
One of the factors in choosing to live where I live is water and water quality. I grew up with good water as did my mother. My mother lived to be 95 years old and had good teeth until the end. My daddy had false teeth starting in his late teens. He grew up in the coal fields and their water quality was some of the worst on earth. Their well would often be contaminated with minerals, gas and oil from the coal and it would have to be shut down and they would have to dig another one.

We get our water from the Weeki Wachee Spring and it comes out of the earth 99% pure. The clarity is over 80' deep. The water is not treated with chlorine and does not contain floruide. The quality is better than store bought bottled water. The spring is so deep that the bottom has never been found. Each day, more than 117 million gallons of clear, fresh 74-degree water bubbles up out of subterranean caverns. It is the largest fresh water system in the USofA.

The large cities below us buy water from these springs you see in the image below. St Petersburg, Clearwater and pretty much all of Pinellas County. Where my water bill may run as much as $7.00 a month water down there is 4 to 5 times as much.

My wife swears the water out of our tap is the best tasting she has had in her life. Who needs coca-cola. LOL The springs in Central Florida are so valuable they are guarded like the vault at Fort Knox and monitored daily. 24/7/365


Running shine down highway 9

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Guarded as they should be Sir. Good water is life. We actually have decent water here but it is not to be trusted. I filter it heavily with the Reverse Osmosis system for cooking and drinking. The best "natural" water I was ever near is my home in South Carolina. Soft and enjoyable. All I used there was the refrigerator filter. Good drinking water must be cherished.
I am not much into carbonated sodas (Coke). My wife is addicted to them which I attribute to growing up in Kentucky. Kentuckians must drink more cokes than any place on earth.

My drinks are pretty much limited. In this order
Water right out of the tap
iced sweet tea
citrus juices
V8 juice

It is a rare day I have any carbonated drink. Wine or alcohol is even less. I am a dull soul
I might go weeks before drinking plain water. I drink milk, grapefruit juice, coffee, a cup of EVOO-lemon juice-honey mixture (with 8 ounces of water), ISOPURE protein drink, occasional beer, occasional soda (0 calorie) but mostly ICE drinks (0 sugar and calorie). My fluid intake has for years been about 32 ounces a day on average including 2 cups of coffee. Some days more some days less. I can remember going all day (many days) at work without drinking anything and my wife would question me when I got home if I had anything to drink that day because she knew even on the weekends I would not drink much. Most of the time I don't even think about it unless I am out in the hot sun working or playing softball. Yesterday I had 2 cups of coffee (1 morning and 1 midafternoon), 1 cup of EVOO mixture (morning), milk in my cereal, 10 ounces of ISOPURE after my workout, 1 ice drink (after lunch) and 1 scotch on the rocks. before bedtime.
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Morning Legionnaires! Roll out of dem covers and kiss your lovers. It's time to get movin.

Mid 40's on tap for today with winds up to 25mph.

MIL finally left the hospital yesterday afternoon, they told her they could not keep her there any longer because her numbers were good and have been for a few days now. That means she will be here this weekend to give us the 411 of her ordeal. Winter or not, I am going fishing or something. Get back just in time to go to my room and watch UK vs KU.

Cleaning house this morning and playing Mr. Miyagi this afternoon.

Oh yeah, wife still hasn't got official word on job status yet. Only an email yesterday that stated the decision on this is still pending (basically, long worded email). She and others believe that is because the contract for the company they work for is up for renewal this year and must out bid other companies to keep it.
I might go weeks before drinking plain water. I drink milk, grapefruit juice, coffee, a cup of EVOO-lemon juice-honey mixture (with 8 ounces of water), ISOPURE protein drink, occasional beer, occasional soda (0 calorie) but mostly ICE drinks (0 sugar and calorie). My fluid intake has for years been about 32 ounces a day on average including 2 cups of coffee. Some days more some days less. I can remember going all day (many days) at work without drinking anything and my wife would question me when I got home if I had anything to drink that day because she knew even on the weekends I would not drink much. Most of the time I don't even think about it unless I am out in the hot sun working or playing softball. Yesterday I had 2 cups of coffee (1 morning and 1 midafternoon), 1 cup of EVOO mixture (morning), milk in my cereal, 10 ounces of ISOPURE after my workout, 1 ice drink (after lunch) and 1 scotch on the rocks. before bedtime.
I keep a quart bottle of water by my side most of the time. I drink at the minimum a half gallon of water a day. In the summer a little more. Sometimes 3 quarts. With this climate you need to stay hydrated.

I fill up a quart plastic bottle from the tap then freeze it. I get one out in the morning and sip on it and get another frozen bottle out about 2:00 PM. That is my pattern most days.
Good Morning D League

Well we are still in our winter pattern. It is 47° and looking outside the window I see some rain. We have not had any rain this month to speak of so it is welcome. Our high today will be 50°. Not good at all. It will warm up until the weekend and then we expect another cold front and some 40 degree weather again. January is our worst month.

I trust those who are feeling a little puny, get better as we continue the war on COVID. May the Lord bless you.

Here is one of my favorite Budweiser commercials. It is for a personal reason.

I keep a quart bottle of water by my side most of the time. I drink at the minimum a half gallon of water a day. In the summer a little more. Sometimes 3 quarts. With this climate you need to stay hydrated.

I fill up a quart plastic bottle from the tap then freeze it. I get one out in the morning and sip on it and get another frozen bottle out about 2:00 PM. That is my pattern most days.
i've read take your body weight in pounds and half it. That makes how much water you need in ounces. Factors like weather and exercise may increase that level.

I wonder why prices are so high and "inflation" is so horrible...

Due in part to me now I guess. My Darling and I arrived home about 8 or so the night before last. At my front door was a huge amount of Walmart bags. I'd guess 15 bags of stuff, a 36 count case of water, a package of the Clorox bleach wipe sanitizers, and a 12 count package of toilet paper. I estimated at least a hundred dollars worth of stuff. Potato's, Onion's, canned goods, chips, packaged crackers of several assorted brands, cookies, and other items.

I looked in some of the bags and on the bags was a code sticker I guess Walmart uses. If it had an address I would have taken it to the people as I figured the address may have been missed by a door or two. Nothing...except the Walmart code. I put the items in my garage and shut the door. (The sticker stated the delivery was around 3PM.)

The next morning I logged into my Walmart account and started a chat session explaining my ordeal. At the end the chat agent stated after I gave the code number in the session that the items actually should have been delivered about six or so miles from my house. The agent GAVE me the persons name, address, and phone number but it was a business name and was an apartment.

I told the agent if it was a door or two down I would have delivered them but I am not contacting a stranger or calling anyone and giving them my address to pick the items up. A Walmart representative was welcome to come pick up the items and deliver them.

The agent told me I was welcome to keep the items or donate them. After telling my wife, I did donate them. I donated them to my cabinets for safe keeping. I haven't had peanut butter for a long while though I like it. Had peanut butter on two hotdog buns, then my Apple (No peanut butter) this morning, and coffee with some Walmart brand coffee creamer.

I usually find money while walking or when I am out but it has been a long while since I found anything. I guess it was just time... I thank Walmart and the Walmart consumers that paid for these groceries. I didn't do it on purpose...
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i've read take your body weight in pounds and half it. That makes how much water you need in ounces. Factors like weather and exercise may increase that level.
That would be 113 ounces a day for me. God no. I guess it depends on where you read it from. I have heard it is about 64 ounces a day but later on doctors were saying it varies with each individual. They change their numbers all of the time. Take for instance eggs, they were good, then bad, then good, then bad, repeat as necessary. There are so many differing opinions out there, so I guess the best opinion is from the doctor you have if you trust them. Now I have heard that the body weight in protein should be half if you are weight/strength training.
That would be 113 ounces a day for me. God no. I guess it depends on where you read it from. I have heard it is about 64 ounces a day but later on doctors were saying it varies with each individual. They change their numbers all of the time. Take for instance eggs, they were good, then bad, then good, then bad, repeat as necessary. There are so many differing opinions out there, so I guess the best opinion is from the doctor you have if you trust them. Now I have heard that the body weight in protein should be half if you are weight/strength training.

HA, we should both be drinking about the same amount....Me, I'm back to svelte... I picked up 15 pounds somewhere between Thanksgiving and now.
That would be 113 ounces a day for me. God no. I guess it depends on where you read it from. I have heard it is about 64 ounces a day but later on doctors were saying it varies with each individual. They change their numbers all of the time. Take for instance eggs, they were good, then bad, then good, then bad, repeat as necessary. There are so many differing opinions out there, so I guess the best opinion is from the doctor you have if you trust them. Now I have heard that the body weight in protein should be half if you are weight/strength training.
The thing that convinces me is that so much of one's body is water. I forget the percentages of the different parts, but it is high. I think the brain is even 70 or 80 per cent water. The nerve pathways the body receives messages through is a high % water. Even the bones are 25% water. You can get water through food, so it's not completely what you drink. Some food such as watermelon is nearly 100% water. It just makes sense to me if body parts are mostly water, they'd function better if hydrated well. It is possible (but very rare) to have to much water.
The thing that convinces me is that so much of one's body is water. I forget the percentages of the different parts, but it is high. I think the brain is even 70 or 80 per cent water. The nerve pathways the body receives messages through is a high % water. Even the bones are 25% water. You can get water through food, so it's not completely what you drink. Some food such as watermelon is nearly 100% water. It just makes sense to me if body parts are mostly water, they'd function better if hydrated well. It is possible (but very rare) to have to much water.

It is a cloudy 32.4°F here on our way to 34° and then down to 15.

On water: the worst tap water of the places that I have lived was in Jacksonville. We used a water softener, and it still was not drinkable. We bought drinking water at the store. The best tap water we have ever had is in Smiths Grove. It is wonderful. It has been chlorinated and fluorinated but a filter on the fridge takes it out if you want it. It is just hard enough to give it a good flavor.

Jacksonville’s source of water are wells. Of the other places that we have lived we have had good sources for water: Baltimore came from a large river fed reservoir and similar in Houston. Louisville and Henderson came from the Ohio. Smiths Grove’s is from the Barren River. The area Coke distributor is in Smiths Grove, and they simply filter the tap water and bottle their drinks. They like Barren River water.

Being an old, failed chemist I really believe in chlorinated and fluoridated water. I have not had a cavity in any teeth since I started drinking fluorinated water (56 years). Of course that is about the time I began drinking good bourbon and we all know that ethanol is hard on bacteria. But with fluorine and ethanol things are good.
Yesterday I went to the golf course to pick up the tee markers I made last year to spruce them up for the coming year. All 144 of them were in a wooden crate with wheels. I had a young guy come out there to help me and I assumed we were going to take the markers out of the box and throw them in the back of the truck.

When we got it there I asked him if he wanted to just pick up the box and set it in the truck. I KNEW he was going to balk at that. He said, "if you want to". I told him that I doubted the 2 of us could pick it up. Anyway, I squatted down and grabbed my side and started to lift. It moved.

My truck sits pretty high, about like a 4x4, so it was no picnic getting it up there. I lifted with my legs but the last foot or so was all arms and shoulders. I thought for a second he wasn't going to be able to get his side up so I had to try and pull the whole thing over onto the bed.

My lower back hurt pretty good when I first woke up but I stretched it out and it's not bad now. I can tell that I did something yesterday but it didn't affect me like I thought it would.

When I take them back up there I WILL NOT BE INVOLVED in taking that box back out of the truck. I'll unload them from the box here and them pitch them back in when I'm done.
Scuttlebutt seems to be Shaedon Sharpe will probably see his first action tonight. Now the rafter idiots will no longer be able to bitch about him not playing and will instantly fall back on "he should have played sooner".

The easiest endeavor in life is probably finding something to bitch about when that is your only ambition.
That would be 113 ounces a day for me. God no. I guess it depends on where you read it from. I have heard it is about 64 ounces a day but later on doctors were saying it varies with each individual. They change their numbers all of the time. Take for instance eggs, they were good, then bad, then good, then bad, repeat as necessary. There are so many differing opinions out there, so I guess the best opinion is from the doctor you have if you trust them. Now I have heard that the body weight in protein should be half if you are weight/strength training.
I also read just recently (last 10 days to 10 yrs) that you count all liquids that you consume.........they used to say only clear water counted..........I cheated big time.........I've been counting my beer for the last 30 yrs.....
HA, we should both be drinking about the same amount....Me, I'm back to svelte... I picked up 15 pounds somewhere between Thanksgiving and now.
I have picked up almost double that in that time the Director is making three squares a day.........just think Grinch belly.........I am going to start working on it after I eat this platter of apple fritters.........

Morning Legionnaires! Roll out of dem covers and kiss your lovers. It's time to get movin.

Mid 40's on tap for today with winds up to 25mph.

MIL finally left the hospital yesterday afternoon, they told her they could not keep her there any longer because her numbers were good and have been for a few days now. That means she will be here this weekend to give us the 411 of her ordeal. Winter or not, I am going fishing or something. Get back just in time to go to my room and watch UK vs KU.

Cleaning house this morning and playing Mr. Miyagi this afternoon.

Oh yeah, wife still hasn't got official word on job status yet. Only an email yesterday that stated the decision on this is still pending (basically, long worded email). She and others believe that is because the contract for the company they work for is up for renewal this year and must out bid other companies to keep it.
My wife thought that they would be pushing the booster when she started on her PRN schedule........they just told them a couple of days ago if they have Covid they only have to go 12 hrs without a fever before you come back to was 10 days and two negative test.......they are so desperate for nurses and RT's.........
It is a cloudy 32.4°F here on our way to 34° and then down to 15.

On water: the worst tap water of the places that I have lived was in Jacksonville. We used a water softener, and it still was not drinkable. We bought drinking water at the store. The best tap water we have ever had is in Smiths Grove. It is wonderful. It has been chlorinated and fluorinated but a filter on the fridge takes it out if you want it. It is just hard enough to give it a good flavor.

Jacksonville’s source of water are wells. Of the other places that we have lived we have had good sources for water: Baltimore came from a large river fed reservoir and similar in Houston. Louisville and Henderson came from the Ohio. Smiths Grove’s is from the Barren River. The area Coke distributor is in Smiths Grove, and they simply filter the tap water and bottle their drinks. They like Barren River water.

Being an old, failed chemist I really believe in chlorinated and fluoridated water. I have not had a cavity in any teeth since I started drinking fluorinated water (56 years). Of course that is about the time I began drinking good bourbon and we all know that ethanol is hard on bacteria. But with fluorine and ethanol things are good.
Unless it has changed........Louisville's water comes from wells a couple of hundred feet below the Ohio..............the drinking water is the only positive thing about Louisville, KY...................normally ranks top 5........I still run it through a Pure water filter........
Scuttlebutt seems to be Shaedon Sharpe will probably see his first action tonight. Now the rafter idiots will no longer be able to bitch about him not playing and will instantly fall back on "he should have played sooner".

The easiest endeavor in life is probably finding something to bitch about when that is your only ambition.
And if he is rusty and he probably will be.........they will attack him like a school of Piranha on a bloody goat........
I have picked up almost double that in that time the Director is making three squares a day.........just think Grinch belly.........I am going to start working on it after I eat this platter of apple fritters.........
I worked with a dude down in Georgia one time who was bringing in an apple fritter each night to the office. He was a short round dude and the fritter seemed to fit his persona just fine. Thing was, he would wash it down with a Slim-Fast drink each time. I asked him about it one night and he told us he was on a diet.

He was under the impression that "meal replacement" meant he could eat whatever he wanted and then drink the drink and erase it! I pointed out to him that each Slim-Fast drink had 270 calories and he was supposed to have that INSTEAD of the fritter.

I told him he was drinking Slim-Slow at best and probably Slim-No-Mo.
I worked with a dude down in Georgia one time who was bringing in an apple fritter each night to the office. He was a short round dude and the fritter seemed to fit his persona just fine. Thing was, he would wash it down with a Slim-Fast drink each time. I asked him about it one night and he told us he was on a diet.

He was under the impression that "meal replacement" meant he could eat whatever he wanted and then drink the drink and erase it! I pointed out to him that each Slim-Fast drink had 270 calories and he was supposed to have that INSTEAD of the fritter.

I told him he was drinking Slim-Slow at best and probably Slim-No-Mo.
Sort of sounds like my SIL........she goes on a diet and will eat enough salad to founder Gassey.......
Scuttlebutt seems to be Shaedon Sharpe will probably see his first action tonight. Now the rafter idiots will no longer be able to bitch about him not playing and will instantly fall back on "he should have played sooner".

The easiest endeavor in life is probably finding something to bitch about when that is your only ambition.

I feel sorry for the kid. LeBron James-type expectations for his first college game.
I have picked up almost double that in that time the Director is making three squares a day.........just think Grinch belly.........I am going to start working on it after I eat this platter of apple fritters.........

My family laughs at me when I say this but I know what I have. I have flab covering my body. My stomach is flat. I have a washboard stomach (What some call it) but I have flab covering it. My stomach is as hard as a rock but it now has cushion. (Just eat too much lately.) I crawled under houses for twenty + years. I work my abs still doing regular core exercises...just eat too much. One day (Hopefully soon I will lose the flab away sufficiently...) what I really need to do is start counting my calories again by adding them on my fit bit. (That is all it will take is counting the calories. I lost the weight before doing just that. My foods are already loaded on my Fitbit too. (I will after I finish this current houseful of food I was gifted...)
I worked with a dude down in Georgia one time who was bringing in an apple fritter each night to the office. He was a short round dude and the fritter seemed to fit his persona just fine. Thing was, he would wash it down with a Slim-Fast drink each time. I asked him about it one night and he told us he was on a diet.

He was under the impression that "meal replacement" meant he could eat whatever he wanted and then drink the drink and erase it! I pointed out to him that each Slim-Fast drink had 270 calories and he was supposed to have that INSTEAD of the fritter.

I told him he was drinking Slim-Slow at best and probably Slim-No-Mo.

Yeah, if you want to lose weight the only way is to consume less calories than your body burns.

I laugh at my children who are all in real good shape ...due to my Darling's genes. But watching them tell me how healthy they are eating when they eat salad and add ranch dressing to it. (Two tablespoons, which is very little dressing, is 129 calories. They all eat 3 to 5 hundred calories of dressing at their sitting, when I eat the veggies raw with sometimes a little pepper or a spice of some sort. (Chili powder, garlic powder, or a spice blend with just a pinch added.) I don't add salt to anything. I get plenty of salt from the foods my Darling makes. They eat the same food and cover it with salt (As I see it.)
TyTy is out for tonight. I don't like the sound of that. Hopefully it's just our staff being extra cautious. Remember when he was hurt in the LSU game and he tried to come back in and play. Seems like a tough dude. On the other hand it might be good to let him rest up for KU. Shouldn't really NEED him tonight.
Founder. You gotta be country to know what that means. Gee and Haw as well.
I must have been around 9 years old when my grandfather bought me a small horse. He was so beautiful I wanted to feed him his favorite food, cracked corn. So I fed him and fed him and fed him some more. Then my cousin fed him and fed him.

We came back to the barn just before grandma called us to supper and the horse was laying in his stall. He had overeat and was near death. After that happened the horse never was worth a plug nickel.