
Good morning from ATX. Currently 41°F, clear with light breeze. Expect 51°F for today's high.

Dawgs came back with three consecutive scores and won last night. Last pick sealed the deal. Ha ha. Good for them. Sorry, but "Tide Fatigue" started setting in with me earlier this season.

Cats at Vandy tonight at 7 ET. Be there. Aloha.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

Great news day yesterday! CATS returning!! Transfer coming in!!

The SEC East isn't gettin trashed this morning. Finishing 2nd doesn’t look nearly as bad today (lol). Great game last night. And we woke up this morning!

Thank you, Father in heaven for another day! You are worthy of praise!

Make it a great day, everyone!
Great news. Key players returning in this day and age is like signing a 5 star recruit. We have had some very key players announce they are returning the past week and those are equal to recruiting wins.

Well my chili is ready and prime. My wife has a pan of her Kentucky cornbread in the oven and we are going to have a feast tonight. I cook a lot of fancy grub but tonight it is the basics and the basics in prime time to me. Like I said it is hard to beat a bowl of chili on a football or basketball game day. I take it every time. Pass the hot sauce


Morning Legionnaires! Pushup from those beds and put on your threads. Coffee in the pot and we're hoping it's still hot.

Mid to upper 50's on tap for the day so, I will get out and do some shop cleaning. Wife and daughter went walking last night and now she wants me to go to the side shop (storage part of the larger one) and pull out her Tony Little exercise machine she has not used in a couple 2 or 3 years and put it in the dojo. Better that then buying something new that will just end up in the side shop in a couple of months.

Great game last night, just glad Georgia pulled it out. Now: GO BENGALS! It could happen. 😝
We have an ideal day today weather wise. Currently 55° and we will reach a high of 69° with loads of sunshine today. No chance of rain.

I was out working in the yard this morning and took notes on things I want to work on the next few weeks. I still have some Christmas decoration in the garage I need to put up in the attic. Today will be a good day to do it.
We have an ideal day today weather wise. Currently 55° and we will reach a high of 69° with loads of sunshine today. No chance of rain.

I was out working in the yard this morning and took notes on things I want to work on the next few weeks. I still have some Christmas decoration in the garage I need to put up in the attic. Today will be a good day to do it.

Looks like Rain Sir... 😁
Morning all. It is sunny and a crisp 26.2°F at the moment. We are supposed to get up to 41°. That ain't too warm but it is January.

I really enjoyed the game last night. I did not expect it to be devoid of TD's in the first half but both teams showed up to play.

The SEC continues to pound sand up the butts of other conferences. The powers to be will once again set out to stop the SEC from getting two teams in the playoffs. Just my opinion but it grates them that the SEC is so far superior to the others.
Good morning! Stayed awake for the entire game last night but it was a struggle at times. Perfect evening for those of us who pull for the SEC when we're not playing. A rising tide lifts all ships.

We scored more touchdowns on that Georgia defense than anyone not playing for the N C. I've given up on the "old Kentucky" and now were just Kentucky. All good things come to those who wait.

Vandy tonight. Hate, hate, hate Memorial Gym.
Agree. That should have been taken care of many years ago. Vandy has no business in the SEC anyway. Give them 5 years to build a conventional arena. I can't think of another sport where the home team has such an advantage.
Is there any aspect of our society as misunderstood and misapplied as "rights"? We hear people talk about trans rights, but what about the rights of women who are actually women? Voting rights is another big one right now. Don't we have the right, as Americans, to believe our elections are as free from fraud as possible?

I say that to say this...Vandy's gym is bullshit! Our players have a right to play on a court that is laid out like every other court in the country.

When Vandy travels, they should have to have their bench in the endzone of the home team.