
I worked at a bowling alley in my college days. Free bowling was a perk, and I took advantage of it to the max. I was about as good lefty as righty, but since I was a little better righty, I stuck with it and gave up lefty. Playing around I could roll the ball from behind and between my legs and hit the head pin most of the time.
I could not hit the side of the house swinging a ball bat left handed.......I catch and throw lefty.....I play the 5-string banjo right handed, guitar is the same, play some fiddle left handed and the upright bass left handed......the last two I learned as an just felt more comfortable........the banjo and guitar I learned by watching others at about 10 yrs old and there where no left handed pickers around.......sometimes you got to make a carpenter it was handy as everything to be able to swing a "trim" hammer with either doesn't matter now with nail guns....
Ambidexterity comes in handy with hammers for sure. Had a guy in Michigan one time call a foul on me in a tennis game. I laughed and asked what the hell a foul was. He informed of the rule that said I couldn't switch the racket to my left hand rather than hit a backhand with my right. He wouldn't let it go until several people told him that was not a rule.
My second grade teacher was Sister Mary Ann..........she told me I had the devil in me because I was left handed......she would tie my left hand to my side and I learned to be somewhat right handed except for cursive writing........mine looks like a skill saw was sat down with the guard tied up and the blade describe it as a compliment.......then after walking around with a scarf tying my arm to my side she declared to the class that I must be retarded......I hadn't learned to write anything legible and I couldn't learn to read.........and I still printed my name as ynot and it was almost the end of October.......

Should have bit the snot out of her. Oh, you are talking about a Sister sister, not a brother sister.... Oops....
Ambidexterity comes in handy with hammers for sure. Had a guy in Michigan one time call a foul on me in a tennis game. I laughed and asked what the hell a foul was. He informed of the rule that said I couldn't switch the racket to my left hand rather than hit a backhand with my right. He wouldn't let it go until several people told him that was not a rule.

That is cool. I am pretty good with either hand. I cannot write left- handed, just never took time to learn. Maybe I will give it a try again as a new experience.

I was that way with ping pong. I played a guy that was really good one time. I was really good too but he was beating me anyway... I grabbed another paddle and played with two paddles for a bit and it rattled him as I was about as good with either hand. Anyway, I went back to playing him with one paddle and I guess it got into his brain somehow as he never beat me again. I laughed and laughed over that. Just mentally siked him out.
I could not hit the side of the house swinging a ball bat left handed.......I catch and throw lefty.....I play the 5-string banjo right handed, guitar is the same, play some fiddle left handed and the upright bass left handed......the last two I learned as an just felt more comfortable........the banjo and guitar I learned by watching others at about 10 yrs old and there where no left handed pickers around.......sometimes you got to make a carpenter it was handy as everything to be able to swing a "trim" hammer with either doesn't matter now with nail guns....

I drove roofing nails with either hand. Used to use the larger hammer. When one arm got tired I just switched.
Hey I'll admit, I pissed in the ladies room during my bar hopping days. More out of confusion than PC crap.
I've pissed in the ladies room within the last month. If the mens room is locked I go straight next door and knock. I lock the door and lift the seat. Put it back down too when I'm done. I'm sort of civilized, but I take life as it comes.
Hey I'll admit, I pissed in the ladies room during my bar hopping days. More out of confusion than PC crap.
Ha, just remembered. You know the Chi Chi's that was at the Bashford Manor Mall? Went there plenty of times, but one night I was waiting for my name to be called and had to go. I just turned around and went in. First thing I noticed was a couch. I said something like "what the hell". Then I turned and said "where are the pissers?"

A female voice from one of the stalls said, loudly, "it's the women's room you dumbass!"

I went straight out and got my wife and told her we weren't waiting, we would go somewhere else.
The men's rooms (if you can call it that) in the Derby infield had nearly an equal amount of women because the line was so long for the ladies.
Ha, just remembered. You know the Chi Chi's that was at the Bashford Manor Mall? Went there plenty of times, but one night I was waiting for my name to be called and had to go. I just turned around and went in. First thing I noticed was a couch. I said something like "what the hell". Then I turned and said "where are the pissers?"

A female voice from one of the stalls said, loudly, "it's the women's room you dumbass!"

I went straight out and got my wife and told her we weren't waiting, we would go somewhere else.
I weighed yesterday and I was 2 lbs below my Thanksgiving weight. It's on now. Don't get in my way, you might get ate.

Don't underestimate my newfound superpower. Instead just say, "dude, you're not drinking beer during the winter months like you do in the summer".

Bourbon has calories, but they ain't real. FTW!
Always happened at any event at the Belvedere back in the day. Women in the mens line to pee in the urinal or sink. Everyone is drinking so real life is out the window.

Man I miss the 80's.

You mention that and when I went to work in Korea back in 2012 my wife and I went to this restaurant with some friends a day or so after my Darling and I arrived. It was a nice restaurant. I had never been to Korea though my Darling is Korean, I met her here while she was visiting her sister. I thought I was aware of their way of life to some extent but, It was time for a visit to the rest room. I went and found a urinal. This pretty little Korean who I called a girl but I know had to be in her twenties walked and started cleaning the floor right next to me while I was draining the vein. That was a day of revelation to me... I never lose my composure unless I want to, I knew if I fell out of a plane without a chute I'd kiss the ground and know it, I wouldn't pass out. (Yes, I have.) Anyway, this ole boy cut it off and it hurt. (My outlook changed... My lookout changed too.) Nuff Said...
Always happened at any event at the Belvedere back in the day. Women in the mens line to pee in the urinal or sink. Everyone is drinking so real life is out the window.

Man I miss the 80's.
The hardest thing for me to get used to in Europe was the uni-sex toilets.........The first time I went in one there was a cooper tough down the length of one wall....the other side of the room was stalls w/o doors......I seemed to be the only one disturbed by it............I couldn't pee with those ladies staring at my back.....

Morning Legionnaires! Wake up, rise up, and get your a** in gear.

66° on tap for today with light winds. Little rain outside right now but no gushers.

Speaking of embarrassing bathroom moments here is one that happened to me in Hoenfels Germany. @AustinTXCat should know these bathrooms:

Got in late to Hoenfels one night going to replace another NCO who had been there 3 months and now it was my turn (we rotated every three months). Went straight to bed and woke up the next morning to go and shower to get ready for the day. There were two buildings set aside for that purpose one for females and one for males (yes two genders). I walked in the males and stripped outside the shower area then went into the open bay showers. Much to my surprise there were about 4 or 5 females showering there. I quickly averted my eyes said: "Oh sh**!" and headed back out where I put my sweat suit back on, went out and looked at the sign which said: "Females". In the past it was the male's latrine, but I found out later the females had complained we had the better one so, they change them up. I quickly went to the males cleaned up then back to the barracks figuring I would be reported. Later that morning when I went to breakfast a few of those female soldiers were eating and I tried to avoid eye contact but, one of them walked up and told me they were not going to say anything because they said the look on my face when I walked in told them that I did not know they had changed them up. She told me they had a good laugh about it. I hoped they weren't laughing Mr. Johnson.
Some very intelligent men speaking the truth on this video. Race hustling is a very lucrative, high paying position to take as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson know. But they also must know how much harm they have done for race relations over the decades. But that does not matter when people are giving you millions of dollars to spout hatred and division.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F, foggy and cloudy. Bit damp out. Our high may touch 65°F.

Called daughter and a few kin up in KY yesterday. They got socked pretty hard by snow.

Happy Caturday. UGA vs UK , 6 pm EST at Rupp. Go Cats!

Great seeing @wildcatdonf this morning. Visit more often.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Some very intelligent men speaking the truth on this video. Race hustling is a very lucrative, high paying position to take as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson know. But they also must know how much harm they have done for race relations over the decades. But that does not matter when people are giving you millions of dollars to spout hatred and division.
One of the best points made was by Thomas Sowell stating that for Al Sharpton to owe millions in back taxes, that he would have had to make millions of dollars in income. How did he make it?
I weighed yesterday and I was 2 lbs below my Thanksgiving weight. It's on now. Don't get in my way, you might get ate.

Don't underestimate my newfound superpower. Instead just say, "dude, you're not drinking beer during the winter months like you do in the summer".

Bourbon has calories, but they ain't real. FTW!

I gained 15 pounds since about December 15th. A total cake and pie fest. I was totally self-absorbed. I am trending back down now but I gorged myself stupidly.
One of the best points made was by Thomas Sowell stating that for Al Sharpton to owe millions in back taxes, that he would have had to make millions of dollars in income. How did he make it?

During the election process in 2016 Don Jr. stated something to the effect. Hillary and Bill had a net worth somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 million dollars. All he did was ask them to tell the country what they did to gain that much income. They had to produce something, what was it they produced?

That should have been a complete mic-drop moment but it simply was glossed over.
Morning D-League. It was a cold 14°F when I got up this morning but is already up to 28.4° on our way to 46°. It is light overcast. I am hoping for some good sunshine to melt a bunch of snow.

On being one hand dominate. I am right handed pure and simple. In the 8th grade I broke my arm riding my horse and then the day I got the cast off I broke the same arm at the exact same place. So for 12 weeks I had a cast on my right arm and hand (only the thumb and fingers came out the ends. So for 12 weeks I had to do my school work left handed. It was a struggle. I do type with both hands, like I was taught to do in typing, but that is about it.

Go Cats.
  • Good Morning, Y'all.
  • Been up since 0430. Couldn't sleep.
  • Been out a few times smoking. Very cold.
  • Ice-skated once in a cove on Kentucky Lake.
  • Haven't seen a White Tail in a month or so.
  • I wonder if it is possible for White Tails and Elk to cross-breed.
  • See you at the game.
Elk have more chromosomes than deer........if they did they would be sterile hybrids.......
During the election process in 2016 Don Jr. stated something to the effect. Hillary and Bill had a net worth somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 million dollars. All he did was ask them to tell the country what they did to gain that much income. They had to produce something, what was it they produced?

That should have been a complete mic-drop moment but it simply was glossed over.
Remember when the press clued us in on Congressman having sex with their pages? Or about Congressman cashing cold checks? Both of those things probably still go on but we would never know.

Clinton's made money just like Pelosi, insider trading. CNN anchors probably get the same info in exchange for not reporting about it.
Elk have more chromosomes than deer........if they did they would be sterile hybrids.......
Rooster? Is that you?