
If it's directly below your house, then I would say you own it. We can't own the airspace above our property, but the ground you bought goes down to the core.
Now that gives me an idea. I could bottle up spring water and make a fortune. Seriously it is a fascinating spot on this earth. Here is a short news clip telling a little about it and shows a busy highway, U.S 19 and what is 250' below the surface.

A very large and dangerous cave system only recently explored and just a small portion at that.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected around 77°F.

Enjoyed Coach Cal's show yesterday. Also listened to Jack Givens and Oscar Combs recollections on Coach Joe B. Good stuff.

Back to work today. Short week ahead.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I ate some duck in Korea once or twice. It was edible but nothing to write home about. If it is the meal I'd eat it but I wouldn't order it. Just not my style I guess.

Some beef jerky is nearing the completion stage. I will sample some it seems later this morning. I am thankful. ;)
Evening D
Just checking in
Have my son moved in…and while you can see the hurt at odd moments he also seems more relaxed and almost happier than I’ve seen in a long time
I’m gonna be so glad when this is all over…we need some normalcy in our lives. And maybe a little less stress and anxiety?

at least Kentucky basketball has become fun to watch again. Hope we don’t overlook A&M.
Good to see you back Bkocats, praying for you and your family!!!!
Good morning D, read Romans 1.

Hate to ask the D again, but please keep our families in your prayers!

Hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!
I read Romans 1.

Prayers for you and you family. I know He listens and answers prayer. We always go to this song when we need reassurance. Written by the man who baptized my wife. Vep Ellis

Good morning! Where the hell did my 10 hours snoozes go? Been getting around 6 hours a night for the last week or so. That leaves me too many hours of reality to deal with.

As Austin said earlier, enjoyed the Cal show. Once again, he said that people who watch a guy play one game or whatever aren't qualified to decide who should play and for how long. Said that he sees them every day and some do not play to the same level as others. Not his exact words.

Have a great day!

@Sawnee Cat I don't know if you could tap into and sell the water. That may get you into some mineral rights issue that bbuk mentioned. Do people have wells in Florida? Maybe you could tap into it to keep your pool filled.
I hope all's days get better. I know God can and will intervene if you ask. Ask believing and God will provide your needs at the time you need it. He will never fail! AND, God will do things for you HIS way. The everlasting and most fruitful way you may not be able to see at the time. Trust in him. God Loves you!
Wife just tested positive for covid so, I will not be playing Mr. Miyagi for the rest of this week. Me and daughter now will probably get it. We shall see.
Take good care of her.

Take vitamin C and D3. Drink lot of fluids. Remember masks don't work well. When you are close to her hold your breath.

Post Script:

I am no doctor.
Good morning! Where the hell did my 10 hours snoozes go? Been getting around 6 hours a night for the last week or so. That leaves me too many hours of reality to deal with.

As Austin said earlier, enjoyed the Cal show. Once again, he said that people who watch a guy play one game or whatever aren't qualified to decide who should play and for how long. Said that he sees them every day and some do not play to the same level as others. Not his exact words.

Have a great day!

@Sawnee Cat I don't know if you could tap into and sell the water. That may get you into some mineral rights issue that bbuk mentioned. Do people have wells in Florida? Maybe you could tap into it to keep your pool filled.
Yeah.........tap into that cave and the whole place turns into a big whirlpool as it goes seems like you have a good need to mess with karma.......
Good morning! Where the hell did my 10 hours snoozes go? Been getting around 6 hours a night for the last week or so. That leaves me too many hours of reality to deal with.

As Austin said earlier, enjoyed the Cal show. Once again, he said that people who watch a guy play one game or whatever aren't qualified to decide who should play and for how long. Said that he sees them every day and some do not play to the same level as others. Not his exact words.

Have a great day!

@Sawnee Cat I don't know if you could tap into and sell the water. That may get you into some mineral rights issue that bbuk mentioned. Do people have wells in Florida? Maybe you could tap into it to keep your pool filled.
Most every homeowner I am acquainted with has a shallow well. Mine is about 60' deep and I use it for irrigation only. And to fill up the pool. The water is clean enough to drink. I have a large irrigation system with 42 heads and 11 stations I use to sprinkle the lawn.

When I lived in Clearwater the water level was about 8' deep and I took a garden hose and a 10' PVC pipe and dug a well with the garden hose. I slapped a 1 HP pump on it and had all the water in the world I needed. I didn't drink it because I did not think it was fit to drink.

You may remember years ago the government decided America needed a cross state canal that would run from the Crystal River nuclear plant across the state to Putnam County on the Atlantic side .

They started the project and soon discovered if they completed it, the underground aquifer water system that provided Florida with i'ts water would dry up cutting off all water South of the canal. My 3 year old nephew could have told them that. It takes a little over 100 years for a drop of water in Georgia to make its way down to Weeki Wachee Springs. And some government egghead thought it would be a good idea to get ships from the Gulf to the Atlantic a little quicker.
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Take good care of her.

Take vitamin C and D3. Drink lot of fluids. Remember masks don't work well. When you are close to her hold your breath.

Post Script:

I am no doctor.
LOL no doctor. She hasn't felt good the last 3 days but has not gotten any worse so I think how she is feeling right now will probably be it. Now I just have to wait for me and our daughter. We are both pretty healthy as far as I know (I have not had a real medical checkup in a few years) and have not felt really sick in that time. Last time I was sick was about 3 or 4 years ago at Thanksgiving. That is the norm for me, I go long periods without getting sick but when I do, I generally go down for the count.

Edited. I told her she needs to wear a mask not for health reason but for me. I have to look at her while she is sick...........................................Of course I was joking, she knows me by now. Trying to lift her spirits. Heh, heh, heh.
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Wife just tested positive for covid so, I will not be playing Mr. Miyagi for the rest of this week. Me and daughter now will probably get it. We shall see.
Hope she's OK, w-c.

I can't get rid of testing +. First felt some bad 10 days ago (like weak flu), tested + 8 days ago, felt fine since 6 days ago, and tested + again yesterday. What's up with that? Walking 4 miles every other day and workout 40-45 minutes on the off days. I'll try again in a couple of days.
Thanks for all of the well wishes. I think she will be fine really. I think we will have a better feel of it tomorrow. No worse would suggest that is about it for her. She is not in that age group that most of us are in where it might be rougher. I was of the mind set of herd immunity from the beginning and not that I wanted to get it (still don't) but honestly, I am not real worried about it. I know that people my age and beyond are supposed to be more worried, but I have not been so far. With the CDC's recent statement that most will get Omicron I think it is just a matter of time and if for some reason I don't do well then, God take me home quickly. Don't want to suffer with it.
Thanks for all of the well wishes. I think she will be fine really. I think we will have a better feel of it tomorrow. No worse would suggest that is about it for her. She is not in that age group that most of us are in where it might be rougher. I was of the mind set of herd immunity from the beginning and not that I wanted to get it (still don't) but honestly, I am not real worried about it. I know that people my age and beyond are supposed to be more worried, but I have not been so far. With the CDC's recent statement that most will get Omicron I think it is just a matter of time and if for some reason I don't do well then, God take me home quickly. Don't want to suffer with it.

Bless you brother wc and your family.
Evening D
Just checking in
Have my son moved in…and while you can see the hurt at odd moments he also seems more relaxed and almost happier than I’ve seen in a long time
I’m gonna be so glad when this is all over…we need some normalcy in our lives. And maybe a little less stress and anxiety?

at least Kentucky basketball has become fun to watch again. Hope we don’t overlook A&M.
All the above.
And some government egghead
"Teenage" Lion hunt.... (How in the WORLD do these people know these Lion's are teenageers?)

CDC would never give me a job. I've been saying, to anyone who would listen, for 2 years now that the masks everyone was wearing would not protect against this virus. Wrong tool for the job. If light can pass through your mask, so can this virus.

They are, however, very effective at fostering compliance. That is the most important thing to our government. The one that was supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. Remember hearing about that?
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.

So sorry to hear that. God Bless him, you, and your family.
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.
Best wishes.
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.

I assume a head (scalp) injury?