
Good morning! Got my sleep pattern back to somewhat normal I think. I had consecutive nights of 4 and 6 hours of sleep so it was easy for me to go down around 0000. Woke up at 0730 and knew that was enough. I'll see how long it lasts.

Wanna make a million bucks? Invent a silent coffee grinder.

Anyway all is going smooth here. I find if you are on time at the VA all goes well. My actual treatment time is 0800. About 15 minutes from now. It bet all happens within a couple minutes of that time.
I have nothing but praise for the men and women who work at the VA hospitals. I've dealt with them about as much as anyone who is not a vet. It's the bureaucrats that create and maintain the problems.
Bert........that would be a dream come true for them to beat me from there.......they would have to be flying 60-65 mph..........the wind would have to be just so......Oh.........I have a heavy foot.......I could have hitch hiked to Indy and back since 1:06 AM Tuesday........and of course the more costly of the two is the one out there I had to get in line just to purchase this guy.............hope remains eternal...........Heck I am just excited to meet you.......a poor kid from an immigrant family getting to meet a mayor.........I will be the most famous person in my clan...... šŸ˜‰
A Mayor of the massive metro of Smiths Grove!
Would YOU leave college early to play professional sports? I know I would. If I went to law school and after 1 or 2 years a law firm said they like the way I law and want to give me several million a year to law for them, I would jump at it.

Why does anyone go to college? I would think it would be to get a good job with more pay and your OK.

College athletes are now employees and the weather is now entertainment. We call it progress.
It is a cool 29.7Ā°F on my back porch. Weatherman says the high today will be 28Ā° and we may get up to 3" of snow. Tomorrow is to be cold with temp range of 26Ā° down to 16Ā°.

I am fine as long as the electricity stays on, so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Man, I hope Wheeler is okay. We need that little fellow.

You all have a good day and stay safe.
Would YOU leave college early to play professional sports? I know I would. If I went to law school and after 1 or 2 years a law firm said they like the way I law and want to give me several million a year to law for them, I would jump at it.

Why does anyone go to college? I would think it would be to get a good job with more pay and your OK.

College athletes are now employees and the weather is now entertainment. We call it progress.

How did you come up with that? Why would that have an effect on who wins that game?

You never saw Cal kneel, you only heard about it. It didn't happen on live tv. He was caught by surprise and knelt with his team because they asked him to. It didn't even happen here. It was in Florida.

I know exactly what blm is and NO, I do not support it in any way, shape, or form. I also do not support misplaced blame.
"I believe in his desire to end generational poverty and several other things Cal has done and is doing."

Don't care where it happened & yes, I didn't see it - and unlikely to have done so since I was so little CBB. So what? He either kowtowed to his players or actively thought it was right the right think to do. Either way, I disagree.
It is a cool 29.7Ā°F on my back porch. Weatherman says the high today will be 28Ā° and we may get up to 3" of snow. Tomorrow is to be cold with temp range of 26Ā° down to 16Ā°.

I am fine as long as the electricity stays on, so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Man, I hope Wheeler is okay. We need that little fellow.

You all have a good day and stay safe.
I see it is balmy down in the metropolis of Smith's Grove............20 degrees here on my outdoor thermometer.......about an 1-1/2'' of white stuff on the deck pigeon in the mail yet........hope springs eternal...........
I owe you an apology. I am sorry that I quoted this post earlier today and responded to it. I swear to you that I thought you had directed that post at me. When I looked at it just now it was obvious to me that you did not.

My sentiments remain the same, but they should not have been directed at you.

I owe you an apology. I am sorry that I quoted this post earlier today and responded to it. I swear to you that I thought you had directed that post at me. When I looked at it just now it was obvious to me that you did not.

My sentiments remain the same, but they should not have been directed at you.
Nah. No worries, I'm fine. Hard to get to me. Known as a cold fish.
I called my wife at 1000 and told her she should head on home but she said she was staying until 1200. She called me a few minutes ago and said it was a skating rink out there. She almost crashed out while we were talking.

She wanted to know if she should turn on all wheel drive and I told her it wouldn't hurt but if she was going to hit anything head on to take her hands off the wheel and cover her face because the airbag was going to hurt more.

She'll be fine. No hills to deal with.
I see it is balmy down in the metropolis of Smith's Grove............20 degrees here on my outdoor thermometer.......about an 1-1/2'' of white stuff on the deck pigeon in the mail yet........hope springs eternal...........
I am planning on getting a snow tan this afternoon:


You will notice that the Cardinals love old Bert. All day long there have been about 12 in the back yard (two feeders). I love UK but Cardinals are wonderful birds!
I called my wife at 1000 and told her she should head on home but she said she was staying until 1200. She called me a few minutes ago and said it was a skating rink out there. She almost crashed out while we were talking.

She wanted to know if she should turn on all wheel drive and I told her it wouldn't hurt but if she was going to hit anything head on to take her hands off the wheel and cover her face because the airbag was going to hurt more.

She'll be fine. No hills to deal with.
Whoa! Just heard a caller on the radio say that this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated, but it is a pandemic of the unhealthy. I got vaccinated because my health is not up for political debate. My health? Bummer, there's nothing I can do about that.

We put a man on the moon, why can't we have a health shot?
Good afternoon, D, read Acts 16.

I just came back in the house, and it looks like we have about 5" of snow so far.

Haven't been on here for a bit, trying to help my son with some work at his house, I had 3 good days with him. He seems like he is in good shape while I am there, but as soon as I get in the truck, I lose it. I remember what it was like when I lost my brother at 9 years old. I can remember when everybody had left our house, the sounds of my MOM and DAD crying. I am thinking as I leave his house and everything is quiet, is he ok! Sorry for spilling my guts, but just needed to talk to yawl and get it out.

I hope the D has a good day and my Prayers are for the D!!!!!
Okay folks, Cordmaker is my friend that I have never met; but I will.

Anyway, my favored Christmas tree is my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

I thought that it would be nice to photograph Cordmakers Christmas ornament on Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. So here it is.


I worked on the orientation for this picture. The UK ornament in on Charlie Brown. The really little ornament is the only ornament that Sherry and I have from our fist Christmas as husband and wife. . . . . . . then is a picture of our grandson, Owen Lee Higginbotham, that we lost six years ago.

I understand Cordmaker's pain.

God Bless you Cord.
I am planning on getting a snow tan this afternoon:


You will notice that the Cardinals love old Bert. All day long there have been about 12 in the back yard (two feeders). I love UK but Cardinals are wonderful birds!
I would love to put bird feeders out.......the Coopers Hawk just used mine as a feeding of my sets of grandparents had a farm at KY222 & WKU Parkway........Gran had a white Cardinal at her feeder for several weeks one wasn't had an orange beak/feet......also it has some melanin in the wings.......
No...but speaking of moles...I was able to send a few of them to the varmint promised land this past summer down at the lake. I used the 2 shovel method to end their pesky little lives.
I have been at war with the varmints here for a few years.......I live in an area that they are throwing up warehouses on every piece of property of any size that they can......I have trapped 29 ground hogs in a little over 26 months.....I have quit counting the opossum and raccoons that I have trapped.....and one coyote.....and strangely no cats.......oh yeah, one squirrel and a duck.........I live in between two subdivisions........0.4 of an acre.......I probably wouldn't be able to catch that many varmints on my own land if I had 200 acres.......
I would love to put bird feeders out.......the Coopers Hawk just used mine as a feeding of my sets of grandparents had a farm at KY222 & WKU Parkway........Gran had a white Cardinal at her feeder for several weeks one wasn't had an orange beak/feet......also it has some melanin in the wings.......
I had a hawk hit my feeder and the smaller birds hid out in the nearby bushes. I wanted to run out and tell the hawk to go after the fat ass squirrels!
I have been at war with the varmints here for a few years.......I live in an area that they are throwing up warehouses on every piece of property of any size that they can......I have trapped 29 ground hogs in a little over 26 months.....I have quit counting the opossum and raccoons that I have trapped.....and one coyote.....and strangely no cats.......oh yeah, one squirrel and a duck.........I live in between two subdivisions........0.4 of an acre.......I probably wouldn't be able to catch that many varmints on my own land if I had 200 acres.......
My record for mole killings was 13 one year when I lived in IL. My neighbor across the street and I were in a competition to see who could get the most in a season. I think I got him by 2. He liked to use the water in the mole run method but I stuck with the 2 shovel method. I nailed 4 of the little punks in one day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 40Ā°F and clear. Calm. Warming to 55Ā°F for today's high.

Enjoyed listening to 630 WLAP last night. DeAndre Square stated he was unsure about returning when asked by Jeff Piecoro. He said an NIL deal would be a nice incentive. Football team loses many graduating seniors and transfers next season.

Moving right along.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Coincides with national flatulence day.
I have been at war with the varmints here for a few years.......I live in an area that they are throwing up warehouses on every piece of property of any size that they can......I have trapped 29 ground hogs in a little over 26 months.....I have quit counting the opossum and raccoons that I have trapped.....and one coyote.....and strangely no cats.......oh yeah, one squirrel and a duck.........I live in between two subdivisions........0.4 of an acre.......I probably wouldn't be able to catch that many varmints on my own land if I had 200 acres.......

awf, are you sure it just isn't some of that scourge, vermin, and scuzz trying to escape the city of Lewisville and just lost their way a bit? They do slink lower than that but they may have come up for air and just veered off course... (Those are the tunneling variety but I do hate comparing them to a regular creature such as an unexpecting Mole, Racoon, or Possum....)
Was just watching the weather channel, everything at E'town stopped!!!! 75 car pile up at Mt. Sterling!
I turned on channel 27 in Lexington and what a mess that is. Traffic on I75 between Lexington and Richmond is averaging 6 mph. Temperatures tonight are in single digits. That is cold I don't care who you are.
RIP Peter Bogdanovich. His masterpiece was "The Last Picture Show" in my opinion. Best soundtrack in any movie, and a deeply poignant look at the already fading away in the 1970s small town life in the south.

Here's a favorite scene that shows how he captured the way people really talked and felt, as Sam the Lion looks back on his younger, wilder days.
I turned on channel 27 in Lexington and what a mess that is. Traffic on I75 between Lexington and Richmond is averaging 6 mph. Temperatures tonight are in single digits. That is cold I don't care who you are.
One of my grandson's is a mechanic for Love's Truck daughter said is is 1/2 mile from the get off I-75.......he was talking about walking to get gas as his service truck was almost empty and no one knew when the road was going to open.....