
Some of y'all up in central KY may appreciate this.

Good morning D-League. Back from a cold walk - 18F in suburban DC. Big game tonight. I'd love to see confirmation of the progress we've all been enjoying by the basketball team. But first road games are pretty tough. A couple recent Final Four teams lost conference road openers and I think the 2015 team that started 38-0 needed Double OT to win its first road game. It'll be a good sign if the Cats get out of Baton Rouge with a win.

I hope you all have a good day.
Hello all, I hope your days are great. Rough weather here... Have power so that is good.

Anway, my youngest is working at a hospital about 60 miles from here further south in Virginia. She took this picture at the hotel she is staying at... Just sent it to me a few minutes ago.


Morning Legionnaires! Let's go Brandon!

60's on tap for today with cooler temperatures coming for the next couple of days and then 60's again. Eh, I'll take it.

Really looking forward to tonight's game to see where we are as a team as far as toughness (first SEC road game). Should give us some good insight on the mental toughness of the team.

That is all.
It will be the biggest challenge since Duke for sure.

Let's go Brandon!
Morning folks. It is a crisp (26.8°F) frosty and sunny day in Smiths Grove. I am still catching up on recording and editing the football games from the weekend.

Winter is here and the poor folks in Virginia are paying for it. Some folks have been stuck in traffic for over 24 hours. That is dangerous once you run out of gasoline. The best to all those trapped.
Good morning! Looking forward to the game tonight. Listening to the KSR preshow and heard the betting line dropped several points in a very short time. Lots of money going on LSU. Don't know why other than people being dumbasses like our fans that give more weight to the ND game than they do the UNC game.

New beans this morning. Ugandan. I think they're from Uganda. Different taste than the last beans but just as good.

I never set foot out the house yesterday. Sounds good for today as well.

I had chocolate covered cherries the day before ncccd and I had spaghetti last night. Coincidence? Yes.
Having spaghetti tonight.


Having spaghetti today.

I eat spaghetti regularly. Who knows, maybe for supper today.
I'll be having spaghetti tonight as well. I only cooked enough for us to eat last night. Had 2 lbs of burger to cook for the sauce but I culled out 1/2lb for the awesome hamburger I just ate for lunch. All I have to do tonight is cook fresh pasta.
@bertfan31 I am going to try that espn app out I have on the firestick for today's game. I sure hope it works!

Good luck to you but I think the reason I was able to watch that game on ESPN 3 is because we have Spectrum cable. This game shouldn't be as hard to get as the last one because it's on its regular channels.
I'll be having spaghetti tonight as well. I only cooked enough for us to eat last night. Had 2 lbs of burger to cook for the sauce but I culled out 1/2lb for the awesome hamburger I just ate for lunch. All I have to do tonight is cook fresh pasta.

Good luck to you but I think the reason I was able to watch that game on ESPN 3 is because we have Spectrum cable. This game shouldn't be as hard to get as the last one because it's on its regular channels.

I hope Ole BWO is working this time but I will try. I have nothing but the internet now. No cable or streaming of any kind. (Unless there is some free stuff out there.) Not planning on getting service right now but who knows in the future. I am looking.
I hope Ole BWO is working this time but I will try. I have nothing but the internet now. No cable or streaming of any kind. (Unless there is some free stuff out there.) Not planning on getting service right now but who knows in the future. I am looking.
I just went and looked and supposedly you should be able to get ESPN 3 on your firestick. Our game is scheduled to be on ESPN 3 at 7:00pm
Some levity during your day...

In order for the Cats be victorious tonight they will need to score more points than LSU.

That's can take that to the BANK!

UK - 74
LSU - 69
Slow your roll there big fella! Let's say the score is tied at the end of the game. We have the ball under our basket but miss the shot. An LSU player goes up for the rebound but inadvertently tips the ball into our basket. We win, but LSU scored more points than we did. Viola!
It was about the Civil War in our area and I did not want to bore the D-League!
No worries, I did not have anything going on until my wife sent me the honey do via text for when I was out teaching class today. Got out to teach and then enroute both of my students texted me to say they were sick so, the honey do was the only thing needed doing. Got that done to avoid the uncivil war that would have happened if I didn't. She was out of her unsweetened Almond Breeze low calorie milk for her coffee and that just won't do. Ahhh, Balance is restored.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 27°F, clear and calm. Crisp. Warming to 57°F later.

Today is wife's birthday. Plan on picking her up a gift later.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Before you buy something, check out the car wash first. Might find something good there.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F, clear and calm. Projecting 66°F for our high today. Nice. Another freeze possibly Thursday evening.

Lots of flight cancellations around the country. Can't take my normal January trip again this year, so no biggie.

Game tonight, y'all. UK at LSU Tigers, 7 PM EST. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Going to Olive Garden tomorrow. I always get spaghetti and meatballs.
Slow your roll there big fella! Let's say the score is tied at the end of the game. We have the ball under our basket but miss the shot. An LSU player goes up for the rebound but inadvertently tips the ball into our basket. We win, but LSU scored more points than we did. Viola!

Sounds like an old UK football game.
Pregame is on! Lets go down there with a Baton Bleu and whoop em!

Wanna feel old? Dale Brown retired 25 years ago. I liked DB. I think I laughed at Wimp Sanderson a little more though. Brown helped us set some records that won't be broken in my lifetime. He let us come back from 31 down in about 17 minutes and he let us score 86 in the first half. Takes a special kind of guy.
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