
Screw RR but this is a damn good team. They'll lose games but that's to be expected. I like what I'm seeing.
They're just going to get better. I'm good with this team.
Birds go down to Florida State.
That's 5 in a row they've lost to them. Fans are salty. Don't forget that Duke and Kansas lost tonight as well. All in all, a very prosperous Saturday.
First! Just kidding, I'm not officially awake. I woke up around 0400 and had a sneezing fit. That pissed me off pretty good and I don't sleep well when I'm pissed. Must scare the silica out of the sandman or something.

I'll be back around the crack of noon.
Here's some old school for ya. This was probably 4 year old me's favorite tune.

This is good sausage. Our local Publix carries it but it is getting hard to get. I asked the meat man at the store why the shelf was empty and he said they only get a limited amount. My daughter lives in Ocala and her Publix has it but limits you to two. So I have her buy two every time she goes to the store . I don't want to run out of Old Folks and Tennessee Pride. I love my sausage
Birds go down to Florida State.
UL, Kansas, Tennessee and Duke all lose so that makes for a wonderful Saturday of college basketball. If NC had lost it would have been an extra cherry on the cake. But they are not a threat anymore so forget about them.

Leonard Hamilton has UL's number.

And how about 17 assists from number 3. John Wall's record goes down.
Good morning D-League. Happy Sunday. Good night for hoops. The good guys won while TyTy set an assists record and nearly all the bad guys - U6, Kansas, Duke, lost. Even UNC-Cheats winning is sort of good since it improves Kentucky’s rankings at places like KenPom.

Out for a hike in the cold. Hope you all are warm and dry.
Good morning,D-League!

Hope your powder is dry and your boots still fit! It's a soggy one here in the bluegrass. Snow's almost gone and the rain is coming down.

It was a beautiful white scene here for Elvis' birthday, but now it's cryin in the rain
Good morning all,
I may just make a pan of biscuits and a couple over-easy eggs. Have some ham too but may stay away from meat for a couple days. Been a good run of meat, potatoes, sweets, and such but as G.W. McClintock stated to Drago..."You better start tapering off..."

Have a great day!
Also nearly cut the cord. Nope. I'm frugal too, but gotta have my real-time broadcasts.
I divorced Dish on 6/12/21......we are not big TV watchers.....the network news is dubious at best.....we play...........(I thought about just ending my post there) scrabble, read, cards......almost any activity you can do is a step up from TV..........I play music and raise racing pigeons for a hobby........I also raise meat rabbits and ducks.......we garden, we fish, ....I guess TV is OK if you don't have any thing to occupy your time..........I am trying to keep my tiny brain active and TV is mind numbing to me........and I am frugal.......$148.00 a month so the grand kids have TV to watch when they visit 3-4 times a year is insane.......we have Amazon Prime and there are supposed to be things there to watch but we have never used it........the grand kids might have.......the TV's are smart TV's so there are things you can watch on it......that is what the kids watch......Now.......I would give up my beer to keep XM radio in the vehicles.........
Good morning from ATX. Currently 55°F and partly cloudy with a light wind. Our high may reach 61°F. Pleasant.

Cats play Vandy on Tuesday at Memorial Gym. 7:00 pm EST game time.

Usual chores and errands on today's schedule. May watch some football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 55°F and partly cloudy with a light wind. Our high may reach 61°F. Pleasant.

Cats play Vandy on Tuesday at Memorial Gym. 7:00 pm EST game time.

Usual chores and errands on today's schedule. May watch some football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


My Dad used to talk about apricot Brandy a I remember...
My Dad used to talk about apricot Brandy a I remember...
My foster father made apricot Brandy.........I can see the gallon jugs in the basement with the has kept me from ever drinking looked rotted to me and was his wine was another thing......I would keep the frost off of you when out coon hunting at night......
Just got back from my long walk ahead of a pelting, freezing rain. My poor wife - training for a marathon this spring in Minnesota - is out there in it. I thought I had a determined personality when I was younger, but she makes either a virtue or a lunacy out of it. She does get a terrific sense of accomplishment out of finishing a marathon, so I guess a bit of both.

Looking forward to a day of NFL watching where there is nothing on the line for me -- Bengals are in, Ex-Redskins are out - except seeing the Steelers and Ravens shut out and figuring out seeding.
Just got back from my long walk ahead of a pelting, freezing rain. My poor wife - training for a marathon this spring in Minnesota - is out there in it. I thought I had a determined personality when I was younger, but she makes either a virtue or a lunacy out of it. She does get a terrific sense of accomplishment out of finishing a marathon, so I guess a bit of both.

Looking forward to a day of NFL watching where there is nothing on the line for me -- Bengals are in, Ex-Redskins are out - except seeing the Steelers and Ravens shut out and figuring out seeding.

ExRedskins, ex schmedskins...placate and vacate..
ExRedskins, ex schmedskins...placate and vacate..
Their terrible leadership has been floating trial balloons on their new names - Admirals. Commanders. Both suck. To me they should go with Pigskins - a pigskin is the elemental thing in football. Their famous O Line was The Hogs. And you could just call them Skins which is what fans call them now. A great chance missed, as always with Little Danny Snyder.
Their terrible leadership has been floating trial balloons on their new names - Admirals. Commanders. Both suck. To me they should go with Pigskins - a pigskin is the elemental thing in football. Their famous O Line was The Hogs. And you could just call them Skins which is what fans call them now. A great chance missed, as always with Little Danny Snyder.

Yeah, go back to the Redskins and they may have something, along with a heart felt apology.
Their terrible leadership has been floating trial balloons on their new names - Admirals. Commanders. Both suck. To me they should go with Pigskins - a pigskin is the elemental thing in football. Their famous O Line was The Hogs. And you could just call them Skins which is what fans call them now. A great chance missed, as always with Little Danny Snyder.
Hogs would be fine too.

I worked at this plant for 12 years. Imo there's more going on than this story tells. Many times I walked through several large buildings filled to the top with gold lined wiring, etc. I also was in the smelter many times. I should have noted this is an old article.
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Good afternoon! I seem to have overshot my original estimate. Can't believe it was 1500 when I looked at the clock.

Mizzou beat Bama and that helps our cause, but Duke losing hurt us. Them's just numbers though, both of those outcomes make me happy.

Wt... ?! Didn't see it. Remember what point in the game it was?
If was before the game during warmups. They were talking an TC just reached out and put his hand on the back of Wheelers head and forcibly pulled him in to hug him. Was probably going for the lip kiss but Wheeler didn't pucker up. I was instantly pissed. It looked bad.
Good afternoon! I seem to have overshot my original estimate. Can't believe it was 1500 when I looked at the clock.

Mizzou beat Bama and that helps our cause, but Duke losing hurt us. Them's just numbers though, both of those outcomes make me happy.

If was before the game during warmups. They were talking an TC just reached out and put his hand on the back of Wheelers head and forcibly pulled him in to hug him. Was probably going for the lip kiss but Wheeler didn't pucker up. I was instantly pissed. It looked bad.
I really thought the coach was going to ram his tongue down Wheelers throat. Back in my day a coach may pat your on the butt however, he left the French kissing to your girlfriend
I worked at this plant for 12 years. Imo there's more going on than this story tells. Many times I walked through several large buildings filled to the top with gold lined wiring, etc. I also was in the smelter many times. I should have noted this is an old article.
I was reading that article with a skeptical mind because there has always been a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about anything related to "nuclear". Then when I got to the end it mentioned "millirems". I knew then that it must be an old article because anytime I read about radiation now they use the Seivert scale.
I was reading that article with a skeptical mind because there has always been a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about anything related to "nuclear". Then when I got to the end it mentioned "millirems". I knew then that it must be an old article because anytime I read about radiation now they use the Seivert scale.
There were very large buildings filled to the ceiling with mostly wiring that was to be smelted. I was in power and utilities, so I was in these buildings almost daily for awhile for job reasons. The smelter was classed in our division, so I was also in it on occaision. At one point, some of the smelted gold was stolen from a safe in the plant. I googled it for a link, but couldn't find one. It wound up in the hands of a local jeweler who said he took it to New York and sold it. The trial was in local newspaper and TV, but I couldn't find it on the internet. The jeweler wasn't even tried, but the thief went to jail. Supposedly he owed A bookie A lot of money and that is why he stole it.
Good news for any Ozark fans out there. Seven of the final fourteen episodes will be released January 21st. The other 7 later on this year. Looks like I'll have to renew my Netflix subscription. The series has gotten better every year.
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I made the post about chili at 1747 and I went to the store to get the fixins. Just finished my first bowl. I might have been able to do a little better, but it's about as good as it's gonna get. I didn't make as much as I normally do either. I should have a bowl left for the game on Tuesday though.

Good news for any Ozark fans out there. Seven of the final fourteen episodes will be released January 21st. The other 7 later on this year. Looks like I'll have to renew my Netflix subscription. The series has gotten better every year.
I've seen some previews and it looks like it's gonna get nuts. I told my wife we should binge the first 3 seasons before we start on the 4th.
I made the post about chili at 1747 and I went to the store to get the fixins. Just finished my first bowl. I might have been able to do a little better, but it's about as good as it's gonna get. I didn't make as much as I normally do either. I should have a bowl left for the game on Tuesday though.

I've seen some previews and it looks like it's gonna get nuts. I told my wife we should binge the first 3 seasons before we start on the 4th.
We're going to do the same thing. Season 3 ended in a shocker. Left me with my jaw dropped.
Talk about random: I was switching channels and came across Karl Anthony Towns on celebrity Wheel of Fortune!

As a word guesser, he makes a good NBA center, so far. Whoa - I spoke too soon. He got a nice solve just then.

I haven’t watched the show in 35 years since my oldest daughter was a toddler. Vanna White has traveled a lot of miles since then, but she has aged better than I have.
Talk about random: I was switching channels and came across Karl Anthony Towns on celebrity Wheel of Fortune!

As a word guesser, he makes a good NBA center, so far.

I haven’t watched the show in 35 years since my oldest daughter was a toddler. Vanna White has traveled a lot of miles since then, but she has aged better than I have.
I saw him not too long ago on a show called Ridiculousness. It's a show where they show clips off the internet of people mostly doing stupid things while they crack jokes about them.
I saw him not too long ago on a show called Ridiculousness. It's a show where they show clips off the internet of people mostly doing stupid things while they crack jokes about them.
I like it. He is a personable young guy and his agent is obviously grooming him and positioning him for a career beyond basketball. Better way to spend his time than a lot of things NBA players do.