
Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well
So nice to see your name and comments on the Big D. I trust 2022 will be a smoother year and you know you always have a home over here.
What did your unit have Warrior, the M-109s, MLRS, M110 8-Inch, or all of the above?
M110A2's. Mine is pictured below with me and the crew working on it under of all things camouflage netting used for forest green and not desert sand. But it helped shade us somewhat from the hot Saudi sun.



Good Sunday Morning D League

We woke up to some stormy weather this morning and it should continue for the next few hours. I hope it clears up by game time. Especially the lightning. We have 58° now with high winds and thunderstorms. We should hit our high of 62° by game time with 25 mph winds. Rain chances will fall to 2%.

I had the Lexington Herald mailed to me for many years but that came to a halt when Jerry Tipton came on board with his agenda. He proved from day one he was not interested in reporting good things about the team or individual players, no he was going to be a hit man and look for every negative thing possible. I am convinced he was hired to do that. The paper and Tipton have had an agenda for the past 40 years. When Billy Thompson retired the newspaper went to hell on their sports page. The Herald has always been a liberal rag politically but 50 years ago it was a great sports page and Pro-UK. That is why I had it mailed to me.

Enough of that there are too many good things to talk about. RIP Joe Hall and I am thankful the Cats played Kentucky Basketball the day he died. A beat down of Tennessee is perfection and as beautiful as some people think the Mona Lisa is. Yesterday's game will be recorded as one of the all time great wins over Tennessee. I wish Ray Mears was alive to see it.

Trust all are well and have a nice day. Welcome back Bkocats.
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I can't understand why Tipton is still employed. Does anybody like the guy?

I'll tell you something. He generated interest. Totally controversial. He's the ideal "journalist" that schools produced from the 60s through the early 2000s.

Blood sells. Negativity sells. Drama sells. Even if they have to create it themselves.

I met him once. Thought if I ever saw him I'd probably best the snot out of him after reading his trash for years. He's just this slight, old looking, and soft-talking weasel of a guy. He really does need to get his butt kicked, but it wouldn't be a fair fight unless you were 12 or had 2 arms tied behind your back.

Everything about the guy is calculated. He knows what makes him money. He's a dk and a bully just does it with a pen. Doesn't seem to be that way when the pen isn't in his hand.

I tried to keep a subscription to the lhl. Met a few people that I liked that worked there. Just couldn't do it with all of the trash written in it.
I went out with a unit of the M110s attached the the 1st ID when they were shelling Iraqi positions. Bad ass weapons.
Very accurate because the tube is rifled and the round weighs 208lbs. As long as the location information of the target is correct from forward observers and the Fire Direction center computes all of the data correctly as well, you could put those rounds inside a 50-gallon barrel from miles away. Hard for wind to affect the trajectory. Below is a picture from the back of my M557 ammo carrier with M110 rounds and powder cannisters.

Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well
Welcome back. Congrats on the house. Hope all is well.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 31°F and clear here in North Austin. Winds died down. High topping out around 61°F. We'll take it.

Enjoyed our Cats W yesterday. Great performance. Won for Coach Hall and shot the lights out.

Plan on walking after bit. Chores and errands await. Cowboys vs 49ers come on at 3:30 pm CST.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 31°F and clear here in North Austin. Winds died down. High topping out around 61°F. We'll take it.

Enjoyed our Cats W yesterday. Great performance. Won for Coach Hall and shot the lights out.

Plan on walking after bit. Chores and errands await. Cowboys vs 49ers come on at 3:30 pm CST.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Love me some Newtons.
This is for Warrior - late January, 1991, near the Iraq border. I was writing about crews firing the M110 8-inch howitzers. Note my photographer on the right of the frame with his Kevlar on backwards.

I probably used that. What worked to get young soldiers to loosen up and talk naturally about their feelings, and to show you things, was to have them thinking you were a bit lost. I wanted them to be saying to themselves, "Look at this dumb-ass. He could be home sleeping with Lois Lane, but he screwed something up so badly they sent him out here. Well, let's try to keep him alive, at least until he is someone else's problem."

By the time they figured out I knew a little about what I was doing, the ice had been broken.

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This is for Warrior - late January, 1991, near the Iraq border. I was writing about crews firing the M110 8-inch howitzers. Note my photographer on the right of the frame with his Kevlar on backwards.

I probably used that. What worked to get young soldiers to loosen up and talk naturally about their feelings and to show you things was to have them feeling you were a bit lost. I wanted them to be saying to themselves, "Look at this dumbass. He could be home sleeping with Lois Lane, but he screwed something up so badly they sent him out here."

By the time they figured out I knew a little about what I was doing, the ice had been broken.

Yeah, that was a great gun, only problem was when we were moving out, rain, snow, dust, or heat you were in it. I spent a tour in Germany my first 3 years serving on the 8-inch and then about 3 more years on them at Ft. Sill including the Gulf War. Ate a lot of dirt and insects sitting on the loader rammer during movement.
Good morning! Stayed up late because I couldn't let the day go. Jim Valvano would have been proud of me yesterday. I laughed, I cried, and giving up never even crossed my mind.

Yesterday exemplified why I consider it a privilege and an honor to be lifelong Cat fan. I felt the fraternity of all those who share the memories we have been fortunate enough to amass all these years. Joe B. Hall was a great man, and he was worthy of his place in UK lore. Joe may no longer walk among us, but he lives inside each of us.

I met him once. Thought if I ever saw him I'd probably best the snot out of him after reading his trash for years. He's just this slight, old looking, and soft-talking weasel of a guy. He really does need to get his butt kicked, but it wouldn't be a fair fight unless you were 12 or had 2 arms tied behind your back.
I always said if I met JT I would smack him right in his piehole and suffer whatever consequences resulted. I took an old friend to Rupp one night for a game. He had never been to Rupp but had been a fan for about 70 years at the time. It was when the twins were here. We went back to the locker room area just to poke around and finally ended up where they give the postgame interviews.

I was just standing there and I heard a voice I recognized, turned around and there he was. Jerry. I knew what I wanted to do, but like you said, when I saw him in person it didn't seem at all like the right thing to do.
Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well

Come back and stay a while. You have friends here. We miss you.
Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well

Hi Bev! I noticed you had posted earlier on Rafters and was hoping you would stop by. Hoping you come back. Need you to keep Bert in line, I can't do it all myself.
Good to see you back. Ymmot sure could use some help.
Here is a short film I've titled "KAREN FINDS NEMO"

I witness this a few times a month in the lake behind my house. Usually it is an osprey but twice in the past year it was an eagle. One eagle dropped a 7 pound bass and flew away. Within minutes buzzards were feasting off the ole' boy.

I am so thankful for the buzzards and understand why they are a protected species. They keep everything nice and clean and nature smelling good. Here they are feeding off of him.

And they can thank Mr Eagle for a delicious supper

Todays game goes down as a good one.

I still say Joe B. did it. Cal actually loved Joe B. It kept Cal on track.

UK needs to dedicate this year to Joe B.

Today many of the Cats played really good games. Our three guards were outstanding. Our bigs and threes were great. It was close to a complete game.
Hard not to love Joe B.
His credentials should have been pulled years ago. Someone else from that rag can cover the Cats, it doesn't need to be him.
He came from the Herald-Dispatch in Huntington if that tells you anything. Well, Izzy is showing herself, finally. All the nastiness in the midwest has finally begun in suburban Ashland. Just started snowing and they are predicting 5-8 inches by Monday morning. Oh well, as long as there is no ice, i can handle it. Everyone have a great Sunday and watch the replay of the UT game.
I'll tell you something. He generated interest. Totally controversial. He's the ideal "journalist" that schools produced from the 60s through the early 2000s.

Blood sells. Negativity sells. Drama sells. Even if they have to create it themselves.

I met him once. Thought if I ever saw him I'd probably best the snot out of him after reading his trash for years. He's just this slight, old looking, and soft-talking weasel of a guy. He really does need to get his butt kicked, but it wouldn't be a fair fight unless you were 12 or had 2 arms tied behind your back.

Everything about the guy is calculated. He knows what makes him money. He's a dk and a bully just does it with a pen. Doesn't seem to be that way when the pen isn't in his hand.

I tried to keep a subscription to the lhl. Met a few people that I liked that worked there. Just couldn't do it with all of the trash written in it.
I think if the H-L actually knew how many subscriptions were lost because of that idiot, they would have canned him years ago. They just choose to turn their heads, as their sales continue to plummet.
Evening D
Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around
I’m sorry that I’ve not posted…so much has gone on I can’t even begin to tell you. It’s been rough a lot of the time
We did have one major bright spot..finally bought a house
But anyway…
Hope everyone is doing well
Hi Bev. Congrats on the new house. I hope it has a nice yard for those grandbabies to play this summer.
I think if the H-L actually knew how many subscriptions were lost because of that idiot, they would have canned him years ago. They just choose to turn their heads, as their sales continue to plummet.
It's a shame that the national press doesn't hold our government to the same standard and give them the same treatment Jerry has given UK all these years. Freedom of the press was not given so they could be a mouthpiece for an ideology. In fact, all our current problems can be traced back to a complicit press. Truth would have kept things on the straight and narrow.
Thank you all for the warm welcome
I can’t make promises ..the next big drama has begun..:but I’ll try to post more
If you all could pray for our family to get through this tough time. What’s happening is for the best but it’s going to be difficult for all concerned
Oh just so you know, Rob and I are fine. My middle child not so much, but he will be.
Thank you all for the warm welcome
I can’t make promises ..the next big drama has begun..:but I’ll try to post more
If you all could pray for our family to get through this tough time. What’s happening is for the best but it’s going to be difficult for all concerned
Oh just so you know, Rob and I are fine. My middle child not so much, but he will be.
Prayers and hugs in return. May God Bless.
Thank you all for the warm welcome
I can’t make promises ..the next big drama has begun..:but I’ll try to post more
If you all could pray for our family to get through this tough time. What’s happening is for the best but it’s going to be difficult for all concerned
Oh just so you know, Rob and I are fine. My middle child not so much, but he will be.
Just remember you owe me a big hug and kiss. I don't forget or forgive debts!!!!!!
I think if the H-L actually knew how many subscriptions were lost because of that idiot, they would have canned him years ago. They just choose to turn their heads, as their sales continue to plummet.

They know now, but like most fascist rags, they just fired more employees and sold more ads. Had the best photo crew in the US. Let em go. Highest subscription rate per capita in the US. FEWEST pages of actual news in the US. High ad rate and most ads (since there isn't any news printed). They just pocketed the money because there wasn't any competition.

Big corporations don't care about serving communities.
Thank you all for the warm welcome
I can’t make promises ..the next big drama has begun..:but I’ll try to post more
If you all could pray for our family to get through this tough time. What’s happening is for the best but it’s going to be difficult for all concerned
Oh just so you know, Rob and I are fine. My middle child not so much, but he will be.
Hopefully your surrounding drama subsides. Wishing you all the best and prayers sent.
They know now, but like most fascist rags, they just fired more employees and sold more ads. Had the best photo crew in the US. Let em go. Highest subscription rate per capita in the US. FEWEST pages of actual news in the US. High ad rate and most ads (since there isn't any news printed). They just pocketed the money because there wasn't any competition.

Big corporations don't care about serving communities.
Good post except the last sentence. I worked for a very large corporation, far bigger than any damned Newspaper, and we cared.
Thank you all for the warm welcome
I can’t make promises ..the next big drama has begun..:but I’ll try to post more
If you all could pray for our family to get through this tough time. What’s happening is for the best but it’s going to be difficult for all concerned
Oh just so you know, Rob and I are fine. My middle child not so much, but he will be.

Bev, if you only knew the headaches and heartaches the rest of the D guys have and have had with their families (and seldom mention) you certainly would not feel alone. Life seems to come at us in cycles and better times seem to find their way back to us for seasons. Life is hard sometimes.
I got my booster shot and flu shot on Friday, in the same shoulder. Got a little sore that evening and was sore all day yesterday, but not too bad. Just a dull ache at times when I lifted my arm. Today there is no pain at all.

I got the Pfizer the first time but the booster was funky cold Maderna! They are telling us that it might be better to mix and match. I don't know and I don't care. What I care about is, IF I get corono and die, no one can say I didn't try.

Told my wife that I have talked bad about corono enough that if it kills me people would say, "look at that dumbass now". Same reason I don't want to be killed by lightening on a golf course. No one feels sorry for that guy. Now, if I could go out saving a baby or some puppies, that would be fine.
Here is a short film I've titled "KAREN FINDS NEMO"


ROTFLCGU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 😅😅😅

Oh Good Day to all... Been playing with my Grandson but he and his Mom went home about an hour ago. Working on home stuff..taxes, office cleaning, yadda, yadda, yadda.... Have a great day!

That one above was just what was needed by me, she sure thought she was the one giving a helping hand and she did, for one lucky bird...BWAHAHAHA

Edit; Never saw a bird cussed by a Karen before... You know she was cussing...