
Here’s a tom t song you’ve probably never heard. sometime in the ‘80s he was contracted by armco steel corporation to compose a song about steel mill life. after spending some time in the town where their main mill was located, meeting some local steelworkers, even visiting one of the popular watering holes where workers often stopped, he wrote this song—which was flatly rejected by armco management.

I have heard it 200 times. I have memorized it.
Do kids still sled? I'm sure they do.

I have a Belknap Deluxe standing in the corner of the living room that has the S & T price sticker ($12.95) on hasn't been used enough to wear the paint off the runners.....I had always lusted for a sled as a kid......I bought this one off the Bargain Mart........years ago........I have spent the last few years buying everything I wanted my whole life and wouldn't let myself afford it.........saving for retirement was more important.......well.......I have been retired for quite a while so.........a boy has to have toys..........
Woke up to 4 degrees this morning!!!!
It was 7° in metro lousewerville this a text stating that my racing had left California at 1:06 on it's way to it's destination......and that it would arrive this evening 1/6/ pigeon yet........I sent about a dozen e-mails to the Post Master Inspector..............nothing salty.....the last I told him was that if he wanted to spend a few hundred thousand dollars on a customer service study..........I can do it for him and have the results already.......their service sucked....
Mine did too! I got a paddling with a broomstick one time. Pretty sure that was illegal, but I had to take it to show the wimps who the boss was. Didn't pay off.

I got paddled so many times. Dunn Elementary School(through 7th grade), Then Rouge High (8th through 12th mostly the first year when Carter got a hold of things and started the ruination...)
Mine did too! I got a paddling with a broomstick one time. Pretty sure that was illegal, but I had to take it to show the wimps who the boss was. Didn't pay off.
I had a second grade teacher who was teaching us cursive writing. The school year was 1950-51 and teachers had control of their classes. I was having a problem with a few letters and she called me up in front of the class and told me to hold out my hands. Palms up. She commenced to beating my hands with a ruler until they turned beet red. I couldn't even hold a pencil after that.

Then she told me to go back to my seat and write the alphabet again. Needless to say my letters were so pathetic I had no idea what I was writing on that paper. She did that a half a dozen times (over a period of few weeks) before I got the hang of it.
I grew up in a rural area. My first grade year was in a one room school house with 8 grades in one room and one teacher to handle all. My first school whipping was there. A guy named Carlos was acting a fool and I burst out laughing. Kind of like the second shove in a basketball game. I got called for the foul/whipping.
I grew up in a rural area. My first grade year was in a one room school house with 8 grades in one room and one teacher to handle all. My first school whipping was there. A guy named Carlos was acting a fool and I burst out laughing. Kind of like the second shove in a basketball game. I got called for the foul/whipping.

Sir, I attended third grade in the Cumberland gap school. It is historic now but I was in the last class before the building was converted to a historic building. Each row was a different grade.
Most of it is allergies. Specifically, cat allergies. Nose has cleared up and the breathing is a little easier after I coughed up half a lung. I have COPD that is controlled fairly well with 3 different medications. Mornings are the worst part of the day for me and my maladies.
I share your cat allergy. I mean it is horrible at times with my eyes watering so much I have a hard time seeing. Sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath are unbearable at times. But my wife and family are cat lovers so I just keep my distance and spend a lot of time outside.

They accuse me of making it up but I had an allergy test done and the cat allergy bumps from the test were off the chart. So I know. Plus when the cat enters the room or someone turns on a ceiling fan that stirs up cat dander I suffer.
I share your cat allergy. I mean it is horrible at times with my eyes watering so much I have a hard time seeing. Sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath are unbearable at times. But my wife and family are cat lovers so I just keep my distance and spend a lot of time outside.

They accuse me of making it up but I had an allergy test done and the cat allergy bumps from the test were off the chart. So I know. Plus when the cat enters the room or someone turns on a ceiling fan that stirs up cat dander I suffer.

My Darling has the same issues with cats. I have no feelings for house cats as long as they are not in my home.

The only cats I like are the Wildcats.
I had a second grade teacher who was teaching us cursive writing. The school year was 1950-51 and teachers had control of their classes. I was having a problem with a few letters and she called me up in front of the class and told me to hold out my hands. Palms up. She commenced to beating my hands with a ruler until they turned beet red. I couldn't even hold a pencil after that.

Then she told me to go back to my seat and write the alphabet again. Needless to say my letters were so pathetic I had no idea what I was writing on that paper. She did that a half a dozen times (over a period of few weeks) before I got the hang of it.
My second grade teacher was Sister Mary Ann..........she told me I had the devil in me because I was left handed......she would tie my left hand to my side and I learned to be somewhat right handed except for cursive writing........mine looks like a skill saw was sat down with the guard tied up and the blade describe it as a compliment.......then after walking around with a scarf tying my arm to my side she declared to the class that I must be retarded......I hadn't learned to write anything legible and I couldn't learn to read.........and I still printed my name as ynot and it was almost the end of October.......
My second grade teacher was Sister Mary Ann..........she told me I had the devil in me because I was left handed......she would tie my left hand to my side and I learned to be somewhat right handed except for cursive writing........mine looks like a skill saw was sat down with the guard tied up and the blade describe it as a compliment.......then after walking around with a scarf tying my arm to my side she declared to the class that I must be retarded......I hadn't learned to write anything legible and I couldn't learn to read.........and I still printed my name as ynot and it was almost the end of October.......
Opposite of you...when I started writing I was using my right hand. Me and the boys were hanging out one day and someone lit an inner tube on fire. As the fire climbed up to his hand, he threw the tube. A big glob of burning rubber landed on top of my foot where the tongue of the tennis shoe met my naked sockless foot. I tried to put it out with my hands but then my hands were on fire.

I got the shoe off and rubbed my foot on the grass until I could squirt it with a hose.

Jump ahead through all the emergency room and associated pain for the next few months...

My right hand was wrapped up for at least a month due to 3rd degree burns. Teacher made me use my left hand to do my work with. Turned out the writing improved immediately and she told me that I was left handed and to not use my right hand any more.

To this day I write left handed. Also I shave and eat left handed. Everything else is right hand dominant. I can do anything with either hand, but some things just naturally go to one or the other.

I type with both fingers.
I was a switch hitter during my baseball days. It was tough being the only bisexual on the team.
I could not hit the side of the house swinging a ball bat left handed.......I catch and throw lefty.....I play the 5-string banjo right handed, guitar is the same, play some fiddle left handed and the upright bass left handed......the last two I learned as an just felt more comfortable........the banjo and guitar I learned by watching others at about 10 yrs old and there where no left handed pickers around.......sometimes you got to make a carpenter it was handy as everything to be able to swing a "trim" hammer with either doesn't matter now with nail guns....