
I like it. He is a personable young guy and his agent is obviously grooming him and positioning him for a career beyond basketball. Better way to spend his time than a lot of things NBA players do.
He was good on the show. Had his parents in the audience and they talked to them too. Haven't seen him in a Subway commercial yet. That's how you know they've really made it.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F, cloudy and windy. Our high predicted around 58°F. Chilly wind should make for an interesting little jaunt.

Quite a few house and apartment fires in Austin lately. Happens every year when our weather turns cold.

Monday, Monday......

Tide vs Dawgs for championship tonight. Go Dawgs.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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Morning Legionnaires! Put on dem boots because: His truth goes marching on.

Mid 50's on tap today with light winds. Wife and daughter after a year layoff have decided today is the day, they start exercising again. Let's see how long that last. It lasted about a month the last time. Wife was talking about buying a ski machine but, I talked her out of it because we still have 4 different machines we have bought in the last 5 years sitting in my shop extension that were used for about a month after buying and then left to sit in my dojo until I moved it to the other side. Every time the excuse for not continuing is that they realized they did not like the machine.

Going to watch the game tonight and am rooting for the dogs too. Imagine how many more of the best players Bama will get in the future if they win again.
Hello all,
It's back to the solid grind today. Took a lot of leave this past Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Something I needed but I also need to get back to work. A couple more years if the Lord allows and maybe I can pursue some other interests/passions. May God give me the wisdom to do my work. "The night is coming..." God Bless you all... Have a GREAT day!
Good Monday morning D League

We have 62° and it is misty outside as the sun rises. Our high today should come in around 73°

I will be watching the National Championship game without any preference. I can't see a team like Georgia losing two games to the same opponent in one year but the opponent is Alabama. So.

Not a lot going on today so I will piddle around and maybe wash my truck. That is something I enjoy doing and don't consider it work. My pickup has been good to me and I have had it since late 1999. I will never part with it.

Trust all have a good day and if you are cold I trust things are thawing out.. Prayers for all.
Good Monday morning D League

We have 62° and it is misty outside as the sun rises. Our high today should come in around 73°

I will be watching the National Championship game without any preference. I can't see a team like Georgia losing two games to the same opponent in one year but the opponent is Alabama. So.

Not a lot going on today so I will piddle around and maybe wash my truck. That is something I enjoy doing and don't consider it work. My pickup has been good to me and I have had it since late 1999. I will never part with it.

Trust all have a good day and if you are cold I trust things are thawing out.. Prayers for all.

Sir, I really don't have a preference on the winner of the game BUT, but, but... I know several Bama fans and they sure are easier to live with AND work around even if it is via the internet when they get there way/ desired outcomes when it comes to football so, I relinquish my indifference toward better harmony within the universe, OR at least my sphere of involvement. (Yeah that definitely was a run-on sentence...) ;)

Roll Tide... (I think that's how it's spelled.) (Purely selfish on my part and nothing against my posting brothers here.)

The keys are BUT, AND, OR... 😁 😇
Good morning folks. Another cold, cold day. The winds set off someone's car alarm about 5am and it woke up me and my wife -- but not the person with the car, apparently, because it blared for about 30 minutes.

A long work day ahead, then maybe the first half of the Alabama-Georgia game. It should be a great game for those who can stay up for it. I keep going back and forth on who'll win -- Georgia if it comes down to talent, but Saban is hard to pick against. He just seems to own the mental and psychological territory surrounding the game.

Hope its a good day for everyone.
Good morning! Alexa says it's 19° this morning. Doesn't feel like it to me.

I'll pull for Georgia with anyone who wants them to win for whatever reason. Best I can come up with is, we play them up here next year and if we win we can say we beat the defending NC's. Also, some computer will say we were just a little better this past year than they say right now.

Localized flooding in my area. 2" of rain on top of 4" of snow will cause that.

Morning Legionnaires! Put on dem boots because: His truth goes marching on.

Mid 50's on tap today with light winds. Wife and daughter after a year layoff have decided today is the day, they start exercising again. Let's see how long that last. It lasted about a month the last time. Wife was talking about buying a ski machine but, I talked her out of it because we still have 4 different machines we have bought in the last 5 years sitting in my shop extension that were used for about a month after buying and then left to sit in my dojo until I moved it to the other side. Every time the excuse for not continuing is that they realized they did not like the machine.

Going to watch the game tonight and am rooting for the dogs too. Imagine how many more of the best players Bama will get in the future if they win again.
The Director wore a Norditrack machine out. Then she wanted a tread mill.........$2600...I used it a few times and she gave it to the daughter.......I like a change of scenery when I walk......
It is a cold sunny 23.7°F here on our way to 39°. We ended up with 2.1" of rain yesterday and the night before. That is quite a bit on top of frozen ground.

I will watch the game tonight and I will probably root for Alabama just so they can continue to increase their championships above those Big Ten pretenders. Of course if UGA wins I will be happy for them also.
Bertfan31's chili post made me yearn for some good hot chili. I have some in the pot and will slow cook it all day. Chili is one food that I can stop everything else in the world and sit down to a bowl with some crackers.

Coach Adolph Rupp was a chili eater and his favorite hang out was Brookings Chili on East Euclid Ave. I remember his last days when someone asked him if he still ate chili and his answer was "Gawd no, my doctor would kill me if he found out I was eating chili."

My thoughts were, how sad. How can anyone go through life without a hot bowl of chili. Especially one from Brookings. When you are young you can't imagine such a thing. Thank the good Lord, I am still eating my chili and I lived longer than Adolph Rupp.

Bertfan31's chili post made me yearn for some good hot chili. I have some in the pot and will slow cook it all day. Chili is one food that I can stop everything else in the world and sit down to a bowl with some crackers.

Coach Adolph Rupp was a chili eater and his favorite hang out was Brookings Chili on East Euclid Ave. I remember his last days when someone asked him if he still ate chili and his answer was "Gawd no, my doctor would kill me if he found out I was eating chili."

My thoughts were, how sad. How can anyone go through life without a hot bowl of chili. Especially one from Brookings. When you are young you can't imagine such a thing. Thank the good Lord, I am still eating my chili and I lived longer than Adolph Rupp.

Get Moody with Hudy !!
Time to get started on the dishes. Went to the kitchen to get a bowl of chili for breakfast and saw some hamburger. Didn't skip a beat. Fried me up a 1/3lb patty topped with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Kings Hawaiian sesame seed bun with a thin layer of brown mustard on the bottom to keep burger juice from dripping through and made a mix of Bob's Country Steak Sauce and Dukes mayo for the top bun.

It's gone now, but not forgotten.
Time to get started on the dishes. Went to the kitchen to get a bowl of chili for breakfast and saw some hamburger. Didn't skip a beat. Fried me up a 1/3lb patty topped with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Kings Hawaiian sesame seed bun with a thin layer of brown mustard on the bottom to keep burger juice from dripping through and made a mix of Bob's Country Steak Sauce and Dukes mayo for the top bun.

It's gone now, but not forgotten.

Going through some old magazines and found this picture in a 1950-51 Sport Album Winter Issue.

This big guy was the best center of his era and led the Cats to the 1951 title. He was a country boy from Georgia who wore socks in games in high school because the school couldn't find basketball shoes big enough for him to wear.

Yep! I have a book with a picture of him with the Nashville skyline and he's resting his elbow on top of a building. He got a raw deal from the NCAA, NBA and UK.
CRod is officially COMING BACK next year! I've lived and worked in every state in the SEC and I've had to watch how interested they all were. Can't tell you how many watch parties I've attended and how crazy the people were. Now it is our turn!

Thank you, Coach Stoops! Thank you very much!
I remember his last days when someone asked him if he still ate chili and his answer was "Gawd no, my doctor would kill me if he found out I was eating chili."

My thoughts were, how sad. How can anyone go through life without a hot bowl of chili. Especially one from Brookings. When you are young you can't imagine such a thing. Thank the good Lord, I am still eating my chili and I lived longer than Adolph Rupp.


That would suck and probably took a few years off his life.
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CRod is officially COMING BACK next year! I've lived and worked in every state in the SEC and I've had to watch how interested they all were. Can't tell you how many watch parties I've attended and how crazy the people were. Now it is our turn!

Thank you, Coach Stoops! Thank you very much!
Great news. Key players returning in this day and age is like signing a 5 star recruit. We have had some very key players announce they are returning the past week and those are equal to recruiting wins.

Well my chili is ready and prime. My wife has a pan of her Kentucky cornbread in the oven and we are going to have a feast tonight. I cook a lot of fancy grub but tonight it is the basics and the basics in prime time to me. Like I said it is hard to beat a bowl of chili on a football or basketball game day. I take it every time. Pass the hot sauce
I didn't eat any yet today because I wanted to save it for the game. I might make some cornbread myself.

I had some leftover biscuits for breakfast this morning heated up in the air fryer with some cream cheese, my apple, coffee, and some cottage cheese. Just finished off my supper, kimchi soup with some good chunks of pork and rice.

May have to eat something else later too. Maybe not but I sure feel a two Yuengling evening coming on...

Edit; My Brothers Grandson up in Michigan...He's a keeper..

Going through some old magazines and found this picture in a 1950-51 Sports Album Winter Issue.

This big guy was the best center of his era and led the Cats to the 1951 title. He was a country boy from Georgia who wore socks in games in high school because the school couldn't find basketball shoes big enough for him to wear.

As we all know, he was blackballed by the NBA, but I've read in exhibition games he played equal to Wilt.
Bertfan31's chili post made me yearn for some good hot chili. I have some in the pot and will slow cook it all day. Chili is one food that I can stop everything else in the world and sit down to a bowl with some crackers.

Coach Adolph Rupp was a chili eater and his favorite hang out was Brookings Chili on East Euclid Ave. I remember his last days when someone asked him if he still ate chili and his answer was "Gawd no, my doctor would kill me if he found out I was eating chili."

My thoughts were, how sad. How can anyone go through life without a hot bowl of chili. Especially one from Brookings. When you are young you can't imagine such a thing. Thank the good Lord, I am still eating my chili and I lived longer than Adolph Rupp.

Ate there many times. Surprisingly this is one of the only pics that I've found on the net.
Time to get started on the dishes. Went to the kitchen to get a bowl of chili for breakfast and saw some hamburger. Didn't skip a beat. Fried me up a 1/3lb patty topped with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Kings Hawaiian sesame seed bun with a thin layer of brown mustard on the bottom to keep burger juice from dripping through and made a mix of Bob's Country Steak Sauce and Dukes mayo for the top bun.

It's gone now, but not forgotten.
"I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer"