
Guy into Grady's back causing the ball to go out of bounds. Don't call the foul but give us the ball. Nope. Ref 5 feet away looking right at it says LSU ball. TyTy fouled a guy who went over his back. LSU is playing as dirty as they ever have and they're calling fouls on us so they don't get questioned.
OT played all 20 minutes of the second half and didn't get another foul. He sat out for 11:37 of the first half with 2 fouls.


Sounds like Cal

I will likely hide out on the football side until spring football starts. Surprised we were only down 3 at the end, but Cal needs to get some "close game" pointers from Stoops. Save those timeouts. Use them at key points in the game. Instruct your players several possessions ahead.

In game awareness, and just awareness in general (self-awareness and such) is not Cal's strength. He doesn't seem to listen to his assistants either.
All I had to watch was the Yahoo sports scoreboard play by play but GEEZ it is ridiculous how up and down a Cal team can get. I won't go into further detail but Cal must get some consistency to whatever it is he does coaching-wise. It is like he is exhausted by the time he gets to the game and just gives out. (Oh he is animated but watch him and he almost seems zoned out or in a tunnel-vision mode.) Like he just cannot concentrate fully on the game. It rubs off on the players. (There you have my uneducated basketball mind talking basketball from an observation over a lot of games, up and down.) The talent is NOT the issue.
We missed 16 3 pointers and 10 free throws. Wheeler went down early and that basically took away Washington's scoring because he had to distribute the ball. Then Washington is out for the rest of the game. Throw in a bunch of bullshit calls and noncalls by the refs, it says a lot about their fight that they only lost by 5.

Anyone without an agenda knows why we lost this game. Cal is way down the list.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 43°F, clear and calm. Today's high coming in around 71°F.

Rough game against LSU last night. We had the ball down 1 with 14 seconds remaining on the clock. Horrible decisions by those kids on the floor. Any word if Wheeler and Washington are okay?

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

Crisp and cold with gusty winds here in the holler.

Been really crazy busy for the past 2 weeks and trying to keep from getting further behind on stuff. Hope y'all are doing great and not letting the media dictate your moods and manners! God loves you, so love Him and His creation right back!

Gotta go finish makin breakfast

Morning Legionnaires! Limp out of those racks and lick your wounds and prepare for the next confrontation.

46° on tap for the high today and 20's for tomorrow with winds up to 30mph.

Finally got my wife to cut the almost mullet I had last night. I told her next time I will just go spend the money and get me the old army cut. She gave me the "you better not look".

I am not too disappointed with last night. It was a very physical game, and we were at least in it until the end. Only hope that both Wheeler and Washington are not hurt bad.
Can't win 'em all. Sigh.........

That is putrid. Oh, Good Morning... The only constant has been Cal.

I have been a staunch Cal supporter since he has been here. I believe in his desire to end generational poverty and several other things Cal has done and is doing.

Winning takes a leader and somewhere (I have a good idea where from observation.) Cal is falling short. I have my opinions but Cal needs to somehow get his team and the coaches following him a lot better than they are. There is no focus in Cal's leadership... The focus must be about winning. Team sports focus should be winning. Doing the things it takes to win.

I am not calling for Cal's ouster, I am calling for Cal to do what it takes to regain Kentucky's winning form as a Kentucky Basketball Program... Whatever he's doing now (I have a good idea after a long observation of Cal's actions (From afar of course) for a long while.) is not what it takes to get where Kentucky should be with what they currently have.

The above takes Vision, a Plan, Focus, and Execution. To do these things you must have consistency in whatever it is you are doing.

A loss is a loss is a loss. I am not looking at last night's loss. I am looking at the big picture. The strategic view.... The tactical initiatives are failing nearly as often as they are succeeding. UK has what it needs to succeed.
Yeah I'm disappointed but to put things in perspective UK lost Wheeler and TyTy while Oscar missed 10 minutes of the first half due to fouls. The Cats still nearly pulled off a road victory against a Top 25 team. The SEC is probably the toughest conference this year. Those minutes played by the subs will pay off down the road. I wish the outcome last night was different but I still think this will be a really good year.