
Man I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not. From post history, I’m assuming you are trying to lighten the mood. If not, I’ll respond later. Like I said, haven’t been in contact with anyone but family for awhile. Tough to know.
I'm sorry. I missed the part about your father, or had already got distracted. No offense intended. Now I feel like shit.
I’m near tears. My 90-year-old dad found out today he and mom both have COVID —but they both say they feel fine. “I have to live these next two weeks to the Super Bowl now” he just told me.

And I don’t mean that as a downer —I believe they’ll be fine and this is a moment he’s very excited about.
Prayers sent. Hoping for the best. Let's go Bengals!
Finally figured out how to log in again after forever. Hope everyone is doing well. Been a roller coaster ride for me the last few weeks. My dad is still struggling for life. One day sounds better, next day worse. Damn Covid, nobody can visit him. And he has tested positive. Thank God, he is holding his own despite all of that. Imagine an 89 years old man with copd managing Covid. I’m rambling of course. Y’all are like family.
Sorry to hear. Prayers sent.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 52°F and cloudy. Expecting rain showers before noon. Today's high may reach 59°F.

Great weekend for sports. Cats demolished KU. Happy Bengals finally made it again to the Super Bowl.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League.

What a weekend - first Kentucky win at Kansas since 1983, first Bengals trip to Super Bowl since 1988 all in less than 24 hours. That’s a sensory overload.

Back to the reality of a freezing January Monday.

Backer Cutter - Sorry to hear your father is struggling with COVID. Prayers sent.

Hang in there folks.
Finally figured out how to log in again after forever. Hope everyone is doing well. Been a roller coaster ride for me the last few weeks. My dad is still struggling for life. One day sounds better, next day worse. Damn Covid, nobody can visit him. And he has tested positive. Thank God, he is holding his own despite all of that. Imagine an 89 years old man with copd managing Covid. I’m rambling of course. Y’all are like family.
Prayers for you, your dad, and family. May God's hand be on you and yours at this time and I pray the best for you all in Jesus' name, Amen.
Finally figured out how to log in again after forever. Hope everyone is doing well. Been a roller coaster ride for me the last few weeks. My dad is still struggling for life. One day sounds better, next day worse. Damn Covid, nobody can visit him. And he has tested positive. Thank God, he is holding his own despite all of that. Imagine an 89 years old man with copd managing Covid. I’m rambling of course. Y’all are like family.
Prayers for you and your dad and family. God bless and and be with him and family.
Good morning D League

We are thawing out and our weather will be warming this week as God intended. We have sunny skies today with our temperature now 38° and will get up to 68° this afternoon. We will be in the 80's tomorrow.

I don't have a team in the Super Bowl but since the D League seems to be Bengals Central I am pulling for y'all. Go Bengals beat the Rams. I trust all have a good day. The warmer weather has brought the Iguanas back to life. They are OK except for a little bruising after falling out of trees.

Take care all,


Morning Legionnaires. Rise up and raise up prayers for everyone here dealing with loved ones who have the virus.

70° on tap for today with light winds. Middle of the week supposed to get nasty so...

A few people I had not talked to since I retired from the civil service texted me last night congratulating me on the Bengals making the Super Bowl. They know how much I suffered the indignity of the Bengals year in and year out. They remember how on occasion I would win our football pool because I almost always picked the Bengals especially when they had not won in a while and were playing a good team. My thought process then was that they were due, and it would be that one game that would help me win the pool. $10.00 a week to play. One span about 10 years ago I won 3 weeks in a row with a pot of $600.00, $1200.00 and $800.00. A couple of players told the guy who was running it that I must be cheating. They were just angry because it was impossible unless I had a time machine. Everyone had to have their picks in by Wednesday each week and a list of everyone's pick was sent out to everyone by midday on Thursday so...

A couple of the people who contacted me last night also commented about how good the weekend was with UK beating Kansas soundly as well. UL losing also made my weekend complete.

82, Backer, once again thoughts and prayers.
Good morning D League

We are thawing out and our weather will be warming this week as God intended. We have sunny skies today with our temperature now 38° and will get up to 68° this afternoon. We will be in the 80's tomorrow.

I don't have a team in the Super Bowl but since the D League seems to be Bengals Central I am pulling for y'all. Go Bengals beat the Rams. I trust all have a good day. The warmer weather has brought the Iguanas back to life. They are OK except for a little bruising after falling out of trees.

Take care all,


They say it causes global warming too...


Good Morning all...
If nothing else it prevented him from going elsewhere where they may have “convinced” him to stay. But it honestly affects nothing with the team as it is now
I’ve had a lot of issues with Cal. This is not one of them

Exactly. It certainly makes practices better for everyone to compete against a kid like Sharpe and vice versa for him. He has 2 months left with the team. Never know what level he can get to as a teammate.

If he goes pro, I'd rather he contribute to us than any other program in the country until he does so.
Well, apparently they decided to play it all over again. It’s on Fox now. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
I called a friend up to tell him what I had done. He said I was a dumbass and they would never play both games at the same time. I am not a proud man.

I bet the Chiefs fans wish they were watching what you were watching instead of the L they took.
Good morning, D-League!

Praying for those sick and for those caring for those who are either sick or testing positive. I have a friend who just went through his second round with the virus. Mild this last time.

I enjoyed the games this weekend. Nice change of pace to watch so many. Had been avoiding them. Buddy of mine went with a friend to watch the KC/Cincy game. His friend is a Bengals fan that had about given up on the team. I encouraged my friend to wake him up before he missed a great season. Took a few weeks, but he finally did get his buddy out to watch a game after week 8.

Got to stop by and have a beer with them yesterday, which his buddy gleefully paid for. Thought for a minute he was going to hug me. It was awkward

Hope y'all enjoy this week and that it brings great news to you... will be praying for that.

Back to work for me.
Had a quiet moment in my son's empty bedroom this morning. He's in Lexington at UK.

I went into his closet and saw all the Bengals jerseys lined up. Every Christmas from 6 to 14, the same requests, a Kentucky jersey and a Bengals jersey. I tried to gently steer him to the Ravens - they were playing in Super Bowls and all his friends strutted around in their Purple and Black - or the Redskins even - we had office tickets and went to a couple games a year.

But he never wavered. He wanted to be a Bengals fan, through all the miserable years. Even when they had the run of reaching the playoffs, they never won a single playoff game. Other years, out of the race by Halloween.

It finally paid off for him yesterday.
Another cold morning in Smiths Grove. It was 24°F when I got up and now it is 31.3°F and we are supposed to get to 47°F.

I just finished editing the Kansas game. I was out of town and I did not get the first three minutes until last night at 11:00, so I just finished patching the game together. I have watched it two times so far and I will have to check out the bluray just to make sure it is perfect.

I did not get any post game coverage which is disappointing.

You all have a good day.
Afternoon D League.
2 great games yesterday as well. Teams from the state of Kansas had a rough 2 days. (yeah I know Arrowhead is in MO, just play along.)
Daughter #2 is getting induced today for child #2 (grandchild #3). Its a boy. Heck she may have already had him by now? I can't go, she could only allow 2. Baby Daddy and Mimi (the Redhead...aka my wife, her Momma).
Just hope both Mommy & baby are healthy.
We're watching her 3 year old daughter while she's at the hospital....3 yr olds aren't as much fun when you can't hand'em back to their parents.

Vandy at Rupp on Wed., then another tough one on Saturday at Alabama. I'm sure it'll be campout, t-shirt, free pizza & tuition night for Tide fans. Another "just another game on the schedule" game...
Go Cats!
Afternoon D League.
2 great games yesterday as well. Teams from the state of Kansas had a rough 2 days. (yeah I know Arrowhead is in MO, just play along.)
Daughter #2 is getting induced today for child #2 (grandchild #3). Its a boy. Heck she may have already had him by now? I can't go, she could only allow 2. Baby Daddy and Mimi (the Redhead...aka my wife, her Momma).
Just hope both Mommy & baby are healthy.
We're watching her 3 year old daughter while she's at the hospital....3 yr olds aren't as much fun when you can't hand'em back to their parents.

Vandy at Rupp on Wed., then another tough one on Saturday at Alabama. I'm sure it'll be campout, t-shirt, free pizza & tuition night for Tide fans. Another "just another game on the schedule" game...
Go Cats!
That is wonderful. May God bless mom and son.
Good afternoon! Up until 0430 this morning. Woke up for the first half of the Jones Show then snoozed back out.

Wife played hooky today and a little while ago she told me she was going to McD's and did I want something. I told her to surprise me, it was all the same. She comes back home with a story of the long line and that she had brought me Dairy Queen burger and onion rings instead.

When she asked if I was surprised, I told her "sweetheart, if I had woken up with my face sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be any more surprised than I am right now".

When I said after the game that we weren't flying under the radar any longer, I had no idea. We're not only out in the open now, but we've got the bell's and whistles going off, trumpets blaring, spotlights in the sky, and the Richter scale a rockin'!

We are who they feared we'd be!
Good afternoon! Up until 0430 this morning. Woke up for the first half of the Jones Show then snoozed back out.

Wife played hooky today and a little while ago she told me she was going to McD's and did I want something. I told her to surprise me, it was all the same. She comes back home with a story of the long line and that she had brought me Dairy Queen burger and onion rings instead.

When she asked if I was surprised, I told her "sweetheart, if I had woken up with my face sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be any more surprised than I am right now".

When I said after the game that we weren't flying under the radar any longer, I had no idea. We're not only out in the open now, but we've got the bell's and whistles going off, trumpets blaring, spotlights in the sky, and the Richter scale a rockin'!

We are who they feared we'd be!

Just saw a clickbait article that said Kentucky is dead last in the country for happiness. However, California is number 5 for most happy so the whole thing is shit. I can see N. Dakota at number 1, but not in the winter.

I've heard it stated happiness is a state of mind. Without ANY media you can look toward California and determine they are NOT happy. "Dem" be some lunatics out "dere".... I mean some ever-loving Weirdo's... not all but a whole bunch...
I've heard it stated happiness is a state of mind. Without ANY media you can look toward California and determine they are NOT happy. "Dem" be some lunatics out "dere".... I mean some ever-loving Weirdo's... not all but a whole bunch...
I lived out there from 82 to 84 in Pismo Beach. I had lived in Lodi for about 3 months a year before that which is located in the middle. I didn't really notice much difference in people there than anywhere else I had been to work. Pismo Beach is between SF and LA and on the Eastern side of the interstate it was farms. Farm people are the same people no matter where you go.

If the farm people ran the country we would all be better off.