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
Good afternoon folks. I had my first physical in a while. Turns out I have something serious and eventually fatal -- its called being in your mid-60s.

That's more or less what the doctor told me when I told her I wasn't feeling quite as robust and energetic as usual. She pored over my blood and urine tests, my Blood Pressure results, my EKG, my past medical records. Then she looks at me and says, "I see here you are past 65..."

Ah well, as Tennyson said, "Though much is taken, much abides, and though we are not now that strength that in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
My favored is Crossing the Bar.

This is in my near future.

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.
Good afternoon folks. I had my first physical in a while. Turns out I have something serious and eventually fatal -- its called being in your mid-60s.

That's more or less what the doctor told me when I told her I wasn't feeling quite as robust and energetic as usual. She pored over my blood and urine tests, my Blood Pressure results, my EKG, my past medical records. Then she looks at me and says, "I see here you are past 65..."

Ah well, as Tennyson said, "Though much is taken, much abides, and though we are not now that strength that in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will; To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

I had that nearly same diagnosis a couple months ago, but not at 65, at 60. Went through the same tests. What has kept me steadfast in going forward are a couple things. I tell my children and anyone who will listen, I can do everything I used to do, just not as long. I do wish/ plan to get back to a smaller version of your workout regime. The holidays messed up my schedule this year where in years past the holidays didn't cause any changes. (I allowed it.)

I can still love with all my heart (I strive to keep the love of a child within myself. Who knows where that leads but I do know that scripture. Matthew 19:14.) and I am still able to discern right from wrong. I am thankful..