
Good Monday Morning

Well the bowls are over and right on cue the weather down here is changing. Cooler temperatures are on the way. It is currently 55° and winds are 24 mph off of the Gulf with gust up to 45 mph. The waves are rough so a small craft advisory alert has been issued.
Our high will be 57° and tonight it will drop to 45°. But the sun will be out so it is not all bad.

Not much on the agenda today just some Ebay orders to fill and ship. I sold a nice Cawood Ledford magazine going back to the Eddie Sutton days. This was the first year issue of Cawood's Kentucky Basketball Magazine. 1986-87 season.

Ray and his daughter.. (Been receiving these lately. Wanted to share them, since I can.)

Good morning D-League. After a very nice and mild three-day weekend, we're getting a snow blizzard this morning. Looks like about four inches so far. Thank goodness this didn't end up being the first day back in the office for me -- navigating DC traffic and public transit under even a hint of snow is disastrous. This is not a city that handles winter weather well at all.

But, thanks to COVID, I'm snug in my dining room, pondering a second cup of coffee. I hope you all are snug and warm.
Good morning! Kinda cold in here this morning. We've had the heat turned off since last year.

Listening to the KSR preshow show. Gonna be a fired up show for 3 hours today.

Wife went back to work today. It's easy for me to get used to her being here. Be glad when she retires.

Have a good day, stay warm.
I read where his wife died recently. Apparently they had a long and happy marriage so you know it is tough. He is one of my favorite non PC artist.
Back when Branson was at it's peak, we saw Ray's show at his theater. Our seats were near the main souvenir stand and his BIL was helping run the stand. I was watching. A lot of cash was not going into the register (at least at the time-they were very busy-so maybe later). After the show, Ray said he would stay and autograph till the last person was taken care of. There must have been at least 200 people in line (circling around almost the length of the inside of the theater) and most had at least 4 or 5 items and the souvenir stand was still selling stuff. He took in a ton of cash AFTER the show was over. I was surprised that most performers didn't stay and do autographs after their show.
Good morning D-League. After a very nice and mild three-day weekend, we're getting a snow blizzard this morning. Looks like about four inches so far. Thank goodness this didn't end up being the first day back in the office for me -- navigating DC traffic and public transit under even a hint of snow is disastrous. This is not a city that handles winter weather well at all.

But, thanks to COVID, I'm snug in my dining room, pondering a second cup of coffee. I hope you all are snug and warm.

I'm not "wit ya" but I'm "wit ya"...

My first day back in a good while. I needed the time off but I am sure back into the fire. (We sure need a good fire. A barn burning, chafe destroying fire... jmuo.)
Man, I just came back inside. I went out with the intention of shoveling my driveway. I shoveled it alright. A path way and about six or so feet away from the garage and the walkway to my door. The rest of the driveway can wait. A good 7 to 8 inches are down and it is still snowing. (A real wet snow too. Real heavy.) Our power was flickering on and off. I forgot I wouldn't be able to raise my garage door if the power went down. The door is a good 260 or so pounds from what the maintenance guy told me.

We have a gas fireplace so I am not worried about heat. (I paid my bill...)

Edit: (Figured a couple pictures may explain better.)

I know the screen jumps out at you first. Just took them quickly. (I deleted the first couple pictures. They were bad.)

Edit again:

Always one dufus... Just go hungry until the snowplows get out. Yeah he/she/ or it is stuck...


Had to see if I could get a better picture....

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Man, I just came back inside. I went out with the intention of shoveling my driveway. I shoveled it alright. A path way and about six or so feet away from the garage and the walkway to my door. The rest of the driveway can wait. A good 7 to 8 inches are down and it is still snowing. (A real wet snow too. Real heavy.) Our power was flickering on and off. I forgot I wouldn't be able to raise my garage door if the power went down. The door is a good 260 or so pounds from what the maintenance guy told me.

We have a gas fireplace so I am not worried about heat. (I paid my bill...)

Edit: (Figured a couple pictures may explain better.)

I know the screen jumps out at you first. Just took them quickly. (I deleted the first couple pictures. They were bad.)

Edit again:

Always one dufus... Just go hungry until the snowplows get out. Yeah he/she/ or it is stuck...


Had to see if I could get a better picture....


The Ole boy doesn't have the sense God gave a goose. Some neighbors pushed him to get him going to his house AND the idjut is now out AGAIN and in this position in front of my house stuck!


I hear a shovel shoveling. I doubt the neighbors will assist again. It is a real wet and a heavy snow. I bet the old boy is on his own now. Just not smart. (The neighbor at the end is standing outside staring. He turned and walked back to his house...)

If he's still here at dark I have an old pack of gizzards I was saving for crab bait I will feed him. I won't let him starve though with that choice I'd go ahead and starve. 😁 😇 ✌️
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A couple or so weeks ago I posted about my Dad being a seventh son. My brother sent me some pictures of my Uncles, Aunt, and my Grandma and Grandpa. All I ever met was my Uncle Fred and Aunt Juanita. The rest died when I was real young. (I just received these a few minutes ago.) They all grew up in Middlesboro but my sister just told me my Grandma was the first telephone operator in Monroe Michigan later on when I think they moved.



That's my Dad on the right and then left of the two pictures respectively. From the date on the one picture these were taken about five years before I was born.

My Maternal Grand Parents; (I knew both of them for a good long while.)

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@Bert Higginbotha Hey bro, I don’t post in this thread but one day I came across your posts in here regarding Barren Co and the civil war. And I have a question. Did most of the men in this area (glasgow, Barren) fight for the CSA or USA during the civil war?
Man, you are going to work me out on this.

The farther North you go the more Yankees.

I was the Mayor of Smiths Grove, KY. Smiths Grove has an old cemetery, even Patrick Henry's sister is buried here. In that Cemetery, to my knowledge has only one Yankee. He was one of my distant cousins.

The rest are Rebels (about 10) and some are unknown as they did not have I.D. just a confederate uniform trying to get back home.

My home town Park City, 10 miles up the road, is close to 50/50. By the time you get to Munfordsville it is probably more Yankee, with one big exception (Simon Bolivar Buckner a confederate general). He joined the South because they were aiming to arrest him for teason.

Overall Kentucky went 67% North and 33% South.

But back to Barren, Warren and Edmonson Counties please order the book "Orphan Brigade". I have several relatives in the Orphan Brigade. It was formed at the start of the war in this area. The book is available or on Kendle. Amazon product ASIN B007WKE1WO
My paternal grandmothers father was Jimmy M. Lee. The family grew up in what is now Mammoth Cave National Park (it was named Ecko). He was the youngest boy, too young for the civil war; however, his oldest brother fought for the North and the middle brother fought for the South. That happened a lot around here. There is a book about them also, it is "Near Elko". Both survived the war and ended up living in the same house for a while when they first got home and spent their remaining years as next door neighbors and simply did not discuss the war.

You need to come to Smiths Grove and visit and I can unload on you about our history here in these counties.
Man, I just came back inside. I went out with the intention of shoveling my driveway. I shoveled it alright. A path way and about six or so feet away from the garage and the walkway to my door. The rest of the driveway can wait. A good 7 to 8 inches are down and it is still snowing. (A real wet snow too. Real heavy.) Our power was flickering on and off. I forgot I wouldn't be able to raise my garage door if the power went down. The door is a good 260 or so pounds from what the maintenance guy told me.

We have a gas fireplace so I am not worried about heat. (I paid my bill...)

Edit: (Figured a couple pictures may explain better.)

I know the screen jumps out at you first. Just took them quickly. (I deleted the first couple pictures. They were bad.)

Edit again:

Always one dufus... Just go hungry until the snowplows get out. Yeah he/she/ or it is stuck...


Had to see if I could get a better picture....

Just has to be due to global warming. I mean what else causes severe unusual weather?
Man, you are going to work me out on this.

The farther North you go the more Yankees.

I was the Mayor of Smiths Grove, KY. Smiths Grove has an old cemetery, even Patrick Henry's sister is buried here. In that Cemetery, to my knowledge has only one Yankee. He was one of my distant cousins.

The rest are Rebels (about 10) and some are unknown as they did not have I.D. just a confederate uniform trying to get back home.

My home town Park City, 10 miles up the road, is close to 50/50. By the time you get to Munfordsville it is probably more Yankee, with one big exception (Simon Bolivar Buckner a confederate general). He joined the South because they were aiming to arrest him for teason.

Overall Kentucky went 67% North and 33% South.

But back to Barren, Warren and Edmonson Counties please order the book "Orphan Brigade". I have several relatives in the Orphan Brigade. It was formed at the start of the war in this area. The book is available or on Kendle.

My paternal grandmothers father was Jimmy M. Lee. The family grew up in what is now Mammoth Cave National Park (it was named Ecko). He was the youngest boy, too young for the civil war; however, his oldest brother fought for the North and the middle brother fought for the South. That happened a lot around here. There is a book about them also, it is "Near Elko". Both survived the war and ended up living in the same house for a while when they first got home and spent their remaining years as next door neighbors and simply did not discuss the war.

You need to come to Smiths Grove and visit and I can unload on you about our history here in these counties.
So did glasgow and Barren have more rebs or yanks?
There were meetings and talk of several far western Ky counties joining far western TN counties and forming a new state, but with the secession of Tn, the idea was abandoned. If memory serves, there was a confederate training base near Mayfield. There's a grave in Mayfield where Union forces shot and killed a 16 year old boy as a Confederate spy.
I have spent most of the day scanning very old sports magazines I am listing on Ebay and ran across this one published by Jim Host. It is Inside Kentucky Sports and this issue is September 1973. In September 1973 UK played Alabama at Commonwealth and it was Bear Bryants first return to Kentucky since he left for Texas A&M. There is a very interesting article "Bull Session With The Bear" and Bryant recalls fondly his days as coach at UK. He says he left happy and no ill will and he remained friends with Adolph Rupp to that day. He pretty much confirmed the cigarette lighter vs Cadillac gifts was an after dinner joke and had nothing to do with his leaving UK.

Also in the article is a column by Adolph Rupp and he discusses his support for football and said he wants the best football program at Kentucky. He said he was not anti-football and that label was a misconception. I believe him. In fact he even mentions he had players play football for Bear Bryant and when the basketball team was thin he had several football players come over to help him out. They were black by the way, not that that matters, it just shows another misconception about Coach Rupp. I love pulling up these old articles and reading the words from the mouth of the person, rather than what somebody like Billy Reed or Pat Forde wrote giving a biased opinion. I hope you can read it, I was able to enlarge it with zoom.


There were meetings and talk of several far western Ky counties joining far western TN counties and forming a new state, but with the secession of Tn, the idea was abandoned. If memory serves, there was a confederate training base near Mayfield. There's a grave in Mayfield where Union forces shot and killed a 16 year old boy as a Confederate spy.
16 years old Confeds was a pretty standard occurrence.
I have spent most of the day scanning very old sports magazines I am listing on Ebay and ran across this one published by Jim Host. It is Inside Kentucky Sports and this issue is September 1973. In September 1973 UK played Alabama at Commonwealth and it was Bear Bryants first return to Kentucky since he left for Texas A&M. There is a very interesting article "Bull Session With The Bear" and Bryant recalls fondly his days as coach at UK. He says he left happy and no ill will and he remained friends with Adolph Rupp to that day. He pretty much confirmed the cigarette lighter vs Cadillac gifts was an after dinner joke and had nothing to do with his leaving UK.

Also in the article is a column by Adolph Rupp and he discusses his support for football and said he wants the best football program at Kentucky. He said he was not anti-football and that label was a misconception. I believe him. In fact he even mentions he had players play football for Bear Bryant and when the basketball team was thin he had several football players come over to help him out. They were black by the way, not that that matters, it just shows another misconception about Coach Rupp. I love pulling up these old articles and reading the words from the mouth of the person, rather than what somebody like Billy Reed or Pat Forde wrote giving a biased opinion. I hope you can read it, I was able to enlarge it with zoom.


Was at the game. First SEC game in then Commonwealth.

UK & Wiki say original capacity was 57,800. That's wrong as that was the capacity once they brought the end zone grandstands over from old Stoll Field for '74. There were no end zone seats in '73 as I distinctly recall them oddly lacking seats. Also, if you find any home box score from '73, attendance is never as much as 51K. I wrote to UK Athletics & told them such. Obviously they prefer the wrong narrative.

Somewhere there must be some '73 photos of the stadium & the lack of EZ seating. Maybe in that magazine???
No units were organized by the North or South in NKy though it was largely pro-Union with so many Germans & small farms w/o slaves. South wasn't going to get hardly anyone to join if they tried and North didn't want to stir up a still overall tenuous situation in Ky. Men did go over to Cincy & join Union regiments formed there.

Curious, were there any Union KY Regiments anywhere? I've heard of Confed ones, but not Union ones.
My wife keeps me entertained. I drop her off at the Walgreens drug store to go inside and buy some cough syrup. So the cashier asked her for an ID. Wrong move little girl.

You can guess what happened. The little girl now knows Mexicans do not have to have an ID to crash our borders so my wife is not going to present an ID to buy Vicks cough syrup. It ain't happening Walgreens
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My wife keeps me entertained. I drop her off at the Walgreens drug store to go inside and buy some cough syrup. So the cashier asked her for an ID. Wrong move little girl.

You can guess what happened. The little girl now knows Mexicans do not have to have an ID to crash our borders so my wife is not going to present an ID o buy Vicks cough syrup. It ain't happening Walgreens
On the subject of ID, in Maryland they REFUSE to check your ID before voting at polling places. Several years ago, I innocently pulled out my driver's license when voting, and some lefty poll worker very aggressively lectured me that "We do NOT check ID here."

I asked what you did need to vote. "You have to give us your name and address, and if someone with that name and address is registered, you can vote." So I said, "What if I knew my neighbor was out of state on voting day, or for whatever reason didn't plan to vote, and I gave his name and address?" No response.

Is there any question what these political activists have against checking ID before voting?
On the subject of ID, in Maryland they REFUSE to check your ID before voting at polling places. Several years ago, I innocently pulled out my driver's license when voting, and some lefty poll worker very aggressively lectured me that "We do NOT check ID here."

I asked what you did need to vote. "You have to give us your name and address, and if someone with that name and address is registered, you can vote." So I said, "What if I knew my neighbor was out of state on voting day, or for whatever reason didn't plan to vote, and I gave his name and address?" No response.

Is there any question what these political activists have against checking ID before voting?

Not activists, just Communists without teeth..............yet.
Not activists, just Communists without teeth..............yet.
Every single election I aggressively lay out my ID before voting. Every single time the poll workers act like Vampires flashed with a cross. When they arrogantly refuse to look at my ID, I arrogantly ask them why they don't have an interest in confirming who is voting in state elections. It accomplishes nothing but it gives me a tiny amount of satisfaction.

By the way, every year in the state assembly, the minority Republicans introduce a bill requiring voter ID, and every year the Democrats defeat it. I follow the debates as best I can from spotty news coverage. Basically, the Democratic argument is that people are too stupid to carry identification to the polling places -- even though almost everyone drives there -- and requiring ID would suppress the vote. Republicans have even offered to let people vote on a provisional ballot without ID, with those votes to be checked later. No, you'd be violating the rights of people too dumb to carry ID or who for whatever reason don't have any.
Well the Sun shined bright on my old Kentucky home today. No dogs barked, the kitties were gay.

Shoot like we have been lately and we'll roll LSU. Shoot like we did against ND and we can't beat anyone.

Was supposed to make an appointment today to get my booster shot. Might sneak up on that tomorrow.

I didn't even have a full sink of dishes to do today. I like it like that.

Wife will be home in a few minutes, my day is almost over.

Enjoy your evening!
Every single election I aggressively lay out my ID before voting. Every single time the poll workers act like Vampires flashed with a cross. When they arrogantly refuse to look at my ID, I arrogantly ask them why they don't have an interest in confirming who is voting in state elections. It accomplishes nothing but it gives me a tiny amount of satisfaction.

By the way, every year in the state assembly, the minority Republicans introduce a bill requiring voter ID, and every year the Democrats defeat it. I follow the debates as best I can from spotty news coverage. Basically, the Democratic argument is that people are too stupid to carry identification to the polling places -- even though almost everyone drives there -- and requiring ID would suppress the vote. Republicans have even offered to let people vote on a provisional ballot without ID, with those votes to be checked later. No, you'd be violating the rights of people too dumb to carry ID or who for whatever reason don't have any.

That is why I moved to Northern VA as apposed to Maryland when we moved here. (The lesser of two evils to me though not by much. The CCP is good here so far.) I haven't been to a store though since they supposed enacted a 5 cent plastic bag tax. Want to see that policed. MAN will prices go up if stores have to account for those. I mean how STUPID can you be to vote CRAP like this into office... Just MORONS. Yeah, I am sore from shoveling but I needed that workout actually. I have slacked off for a few months.
No units were organized by the North or South in NKy though it was largely pro-Union with so many Germans & small farms w/o slaves. South wasn't going to get hardly anyone to join if they tried and North didn't want to stir up a still overall tenuous situation in Ky. Men did go over to Cincy & join Union regiments formed there.

Curious, were there any Union KY Regiments anywhere? I've heard of Confed ones, but not Union ones.
Half of my ancestors joined the Union ranks in Kentucky.

The Union troops in Kentucky were too busy killing people to worry about what Johnny Reb was doing.

Read some unbiased history.

My area of Kentucky was raped by the Union and most of us sided with the Union.

I had a great grand father whose farm was burned and pillaged by the Union even though he was in the Northern Army. There was not a building or animal left when they got through with it. It did not matter who you were fighting for: it was where your farm was located.

The South paid a heavy price for the war, especially in Kentucky. And after the war the carpetbaggers moved in and raped us financially. It was a really bad period for my family.

The North were bastards and most of my family fought for them and then they fvcked us over.

I do not mean to attack your post vhcat but I have lived with the price of the civil war all my life. At the start of the Civil war we were the landed gentry (without slaves) and we got raped. I do not forgive what happened to us. The North were nasty beyond all reason even though we were on their side.

I am just glad that I did not live in that time, I would have ended up dead or at the end of a gallows.
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Half of my ancestors joined the Union ranks in Kentucky.

The Union troops in Kentucky were too busy killing people to worry about what Johnny Reb was doing.

Read some unbiased history.

My area of Kentucky was raped by the Union and most of us sided with the Union.

I had a great grand father whose farm was burned and pillaged by the Union even though he was in the Northern Army. There was not a building or animal left when the got through with it. It did not matter who you were fighting for: it was where your farm was located.

The South paid a heavy price for the war, especially in Kentucky. And after the war the carpetbaggers moved in and raped us financially. It was a really bad period for my family.

The North were bastards and most of my family fought for them and then they fvcked us over.

I do not mean to attack your post vhcat but I have lived with the price of the civil war all my life. At the start of the Civil war we were the landed gentry (without slaves) and we got raped. I do not forgive what happened to us. The North were nasty beyond all reason even though we were on their side.

I am just glad that I did not live in that time, I would have ended up dead or at the end of a gallows.
I've read that KY wanted to leave the Union after the War was over - largely based on things that happened as you say.

But that wasn't my question. Where were those Union troops from? I'm guessing they were under Grant's extended command and those troops largely came from IL as I understand & not KY; i.e., one group of locals weren't beating up on another group. No?
I've read that KY wanted to leave the Union after the War was over - largely based on things that happened as you say.

But that wasn't my question. Where were those Union troops from? I'm guessing they were under Grant's extended command and those troops largely came from IL as I understand & not KY; i.e., one group of locals weren't beating up on another group. No?
Holy shit! I don't know how to respond. I have never read that Kentucky wanted to leave the Union after the war. Where do you get this information? Kentucky got screwed after the war but Kentucky never left the Union and we fought for the union.

I have the documentation of where my folks signed up and who they fought for. They sure as hell were not from Illinois. GEEZE!

Basically you are saying that they came from Illinois but they actually came from Warren, Barren, Edmonson, Hart counties Kentucky. They had never seen Illinois in their lives. Plus all their time in service was far south of Illinois.

I don't want to piss you off but you don't know the history that my family lived through.
Out of curoisity, did a little reading. There were 23 Confederate forts or camps in Ky. Fort Beaugaurd (spelling) was near Mayfield. There were others in the far west and near Bowling Green. There were many many more Union camps in Ky. Also many soldiers went to TN to enlist. One might Google The Orphan Brigade for an interesting read. I can't link on this device. There were many families split by the war, including the family of Henry Clay.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F, clear and calm. Projecting 66°F for our high today. Nice. Another freeze possibly Thursday evening.

Lots of flight cancellations around the country. Can't take my normal January trip again this year, so no biggie.

Game tonight, y'all. UK at LSU Tigers, 7 PM EST. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires! Let's go Brandon!

60's on tap for today with cooler temperatures coming for the next couple of days and then 60's again. Eh, I'll take it.

Really looking forward to tonight's game to see where we are as a team as far as toughness (first SEC road game). Should give us some good insight on the mental toughness of the team.

That is all.