
Picked up Dark Side o da Moon today and also got a fresh copy Hotel California. Can't wait get everything set up. Forgot to hit send on this earlier today.

Now, what a deal it was getting everything hooked up and working. Lots of wires and they all seem pretty finicky about where they go. @UK82 , I got the turntable and receiver hooked up the A/B switch you gave me. When I first turned stuff on the tv worked fine, but when I switched it over to play an album, there was a hum that went away and I thought the tube buffer was causing it. Are the tubes supposed to light up?

Shortly after that, the receiver shut down and flashed "PROTECT". I took the tube buffer out of the equation and tried again, same result. Then I found that I had reversed polarity on the right speaker, but that shouldn't pose a problem other than being out of phase. Fixed that and tried again but it shut off as soon as I tried to increase the volume.

I turned it back on at a lower volume and it continued to play. The right speaker didn't sound as loud as the left and by using the balance knob on the receiver it was readily apparent the right side wasn't getting a good signal. I took the wire off that side and redid the ends. Put em back on and everything worked.

I'll put the tube buffer back in line tomorrow. I've had enough for the day.
The tubes should glow, not blindingly so but more subtle. You'd see it. Is it both tubes or just one? Usually when a tube goes bad it glows bright red or "cherries". If neither tube glows then it could be a fuse. Also, are you using 8-ohm speakers? How exactly do you have the A/B switch hooked up? For now I'd unplug the receiver for at least an hour. Don't connect the buffer back until you can figure out why the tubes are not glowing.
The tubes should glow, not blindingly so but more subtle. You'd see it. Is it both tubes or just one? Usually when a tube goes bad it glows bright red or "cherries". If neither tube glows then it could be a fuse. Also, are you using 8-ohm speakers? How exactly do you have the A/B switch hooked up? For now I'd unplug the receiver for at least an hour. Don't connect the buffer back until you can figure out why the tubes are not glowing.
I just went and turned it on and the tubes did start to glow. I don't think there was any problem with that device. Fixing the connection to the A/B switch seemed to do the trick. I'll get it hooked up tomorrow and it should function properly.

Yes, the speakers are 8 ohm. The Marantz receiver says I can go down to 4.

I have 2 receivers hooked to it going to 1 set of speakers.
I just went and turned it on and the tubes did start to glow. I don't think there was any problem with that device. Fixing the connection to the A/B switch seemed to do the trick. I'll get it hooked up tomorrow and it should function properly.

Yes, the speakers are 8 ohm. The Marantz receiver says I can go down to 4.

I have 2 receivers hooked to it going to 1 set of speakers.
Good. At least you know the protect feature on your Marantz is working. I've had that happen. Often times it's due to improper ventilation or frayed cables. I have no doubt that you checked all that out.
Good. At least you know the protect feature on your Marantz is working. I've had that happen. Often times it's due to improper ventilation or frayed cables. I have no doubt that you checked all that out.
Yes, it turned out to be the wire was kind of frayed so it wasn't substantial enough to carry the current. The reason I started with the tube buffer in my troubleshooting is I hadn't used it before. Acutally I think I got lucky to find the problem so easily. Blind squirrel, nut, that kind of thing.

Edit: I'm going to listen to DSOTM tomorrow like it is now and then hook up the tube buffer to see if I can hear the difference.
If you want the real deal this is it. This started it all....

He started a Meathead and he will end a Meathead...