
Yesterday , in SWFL , Harriet pulled out the "Mombrella" (about 3:00 mark)

Eaglets fine this morning.

Closely guarded as nest drys out.

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This eagle laid her first egg just minutes ago....

Thanks, I updated the url of the earlier post.
Good for River. I'm sure her mate "Obey" is closeby. I understand the anthropomorphic foolishness of using names but decent handles for the pair. The DH nest being a new replacement is very small by eagle standards and with her 2nd egg likely in a few days, this will become interesting with space a premium. These are fully mature adults and I've zero reason not to be optomistic.​
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Hahaha. The first mistake was letting a Marine on the base at Ft. Sill. But a happier ending than many, in that the guy kept his cash.

Back when I was a kid working on the Alaska pipeline there was a welder on our crew from Bald Knob, Arkansas. His nickname was Rabbit because he sort of looked like one. He’d been up there for months and had banked over $100,000 - a fortune in 1976!

So one day he says, “Boys I’ve got enough money and I’m sick of Alaska, so kiss my ass, I’m going back to Bald Knob.”

About two weeks later he came dragging back into the camp at GlenAllen. Turns out his wife had cleaned him out, even sold his house and disappeared with another man. Ouch.

Women! Can't live with 'em - can't live without 'em.
We had some cooks make homemade wine that most of us knew about and a platoon sergeant that used to get packages from home of the small sample bottles of booze you buy at the liquor stores. Not sure how his wife got it there without getting caught but she did. She was pretty sneaky. So sneaky she ran out on him taking everything out of the home before he got back and went to California with a Marine she met at Sill. They got divorced and she got nothing because the judge said she made the choice to leave so, he was better off. Bought himself a bike (Hog) retired from the Army and said he was going to travel the country on the bike.
Went out to the workshop today to work on a tv stand I'm building. Dressed too warm. I've got all the pieces cut and most of the pocket holes drilled. I'm going to paint the pieces before I put them together because I think that will be the easiest way to go.

Put kerosene in the heaters because they had been dry for a couple of years. I might light one up tomorrow when I go back to get it warm enough in there to paint. Might just light 2 so I can work in a T-shirt.

Heard a young girl on tv last night say that she didn't follow many rules because rules are designed to control people and make them "stupider". She votes. In California.
I love underwater photography. This underground cavern is directly below my house. About 250'

Discovered in 2019 during a previous video dive, Minas Tirith is a spectacular section of the Weeki Wachee / Twin Dees cave system. About 1.5 miles from the Twin Dees entrance, with depths ranging from 250 ffw to nearly 400 ffw, this part of the cave appears to be the primary source of spring water. It consists of three large rooms: the Sirius Room (named after the large white star), the Funnel Room and the Unknown, along with their interconnecting passages
Just back from another 50 minute walk. 66°F, clear and gorgeous.

Brisket enchilada in the oven.

If I'm not mistaken, Coach Cal's show comes on at 6 pm EST. I plan on tuning in. Meanwhile, I'll listen to KLBJ and likely hear moaning about Cowboys choking last night.
Listening to Hannity right now and it will transition into the Cal show at 6. I made a point of listening to the Jerry Eaves show today after KSR went off. No wonder the Louisville fans hate that dude. He tells the truth about UL and doesn't pull any punches.

He wants UL to be just as good as any of them do, they don't understand that. You can't fix a problem until you admit there is a problem.
Do we know if she's a cis or trans she eagle?
It wasn't her 1st egg. There's a history documenting her success building nests, laying eggs, incubating eggs, rearing fleglings for several years if that helps.

Polyandry has been reported in eagles but not common. Brothers?.​
Polyandry a much more prevalent survival strategy among the matriarchal familes of Harris Hawks.
It wasn't her 1st egg. There's a history documenting her success building nests, laying eggs, incubating eggs, rearing fleglings for several years if that helps.​
He was making a joke, a timely joke at that. Animals are born knowing who they are. They don't get to decide what their sex is. Just because a dog humps my leg doesn't mean he thinks he's a human and requires a species change.

If the eagles would just smile every now and then, they wouldn't be so misunderstood. I would ask the eagle, "you mad bro?"
I love underwater photography. This underground cavern is directly below my house. About 250'

Discovered in 2019 during a previous video dive, Minas Tirith is a spectacular section of the Weeki Wachee / Twin Dees cave system. About 1.5 miles from the Twin Dees entrance, with depths ranging from 250 ffw to nearly 400 ffw, this part of the cave appears to be the primary source of spring water. It consists of three large rooms: the Sirius Room (named after the large white star), the Funnel Room and the Unknown, along with their interconnecting passages
If it's directly below your house, then I would say you own it. We can't own the airspace above our property, but the ground you bought goes down to the core.
He was making a joke, a timely joke at that. Animals are born knowing who they are. They don't get to decide what their sex is. Just because a dog humps my leg doesn't mean he thinks he's a human and requires a species change.

If the eagles would just smile every now and then, they wouldn't be so misunderstood. I would ask the eagle, "you mad bro?"

That's a stretch....but....
If it's directly below your house, then I would say you own it. We can't own the airspace above our property, but the ground you bought goes down to the core.

Mineral rights (I know you didn't mention mineral rights specifically, just struck a nerve.) say otherwise in many instances but I agree. Many swiped mineral rights loss and actual property rights loss by slickly inserting the loss into long complicated sales contracts.
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I was talking to my wife earlier about hypocrisy. I told her the best way to tell if what you are saying is true and just is to extrapolate it beyond yourself. What if 10, 1000, 1,000,000 people do what you're doing. Is it still good?

There has never been a homosexual civilization in the history of the Earth. There has never been a vegetarian civilization either. Neither would have lasted more than 2 generations and that would be due to cheaters.

Stand on a street corner and cluck like a chicken long enough and someone will come and take you for mental evaluation. Stand on the street corner and claim you are a different sex and you will be applauded for your "bravery".

None of us are as dumb as all of us.
I was talking to my wife earlier about hypocrisy. I told her the best way to tell if what you are saying is true and just is to extrapolate it beyond yourself. What if 10, 1000, 1,000,000 people do what you're doing. Is it still good?

There has never been a homosexual civilization in the history of the Earth. There has never been a vegetarian civilization either. Neither would have lasted more than 2 generations and that would be due to cheaters.

Stand on a street corner and cluck like a chicken long enough and someone will come and take you for mental evaluation. Stand on the street corner and claim you are a different sex and you will be applauded for your "bravery".

None of us are as dumb as all of us.

Canada's too cold anyway to want to exist. It seems all the progressives want anyway with them is to again encroach the U.S. borders to infiltrate this country more than they have. If people keep voting for stupid because it's easy, they will get what they deserve. AND, this and 50 cents will get you a real cheap cup of coffee...

White is black, men are women, there is a little right and a little wrong and a whole lot of gray versus there is right and wrong and a little bit of gray.... The above will fail anyone or any nation.
Evening D
Just checking in
Have my son moved in…and while you can see the hurt at odd moments he also seems more relaxed and almost happier than I’ve seen in a long time
I’m gonna be so glad when this is all over…we need some normalcy in our lives. And maybe a little less stress and anxiety?

at least Kentucky basketball has become fun to watch again. Hope we don’t overlook A&M.
Evening D
Just checking in
Have my son moved in…and while you can see the hurt at odd moments he also seems more relaxed and almost happier than I’ve seen in a long time
I’m gonna be so glad when this is all over…we need some normalcy in our lives. And maybe a little less stress and anxiety?

at least Kentucky basketball has become fun to watch again. Hope we don’t overlook A&M.
Great news. Happy for y'all.

Yeah, Aggies gonna be tough.
Evening D
Just checking in
Have my son moved in…and while you can see the hurt at odd moments he also seems more relaxed and almost happier than I’ve seen in a long time
I’m gonna be so glad when this is all over…we need some normalcy in our lives. And maybe a little less stress and anxiety?

at least Kentucky basketball has become fun to watch again. Hope we don’t overlook A&M.
Know that feeling. After me and my ex-split, I was distraught because I love my boys and missed them plus knew they were hurt too but, I was also glad not to be fighting every day. Still had 7 years left to go in the military and could now move from unit to unit with only what I could carry.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected around 77°F.

Enjoyed Coach Cal's show yesterday. Also listened to Jack Givens and Oscar Combs recollections on Coach Joe B. Good stuff.

Back to work today. Short week ahead.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Don't like voyeuristic food, its skeevy. It's spelled peeking by the way. 😏
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Morning Legionnaires! Stand up, look up, shuffle to the coffee pot. Pour it in the cup and drink it hot.

Low 70's on tap for today with sunny skies and moderate winds.

Wife was not feeling well last couple of days and will not be going to work today. She will test shortly for Covid. That will determine whether I play mister Miyagi today or not.

God Bless you all and be safe out there.