
Not this time for me. I want the SEC to make a statement today. Tennessee needs to lose home games from here on out.
Same here. Even my wife, 5th generation Austinite, pulling for Barnes and UT.

By the way, I'm not comfortable typing that last sentence. I HATE the Vols. Can't stand Longhorns.
Quick question. How many RR guys change their tune about this team? Their 180 is laughable. Fairweather fans.

I have doubts about this program. My doubts haven't changed yet though I am truly thankful this team is winning and coming together. I won't go into what I am looking for as it really doesn't matter to anyone but me but it hasn't happened yet. Also note: I have never been against this team nor have I been against Cal BUT I sure didn't like them. (I won't say who them is for now.)
7 minutes to go in the bama baylor game and we are supposed to start in 4 minutes. 2 hours is not enough for each game ESPN! Get shit right!
I said that to my wife tonight. I don't understand why they can't prepare better. With all of the narcissistic talking heads they have who love to hear themselves talk why don't they schedule all of these games for 2 1/2hrs and talk about the game until the next one if it ends on time.
Funny thing about my wife now. She never used to watch the games, no interest. This year she is taking an interest but still gets frustrated with some parts of the game. When there is a foul called against us, she gets upset and does not understand why. Also, when Self called the first time out when we were starting to really pull away my wife says: "Hey, why is he doing that? That is just a dirty way to play" I tried to explain it to her, but she just said she did not like that tactic. It has taken 21 plus years to get her to start watching the games and now I almost wish I hadn't.

I got her in to watching John Wayne movies and a few other older movies and she has begun to like them. She sat down with me earlier today and watched Hang em High today for the first time. She really enjoyed it except for the ending. She wanted to see him find the guys who assaulted his new girlfriend and kill them as well. Heh, heh, heh. I am teaching her well.
Hello d league. I think I’m going to hang around here more then rafters. I used to post on here a lot under my old username Murph. Not sure if anyone would remember.

I don't but I was kindly adopted by this wonderful group of decent people. I rarely venture outside of this thread. Really no need except to say hello to a few friends I have created out in the forum.
I don't but I was kindly adopted by this wonderful group of decent people. I rarely venture outside of this thread. Really no need except to say hello to a few friends I have created out in the forum.
Rafters is to toxic anymore. I believe their are a lot of trolls from other fan bases that love to start trouble and constantly bash our coach and team. They bait our fans into going along with it and that sucks. In d league everyone is nice and have great conversations.
Hello d league. I think I’m going to hang around here more then rafters. I used to post on here a lot under my old username Murph. Not sure if anyone would remember.
You're more than welcome to hang out here. I've just recently started going to and posting in rafters in the last few weeks for the same reasons you are leaving. Once I started reading over there, I decided I would inject my voice in defense of our program.

I don't believe all those people are UK fans either. There have to be people there from other sites who are there to criticize at all stops.

Where ya from? We've got the country pretty much covered from Arizona to DC and down to Florida. We've got Texas and Oklahoma too so we'll be covered when those schools join the SEC.
You're more than welcome to hang out here. I've just recently started going to and posting in rafters in the last few weeks for the same reasons you are leaving. Once I started reading over there, I decided I would inject my voice in defense of our program.

I don't believe all those people are UK fans either. There have to be people there from other sites who are there to criticize at all stops.

Where ya from? We've got the country pretty much covered from Arizona to DC and down to Florida. We've got Texas and Oklahoma too so we'll be covered when those schools join the SEC.
I know for sure one of the trolls is a UNC fan that’s gave the moderators trouble for years. I bet he’s been banned 200 times. He’s apparently really good with computers because they can’t get rid of him. He’s posting under the name Gomez Adam’s over there right now. I recommend for people to avoid him, he’s trouble. I’m from eastern KY.
We've got a couple of guys who post here from the Ashland area. Yeah, we've seen that before. Person can get a VPN account and they can't flag their IP address.

Some of those people though are really fans. They are just petulant and misguided. They are young.
it’s easy to fall into that trap and post negative stuff. You read enough negative posts, it’s easy to start posting that way including after a loss. I don’t understand why people like to troll. Life’s to short to waste time like that.
Yep. I've been told I'm a Cal cultist, Cal has me hypnotized, Cal can do various to me and I will still take up for him. Truth is, I'll criticize him for some things, but I will not blame him for decisions he had no control over.

I read Juzang's own words where he said he just wanted to go home so he could eat his mother's cooking each day. Shaedon Sharpe told us before he ever came here that he planned to red shirt this year but that he would definitely play next year. He might change his mind, but Cal doesn't have the authority to MAKE him play. Cal also said he promised SS parents that he wouldn't play him until he was ready.

Been watching this for too long to worry about every day of it, or every aspect of it. No one here grew up with the kind of access we have to information now. I had to listen to every radio show and read the Cats Pause paper. And I did.
Yep. I've been told I'm a Cal cultist, Cal has me hypnotized, Cal can do various to me and I will still take up for him. Truth is, I'll criticize him for some things, but I will not blame him for decisions he had no control over.

I read Juzang's own words where he said he just wanted to go home so he could eat his mother's cooking each day. Shaedon Sharpe told us before he ever came here that he planned to red shirt this year but that he would definitely play next year. He might change his mind, but Cal doesn't have the authority to MAKE him play. Cal also said he promised SS parents that he wouldn't play him until he was ready.

Been watching this for too long to worry about every day of it, or every aspect of it. No one here grew up with the kind of access we have to information now. I had to listen to every radio show and read the Cats Pause paper. And I did.
We got fans that go overboard with hating Cal or loving the guy on rafters. He can’t do nothing right for a few of them and a few he does no wrong. Both sides amaze me sometimes. Cal is a good coach and he makes mistakes just like everyone else. Only issue I’ve ever had with him is I felt like he put to much stock into one and done players. I remember Cal’s teams from years ago when he had experienced players and they were always really tough. I’ve always felt like he should mix in a few good freshman with experienced players and it would work out better. He did that perfectly with this years roster.
I don't have a problem with one and done, per se. I agree he should get the best players he can, but, I know for fact that he has let guys who seemingly are more talented sit while he tries to work with the guys who were supposed to be good.

I think I understand his reason for that, but when you are responsible for creating a situation, then you don't get to use the situation as an excuse.

Also, I think he yells at the players way too much while they are busy trying to play a game. I want them concerned about what the other team is doing and not about what Cal is saying at the moment.

Can you imagine all the offers Cal would get if he announced he was leaving UK? We are lucky and these are good times. Some people are missing them.
I don't have a problem with one and done, per se. I agree he should get the best players he can, but, I know for fact that he has let guys who seemingly are more talented sit while he tries to work with the guys who were supposed to be good.

I think I understand his reason for that, but when you are responsible for creating a situation, then you don't get to use the situation as an excuse.

Also, I think he yells at the players way too much while they are busy trying to play a game. I want them concerned about what the other team is doing and not about what Cal is saying at the moment.

Can you imagine all the offers Cal would get if he announced he was leaving UK? We are lucky and these are good times. Some people are missing them.
You’re rational about stuff. I’ve gotten aggravated with people that are polar opposite’s with their opinions on Cal because they weren’t that way. Pointless to get aggravated really but I have.

I’ve always felt that sometimes we lost games in the NCAA tournament because we didn’t have enough experienced players. It’s hard to win games with young basketball teams. Cal has done that but it’s tough to watch at times. Seems like teams that beat us out of the NCAA tournament would always have veteran players that would give us fits as well. Examples I can think of are UConn’s guards were both upperclassman in 2014 and Auburns were in 2019.
Since I neither listen or watch the games, I always look at the game stats.......the first thing I look for is assist/made baskets........19/31...that is over 60% of baskets off of an is a shame Cal doesn't run an offense.............look out folks..........this game wasn't an anomaly.........these boys can play some team ball.........
Good morning folks. Anybody else have trouble sleeping after that game last night?

I’ve wanted this win over any other really since the schedule was announced. Man, did that feel good.

A Bengals win too much to hope for? That’d make for an incredible weekend.

Hope you all have a good day.
You know...ANY GIVEN SUNDAY. Just protect Burrow and we have a good chance.

Morning Legionnaires! Rise and shine for the victory is thine (to enjoy).

Mid 60's on tap for today with sunny skies and mild winds.

Great win last night and good adjustment after it looked like they were going to make a run. The 2-3 zone slowed us down for a few minutes, but Cal adjusted to that, and we were back on track. Very physical game as well and I don't mind that. Imagine how good we would be with C. J. in the lineup. This team is getting better but still has a higher ceiling to reach. Play like we did last night the rest of the way, and we will be a favorite in the tourney. I was skeptical before the season started about Oscar (did not think we were big enough) and Ty Ty (growing pains) but am greatly pleased. I did however have Brooks as my sleeper player to watch so, I got that going for me which is nice.

Welcome back Murph-Woodrow_Call_1998.

Have a great day, God Bless, and Go Bengals!
Hello d league. I think I’m going to hang around here more then rafters. I used to post on here a lot under my old username Murph. Not sure if anyone would remember.
Welcome Woodrow, we are looking forward to you being a full time member of the Big D. We have a good group that supports one another and reaches out to someone in need of a friend or prayer.

The majority of us have been UK fans since birth
Good Morning to all,

What a game. It is a historic win people will talk about for decades. Bill Self has a 95% winning percentage in Allen Field House and very few teams have won by 20 in that place. And to make it more impressive Kansas was a Top 5 team in the rankings. Quite a win.

So we are freezing down here. Our current temperature is 30° and we may hit 58° by mid afternoon. That won't cut it. I am going to check my citrus trees real careful because it did get below 28° in some parts of the county and that is the danger point for the trees. I will be fortunate if my avocado doesn't have major damage. A cold snap got my guava tree a few years ago and it was not as bad as last night. My wife is worried about her Florida Cherry tree. They can't take cold at all. We have lost 4 of them the past 5 years.

I trust all have a great day and stay warm. A Floridian will understand, you haven't lived until one of these things fall out of tree onto your head
