
Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well
So nice to hear from you again!! Congrats on the house and I seriously hope your issue will be solved quickly. Good luck!
I'll tell you something. He generated interest. Totally controversial. He's the ideal "journalist" that schools produced from the 60s through the early 2000s.

Blood sells. Negativity sells. Drama sells. Even if they have to create it themselves.

I met him once. Thought if I ever saw him I'd probably best the snot out of him after reading his trash for years. He's just this slight, old looking, and soft-talking weasel of a guy. He really does need to get his butt kicked, but it wouldn't be a fair fight unless you were 12 or had 2 arms tied behind your back.

Everything about the guy is calculated. He knows what makes him money. He's a dk and a bully just does it with a pen. Doesn't seem to be that way when the pen isn't in his hand.

I tried to keep a subscription to the lhl. Met a few people that I liked that worked there. Just couldn't do it with all of the trash written in it.
Yeah I get the digital copy of The Courier-Journal only because my wife likes the Sunday paper, mainly the puzzles. For $10/mth. it's still too much. My parents still get the physical copy and I use them to heat up our chimney flue. Really about all it's good for. I don't have a bird or I'd use it to line the cage.
Man, I went out and shoveled my driveway out...About two inches and it's still coming down... Drinking a Yuengling and coffee.... Will mix in a little 90% Dark chocolate and then we'll have something.

Was going to make a pan of biscuits this morning but my Darling made me some pancakes. She is cooking some soup later. Tomorrow is another day if the Lord doesn't take me home. God Bless you all...
I got my booster shot and flu shot on Friday, in the same shoulder. Got a little sore that evening and was sore all day yesterday, but not too bad. Just a dull ache at times when I lifted my arm. Today there is no pain at all.

I got the Pfizer the first time but the booster was funky cold Maderna! They are telling us that it might be better to mix and match. I don't know and I don't care. What I care about is, IF I get corono and die, no one can say I didn't try.

Told my wife that I have talked bad about corono enough that if it kills me people would say, "look at that dumbass now". Same reason I don't want to be killed by lightening on a golf course. No one feels sorry for that guy. Now, if I could go out saving a baby or some puppies, that would be fine.

I was sure thinking I wasn't going to get the booster. I am thinking harder now. My Darling seems to want to get it.
I can identify with that, but not with gizzards. Give me some squirrel brains and hog jaw bacon.
All the above.
I've read that KY wanted to leave the Union after the War was over - largely based on things that happened as you say.

But that wasn't my question. Where were those Union troops from? I'm guessing they were under Grant's extended command and those troops largely came from IL as I understand & not KY; i.e., one group of locals weren't beating up on another group. No?
No. The "Hard shelled" Baptist families from North Carolina that settled thru Cumberland Gap thru Tenn., Ky, and Southern Indiana into Illinois had a 30 year love/hate relationship with Lincoln during the Civil War and that developed during common military service in the Blackhawk War in the 1830s.
Would YOU leave college early to play professional sports? I know I would. If I went to law school and after 1 or 2 years a law firm said they like the way I law and want to give me several million a year to law for them, I would jump at it.

Why does anyone go to college? I would think it would be to get a good job with more pay and your OK.

College athletes are now employees and the weather is now entertainment. We call it progress.
I'm OK with Kentucky's graduate level Basketball team. Lexington is the right place.
Why does anyone go to college? I would think it would be to get a good job with more pay and your OK.
To learn something they don't know.
Known as a cold fish.
I have Trouts in my Family (River rats) that came downstream from Ohio.
Whew! It looks like Planet Earth will continue to spin.
The Moon is still a drag.
I used the 2 shovel method to end their pesky little lives.
Good word.
Do kids still sled? I'm sure they do.


God made cats to be in the barn to control the rat population.

I was a switch hitter during my baseball days. It was tough being the only bisexual on the team.
I wonder if it is possible for White Tails and Elk to cross-breed.
Awf is correct. White-tailed deer have 70 pairs of chromosomes, while the Elk a different genera with 68. The hybrid with with 68 pairs (2 unpaired chromosomes) is likely sterile. Hybrids of species geographically isolated (European Red Deer and North American Elk or Virginia Whited-tailed vs Western Mule Deer), are more closely related with matching chromosome pairs are not sterile so and a characteristic of advanced sub-speciation diversity exhibiting characteristics of community ecotype adaptation variation.
I remember the days back in high school when a good swirly was a sign you'd arrived.
I have Hoosier cousins like you. Used to flop around a sock hop floor like fish calling it "The Alligator"
There is no way that you could live here in AZ and believe Biden honestly beat Trump here.
The cheating has been exposed. Now it's being denied. There's hope.
May Joe B. rest in peace.

Joe B. was my friend. I absolutely loved him.
My condolences to your personal loss.

Love me some Newtons.
1st Law can be a hoot
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All the above.

No. The "Hard shelled" Baptist families from North Carolina that settled thru Cumberland Gap thru Tenn., Ky, and Southern Indiana into Illinois had a 30 year love/hate relationship with Lincoln during the Civil War and that developed during common military service in the Blackhawk War in the 1830s.

I'm OK with Kentucky's graduate level Basketball team. Lexington is the right place.

To learn something they don't know.

I have Trouts in my Family (River rats) that came downstream from Ohio.

The Moon is still a drag.


Good word.




Awf is correct. White-tailed deer have 70 pairs of chromosomes, while the Elk a different genera with 68. The hybrid with with 68 pairs (2 unpaired chromosomes) is likely sterile. Hybrids of species geographically isolated (European Red Deer and North American Elk or Virginia Whited-tailed vs Western Mule Deer), are more closely related with matching chromosome pairs are not sterile so and a characteristic of advanced sub-speciation diversity exhibiting characteristics of community ecotype adaptation variation.

I have Hoosier cousins like you. Used to flop around a sock hop floor like fish calling it "The Alligator"

The cheating has been exposed. Now it's being denied. There's hope.

My condolences to your personal loss.

1st Law can be a hoot
Rapid fire session?
Hopefully your surrounding drama subsides. Wishing you all the best and prayers sent.
It will eventually … but gonna be tough
My son has split from his wife; it’s been a long time coming but it’s very sad all around
He’s moving in with us..and will share custody of his daughter. She wants to stay in the area so they can raise their little girl as together as possible. I went to the their place to help him move his personal things. He decided to just keep his clothes and electronics. Things were quite cordial today, almost friendly but it hurt to see
It will eventually … but gonna be tough
My son has split from his wife; it’s been a long time coming but it’s very sad all around
He’s moving in with us..and will share custody of his daughter. She wants to stay in the area so they can raise their little girl as together as possible. I went to the their place to help him move his personal things. He decided to just keep his clothes and electronics. Things were quite cordial today, almost friendly but it hurt to see
My niece in St. Louis is going through a split-up too. I just don't see it working out due to the circumstances. Really sad too. Two young kids involved (2 and 5 years old). Really hit the family off guard.
It's not a beer I'd drink after a hot day cutting the grass. It's really rich.

Invited the guy I hired (A year and a half ago) and his wife in Colorado that just moved near me for another job on Fort Belvoir to Christmas supper. (We get along well and he is highspeed.) He brought four of those type high octane beer. I drank one, then had one of my Yuenglings. My Yuengling tasted like koolaid. 😅 🤣 🤞
Good post except the last sentence. I worked for a very large corporation, far bigger than any damned Newspaper, and we cared.

"A" newspaper is not what I was talking about. LHL is owned by a huge corporation, and I doubt your corporation comes close to it in size or carelessness. That corporation is so entwined with 50 or so other corporations that they are virtually inseparable
Good morning from ATX. Currently 32°F, clear and calm here in North Austin. Today's high estimated at around 68°F.

I'm off work today. Taking a walk later. Normally, you'd find me vacationing in FL this week, but COVID blew up those plans again this year. Perhaps next year.

Happy MLK Day. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires! Fly out of dem racks and grab dem packs, we got some movin to do!

61° on tap today with moderate winds and sunny skies.

Wife attempted making my favorite cookies yesterday for the first time (no bake) and did a pretty good job. A little dry but tasty. It is a work in progress. We buy them at Walmart about once every 2 weeks or so and between my daughter and I they are gone in just a couple of days.

National moonshine day, eh? That reminds me @MdWIldcat55 did you ever have any of their version of moonshine in Saudi? After the ground war (if you could call it that) was over, we went to Kuwait for a couple of days and then back to Saudi eventually staying at Khobar Towers when it came close to our time to leave. While waiting there some of my soldiers got wind of Saudi nationals selling their version of moonshine in mason jars to soldiers. While it was a bit harsh as is most shine it was not bad. $20.00 a jar for the hooch was acceptable and I bought two originally and a couple more later. Would go up to the roof after dark and plug in my Walkman, listen to some relaxing music, and then fall asleep. Ahhh, the good ole days. 😏I received my dear John letter from the lady I was involved with at the time about 2 weeks out from coming back so...shined on.
Good morning! It's a winter wonderland in my neck of the woods. Wife is working from home today so I had coffee waiting on me when I woke up, plus she had blueberry muffins ready!

We're all UK fans here, right? We've all spent many hours of our lives discussing and watching UK basketball, right? None of us can fathom how many hours Joe B spent in his life where UK was the main focus. Every person he met, basically, was a UK conversation.

Have a good day! Don't shovel snow, the Sun will take care of it.

Morning Legionnaires! Fly out of dem racks and grab dem packs, we got some movin to do!

61° on tap today with moderate winds and sunny skies.

Wife attempted making my favorite cookies yesterday for the first time (no bake) and did a pretty good job. A little dry but tasty. It is a work in progress. We buy them at Walmart about once every 2 weeks or so and between my daughter and I they are gone in just a couple of days.

National moonshine day, eh? That reminds me @MdWIldcat55 did you ever have any of their version of moonshine in Saudi? After the ground war (if you could call it that) was over, we went to Kuwait for a couple of days and then back to Saudi eventually staying at Khobar Towers when it came close to our time to leave. While waiting there some of my soldiers got wind of Saudi nationals selling their version of moonshine in mason jars to soldiers. While it was a bit harsh as is most shine it was not bad. $20.00 a jar for the hooch was acceptable and I bought two originally and a couple more later. Would go up to the roof after dark and plug in my Walkman, listen to some relaxing music, and then fall asleep. Ahhh, the good ole days. 😏I received my dear John letter from the lady I was involved with at the time about 2 weeks out from coming back so...shined on.

No, I never had the Saudi moonshine. I did manage to get a few drinks during the seven months I was in the region (early September 1990 - mid-March 1991.) First, I made two trips into Baghdad in September and October, and Saddam was fairly loose about alcohol for a Muslim country. There was even a pub the British diplomatic corps had set up that was still operating, even though most of them had fled. Then, in Saudi, I met some Americans living in those sterile, creepy villages for oil field workers - the "Little Americas." They all had a booze stash which they treated more secretively than heroin -- as well they should, if caught they were immediately expelled or worse.

I do have a booze story that might amuse some. In that long period before things got serious in Saudi Arabia, around early November, the military would assign drivers to reporters if you wanted to visit Marine or Army units in the field as a way to keep us from straying. I had a very talkative sergeant working with me.

One day he tells me this bizarre story from within his battalion of the 101st Airborne -- about a dozen soldiers had been airlifted to the USS Comfort after poisoning themselves trying to make moonshine.

This was a big deal because the Pentagon had promised the Saudi government there would be NO booze among the troops. But the driver had very precise details -- which company they were from, how many, when they had been airlifted, and so on. So I called the Full Bird Colonel acting as press liaison and told him I was going to publish this story, giving the details I had so he knew I wasn't bluffing. He begged me for a couple hours before I did anything and I said okay. They must have taken it all the way to the Pentagon and maybe the White House because they got back to me with an exclusive statement from Sec Def Cheney confirming the incident but promising the Saudis it wouldn't happen again, blah blah. So I got the scoop and it was a huge story all over the western world about the tensions between the US military and the Saudi government -- all because of a talkative driver.
I remember that 55! There was also a story about some nudie magazines that offended the Saudi's. I can remember being pissed that we were there to help them and they wouldn't let our guys have a cold beer at the end of the day.

Now, that dude that took the Jewish hostages in Texas was described in the news stories as a "British National". His name is Akram and he wanted a prisoner released who is called "Lady Al Qaeda". A muslim attacks Jews and our President says "we don't know what his motive was" but, he made sure to blame guns and commented that he probably bought it on the street. Also mentioned background checks. Dude came to America 2 weeks ago and spent his first nights in a homeless shelter.

Add it up.
I remember that 55! There was also a story about some nudie magazines that offended the Saudi's. I can remember being pissed that we were there to help them and they wouldn't let our guys have a cold beer at the end of the day.

Now, that dude that took the Jewish hostages in Texas was described in the news stories as a "British National". His name is Akram and he wanted a prisoner released who is called "Lady Al Qaeda". A muslim attacks Jews and our President says "we don't know what his motive was" but, he made sure to blame guns and commented that he probably bought it on the street. Also mentioned background checks. Dude came to America 2 weeks ago and spent his first nights in a homeless shelter.

Add it up.
Bertfan: I could not agree more. It was the same with Obama and the Ft. Hood shootings. Infuriating and only more evidence of moral and intelectual weakness by Biden, as it was with his former boss.

No, I never had the Saudi moonshine. I did manage to get a few drinks during the seven months I was in the region (early September 1990 - mid-March 1991.) First, I made two trips into Baghdad in September and October, and Saddam was fairly loose about alcohol for a Muslim country. There was even a pub the British diplomatic corps had set up that was still operating, even though most of them had fled. Then, in Saudi, I met some Americans living in those sterile, creepy villages for oil field workers - the "Little Americas." They all had a booze stash which they treated more secretively than heroin -- as well they should, if caught they were immediately expelled or worse.

I do have a booze story that might amuse some. In that long period before things got serious in Saudi Arabia, around early November, the military would assign drivers to reporters if you wanted to visit Marine or Army units in the field as a way to keep us from straying. I had a very talkative sergeant working with me.

One day he tells me this bizarre story from within his battalion of the 101st Airborne -- about a dozen soldiers had been airlifted to the USS Comfort after poisoning themselves trying to make moonshine.

This was a big deal because the Pentagon had promised the Saudi government there would be NO booze among the troops. But the driver had very precise details -- which company they were from, how many, when they had been airlifted, and so on. So I called the Full Bird Colonel acting as press liaison and told him I was going to publish this story, giving the details I had so he knew I wasn't bluffing. He begged me for a couple hours before I did anything and I said okay. They must have taken it all the way to the Pentagon and maybe the White House because they got back to me with an exclusive statement from Sec Def Cheney confirming the incident but promising the Saudis it wouldn't happen again, blah blah. So I got the scoop and it was a huge story all over the western world about the tensions between the US military and the Saudi government -- all because of a talkative driver.
We had some cooks make homemade wine that most of us knew about and a platoon sergeant that used to get packages from home of the small sample bottles of booze you buy at the liquor stores. Not sure how his wife got it there without getting caught but she did. She was pretty sneaky. So sneaky she ran out on him taking everything out of the home before he got back and went to California with a Marine she met at Sill. They got divorced and she got nothing because the judge said she made the choice to leave so, he was better off. Bought himself a bike (Hog) retired from the Army and said he was going to travel the country on the bike.
We had some cooks make homemade wine that most of us knew about and a platoon sergeant that used to get packages from home of the small sample bottles of booze you buy at the liquor stores. Not sure how his wife got it there without getting caught but she did. She was pretty sneaky. So sneaky she ran out on him taking everything out of the home before he got back and went to California with a Marine she met at Sill. They got divorced and she got nothing because the judge said she made the choice to leave so, he was better off. Bought himself a bike (Hog) retired from the Army and said he was going to travel the country on the bike.
Hahaha. The first mistake was letting a Marine on the base at Ft. Sill. But a happier ending than many, in that the guy kept his cash.

Back when I was a kid working on the Alaska pipeline there was a welder on our crew from Bald Knob, Arkansas. His nickname was Rabbit because he sort of looked like one. He’d been up there for months and had banked over $100,000 - a fortune in 1976!

So one day he says, “Boys I’ve got enough money and I’m sick of Alaska, so kiss my ass, I’m going back to Bald Knob.”

About two weeks later he came dragging back into the camp at GlenAllen. Turns out his wife had cleaned him out, even sold his house and disappeared with another man. Ouch.
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Hahaha. The first mistake was letting a Marine on the base at Sill. But a happier ending than many, in that the guy kept his cash.

Back when I was a kid working on the Alaska pipeline there was a welder on our crew from Bald Knob, Arkansas. His nickname was Rabbit because he sort of looked like one. He’d been up there for months and had banked over $100,000 - a fortune in 1976!

So one day he says, “Boys I’ve got enough money and I’m sick of Alaska, so kiss my ass, I’m going back to Bald Knob.”

About two weeks later he came dragging back into the camp at GlenAllen. Turns out his wife had cleaned him out, even sold his house and disappeared with another man. Ouch.
Ft Sill being the Artillery capital of the "world", we have to let those Marines in, they have to train their artillerymen here too.