
Yep. I've been told I'm a Cal cultist, Cal has me hypnotized, Cal can do various to me and I will still take up for him. Truth is, I'll criticize him for some things, but I will not blame him for decisions he had no control over.

That's not really a denial. Lol.

Can you assure the rest of us that you don't have a Cal shrine in your family room? Or perhaps a Cal-shed out back? Can you hear the word "zone" or the phrase "dribble-drive-motion offense" without blacking out for several minutes?

Enquiring minds want to know....

It's funny that you say that, because it was like that when Tubby was here, too. Can't criticize constructively without being "X" and can't appreciate with caveats without being "Z". Doesn't matter what you've said for years if you disagree for one second, because that one second makes you a closet "hater" just waiting to turn on someone.

Something about the internet makes everyone else an "apologist" or "hater" to some people
Funny thing about my wife now. She never used to watch the games, no interest. This year she is taking an interest but still gets frustrated with some parts of the game. When there is a foul called against us, she gets upset and does not understand why. Also, when Self called the first time out when we were starting to really pull away my wife says: "Hey, why is he doing that? That is just a dirty way to play" I tried to explain it to her, but she just said she did not like that tactic. It has taken 21 plus years to get her to start watching the games and now I almost wish I hadn't.

I got her in to watching John Wayne movies and a few other older movies and she has begun to like them. She sat down with me earlier today and watched Hang em High today for the first time. She really enjoyed it except for the ending. She wanted to see him find the guys who assaulted his new girlfriend and kill them as well. Heh, heh, heh. I am teaching her well.

Whoaah. The next step is that she will be asking you to get up and get her a beer and make her a sandwich.
Hello d league. I think I’m going to hang around here more then rafters. I used to post on here a lot under my old username Murph. Not sure if anyone would remember.
I remember you Murph
Welcome back. I just returned myself after a rather long hiatus

and Good morning D
Hope all are well

sure felt good waking up this morning knowing we beat KU Like that. The team that played last night could win it all.

heading to church
Have a great day
Good (late) morning, D-League!

Great win. Played like Wildcats yesterday. Need that from here forward. Great to see them step up with some people out.

Coldness everywhere. I hope Fauci doesn't have a shot for that, too.

Welcome! To all the illegal aliens. Congrats on getting citizenship. Your buyout is $10M. On what you received for free you will now be taxed until you want to leave again. If you want to keep more of your money, vote better.

@Sawnee Cat
Start a gofundme for lizard rehab and post pictures every day of these comatose lizards. You'll have enough money for a cherry orchard and some extra for propane heaters to keep from losing any more. Sorry to hear about the coldsnap. Hope you don't lose any trees this time around.

News of Tom Brady retiring left a lot of people deflated. Weird. I hope Giselle writes a good retirement speech for him. Wonder if she'll let him go to his HOF presentation...

Great to see Bill Self red-faced and ashamed. Not a lot of his jerkwad smiles in that broadcast. Nice to see those wiped off the cheaters' face.

Praying your families are getting and staying healthy. Get out and get some sunshine on your skin today! Now!
I confess to not being a diehard fan. Sports have a low priority for me. I take a distant interest in them. I don't watch the games while they are being played. I am the type who, when UK gets down 4 points in the first couple of minutes, says, "Well, crap, they're gonna lose - I'n not watching this." Too nerve-wracking. I'll check the score several times and will watch a replay if they win the game. I do have the decency to not interject any comments about the games though.

*I think this attitude can be traced back to that Georgetown game in 84 (?) that crushed me. I think I'll ask my psychiatrist about this sometime.
These boys and girls fall out of trees when the temperature drops. They go into shock but once the temperature warms up the spring back to life.


Iquana in shock

I thought that was Bill Self at first. Thanks for the caption Sawnee.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected at around 70°F.

Outstanding performance by our Cats yesterday. Heh, Bill Self used up three of his timeouts during first half. Wonder why CJ Frederick is listed in the box score? Nevertheless, solid W against the Jayhawks in their house. Vols lost. My wife loves her Horns, but is still pissed at UTexas admin about the way they treated Rick Barnes at the end. He nearly pulled it off.

May watch some NFL football later. Go Bengals!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected at around 70°F.

Outstanding performance by our Cats yesterday. Heh, Bill Self used up three of his timeouts during first half. Wonder why CJ Frederick is listed in the box score? Nevertheless, solid W against the Jayhawks in their house. Vols lost. My wife loves her Horns, but is still pissed at UTexas admin about the way they treated Rick Barnes at the end. He nearly pulled it off.

May watch some NFL football later. Go Bengals!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good morning all and good stuff, BUT, those "crescents" have seen better days...

Go Cats...
Good morning! What a game! I've taken some fun flights in my life to fun places, but I would trade them all to have been on the flight home from Lawrence Kansas last night.

Next up, Vandy. I bet they didn't sleep as well as I did last night after that basketball spectacle. I look for Canada and Payne to have more points than at least one of their starters. We're playing March ball in January and Rupp will be full and rockin from here on out.

That's not really a denial. Lol.

Can you assure the rest of us that you don't have a Cal shrine in your family room? Or perhaps a Cal-shed out back? Can you hear the word "zone" or the phrase "dribble-drive-motion offense" without blacking out for several minutes?

I assure the rest of you that I do not have a Cal shrine in the family room. I do, however, have a Tubby bobblehead in the original box and a signed basketball from the 98 championship team. I was more altruistic in the earlier days of Cat Paw and thought it was very poor taste to run down the team and Tubby where other fans could see us squirm. Eventually though I was making jokes about a fast paste offense.
Love Oscar Combs. Wikipedia sometimes is a great source. Heh.

Ha, I used to do that back in the day. I would change Pat Forde's and Rick Pitino's back when RP first went to UL. They would stay changed for several days and we would read them and laugh at work. Then, they started getting fixed almost as soon as I would change them. I thought that both of them paid people to keep an eye on it for them. More than likely wiki sends a notification if they page changes.
Well our official low last night was 22° and we are currently 60° with lots of nice warm sunshine. I checked my plants and my cherry tree looks OK, my tangerine tree looks fine and my orange tree has blossoms and they seem OK. Several palms turned brown and the avocado has a little frost bite but it is large enough to make it.

I have a dozen or so crotons and a few look like they are in shock but should come back. It must not have stayed 22° very long because they can't take cold at all.
Good morning folks. Anybody else have trouble sleeping after that game last night?

I’ve wanted this win over any other really since the schedule was announced. Man, did that feel good.

A Bengals win too much to hope for? That’d make for an incredible weekend.

Hope you all have a good day.
I had sweet dreams of Bill Self's face melding into all sorts of shapes. He thought that Kansas would whip Kentucky's ass. That did not happen.

I talked to Bertfan this afternoon and we were trying to remember the last regular season game where UK dominated on the road as they did yesterday.

But I could not turn it off either, but it was really good dreams.
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I think you might be watching a replay of an earlier game between the 49er's and the Rams earlier in the year. Their play off game is supposed to be at 17:30hrs.
HaHaHa, I don't have the sound turned on and just assumed it was live. That's why both games are on at the same time. It's funny to me and I laugh when I do stupid things. Unless it leaves a mark. And I have a few of those too.

I guess I can quit switching back and forth now.
I’m near tears. My 90-year-old dad found out today he and mom both have COVID —but they both say they feel fine. “I have to live these next two weeks to the Super Bowl now” he just told me.

And I don’t mean that as a downer —I believe they’ll be fine and this is a moment he’s very excited about.