
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.
Yikes! Sorry to hear. Prayers sent.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and cloudy. Should see a high of 75°F before next cold front rolls in tonight. Winter storm watch, mainly to our west.

Cats play Aggies tonight, 8:30 PM EST. I guess team already arrived in College Station. According to Coach Cal on his radio show, he was heading on a recruiting trip after landing yesterday. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.
So sorry to hear. I am praying for a quick recovery and I know some tough decisions must be made for his future.
Received a memory...driving in of my first trips. It got a lot better...


A "hotel" we were staying at... The tide was out. People out working the ground for seafood stuffs...




This is one of my Nephew's.. the other was currently in the military. This one already did his time. We got along very well. He is good people.
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Good morning! Oh yeah! Got nearly 12 hours of snooze from 2000 yesterday until a little while ago. I knew I would catch up some before long, that 6 hour crap wasn't cutting it.

Friend coming by today to help with tv stand. I'm looking forward to incorporating 2 pieces of equipment that UK82 was kind enough to give me. Actually it will be 3 because now I'll be able to hear the turntable he gave me through the main speakers. Can't wait. I'll be going to Walmart first to pick up a brand new Dark Side of the Moon for the first listen.

Aggies tonight. I ain't skeered and expect another double digit win. The experience of this team is beginning to show and along with TyTy's skill set, we'll be very tough to beat from here out.

As Omicron gets common it will be explained as a/the common cold. Fear is the weapon, servitude the goal. Our children, the vulnerability.
Well said my friend. Well spoken.
Still can't figure out what would have caused a gash to the calf in a bathroom.
If he fell from the tub then he could have caught his calf on the bottom of the faucet. Upper arm might have hit a cabinet. My granpa fell in the tub when I was a kid and got pretty bad as well. I remember he was in the hospital for several days.
CDC would never give me a job. I've been saying, to anyone who would listen, for 2 years now that the masks everyone was wearing would not protect against this virus. Wrong tool for the job. If light can pass through your mask, so can this virus.

They are, however, very effective at fostering compliance. That is the most important thing to our government. The one that was supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. Remember hearing about that?
If a fart can go through your jeans, then people should know a flimsy cloth mask will not stop hot breath and an airborne virus.
My step-FIL had a bad fall yesterday morning. By the time I got there the ambulance was hauling him away. The bathroom floor was covered in blood. It looked like a murder scene. Blood thinners played a big part in that scenario. I cleaned it up and found out that I don't have a blood phobia. My wife is staying with her Mom until he gets out of the hospital. That's a fate worse than death. Pray for my wife. Step-FIL is considering assisted living because this is happening more and more.
Prayer sent and God Bless.

Morning Legionnaires! Crawl out of dem sacks and stretch out dem backs.

40° on tap today with 25-35mph winds with larger gust expected. Rain in the forecast.

Daughter woke up feeling sick and with a sore throat. Back to bed she went. 2 down and one to go. Let's get this over with.

Already ready already for tonight's game. GO CATS!
Interesting animals, a community of weasels. No thanks. I have always wanted a cacomistle.
If a fart can go through your jeans, then people should know a flimsy cloth mask will not stop hot breath and an airborne virus.
I always say that the masks are like using chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes. Or using three strain barbed wire to keep out a rabbit.

The fart comparison is being added to my portfolio.

@_Rooster are large hydrocarbon compounds, like the active ingredients of a fart, much smaller than an RNA virus?
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I always say that the masks are like using chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes. Or using three strain barbed wire to keep out a rabbit.

The fart comparison is being added to my portfolio.

@_Rooster are large hydrocarbon compounds, like the active ingredients of a fart, much smaller than an RNA virus?
Yes but the chain link mosquito/rabbit analogies a bit silly . . . animals do things with specific intent. Now throwing a hand full of gravel at your chain link fence much closer to fact.​
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Today marks a day that could not happen. I remember this day very well, January 19, 1977. A record number of auto accidents and traffic deaths because of snow in Florida. My yard was covered and we made a snow man for my kids, ages 6 and 3. 43 years ago and before Climate Change. They national media said we were entering the ICE AGE and we better send our money to our local politician to save us all..



There goes the orange crop

Today marks a day that could not happen. I remember this day very well, January 19, 1977. A record number of auto accidents and traffic deaths because of snow in Florida. My yard was covered and we made a snow man for my kids, ages 6 and 3. 43 years ago and before Climate Change. They national media said we were entering the ICE AGE and we better send our money to our local politician to save us all..



There goes the orange crop

I lived in Jacksonville and Sherry was shopping and they announced on the PA that it was snowing and everyone ran out to witness it.
Picked up Dark Side o da Moon today and also got a fresh copy Hotel California. Can't wait get everything set up. Forgot to hit send on this earlier today.

Now, what a deal it was getting everything hooked up and working. Lots of wires and they all seem pretty finicky about where they go. @UK82 , I got the turntable and receiver hooked up the A/B switch you gave me. When I first turned stuff on the tv worked fine, but when I switched it over to play an album, there was a hum that went away and I thought the tube buffer was causing it. Are the tubes supposed to light up?

Shortly after that, the receiver shut down and flashed "PROTECT". I took the tube buffer out of the equation and tried again, same result. Then I found that I had reversed polarity on the right speaker, but that shouldn't pose a problem other than being out of phase. Fixed that and tried again but it shut off as soon as I tried to increase the volume.

I turned it back on at a lower volume and it continued to play. The right speaker didn't sound as loud as the left and by using the balance knob on the receiver it was readily apparent the right side wasn't getting a good signal. I took the wire off that side and redid the ends. Put em back on and everything worked.

I'll put the tube buffer back in line tomorrow. I've had enough for the day.
Yes but the chain link mosquito/rabbit analogies a bit silly . . . animals do things with specific intent. Now throwing a hand full of gravel at your chain link fence much closer to fact.​
I'm going to disagree with you and take Berts side. A virus may not be alive, per se, but they are capable of replicating. Rocks can't do anything but become smaller rocks.

Since his intent was to illustrate the size of a virus compared to the holes in the mask, it is fairly accurate.
Back from a 50-minute hike. Beef stew for supper tonight. 1.85 lbs beef for stew cost = $11.

Bastrop wildfires, southeast of us, burned over 800 acres already. Fire resulted from a "controlled burn". Yeah, right. Some folks evacuated. Winds picking up. Cold front moving in fanning flames. We could see 20s in the morning.

UK plays TAMU soon. Go Cats!